Marchen Von Gold


Black Market Witch

  • No godmodding, metagaming, bunnying or mary sues.
  • If you wish to create a role, please pm me what sort of role you want so we can discuss it beforehand.
  • Though I do not like constant one liners, I stress grammar more. So I'd like it if generally had correct use of capitals, spelling and punctuation.
  • To prove that you read the rules, make your character's first name a jewel, crystal or metal. Lapis Lazuli, Silver, Alexandrite and Chrysoberyl are taken already.

Character Sheet:






Abilities: (What sort of stuff can our character do? Weaponry? Skills? Magic?)(Please separate them with bullet points.)


Background: (optional)

Other: (optional)
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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d37915c_LapisLazuli.png.4008006aa983a636b0e27dd98b923058.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d37915c_LapisLazuli.png.4008006aa983a636b0e27dd98b923058.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: Lazuli "Lapis" Aureus

    Age: 15

    Role: Youngest Princess


    Having lived in near complete solitude, Lapis is a rather innocent girl, though not necessarily in the traditional way. She is a tad naive and ignorant about the world, but she isn't exactly a sweet angel. She was never taught anything about social graces and so she is rather blunt and straightforward, having never learned to spare other's feelings. Lapis is a nice girl though and doesn't like seeing people hurt. She also tends to not think before acting, often wandering off to do things because they seem fun.

    Lapis is rather energetic despite having a weak body and enjoys seeing the outside world. She is also more quick tempered than one would think and is typically easier to anger. Still, she is a very strong girl who never likes to show weakness, instead almost always smiling.


    • Black Magic - Lapis seems to have inherited the gift for black magic from her mother's secret witch lineage. She has a great affinity for using magic, but she has yet to learn how to control it. So for now, her magic is hard to control, leaking out whenever her emotions or desires go out of hand. Currently, she is unable to use it deliberately.
    • Music - Lapis enjoys music as sounds were the only things from outside her tower that she could get. Though she doesn't know how to play any instruments, she can probably learn easily. She's also good at singing and dancing, with her clear voice and thin frame.
    • Quick Learner - Lapis absorbs knowledge like a sponge and has a photographic memory. However, this seems to only apply to subjects she is interested in as she'll quickly forget things she doesn't like or isn't interested in, even people.


    Ever since Lapis was born, she had been locked up in the forbidden tower of the Aureus castle. Other than those who had to take care of her, most who knew about her tried to avoid coming in contact with her when they could. It was rather lonely with her only comfort being the sound of music coming in from outside whenever there was a big event at the castle. Well, that and when Alexandrite stumbled into her tower when she was 7. From that point on, he would visit her periodically, bringing her various gifts and teaching her different things. He promised that once he became king, she could live outside the tower and meet the rest of her family.


    • Lapis is 5'3".



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Name: Celestite (Celeste) Aureus

Age: 19

Role: Eldest Princess



Personality: Her entire life she has been used by her uncle to entertain guests and used her as a bargaining chip in international affairs this has made her bitter about her beauty and have a hatred for people as a whole (She loves certain ones). Her goal is to prove she is more than just a pretty face and she has spent her whole life striving towards this goal by learning many different trades and as much knowledge as she can. She is highly intelligent and loves reading. Celeste is brave, determined, sarcastic (but mostly keeps it to herself), protective of those she loves, dreamer yet is often torn down by reality, easily annoyed/angered in large groups of people, and she is very caring about those in need. Slightly depressed.


Healing/Protective Powers:

Celeste can heal someone by touching someone, and can create invisible barriers around herself and others that will knock people back if they get to close.

Note: She doesn’t yet know about these abilities


Celeste is highly intelligent. She has studied multiple subjects for many years but excels in science and reading. Her intelligence goes beyond books she learned many trades such as: Art, Music (Piano, Cello, and Violin), Singing, Archery, Sewing, Gardening, Medicine (Learns Later), Public Speaking, and extensive knowledge of International Affairs.

Background: Her entire life she has been used by her uncle to entertain guests and used her as a bargaining chip in international affairs this has made her bitter about her beauty and have a hatred for people as a whole (She loves certain ones). Her goal is to prove she is more than just a pretty face and she has spent her whole life striving towards this goal by learning many different trades and as much knowledge as she can.
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Character Sheet:


Name: Shane 'Cobalt' Isner "Tinkering Greatswordsman"

Age: 18

Role: Other - Traveling adventurer


  • Height: 6 feet 4 inches


A casual upbeat sorta guy who likes to have fun. Generally takes up adventuring for the sake of adventurer and exploration, and whatever cool people he can make friends with as he travels. Has a odd love for machines and tinkering, as well as food, and especially notably pies of and kind.

