• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Masks: Thieves of LA


Perpetually Cold
The CS as is follows. If your character is accepted, I will respond with a short in-character post on how your character was invited to the gang. If you would prefer this not to happen (ex. You wish for it to remain a secret or want to make up your own way of invitation later on), simply write “No contact” at the end of your CS.

(no longer able to do this, sorry! I've just about run out of original ideas for invitations. Acceptances continue as normal)

Character Sheet:






Role (See Overview):

Skills (That are related to the role):

Talents: (Not related to the role):

Relationships, if any (Spouse, GF/BF, friends, relatives):


Pre-Gang Biography:

Criminal Record, if any:
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Name: Alexander M.

Gender: Male

Age: 20



Role (See Overview): Mastermind

Skills (That are related to the role): An excellent tactician, Alex sees situations in ways other people do not. He can quickly analyze probabilities and has the ability to retain an impressive amount of information. He always seems to have a back-up plan and is not easily set back by unforeseeable obstacles.

Talents: (Not related to the role):

Alex is a talented craftsman and engineer, able to create tools for missions when given the right materials (though he is not particularly gifted with using said devices and tools). He is also able to speak several languages.

Relationships, if any (Spouse, GF/BF, friends, relatives): None that most people know about.


An enigmatic individual, Alex is nonetheless compassionate to the people who have nowhere else to go. He does not steal for the rush or for the money, as he donates most of his share to charitable causes, but instead for the principle of the matter. He is extremely protective of his team and will do almost anything to keep them safe and out of prison. He is not the type to yell or cry, but when upset can come off as rather cold and calculating. He hates killing, and will actively seek to avoid violent confrontations.

Pre-Gang Biography:

Very little is known about Alexander’s life before his appearance about a year ago. Even his last name is a mystery. While the common consensus is that he founded the Masque gang, others claim that he stole the title of Mastermind from its previous owner. According to his police profile, he has likely resided in the LA area for much of his life. Indeed, Alex has rarely moved out of the state since his birth. His young age allows him to escape suspicion, but he nonetheless disappears to an unknown location after heists.

After the Masque gang first came to public attention almost a year ago, its reputation as a “robin hood” group gradually grew. Dirty cops and corporate espionage were exposed by the gang, with greedy bankers finding their funds gone overnight. After several months, a police task force was formed to apprehend the members of the gang, and a few weeks after a botched job that ended with an innocent getting hurt, the Masque team was finally caught. Alex is hesitant to comment on this particular matter, though he seemed rather quick to reform the gang.

Criminal Record, if any: Without a last name to speak of, this is difficult to verify.​



Name: Jeanne Short

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Role (See Overview): Burglar

Skills (That are related to the role): She is very good at illusions and trickery, finding it very fun to do. Obviously, she's very light on her feet, and ultimately very good at blending into her surroundings. She is also a very tricky person, thinking in out of the box ways to get in and out of situations.

Talents: (Not related to the role): Jeanne was one of the best on her track team, in highschool, and can run very quickly in a pinch. She is generally a very kind person, making it easy for her to make friends, and fool people into trusting her if need be.

Relationships: Only child, Good relationship with father. Cut ties with many friends in college.


Jeanne has been a fighter from day one. While in most cases she is generally a careful person, there are times where she tends to believe fully that her gut feeling is correct. She is a huge thrill seeker, and will do practically anything for a rush, which is ultimately why she accepted the offer to the band of thieves in the first place. Her thirst for adventure is practically never satisfied. Generally, she is very easy to talk to, and enjoys talking to people very much. But, her moral conscious can be too much for her sometimes, seeing people in pain is very hard for her.

Pre-Gang Biography: Jeanne's grew up with her single father in an average house. While her father was able to keep the house, he had to work long hours. Because of this, Jeanne was free to do what she pleased for most of her days, here she learned of her love for adventure, and magic. She spent part of her time exploring areas of the town she lived out, going deeper and deeper into a small cave out the outskirts of a small lake. During other parts of the day, she would practice her next passion, magic and illusions. She would set up mini magic shows for her father showing the newest magic tricks she had learned that day through the internet, or television. She also learned less honorable tactics, learning how to pick-pocket, and learned quickly that she was quite good at it. She told herself that she would never use it for "actually" stealing things. She would often steal things from people's bags or pockets, and then stop them saying they had dropped it. She had only been caught a couple times, and of those she was never charged.

