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Fandom Marvel Avengers; Never ending heroics Role Play


I like peaches
Thanks for coming to this stage to join our fantastic world of superheroes!

Here the template to begin!


Name -

Age -

Height -

Eye colour -

Hair colour -


Species -

Appearance -

Biography -

Affiliation(s) -

Family -
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Name - Zoe River

Age - 17

Height - 5''6

Eye colour - Grey

Hair colour - Brown

DOB: October 4th

Species: Human (But due to her unknown powers she could be some alien)

(Hair meant to be brown but oh well!)

Personality: She can be caring but also able to be straight down to the point of honesty, good team leader, but she can be cocky sometimes If someone gets on her nerves too much though her mood could flip into simple bitch mode. When using powers she can be very over positive when it comes to what she can do.


Zoe live in London, she went to School and once she gotten to secondary she met very rude people, some that could irritate her too easily which made her trigger her own powers, she finally realises it was forming anything from the tiny particle drifting in the air which we know as dust. After teacher witness a gun in her hand that pointed to the student once she walk in Zoe was sent to a mental school, she told she was not crazy but they were more concern how she got the gun, the victim also claimed to be crazy when he explain how it happen.

But a few days later Jake arrive and fix most to get her out of the mental home, he already knew since their related but did not have the ability, he wouldn't say about her parents since they were dead but he was the one who was the guardian.

After a few year until she left for college she thought nothing bad would happen but she was very nervous, she hasn't taken a step back into school since the incident, they didn't let her back in any way.

After she settles in college she was doing an art course, she ran out of black paint so... she manifested art onto her canvas, the girl beside her witness that ''how did you do that?'' she ask and then Zoe begs her not to tell, since they became best friends but that bond wasn't strong enough to keep her unusual secret, she didn't tell teachers but her other friends, they also had witnessed a few times at strange places. they invited her out for a party since she claimed to be 'cool' and one of the guys like her and she didn't want to know, but he insisted, her natural strength was too weak and automatically use her powers that hurt the boy.

The scream, they didn't think it was that cool anymore and telling her to get out or they would call the police but because she was slightly tipsy as well she bitch at the girls and the police were on their way, a few windows were smash and the roof was dismantled, the girl seem crazier and was taken away to a similar place she was taken to first but not so strict.

The girl was known to be lost and was set on the news, she set up to America after she pack, she pointed a gun to her brother's head as he try to stop her but she never shot or did her never stop her, since it would have been probably similar to what happen to her parents.

Once she was there she got an unknown call ''Hello?'' then the reply was ''Oh my dear child! please visit my cafe which is opposite the pet store, If that you outside then I please come inside and have some tea! I have lot to tell you!''

The women down phone was an old lady, but no any old lady, she was Dory who was Zoe's grandma. She also controls the ability, but she was too weak to use this, but the only reason she knew she was coming was her brother. Now she work there and live, watching the similar superheroes wondering past still making the decision to give a helping hand!

Affiliation(s) - X-men, The Avengers, Shield and...A small cafe where she works!

Family - Jake River (Older brother) alive, Dory (Grammar, Pretty Young for a granny ^^) Parents are dead due to Jake...

Other Information - British Accent.


Name: Natalia Alianovna Romanova

Age: 30

Height: 5''7

Eye colour - Green

Hair colour - Ginger

DOB: November 22, 1984

Species: Human


Alias(es) Black Widow

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Biography: At a young age, Romanoff was recruited to the KGB. There, she endured both an education and indoctrination into the world of spycraft. Romanoff excelled in this strict training environment and soon became regarded as a master spy and one of the world's greatest assassins. Her ruthless effectiveness in later years earned her the code name, "Black Widow". As a final ceremony to complete her training, Natasha was sterilized, as to avoid any distractions and focus solely on her missions, something she deeply regretted later on her life.

Affiliation(s) - less formerly Thunderbolts, Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel Knights, Daredevil's Unnamed Super-Hero Team, Queen's Vengeance, Champions (of Los Angeles), Champions of Los Angeles, Lady Liberators, FSB, and Communist Party (Soviet Union), K.G.B.
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Name - Saga Norén

Age - 28

Height - 5'11

Eye colour - Brown

Hair colour - Blonde

DOB - 29th November 1987

Species - Human

Appearance -

Biography - Saga was born in Malmo County, Sweden to a housewife and a financial accountant, she was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at the age of eight after concerns at school about her lack of social skills, namely when she offended the teacher by telling the whole class she saw him have sex with a colleague. When she was fifteen, she suffered a personal loss when her little sister, Jennifer died, she blames her Mother who she thinks has Munchausen Syndrome by proxy and has excommunicated her parents from her life as she thinks her Father also physically abused Jennifer. Having been employed by SHIELD to investigate sightings of Loki in Sweden, she now works as their in-house detective.