Occasionally the goof with be sometimes be blunt with his thoughts of some people and their actions. He also has a problem with romantic advances of any sort.



  • Swordsmanship - A great swordsman with his choice of blade, having his own way of swinging the hunk of steel and dancing around with it to block and deflect attackers. Using momentum and the weight of his sword mostly in his fighting style.

  • Physically Adept - All that adventuring leaves a mark on the body, Shane is overall very adept, notably his strength, and endurance, along with his agility.

  • Tinker tinker - Shane's a natural tinkerer, loving to make machines and gadgets of any sort to assist with combat, help out with scenarios, or just make them for fun.


  • Knildred - A very very heavy great sword that Shane constructed over time. Personally using it as a type of shield in his methods of fighting. Being highly resistant and able to take the strongest of blows without damage to itself.

  • Magic Cannon - A magic powered cannon Shane mounted on the front of Knildred. Sucking mana out of Shane is builds it up for a large blast of magical energy. Able to be fired in quick succession, or build up for larger, longer, and stronger blasts. Has quite a kick behind it able to move around Shane and others if he isn't braced for it.

  • A Bottomless Backpack - A backpack containing all of Shane's things over his travels or pickings. Generally containing the normal equipment, having various pockets separating different objects. Also does have a bottom.
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Name: Sir Pyrope "Pyro" Amestia

Age: 21

Role: Cyprus Aureus' best friend / royal family's blacksmith



Personality: Aggressive, and persistent. He is very quiet most of the time, but his short fuse is known throughout the land. Although he has a small anger problem, he has great self control it is only while he works, or while his mind is occupied with other things like dueling, that he truly has control.


-Master Weapon and armor smith

-Excellent swordsman and duelist

-Proficient with many weapons however he prefers a sword

-Can analyse weapons and armors quickly and visualize their weaknesses\

Equipment: Titan his sword. A small knife hanging from Titans sheath.

Background: Born into a family of reputable Blacksmiths, he was the first born of the 34th generation, and the heir to the craft. He began at a very young age, earlier than most previous generations, so by the time of his 18th birthday he was already seen in the eyes of the kingdom as a master Blacksmith. At that time he was commissioned to make the armor and weapons for the royal family, where he met the Cyprus, and immediately they became brothers. Ever since then he has been the royal family's blacksmith, by request of Cyprus. As well as working as a freelance personal guard and counselor of maneuver for him on few occasions through the years that they have known each other. He was recently knighted on his 21st year.

Other: His sword "Titan", is said to be the strongest in the kingdom, aside from the royal family's set of weapons, all forged from black dragon scales. Pyrope, refuses to tell the secret of his sword, that's his secret to keep and the kingdom's to make legends about.

When he isnt working at his forge, dueling for bets, or with Cyprus; he plays his lute in the castle garden. He has a secret dream of becoming a famous bard.

Name: Cyprus "God of Death" Aureus

Age: 18

Role: Second son


battle field armor:


Assassin armor:


out of armor:


Personality: Brash, Pensive, formulaic, stubborn, aggressive. Sometimes delusional


- Weapon Master

- excellent strategist

- Well connected in the kingdom: has those loyal to him who will help with anything he needs. Kinda like a mob boss.

Equipment: Small serrated hunting knife holstered on the back of his belt sash. Nightmare his battle axe, when in war. Death's touch his walking sword.

Background: Nicknamed the God of Death, the second son is known for his battle prowess, earning a high rank in the military despite being so young. As he is often the one who hunts down and punishes the "kingdom's enemies", such as assassins, rebels and terrorists, he has racked up quite a body count, making the citizens and even nobles see him as a cold-blooded killer even though he is just following orders. Though it seems that fighting is all he knows how to do, he is beginning to question his actions, secretly wishing to put down his weapons and living a peaceful life. He may or may not be suffering some hallucinations of his victims, brought on by immense guilt. He is the third child.

Other: There are rumors, He wants to rebel against his uncle, as his last fight. Very hypnotizing blue eyes, clear like the sky
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