Criminal Record, if any: One charge of petty theft- $2,000 fine

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.d74f89cc7bd0e7abc7e2455193cde63b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115102" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.d74f89cc7bd0e7abc7e2455193cde63b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Diana O'hara






See image. She has six ear piercings: three on each side. Also a tattoo of a fox on her back.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.d05ee8c821f022b97ae27a4ae6380e85.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.d05ee8c821f022b97ae27a4ae6380e85.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.1ed5bd8c5841dda3ba2a2643fd34ebdb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.1ed5bd8c5841dda3ba2a2643fd34ebdb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






•Mimicking voices and movements


•Knows over 15 language(fluent in some of them)

•Enhanced sense of hearing






Relationships, if any (Spouse, GF/BF, friends, relatives):

Friends: People in the gang(that she is familiar with) and some others

Relatives: Old Pete(father), Marionette(little sister), Uncle Ian.


Diana is a kind and friendly individual, she has a witty, sarcastic sense of humor that she used to tease and banter with others. Diana does not always work 'according to plan', if she thinks there are other ways of doing things, she'll do it, even if it means going against her orders.

Pre-Gang Biography:

Diana lived in a home with no mother figure, everyone dumps their stuff on a pile and expects someone to clean it, but at the end of the day someone has to, right?

Diana took up the responsibilities, she quit school so that Old Pete only have to stress over one person's school fees. With all the spare time she had after cleaning up, she was really able to discover her interests and talents. Before she knew it, she was holding a pistol that she had found in a Old Pete's drawer of police stuff, it felt so good and fitting in her hands.

With this newfound love for wanting to shoot things, she began to train herself: to shoot, to climb, to walk without making a lot of noise. She'd put around flyers "Hitman for hire" in the areas police don't pay much attention to, the salary wasn't impressive, but as she worked her way up, she made a name for herself - Mayhem, then more and more money rolled in. At some point, Diana awakened from her killing spree, it was possibly because Old Pete and his partners were extremely close to discovering that she was assassinating those rich bastards for other rich bastars, or that she realized that what she was doing wasn't right, it no longer felt right. Overnight, Mayhem disappeared, no one has heard from him/her since, but good ol' housewife Diana was back, for a little while atleast.

Criminal Record, if any:




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Name: Lucius Sprague, AKA Lucifer

Gender: Male

Age: 21





Role: Aide

Skills (related): Defensive martial arts training, basic marksmanship, keen eyes and ears for reading people and situations, performance experience (capable of putting up a mild temporary front to get out of some jams, makes reading people and finding unexpected problems easier) and near-photographic memory. Thin and lightweight w/ some muscle, capable of fitting well and maneuvering in tight spaces.

Talents (unrelated): Very proficient with violin and electric guitar, experienced vocalist with a flair for metal.

Relationships: Not currently any well known relationships besides with the members his band and professionally within the gang. Luc is open to changing that, however.

Personality: Lucius is often called Lucifer for a reason. He's a wicked bastard, and he takes most situations up not only in stride but as though he were plucking it like the strings of a guitar. Despite his blazing confidence and even arrogance, he knows when his crew's about to be knee deep in shite and can plan around issues accordingly most of the time. He might stretch the bounds of his position at times, challenging Alex about some strategies and ideas, but he generally snaps out of it quick and figures out when to sit back and strum the bass.

Pre-Masque Biography: Lucius was the lead singer and guitarist of an industrial metal band, Icarus Risen. When he was younger he was involved both in performance and a relatively rough and tumble gang. It was his up and coming career that gave him a different outlook on his high-school mischief, and he realized that the violence of his peers wasn't the way he wanted to be, so just after graduation he got himself busted a few times to get away from the group. Once he did his time, he started looking for a band job and found it with a tech geek and a few numbskulls with some sort of ancient history fetish. They really got the ball rolling about 3 months before the previous incarnation of the Masque gang was busted. After a few overzealous performances, Icarus Risen convinced him to back off, so he's the backup singer and stands in for the new lead when they have problems. Faced with a lot more time on his hands and a lot of adrenaline to run through, Lucifer as he was then often called started drifting back into old habits, but on his own.

Criminal Record, if any: Arrested for indecent exposure onstage, 3 counts. Assigned community service for stealing CD's back in high school twice.

I hope this will work. I will edit more over the course of the RP for more clarity and a reference.
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@SimpleReading Accepted!

Short, Jeanne. Alexander looked up from the file in his hand to peer out the window of his car. The young woman had talent, to be sure. From what he could tell from what he'd read online, she was some sort of star athlete. Track, if memory served. Which was an ideal qualification for the...plans he had in mind. Thanks to some old contacts, he'd also found out that she'd been arrested once, for a minor case of theft. It'd taken a little work to get that piece of info; criminal records for younger people were difficult to find. Sealed records and all that. Things would get easier once he found a hacker. But for now, he had to do everything himself.