Affiliation(s) - SHIELD

Family - Leona Norén - Mother, Henrik Norén - Father, Jennifer Norén - Sister (Deceased)
Name - Albert Isakovich

Age - 34

Height - 6'2

Eye colour - Grey

Hair colour - N/A

DOB - Feb 16, 1981

Species - Robot

Appearance -


Biography - Albert Isakovich or GS-48 by his creators, was originally designed as a foot soldier variant of the infamous Sentinal. However, his creator had Frankenstein-esque ambition to try to give make machine into man. This experimentation was successful but it deeply angered his authorities who saw it as a waste of resources. He was then executed and GS-48 was prepped to be scrapped, however his creator made a contingency and smuggled GS-48 far away before he was killed. GS-48 was also given a remotely programmed identity, Albert Isakovich. He slowly attempted to blend with human life bit his appearance made it most difficult, that is until he discovered his hologram camouflage matrix, which allowed him to change his appearance. He now works as an independent P.I in Hells Kitchen, NY using his ability to change appearance, his robotic body, and his wit to get his cases closed.

Affiliation(s) - Automaton Private Investigators

Family - None
Name - Jason Jones (no relation to Jessica)

Age - 29

Height - 5'10

Eye colour - Blue

Hair colour - Red

DOB - September 22, 1986

Species - Mutant

Appearance -


Biography - A police officer who discovered his powers (the ability to change his own perception of time, which gives him super speed, along with a number of other secondary applications of his ability) when he was a teenager, Jason and his father stopped getting along when he was 17, and his mother died tragically. They both grieved, but . He didn't keep in contact with his family for a few years, travelling the country, meeting new people, seeing new things, and discovering his powers himself. When he was 21, his father, a police officer, was killed in the line of duty, causing him to return home. When he did, he forgave his father for closing himself off after Jason's mother's death, since he realized that he hadn't been any better. Resolving to follow in his father's footsteps, Jason became an officer at the NYPD, eventually becoming a police detective. During this time, he started using his powers to help chase down leads and take down those who'd protected themselves from the law. He had a short stint with the Defenders, and more recently became an X-Man, under the name "Comet". Despite their similarities, he does not get along whatsoever with fellow speedster mutant Pietro Maximoff, aka Quicksilver.

Affiliation(s) - New York Police Department; X-Men; The Defenders

Family - An aunt, Amy Cooper, who lives in Montana. All others are deceased or estranged.
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So... Quick reservation along with a question:

I want a Spider Man character, but don't know if you'd allow Spider Girl(May "Mayday" Parker), or if you want me to stick to first gen Spidey(Peter Parker)

I also have a Spider Man OC under the name "Titanium Tarantula" I could use, but I wanted your opinion first
JDizzle383 said:
So... Quick reservation along with a question:
I want a Spider Man character, but don't know if you'd allow Spider Girl(May "Mayday" Parker), or if you want me to stick to first gen Spidey(Peter Parker)

I also have a Spider Man OC under the name "Titanium Tarantula" I could use, but I wanted your opinion first
I'm glad you ask me before, could you stick with Peter Parker? you can still have an OC but cause this is the first generation, I would like a few cannons for this RP to start off with if that possible.

Also your limit of characters are two.
DekuNut said:
Name - Jason Jones (no relation to Jessica)
Age - 29

Height - 5'10

Eye colour - Blue

Hair colour - Dyed red hair (naturally blonde)

DOB - September 22, 1986

Species - Mutant

Appearance - Lighter skin and very skinny, despite his eating habits. H

Biography - A police officer who discovered his powers (the ability to change his own perception of time, which gives him super speed, along with a number of other secondary applications of his ability) when he was a teenager, Jason and his father stopped getting along when he was 17, and his mother died tragically. They both grieved, but. He didn't keep in contact with his family for a few years, travelling the country, meeting new people, seeing new things, and discovering his powers himself. When he was 21, his father, a police officer, was killed in the line of duty, causing him to return home. When he did, he forgave his father for closing himself off after Jason's mother's death, since he realized that he hadn't been any better. Resolving to follow in his father's footsteps, Jason became an officer at the NYPD, eventually becoming a police detective. During this time, he started using his powers to help chase down leads and take down those who'd protected themselves from the law. He had a short stint with the Defenders, and more recently became an X-Man, under the name "Comet". Despite their similarities, he does not get along whatsoever with fellow speedster mutant Pietro Maximoff, aka Quicksilver.

Affiliation(s) - New York Police Department; X-Men; The Defenders

Family - An aunt, Amy Cooper, who lives in Montana. All others are deceased or estranged.
Please add a picture or something similar then I'll accept.
Name - Peter Benjamin Parker

Age - 19

Height - 5'10"

Eye colour -Brown

Hair colour - Brown

DOB - could only find PLACE Of Birth: Forest Hills, New York

Species - Mutant. yes, MARVEL lists a radioactive bite as a mutation

Appearance -


Biography - The bite of an irradiated spider granted high-school student Peter Parker incredible powers. When a burglar killed his Uncle Ben, Peter vowed to use those abilities to protect his fellow man, driven by his uncle's words: With great power comes great responsibility!

