Mark of the Dragon


So far, your life has been fairly normal. But soon, things begin to change. One day, you wake up to find a talking animal in your bedroom. It tells you that you’re a dragon, a creature that you never believed existed. It also says that you will be getting a visit from a woman, your dragon teacher.

Or course, the first thing you think is that you’ve gone insane.

But sure enough, a strange girl shows up at your house, a monkey on her shoulder. She tells you the same story as the talking animal, you ‘animal guardian’. She says that you have been chosen as a dragon, the protectors or both the human and magical word.

And the strangest part: you aren’t the only one.


Dragon Mark:



Dragon form size chart:


Ritzana: Female, physically 17 = Pink

Maverick: Male, physically 25 = Black

Lanner: Male AND a full dragon, but only physically 17 = White



1: ONE character per person (this may change if I tell you otherwise)

2: No being stupid

3: No horses or mythical creatures as you guardian. And try not to overload the RP with wolves for God's sake.

4: Let's try not to repeat dragon colors or guardian species.

5: Decent writers ONLY. Grammar and spelling are a must. And no posts under 3 lines.

6: If I see evidence that you did not read these rules/character bios/description, you will not be accepted. For that would be pure laziness. And Met does not want lazy people in her RP.


Character bio:

Name: (must have last name)

Age: (16-17)



Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Size according to the chart: (Please account for age and gender)



Location of the dragon mark on your body:

Human Appearance:

Dragon appearance:

What is you animal guardian? (Must be a REAL animal. No horses.):

Guardian's name:

Animal guardian appearance:

Your History: (No less than a paragraph.)


Character list:

Metronome plays: Ritzana ‘Ritz’ Larista/ Female/ 700, appears to be 17/ White dragon / Capped langur *eldest dragon

Metronome plays: James Larista Abric/ 689, appears to be 25/ Lycan * Ritz's Fiancée

Metronome plays: Maverick Knox/ Male/ 440, appears to be 25/ Black dragon *Bad guy

Metronome plays: Lanner Knox/ Male/ 365, appears to be 17/ Silver dragon *Bad guy

Metronome plays: Lily Cerulean/ Female/ 17/ Blue dragon/ Sea snake

My Characters:

Name: Ritzana ‘Ritz’ Larista

Age: Appears to be 17, but is really about 700 years old

Nationality: Indian

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Personality: She usually acts like a modern human. Although, sometimes the ancient relic-ness come out of her. She is usually upbeat and friendly, has a sense of humor, and is often a motherly figure. She has very strong morals that have come from far too many years of knowledge. Her personality often makes you forget the many years she's lived, and her chipper personality gives no evidence to the horrors she's seen and experienced.

Other: Is the eldest in the dragon council, and is engaged to a Lycan.

Place of living: Firedrake Hall, the home of the Dragon Council

Location of Dragon Mark: Right shoulder blade

Human Appearance: Ritz is a little short at 5.3, lean muscled, and over all petite. She has caramel colored skin, brown eyes, silky black hair, and obvious Indian features. She looked to be around seventeen, and tries to dress to fit the part.


Dragon appearance:

(pure white)


What is you animal guardian?: Capped Langur

Guardian’s name: Jack

Animal guardian appearance:


Your History:

Ritz was the first ever human to become a dragon. It is her assigned job to go out and find the new dragons and train them. To do this, her age has been frozen in time be a magic spell. She is forever 17; but she’s not immortal. Because of this, her parents and everyone she knew from her childhood has since died.

She has a magic necklace that she wears to hide herself from normal humans whenever she wants. This come in handy a lot, as you can imagine.

She was born 700 years ago in India. There, she was to be married off to a man she barely knew at the age of 13. After only a day with the guy, she ran away off. Knowing that she would be killed if she ever returned, she kept running. Ritz disappeared completely for two years, then showed up again in a forest near a monastery, unconscious. She was in grave condition: starved, filthy, and horribly wounded after a nasty run in with a mother tiger.

She was found by a monk and rushed back to the monastery, where they nursed her back to health. She told the monks that she had no where to go, and they took pity on her. She ended up living there for the next two years. But at the age of 17, she developed a strange mark on her back. Then strange things started happening. A talking monkey appeared to her, and only to her. Strange creatures began showing up wherever she was, trying to convince her to come with them. Ritz thought that she was going insane.