Getting Jeanne to join his crew wasn't the main problem; she seemed to type to jump at the offer. No, the issue was that she was too nice. Which ordinarily was a plus, if one wanted to keep innocents from getting hurt. But he needed the young woman to steal, and from what he'd observed over the past month from tailing her, she wasn't too keen on keeping what she stole.

But, as Alex knew all too well, morals could change.

The young man got out of his car and began walking, about two or three paces from his target. An envelope, seemingly full of $100 bills, was half hanging out of his back pocket. He knew she couldn't resist. As soon as he felt her "accidentally bump" against him (not easy; if he hadn't been expecting it, he wouldn't have noticed), he darted forward, allowing the envelope to drop. He went on, ignoring any attempt that the woman might have to get his attention. He needed her to check the envelope. Only the first bill was real. The rest were bill-sized magazine clippings, along with a small note. Alex allowed himself a slight smirk. It was only a matter of time.

You do good work, but this is too small-time. Looking for a challenge? 357 Queen St, Los Angeles. Be there at 4:00 pm, next week.




Name: Leah Stone

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: Above.



Role (See Overview): Computer expert.

Skills (That are related to the role): Networking, scripting, can work around the security measures companies put on their databases and excels in digital forensics making it difficult for anyone to trace where she's been.

Talents: (Not related to the role): Not much. She was top of her mathematics class and got straight As in all her subjects. Has a knack for decision making and problem-solving.

Relationships, if any (Spouse, GF/BF, friends, relatives): No relationships.

Personality: Leah is the poster-child for "loner". She dislikes being around people and much prefers the company of her computer and her music. She's a very kind and generous person but is quick to anger and stress. Leah is a stickler for commitment and loyalty, once someone says they'll do something, they better do it. Otherwise, Leah won't think twice about cutting them off, and if she can't completely cut them off, she definitely won't be on speaking terms. Due to her nature of loving her computer more than people, Leah doesn't get out much. She's not good at socialising or being around people. There have been a few exceptions to this but Leah has learnt that trust and loyalty don't last long.

Pre-Gang Biography: Leah has always been anti-social and a bit of a rebel. Her parents would argue about how she wasn't "normal" because she didn't go out and play with her friends. Instead, she sat inside drawing or reading. At school, she'd cause trouble - disrupting classes, swearing at teachers, refusing to hand homework in, etc. When her parents bought her a laptop for her 12th birthday, she began learning the ins and outs of it. Her grades picked up dramatically, she started paying attention in class and began getting straight As. 7 years later and she's won every computing competition she's entered into, she was best in the year for computing and has hacked into more company websites than she can count. Her parents died when she was 16 and she moved to live with her grandmother. Since then, she's stayed relatively quiet. Occasionally getting questioned by the police for her hacking and often causing disturbances with strangers for her argumentative attitude to everyone.

Criminal Record, if any: Been questioned by the police and held in custody a number of times (all for computer related offences), never charged.
@Karaleigh Accepted!

"This is a horrible idea," Alexander said to himself for what was about the third time. His hand hovered above the Enter key, hesitant to send the email. He needed eyes and ears on the team, but the role of the Mastermind's Aide could bring down the entire gang. Lucius Sprague. Before the Masque gang had lost most of its members, the man, a boy at the time, had a couple of connections with it. One of the Masque members knew a guy who knew a guy who knew Lucius, and his talent for fighting and getting out of bad situations. They had decided that they would recruit him as a "reserve" member, and Alex had personally met him. Once. Quite a while ago. He doubted that Lucius even remembered him. But he needed an Aide, and calling up an old contact was better than trusting someone new.

"Lucifer", they called him. A little cliche for Alex's taste, but he supposed it fit the young man well. His arrogance could be trouble, but from what he'd seen he could keep it under control. His police record, on the other hand, was a little more difficult to deal with. If he was caught, he could be quickly identified. Hopefully he had a good enough instinct not to let himself get pinched. Alex couldn't let anything - or anyone - put the team in jeopardy.

Alex rolled his neck and pressed the enter key. The young man sighed and leaned back. He had just invited the Devil to his home.

Send New Email
New Email Received

Time to work

We've met. You're being called out of the reserve. Bring a mask. 357 Queen St, Los Angeles. 4:00 PM, a week from today.

And for the love of everything that is holy, wear some clothes this time.