Affiliation(s) - Avengers, formerly the Secret Defenders, "New Fantastic Four", the Outlaws

Family - Richard Parker (father, Deceased) Mary Parker (Mother, Deceased), Ben Parker (Uncle, Deceased), May Parker(Aunt) Will Fitzpatrick(grandfather) Benjamin Reilly(Scarlet Spider, CLONE), Kaine(CLONE)


Name - Stephen Kole

Age -17

Height - (in wheelchair) 3'9"

Eye colour -blue

Hair colour - Black

DOB - October 22nd

Species - Crippled Pseudo-Cyborg

Appearance -

Out Of Costume=



Biography - While at S.H.I.E.L.D., he acts as a Hellicarrier agent tasked with collecting and organizing data directly for Director Fury's archives. this in turn means he knows A lot about most of what Shield does, so if you want off the radar... lets just say there's a reason Tony Stark gets away with so many parties. When given an experimental S.H.I.E.L.D. Spider like suit, Stephen called himself the "Titanium Tarantula", dubbed this because his 15% Vibranium, 15% Adamantium, 20% steel, 10% iron 40% Titanium robotic biotech suit that simulates the actual appearance of the legs and cephalothorax region of a Spider that function similarly to Doctor Otto Octavious' arms. thus this system enables him to walk even as a cripple, and the legs are strong enough to latch onto buildings. this suit also has the ability to create small "eggsacks" of nano-spider-bots that he can deploy and control for various uses, limited only by how much material is left to create them in his suit. Like Spider-Man, he CAN swing from buildings, but he defers to ground combat most of the time, whether this is on the actual ground, or on the top of a building.

Affiliation(s) - S.H.I.E.L.D., Has met Captain America, and has been offered an Avenger's Initiative(to which he declined knowing Fury was trying to get info out of him.)

Family - Leroy Kole (Brother), Marcus Kole (Father), Jeanna Kole (Mother, Deceased)
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JDizzle383 said:
Name - Peter Benjamin Parker
Age - for the sake of keeping this RP within his school life, he is NOT yet married. I will edit in an appropriate age when @xkeyxx tells me their preference

Height - 5'10"

Eye colour -Brown

Hair colour - Brown

DOB - could only find PLACE Of Birth: Forest Hills, New York

Species - Mutant. yes, MARVEL lists a radioactive bite as a mutation

Appearance -


Biography - The bite of an irradiated spider granted high-school student Peter Parker incredible powers. When a burglar killed his Uncle Ben, Peter vowed to use those abilities to protect his fellow man, driven by his uncle's words: With great power comes great responsibility!

Affiliation(s) - Avengers, formerly the Secret Defenders, "New Fantastic Four", the Outlaws

Family - Richard Parker (father, Deceased) Mary Parker (Mother, Deceased), Ben Parker (Uncle, Deceased), May Parker(Aunt) Will Fitzpatrick(grandfather) Benjamin Reilly(Scarlet Spider, CLONE), Kaine(CLONE)


Name - Stephen Kole

Age -17

Height - (in wheelchair) 3'9"

Eye colour -blue

Hair colour - Black

DOB - October 22nd

Species - Crippled Pseudo-Cyborg

Appearance -

Out Of Costume=



Biography - While at S.H.I.E.L.D., he acts as a Hellicarrier agent tasked with collecting and organizing data directly for Director Fury's archives. this in turn means he knows A lot about most of what Shield does, so if you want off the radar... lets just say there's a reason Tony Stark gets away with so many parties. When given an experimental S.H.I.E.L.D. Spider like suit, Stephen called himself the "Titanium Tarantula", dubbed this because his 15% Vibranium, 15% Adamantium, 20% steel, 10% iron 40% Titanium robotic biotech suit that simulates the actual appearance of the legs and cephalothorax region of a Spider that function similarly to Doctor Otto Octavious' arms. thus this system enables him to walk even as a cripple, and the legs are strong enough to latch onto buildings. this suit also has the ability to create small "eggsacks" of nano-spider-bots that he can deploy and control for various uses, limited only by how much material is left to create them in his suit. Like Spider-Man, he CAN swing from buildings, but he defers to ground combat most of the time, whether this is on the actual ground, or on the top of a building.

Affiliation(s) - S.H.I.E.L.D., Has met Captain America, and has been offered an Avenger's Initiative(to which he declined knowing Fury was trying to get info out of him.)

Family - Leroy Kole (Brother), Marcus Kole (Father), Jeanna Kole (Mother, Deceased)
Both Accepted!

But also @JDizzle383 the age would most likely be 19? I Just thought that how old he would be when

Gwen dies and spiderman goes solo to continue protecting the city.
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