Eventually, she was told about her being a dragon as was rather forcefully taken to the magical world where she was to be trained to be the teacher of all new dragons. This experience was nothing short of horrifying to the young Ritz. She had made a happy life at the Monistary, only to have it ripped away from her. She was, naturally, a strong believer in Buddhism and peace. And here these monsters were trying to teach her to fight. Only a few of them spoke her language, so she had a translator constantly following her. When the girl locked herself in her room out of fear, he was the one who had to coax her out.

Ritz was only sent out on simple mission to reel in simple villains. Whenever a mage got out of hand, or a rabbid werewolf attacked a villain, she was sent. But every single time she returned home, she was torn up, dispirited, and failed, having still refused to fight. It wasn't until a good nine months later that she finally had her breakthrough. Ritz had since gotten used to the magical world, made friends, and learned to love the quirky people of Jarava. So when the town was attacked by a mage, it made it all the worse for her to fail again. She saw her friends dying, being hurt, and the village being torn apart at the hands of the villain. She tried her usual tactics: trying to talk him down. But of course, he flicked her away like a flea. It was then that she realized that, despite her beliefs, she would have to fight to defend her people.

And so she did. And for once, she won. This put Ritz on a fast tack to success. The Council of Magic finally decided that they'd made the right choice in developing dragons. Ritz grew and matured, mentally of course, and eventually became the teacher she is today.

Maverick Knox

Age: Appears to be in his late 20’s, but it actually about 440

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Blondish brown

Eye Color: One green, one gold

Other: Was the second human to ever become a dragon.

Location of the dragon mark on your body: From the palm of his right hand to his elbow

Human Appearance: Tall, well muscled, and rather intimidating. He has long, dirty blonde hair which is typically worn back in a pony tail. Maverick has hard, cold eyes that emanate the evil in his heart.


Dragon appearance:

In flight:


Maverick grew up in Ireland, in poverty. He was often the center of mockery in his childhood. When he grew into a strong young man, he worked on a farm, still poor. At the time, his strong will to learn, humble personality, and working class made him seem perfect to be the first dragon pupil of Ritzana.

When he was brought to the magical world, Ritz took him in like he was her own. She remembered her own experience and made sure that it wouldn't be anywhere near as traumatic for her student. She taught him, and found him very quick to learn. He often wanted her to teach him other, human things, such as how to read and write, speak the languages that she'd learned so far, and such. Ritz was charmed by the young lad's ability to learn. He was the perfect student...until he ran out of material to learn.

As they say, idle hands are the devil's workshop. Even though he'd graduated dragon school, Maverick continued to study. This time, he went so far as to venture into the off limits rooms to take books. These books contained spell never meant for a dragon's eye, dark magic. When Maverick learned of the power and respect these spells brought, he couldn't help but think that Ritz was holding out on him. The more he learned, the more he began to distance himself from the Dragon Council. It was when Maverick began using these spells on the field that things came into view of the council. Ritz was horrified. She tried to explained to Maverick that dark magic was illegal, but he refused to listen. He was power hungry. Finally, the council had no choice but to banish him from Firedrake hall.

Maverick didn't show his face again for a few years. When he finally made an appearance, they found that he was much younger than he should have been. He had found the spell that was used on Ritz, and used it on himself to make himself ageless as well. This was only the first of the terror he instilled. Maverick was powerful and seeking revenge. He became the biggest thorn in the magical world's side. And every time he appeared, he seemed to stretch the boundaries more and more. It seemed that nothing was beneath him, even the kidnapping of his once motherly figure.

Maverick took Ritz captive for five years as part of one of his schemes. He then kidnapped the new dragons of that generation while she was unable to stop him. He turned the dragons to his side and has since had generation after generation of dragons himself. His minions guard his castle with their lives, and would gladly die for their master. Meanwhile, while Ritz was in the dark dungeon of Maverick's dwelling, the council assumed her to be dead. When she was finally found, it seemed like a miracle. And ever since, Ritzana has never seen Maverick as the perfect, do nothing wrong student that he once was. From then on, he was an enemy to be smited.