- A-MM

For modern thieves, hackers were essential for any heist. Security systems needed to broken into, cameras disabled, files wiped. Honestly, the worst parts about having a hacker were usually their love for Mountain Dew and their distaste for socializing. Alex wasn't too sure about the former trait, but Leah Stone definitely seemed to have the latter. Somewhat of a disruptive student, if the old tweets of her classmates were any indication. She seemed to have quieted down over the past few years, apart from some minor brushes with local authorities. But she was good. Some of the underground hackers had praised her ability in the competitions, some even claiming that she had already started breaking into high-security websites. Her personality, however, could prove to be an issue. Alex had to ensure her loyalty. And to do that he had to find out what she wanted. Money? Fame? He couldn't be sure. Only thing he could do was ask.

Alex was no hacker, but he could muster up enough knowledge to make a weak virus, coded with enough taunting comments to rile up a rather emotional person. Someone like Leah could crack it without breaking a sweat. And that's what he wanted. The virus held a file that, when triggered, would create a popup with the following message:

"Not bad. But there's only so much you can do with your level of tech. Let's meet up. 357 Queen St, Los Angeles. 4:00 PM. A week from today. Oh, and don't tell your grandmother."

Alex frowned. He didn't like vaguely worded threats, and he certainly didn't intend to harm Leah's family in any way, but he needed her to know that he knew about her grandmother. Better to ask forgiveness than permission, right?


Magnus A. Blackthorn

Age: 21

Role (See Overview): Bruiser



  • Black Belt in Taekwondo
  • Sharpshooter
  • Observant


  • Expert Bass Player
  • Proficient Vocalist
  • Adequate Basketballer
  • An elite Traceur


  • Keeps in contact with a few high school and college friends

  • Only child of a loving Mother and a caring Father


Magnus may come off as quiet and anti-social at first. Underneath the cold exterior lies a resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn and a true friend. He rarely gets violent as he always keeps his temper in check. He hides behind a wall of aloofness, careful not to show his emotions easily. He spends more time in his own thoughts rather than socializing, even his own small group of friends seem to think so.​

Pre-Gang Biography:

Magnus lived a fairly normal life. However, it was one incident that changed his entire perception of life. He had studied, played and worked hard, but he never thrilled. That was when Magnus tried parkour, and gradually, over the years, he got better at it. To the point where one could call him a pro. On one fateful day, he committed his first murder. One of his friends was getting abused by her parents, and Magnus wouldn't stand for it. He assumed that if he called her parents out, they'd stop abusing her. Much to his dismay, it only got worse. The bruises got worse. It provoked him, it infuriated him to see that he was the one who made things worse instead of better. He let his subconscious mind take over and killed her parents. Devastated and scared, Magnus left the state for LA. He figured that he wouldn't be able to look at any of his friends right after what he'd done. Not much is known about the crime scene but Magnus had disposed of any evidence that leads to him and pushed the blame to a classmate.

Criminal Record, if any: Fined for speeding​

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Name: Joshua Hawken

Gender: Male

Age: 24





Role: Computer Expert

Skills (related): Hacking and subverting security measures, data tracking and mission correspondence, communicating structural flaws. Well acquainted with multiple types of cameras, vaults, networks etc. Can be stealthy if need be.

Talents (unrelated): 1 dan in Kendo, complex knowledge of chemistry and biology (allowing for making of some tools and possibly medical supplies if needed), basic knowledge of auto tech.

Relationships: One brother who Josh is somewhat at odds with; "Johnathan", and a now mildly alcoholic father.

Personality: Despite his appearance and education, Josh isn't too terribly confident or well spoken. It can be incredibly difficult to get him talking much beyond work, but if you do manage to crack open the shell he will NEVER shut up. He has a fondness for classical and baroque music which he often plays at a relatively high volume through his headset when he's not concentrating on a job. While having some martial arts experience, knowing that swords aren't all too useful or so often available in the modern world anymore makes him rather insecure about going out beyond a safe place. It's rather easy to get him to flinch or panic.

Pre-Masque Biography: Joshua and Johnathan have worked together since they were little boys on almost everything. Though they would split paths later in life, Josh becoming the more reserved of the two, as children and young teenagers they raised all kinds of hell. They lost their mother when Josh was 15, and conditions in the house quickly degraded. To compensate for the hell his home was becoming as his father become ever more vicious and his brother ever more bold, they took on actions of growing height. He and his brother finally split 4 years ago after a failed attempt to steal a Lamborghini Gallardo, Johnathan going on to found a gang of his own. Josh was left home with dad, his chemistry textbooks, and his laptop. So he stuck with it and spent the years learning and using his skills to support himself and try to wean his father off the whiskey.

Criminal Record, if any: Has been questioned once for a tech related crime and once for auto theft. Never charged.
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@Identical Accepted!

