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Fandom Marvel's Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman?


“Don’t be fooled, I am No Hero..”
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Howdy everyone! Thanks so much for taking the time to click and read this!
My name is No Hero and after a brief hiatus I am back and on the hunt for
some exciting and great role plays again! Below is a plot I am dying to write!
If interested go ahead and send my a PM or comment here :D

I look forward to hearing from you

_______________ Rules_________________
I never pressure people for replies, and I would appreciate it if you did the same for me. I do not mind being reminded that I owe you a reply, but sending me a new message every few hours will not be appreciated. I am a full-time employee and I am unable to reply when I am at work, understandably, I cannot be on here 24/7. Most of the time, and especially during busy hours, It stresses me out to no end. Please note that if we have an ongoing storyline and I need to go on a hiatus for any reason, I will always inform you beforehand; either through a direct message or a public status. I will also state my estimated return.

I expect everyone to act in an adult fashion. I am not here for the petty stuff or the gossip, nor am I here to participate in popularity contests. If there is an issue that you have with me, I ask that you address to it me personally; Do not tell your friends or my friends, or be passive-aggressive about it. I value reliability and maturity more than anything else.

I , like most people, can be prone to writer's block. If I send you a reply that you find difficult to work with, please do let me know and I will rewrite it. Likewise, if we are having a storyline discussion and you do not like one of my suggestions, do not hesitate to tell me so. I am not easily offended.

I must stress that I am a multi-para/novella roleplayer at heart, and that is the length of writing I find easier to work with. Saying that, I don't enjoy one liners and single paragraph replies. I will always at least have 3 paragraphs and that's still a bit small for me. I like detail and I enjoy writing everything out. Quality over quantity is something that I do firmly believe in. So if a paragraph is all you can do I get it! And I am okay with that! But I don't think I would be the right partner for you.

I am most comfortable with MxF and MxM pairings, and I don't participate in doubling. Now writing multiple characters at once is no problem for me. But I won't double primarily because I just don't have the time to do so anymore.

prefer to have a storyline discussion before writing with anyone. Having a blueprint to follow, and knowing that both of us are on the same page with regards to the direction of the roleplay, really does help. Sending me a starter without any discussion beforehand will not be responded to.

I am in charge of my character's and you are in charge of yours. No Godmodding here!

I am willing to engage in all sorts of genres. The ones I find the hardest are: Sci-fi, FxF, and Apocalyptic

I am a very nervous jelly bean! So if I seem a bit guarded when we first interact I apologize for that!!!

((For this specific plot we can do either MxM or MxF))

I'm looking for someone to portray Peter Parker

So in short this is a story about friends, that go to lovers, and eventually enemies. Good old Peter Parker, everyone's favorite web slinging hero. The story starts with Peter in his college years. Attending a university while still doing his spiderman gig on the side. It's an adjustment period, being out of the house and living on his own. But the last thing he expects is to come to college and suddenly become reunited with an old friend from his childhood. Ava/Abe Skinner. A person that Peter was relatively close with in elementary and middle school. The did everything together and there were very few days the two had ever been apart. But at the end of middle school year something had happened and the next thing Peter knew he was having to say goodbye to his friend, and the two never saw one another again. But now here they are both attending the same university and it's almost too good to be true. Well, Peter soon discovers that he's not the only one that's been keeping secrets. Turns out Ava/Abe has powers too! They're a power pyromatic mutant with the ability to manifest, control, and create fire. Flames could engulf their entire body and they'd never come out burnt. Fire can not harm them. Unfortunately Ava/Abe hasn't had much practice controlling their abilities and living in a rather strict family household they were forced to suppress their powers all their lives. But Peter sees potential and wants to help them in anyway that he can. So he begins training them and helping them control their powers. Unfortunately with such a powerful gift there's bound to be trouble, and that trouble comes in two individuals that suddenly show up to the college as two freshly recruited faculty members. But what everyone doesn't know is that this brother and sister duo are both mutants that have come in search of a powerful Pryomatic mutant to recruit into their cause.

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