Name: Lanner Knox

Age: Appears to be about 17, but is really 365

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Grey

Personality: Uncaring and cruel, just like daddy. Lanner will kill without second thought and walk away with a smirk on his face. He's an insufferable brat of his father's pruning. He wishes nothing more than to kill his father's enemies just like the rest of his minions. Lanner doesn't seem to realize that dear ol' dad is just using him as a pawn of his scheme.

Other: He is the offspring of two dragons- otherwise known as a full dragon-, this makes him a very powerful.

Location of the dragon mark on your body: His left leg from the knee down

Human Appearance: Average height, lean muscled, a bit on the tan side. He had silver hair and dark eyes. His hair matches his dragon form's scale, a trait that only full dragons acquire.


Dragon appearance: A metallic silver beast that just emanates power and superiority. Just like in his human form, Lanner seems to hold his dragon head a little higher than the rest.



Not much is known about his past, other than the fact that he is a full blood dragon and the son of Maverick.

James Larista Abric

Age: 689 in human years, 25 in Lycan years

Nationality: British

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Blue

Personality: Fairly laid back. He’s real easy to get along with, a nice sense of humor and an easy going attitude. He’s very open about things. He doesn't really seem the type the go on a murderous rampage once a month like some kind of extreme PMS, but he does. James seemed to wave off the prejudice that being a Lycan brings him.

Other: He’s a Lycan. Unlike werewolves, Lycan’s suffer from a disease that causes their transformation. They transform every other night, but only go crazy on a full moon. Another affect of the disease is a slow in the aging process.

He once had a British accent, but has sense lost any trace of it.

Human Appearance: Tall and well muscled. He is a rather handsome man. His shaggy black hair fall in front of his brown eyes. He has a crooked smile and goofy gleam that can light up a room. When James is frowning, you know something it wrong.


Lycan appearance:



James grew up in England during the Medieval period. At age 5, he was attacked and bitten by a Lycan, thus gaining the disease. When he started to transform, he was forced to flee town to avoid being killed by his fellow villagers.

A few years later, he came across a strange little man: an elf. It seemed that only he could see the man, as they were in town and other humans weren’t giving him a second glance. When James confronted the elf, the man explained that only creatures of magic could see him.

James had never been much into magic, but after talking to an elf, it was hard to disprove. The elf offered to take him to the magical world, where he would be safe from the humans who wished to kill him. James agreed.

About 400 hundred years later, he met Ritz in Jarava, the town in which Firedrake hall lies. He had heard about her from many other people, seeing as she is well known for her job as the dragon teacher.

They became good friends over a course of 20 years. They started dating for a while. It took him a couple of years before he finally popped the question. And of course, Ritzy said yes. They've been planning their wedding since, amongst dealing with the other complications of Ritz's job.

Name: Lily Cerulean

Age: 17

Species: Merdragon?

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Light blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Personality: She's a bit shy to begin with, unsure of how people will react to her. But once she's gotten nice and comfortable, she starts to come out of her shell. Lilly is most comfortable in small groups, and doesn't like being crowded.

Other: She's a hybrid, her father a mermaid, and her mother a dragon. This has led to the following mutations:

Flight: She has trouble flying, her wings working better as fins. This is why she hasn't attended the first lesson with the other students. She must be taught 1x1.

Fire: Lilly can't breath fire. She CAN, on the otherhand, shoot an inklike substance like an octopus. This hasn't proven too be very useful in the long run.

Legs: When in human form, when Lilly comes in contact with water, her legs turn to fins. This can be quite the nuisance at times.

Poison: Like a lionfish, Lilly's dragon form is poisonous. The poison isn't as potent as the lion, and it must be ingested to take effect. If Lilly is bitten by an attacker, the attacker will begin to go numb. The effect wears off after a minute or two.

Location of the dragon mark on your body: It starts at her collar bone and ends with the tail around her left boob ;D

Human Appearance: Lilly is tall and slender. She's about 5'6'' with a pale complexion. Her hair is light blonde flows past her shoulder a few inches.


Dragon appearance:


What is you animal guardian?: Banded sea Krait

Guardian's name: Nerissa

Animal guardian appearance:


Your History:

Lilly is the daughter or one of Ritz's former students. After finding the love of her life, Lilly's mother decided to settle down in the magic realm. Her lover was, oddly enough, a merman. A couple years and a marriage later, Lilly was born.