Alexander was not a fan of cons. He preferred manipulating locks and security systems, not people. And while there was always the chance of betrayal by one of the new members, cons always seemed to carry the most risk. But without a con on the team, it was nearly impossible to get admission into sensitive areas. And in the case of negotiation, he wouldn't be able to break a great deal alone.

This was where Diana O'Hara came in. Alex had nearly passed her over in his initial investigation because of the lack of information concerning her. He soon realized, however, that this was exactly what he needed. Many of the other gang members had some sort of criminal record or public profile. Diana, on the other hand, seemed to have a large gap in her timeline. From what he had observed, she had used this period to pick up a number of skills, many that would be very useful on the Masque gang.

There was a single hitch, however. The mysterious gun-for-hire Mayhem had drawn the attention of the police. Alex himself had made some attempts to discover the identity of the killer; while Mayhem targeted rich individuals, Alex strongly condemned the murderer's lethal methods. After reading the police profile on Mayhem, and after doing some solo investigation, he concluded that there was a strong possibility that Diana and Mayhem were connected. He couldn't be sure, but if there was even the slightest chance, then he had to be on his guard. A lying con was one thing; a killing con was another.

Alex sighed and typed out a short text to Diana's number. Thieving was risky business, but trust was riskier.

Want to make some money? 357 Queen St, Los Angeles. 4:00 PM. A week from today. No one gets hurt.
@Ishtarran Accepted!

Alex rubbed his eyes tiredly. He hadn't been getting much sleep lately. Late-night planning, double-checking the profiles of potential recruits, keeping tabs on the most likely candidates...it was all beginning to wear on him. But he had to be sure. Each member had to be perfectly chosen, taking into account their availability, skills, and even personalities. This wasn't an army he was building; it was a team. And if two or members of that team clashed, the whole group suffered. As such, it was prudent to recruit people who were less...reactive.

Which was at least part of the reason why Alex was sitting in his car, at about 5:00 AM, parked in front of a house. Joshua Hawken. From his investigations it seemed that the man was some sort of science nerd. Not too abrasive. Shy, if anything. Which was good. Didn't want to have too many recruits with something to prove. Alex just hoped that the guy wouldn't freak out at the worst time.

Alex turned his attention back to the door of the house. It didn't seem like anyone was home at the moment, but he knew better. Joshua left the place every once in a while, but Alex had heard two distinct voices the nights he had watched the house. There was someone else there. And that was a problem, if he wanted to get a message to his target, and his target only.

Luckily, Alex was able to do a little research on basic chemistry tricks - stuff they do in third grade to wow the schoolkids. All it had taken was some lemon juice. He checked to make sure no one was watching before silently walking up to the door and slipping an envelope, addressed to his target, under it. It held a seemingly blank note that, when held up to a source of heat, revealed a short message. Alex could only hope that Joshua took third-grade science.

I have a job for you. It pays well. Nothing dangerous. 357 Queen St, Los Angeles. 4:00 PM six days from today.

- A-MM


(Sorry for any 'slips' , tired as f. right now)


Jim 'Hoxton' Hoxworth






(Just without the half burned face)




Role (See Overview):

(2nd) Bruiser (Will edit if needed as another role)

Skills (That are related to the role):

Expert boxer (He often uses the SAP gloves)

'Slightly above the average' Training with weapons

'Good eyesight' (Why do I feel like this is a pun?) to (sometimes) find hidden cameras, possible ambush position, etc..

Talents: (Not related to the role):

Not really anything helpful to the crew, little knowledge about meth production, gambling.

Relationships, if any (Spouse, GF/BF, friends, relatives):

He keeps in contact with an old crew...

He never talked to or about 'friends'

His mother, father and three brothers are still alive, but he only cares about his mother.


Before 'everything' (The unlicensed boxing, Liquor store robbery, etc.) Jim was known as a quiet boy and even friendly by a few, but when his brothers visited him and forced Jim to join the underground boxing matches, he changed completely, Jim became a cold, sarcastic and almost ruthless person that only cared about himself and the money, for some odd reason he started to steal money from corrupt people. (Police officers, politicians, etc...)

Pre-Gang Biography:

Jim has fought with his brothers, bullies, rival football supporters, and opponents in unlicensed boxing matches. He has never been able to hold a job for long, as he believes jobs should come few and far between and pay greatly. Hoxton swindled many people as his debt grew, which made many angry with him. He would intimidate people to keep loan sharks away and would often work for them to pay off his debt. He was eventually caught with his gang in Hoxton, London, which gave him his nickname. His first felony was a liquor store robbery at age 19.

