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Fandom Marvel (MCU and Earth-616) RP Search


"Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit"
Hello. I haven't been online for a while, but I am now, and I'm looking for an rp using characters from the MCU or Marvel's Earth-616 (Prime Marvel Universe). Or some mashup of both of these universes.

I would prefer to do the rp on Discord, so if you're interested I'll be there. If you have any questions, you can message me on discord or here. :)
Anyway, I would be best playing these characters:

Loki Laufeyson (Earth-616 Prime Marvel Universe & Earth-199999 MCU)

Ikol/Loki Laufeyson (Earth-616)

Corvus Glaive (Earth-616 Prime Marvel Universe & Earth-199999 MCU)

Tony Stark (Earth-616 Prime Marvel Universe & Earth-199999 MCU)

Proxima Midnight (Earth-616 Prime Marvel Universe & Earth-199999 MCU)

Hela (Earth-616 Prime Marvel Universe & Earth-199999 MCU)

Stephen Strange (Earth-616 Prime Marvel Universe & Earth-199999 MCU)

A bunch of others, but you'd have to ask. If I'm not familiar with them, then I will probably just look them up and learn about them.
Just know, that I prefer, if we do romance, that I would rather play mxm or fxf just out of preference, but it's whatever. I also prefer if we were both characters, but if you have a good OC (I mean a really, really good OC) then maybe.
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