Lilly grew up knowing of her destiny as a dragon, but she never really prepared for it. In all her time, she never learned to fly. She preferred the sea over the sky. So when it came time to travel to Firedrake hall, she was in for a bit of a struggle. Ritz has been working to get her in the air since.
Name: Agito Wanijima

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Yellow

Size according to the chart: red ??

Personality: Agito is short for his age and is always mistaken for a little kid he has blue hair and yellow eyes he keeps and eye patch over his eye to cover up the mark. He has no patience. he doesn't like to work with people he rather do it himself


Location of the dragon mark on your body: on his right eye

Guardian's name: ikura

Your History: Agito's mother was killed and her body dumped in an ocean. His father was never there for him as a kid and was killed on his 15th birthday. Not having a father he wondered the streets killing for food and stealing for what he needed. the first time he ever saw his guardian animal was in the water he was swimming around when a shark came at him he tried his best to get away. Once he knew the shark didn't want to hurt him he it swam him back to land and told him he was a dragon.

He always thinks about what happen to his mother and we'll give anything to know. He hates people and doesn't like to be around anyone. He kills for sport and will always do so
Not accepted. I want to see the FULL WORK. Not a half done bio. To be honest, Slasher, I'm not sure if you're ready for this RP yet :/
I would really like to join, if I may? I haven't joined any roleplays on this site yet, but I'm very experienced on many other sites :) Name: Skylar "Sky" Kirby Age: 17 Nationality: American Gender: Male Hair Color: Naturally brown, but usually dyed black with streaks of other colors Eye Color: Blue Size according to the chart: Hmmm...perhaps a tan or a red? Personality: Before his mother's death and his father's rejection, Sky was a rather hyper, bubbly, happy kid that enjoyed his life to the fullest. But after, he became depressed, isolating himself and not letting anyone get close to his heart with the fear that they, too, would leave him in some way. Inside, he's still the kid he was. But he's afraid that if he goes back to the way he was before, he'll be hurt again. His worst fear is losing yet another person he cares about, and so he tries hard not to let himself care about others. Other: I can't think of any at the moment...tell me if I forgot something :) Location of the dragon mark on your body: On his side - half on his chest, half on his back Human Appearance: He's rather tall, almost exactly six feet. He's got a muscular build, weighing in at around 140 lbs of pure muscle. He keeps his hair long and over his eyes most of the time, dying streaks of color in his hair (there is currently no color other than black). He usually rims his blue eyes with a layer of black eyeliner, and he has his lip pierced on either side (snakebites)
Dragon appearance: His scales are a deep blackish-purple, changing in hue according to lighting.
What is you animal guardian?: A peregrine falcon Guardian's name: Grindu Animal guardian appearance:
Your History: With a dragon mother and a normal, human father, Sky was never meant to have what some referred to as a "normal" life. His mother hadn't told his father about her true identity, and so he never quite knew why Sky was different, nor why he was born with an odd tattoo. Sky's mother had planned on telling him about his heritage on his thirteenth birthday, but she never lived to see that day. She died when Sky was ten. Her husband reported her missing when she didn't come home from the grocery store, and the car was found abandoned in an old lot. It took three days for her body to be found; she had been shot three times, once between the eyes, once through her heart, and once in her stomach. Sky's father was unable to bear her death. He slowly began going crazy, and Sky was forced to become his father's caretaker. The day that his father came home in a drunken rage was the day Sky was shipped off to live with his aunt. His father told his sister that the boy was "unmanageable - completely irresponsible and disobedient in every possible way." Within a few weeks, Carrie, Sky's aunt, realized that Sky wasn't the boy his father had said he was at all. While quite and not social, he did his part of the housework and made no trouble for Carrie. But whenever Carrie reached out to him, it was like reaching a stone wall, as Sky would shut down. Now, Sky is astonished to hear that he is a dragon. He's willing to go wherever he must to learn how to embrace his heritage, and perhaps discover the story behind his mother's murder.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Grrr...I tried several times to make it so that there was sufficient space in between each category of the bio, but for some reason my computer keeps squeezing everything together. Sorry :\ I would change it if I could, make it prettier.

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