Criminal Record, if any:

Liquor Store robbery (Sent to Her Majesty's Young Offender Institution at the age of 19)

Failed attempt to grab jewlery from a corupt politician -$20,000 Fine (of course, he is a corrupt bastard! so the fine was raised the fine by almost 5 times)
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@Tenebrous Accepted!

Alex was a thief, and just a thief. He didn't relish in violence, or torture, or the cries of victims like some other gangs did. In the ideal world, he'd get in, get what he wanted, and get out. But in the ideal world, he wouldn't have to steal from the scumbags that plagued his city. And in the ideal world, he wouldn't have to hire a bruiser or two to keep his team safe.

The young man spun his burner phone around in his hand absentmindedly, staring at his fists as he did. It was a little hypocritical, he supposed, to be so insistent on finding a fighter who knew how to neutralize a threat without taking a life. Everyone who was desperate, bored, or insane enough to join his crew had to have at least some hidden secrets. Himself included. Everyone had a little blood on their hands, even if it wasn't a direct murder. And this road that he walked could easily lead to more.

That's why Alex had to be sure. He needed to choose his team carefully. He needed to watch them for any signs of stepping over the clearly-defined bounds that he had made. Any signal that one of them might enjoy hurting others. Magnus Blackthorn showed no such sign. He had come to LA some time ago and seemed to be trying to keep his head down. Oh, he was running from something, no doubt. But so were a lot of people in the city. He knew how to fight, that was for certain - his martial arts skill was well-documented. But more importantly, he knew when to fight, and how to keep in control.

Alex stopping spinning the phone to type out a quick text to Magnus. He could only hope that he wasn't putting more blood on his hands.

I have a job for you. No killing. Queen St, Los Angeles. 4:00 PM six days from today. - A-MM
@An Unknown Person Accepted!

People fought for different reason. Some for money, others out of a sense of duty, others because of obligations, yet others because they enjoyed it. Alex had no idea why "Old Hox", as one of the members of his former gang had called him, was an enforcer of such notoriety. But he was good, to be sure. And he seemed to have a grudge towards the corrupt, which was usable. He had heard stories of the man's brutal fights. It would be a challenge to keep Hoxton in check, but if he could, the veteran enforcer could be an invaluable asset.

Even if he was an old man. Well, technically he was still in his 30's, according to the intel that was available, but compared to Alex, Hoxton seemed like some old army vet. Alex hoped that his recruit's reflexes hadn't slowed down with age. It was unlikely. If anything, he could show the "fresh blood" a thing or two. As long as things didn't get out of hand.

Send New Email
New Email Received

Looking for work?

Hey, old timer.

The Masque gang is looking for some talent. You ready for a watchdog gig? We're only targeting the scum who deserve it. No killing.

357 Queen St, Los Angeles. 4:00 PM. Five days from now.

Stay frosty,



Louis Bennington






See images. He's a very compatible person, depending on the assignment or whoever he wants to charm. He can look sultry and sexy for the ladies, and as for men, he's very good at making himself cute and unthreatening. He's never had someone deny him before, and he's very content thinking he never will. At only 5'7 he's rather short, his body dainty, and in contrast to that he has a small abundance of tattoos. He likes to think of himself as a cup of tea that nobody can resist.




Also, on his left arm:





Con Man


Louis has always been a very manipulative, flirtatious person. Ever since he was young, he was good at getting what he wanted - Either with his looks or charming personality. He likes the attention he gets while simultaneously tricking people into giving him what he wants. He's never genuinely fallen in love with someone, so getting people's attention without commitment is no problem for him. He's an amazing liar, creating stories with flair effortlessly. He also knows a fair amount of French, which is always helpful in charming almost anyone. Who doesn't like a French accent?






He has distant family and friends in Europe, but otherwise has kept to himself here in LA.


Outside of his work, Louis is a very friendly and happy individual. He has lots of friends and was very popular in high school. He's nice, appreciates a good cuddle, and is always there to help someone laugh during a bad time. He's an amazing friend to have.

On the flipside, when in a bad mood he can get quite snippy, and unless it's with children he doesn't have a whole lot of patience.

Pre-Gang Biography

Louis has always been a friendly, sociable person. While he didn't have many close friends since moving to LA, he's never been lonely, and generally had a pretty good time. He was a bartender at a club, previously - It wasn't the best job, but that didn't keep him from living a fairly lavish life. He was great at worming his way into people's lives, people who had money and were happy to spend it on a pretty young man. Often, it was just closeted businessmen, ones who wanted some company other than the wife they never seemed to love the right way. Louis absolutely reveled in it. He likes getting money, likes getting attention, and all that stuff in one easy package made him feel satisfied with life. Adding some thrill in with this new underground line of work just put the icing on the cake.

Criminal Record

He was brought into custody and held for suspected sex work once, but was never tried and got away with a clean record.
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Name: Tyson Kaiser

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d5892c2_christucker.jpg.451baeb5bba210e759800281a22b583b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d5892c2_christucker.jpg.451baeb5bba210e759800281a22b583b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mask: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/896cb6e65957926199f07ba9b200d626.jpg.1da404d4c0982040af8c04d1a21fe73c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/896cb6e65957926199f07ba9b200d626.jpg.1da404d4c0982040af8c04d1a21fe73c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Role (See Overview): Burglar

Skills (That are related to the role): Tyson is an expert lock picker and escape artist. He has spent many years perfecting himself at these as he hates the feeling of being trapped. Additionally, his time playing halfback for his football team has made him quick on his feet while tightroping on the sidelines has improved his balance.

Talents: (Not related to the role): Aside from the aforementioned football skills, Tyson's also an expert poker and blackjack player. Whether he's winning or stealing from one, he loves casinos and seems to be a bit lucky in them.

Relationships, if any (Spouse, GF/BF, friends, relatives): He has a sister, Marianna, who is a police officer

Personality: Tyson's a carefree, sarcastic individual. He's selfish due to being cast out by his family. Because of this, he has a hard time trusting and opening up to others.

Pre-Gang Biography: Tyson grew up with his older sister, Marianna, and their parents. He was often told that if he wanted something, he should go get it. However, they never told him how he should get it. He started with simple shoplifting at the age of four. Six years later, he stole a stolen bike that he had sold the day before. Marianna was the only one to find him out. However, it wasn't the only thing she had discovered. When she was 16, and Tyson was 13, she found out that their mother was cheating on their father. When she told Tyson, he used it to his advantage and began stealing from her and having her believe it was the guy she was cheating with. Two days after his 15th birthday, Tyson's dad found out about the adultery and snapped, killing his mother and attacking both Tyson and Marianna before they subdued him long enough for the police to arrest him. At 18, Tyson went off to attend college, where he stole from a cash register from one of the computer stores. He was trying to escape police pursuit, but was caught in an alley by Marianna. She was about to arrest him, but he saved her from a car that had lost control and nearly hit her. As a favor for saving her life, she told her younger brother that she would let him go, but she would arrest him next time if she has to.

Criminal Record, if any: Charged twice for theft. Stole the evidence both times. Could've been arrested for a third theft, but he was let go by his sister.



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Name: Gina Carson





Role (See Overview): Conwoman

Skills (That are related to the role): Gina went to college and graduated with a 6 year degree in Phycology. Now along with this she went on to become an expert in facial features, body language, and depicting fact from fable. She is a trained lie detector. As a face reader Gina is able to detect if someone is telling her the truth or has more to hide. She is able to use these skills to create proper replies to get what she needs/wants. Gina is a talented talker and negotiator because her degree and training prior.

Talents: (Not related to the role): Gina grew up an athlete in sports but once she moved to New York City she discovered Freerunners. She has an impeccable ability to escape in a rush and is extremely nimble and able to overcome many obstacles most people would find impossible. Gina has a concealed weapons license and trained in pistol firearms due to her high profile previous job.

Relationships, if any (Spouse, GF/BF, friends, relatives): Her Fiancé just passed away. He was hit by a car. Otherwise all family is back in New York.

Personality: Gina is of course not flirtatious as her future husband just passed away. She is however friendly, kind, and able to keep cool in any situations. witty and very sarcastic.

Pre-Gang Biography: Gina was a graduate and worked for a law firm as an interviewer they used her to extract information before trials on people. She was naturally talented at detecting people trying to perform variations of deception, but school and work made that perfect. she remembered seeing people try every trick in the book to get away with what they did. She worked in murder cases mostly and absolutely hated it, but the money was good so she stayed. She lived in New York her whole life and moved to the city for college where she discovered freerunning, She Ran, as they called it, with a group of diverse people in the city called Messengers. During these times she never performed crimes as she used freerunning to escape stressful college life and then work life. She ran at night where the light could not expose them. She never did crime as it would effect her job, but has successfully outran law enforcement many many times. During those times the Messengers gave her the nickname NightOwl.

Criminal Record, if any: None as her job would not allow it.
Name: Marcus Sculins

Gender: Male

Age: 23


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Km3OkN0S4mg.jpg.df530f2700f296d8206f16d057b5f815.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117036" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Km3OkN0S4mg.jpg.df530f2700f296d8206f16d057b5f815.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/469b61c4c16dad219534af723c5b213e.jpg.2debc53d7094889f9a0164b7195bc967.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/469b61c4c16dad219534af723c5b213e.jpg.2debc53d7094889f9a0164b7195bc967.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Role (See Overview): Burglar

Skills (That are related to the role):

Can easily find his way through, around, in, and out of anything mechanical and technological.

Can make explosives, chemical agents, and other such weapons and tools.

Used to train MMA, very rusty

Marksman with almost any gun

Talents: (Not related to the role):

Very good vocalist (Loves to sing Hollywood Undead), Fast Runner, speedy reader, photographic memory, Very good driver, semi trained pilot (Can easily pilot basic civilian aircraft)

Relationships, if any (Spouse, GF/BF, friends, relatives): Relatives own a major medicinal company titled Sculins Medical

Personality: Some would call Marcus a punk by the way he dresses and what he likes to sing. But that's not who he is. Sure, he can get a bit wild after a heist, but he's a nice guy, generous and chivalrous. He dislikes killing others, so he keeps his magazines filled with rubber bullets instead of lead ones. Just don't piss him off, he becomes an asshole if you piss him off and he WILL mess with you.

Pre-Gang Biography: Marcus was always a good student. He loved tinkering with machinery, guns, and technology. He made it to engineering school by age 18 and graduated 3 years later as a valedictorian. His parents had disowned him for not going into the family medical business, and thus, he moved on. He's always managed to avoid jail, and when the cops got information on him, it would always wind up a pile of ashes or erased from the database.

Criminal Record, if any: Charged with theft, assault, and possession of illegal weaponry.



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Dabiživ Radulovic







6 torches on the back of his neck to represent the 6 countries of the former Yugoslavia. And the words Братство и jединство underneath the torches which was the motto of Yugoslavia (Brotherhood and Unity)

6'0" tall, 190 lbs



Role (See Overview):


Skills (That are related to the role):

Expert lockpicker, also an expert at making his own lockpicks, extremely stealthy, expert in getting ahold of many expensive items in a short amount of time, Very fast and agile, has a basic knowledge on taking down opponents. And slightly above average aim with guns.

Talents: (Not related to the role):

Can speak English, Serbian, Croatian, Russian, French, German, Spanish, and Italian.

Relationships, if any (Spouse, GF/BF, friends, relatives):

Has good contacts from around the world due to his former Pink Panther association. Sister and mother still living in Belgrade. His father a former JNA soldier who was killed in the Yugoslav War.


He is sarcastic and a bit cynical due to his experience living in Yugoslavia when the country tore itself apart in 1992. He is a Yugo nostalgic type who wishes for a Yugoslavia that is equal for all Slavs. He is usually loyal to whom he works with and has a strong work ethic he is although can be impulsive at times. He usually is a jokeful type though he knows when he needs to be serious when the time comes.

Pre-Gang Biography:

Born in 1981 in Belgrade, Serbia during the time of Yugoslavia. His father was a soldier in the JNA Yugoslavia's army whom was Serbian and born to a Croatian mother he grew up a more privileged life then some. He was one to take his studies seriously, and as a result grew to be quite intelligent for his age. Then in 1992 once Yugoslavia fractured and Serbia was being bombarded by NATO his life grew hard as Belgrade got bombed out. His family lost their home and he had to help fend for himself and his family which lead to him gaining skills in lock picking and theft and being stealthy. Then as time went on and things normalized he tried to continue life normally. But it never worked out for him so he continued his life style. Eventually in 2002 he was approached by members of the Pink Panthers partly due to his infamousy and due to a lot of the early Pink Panthers being ex Yugoslav Soldiers whom knew his father and thought he would be a good choice. So from 2002 to now he partook in many infamous Pink Panther heists and some lesser known ones, as a result he became an almost master class thief until around now when ideologically the Pink Panther's and himself deviated and he decided to leave the Panthers.

Criminal Record, if any:

Known for many million dollar heists of jewelry and art. Has smaller records of this from his younger years. And some lesser known Pink Panther Heists under his belt.
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Name: Antonio (Tony for short)

Gender: Male

Age: 23




Role: Con Man

Skills: Sly. Can bend words to make them seem to have a different meaning. Incredibly convincing. Deceptive.

Talents: Lockpicking

Relationships: None

Personality: Sly, sarcastic, and witty. Major smart-ass

Pre-Gang Biography: Graduated high school at the top of his class, but could not land a good scholarship because of his constant conning in high school. He learned from his conning mistakes and shaped himself up to create what he calls "the perfect con artist".

Criminal Record: Clear

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