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Fantasy Marchen Von Gold (Need 1 more Female)


Black Market Witch

The kingdom of gold was the envy of all around it.

Rich and powerful, it withstood the test of time and man over and over.

And from the beacon that ruled it came 4 treasures.

The first was a star, shining brighter than anything in the sky

But he was cast into the darkness, his glow snuffed out by the lesser lights around him.

The second was a flower, lovelier than anything under the sun

Determined not to become a mere possession of those that coveted her.

The third was a sword, often called an incarnation of Death itself

Wishing to no longer see red everywhere he looked.

And the last was a ghost, a child that should never have existed

Locked away by the very beings who had cursed her.


Aurareum, ruled b the Aureus family, is one of the largest and oldest kingdoms in the land of Tairrah. A wealthy kingdom known for its strong history and rich mines. For ages, it was a great kingdom. The people were happy and they were in a time of peace. However, things began to change when the king died 15 years ago.

Now as the first prince was too young to become king at the time, the king's younger brother, Chrysoberyl, became the regent until the prince was old enough to ascend the throne in 15 years. But in that time, life in Aurareum drastically changed. The rich and noble began living more lasciviously, taxing the lower classes heavily in order to do so. The military began strengthening almost instantaneously. The entire kingdom became a plaything for the Chrysoberyl. Still, the people couldn't rebel for fear of the newly active military and the cruelty of their king.

The people's only hope were the late king's children, or rather the eldest, crown prince Alexandrite. The believed that with him on the throne, things will go back to how they were when his father ruled. However, only a couple days before his 21st birthday and coronation, he is killed.

His other two siblings try looking into his death and discover that their family has more secrets than they thought, including another sibling. Now with everything unraveling and changing, can they save their kingdom from all who wish it harm?


Basically, this is an rp about 3 siblings and maybe some friends trying to save their kingdom set in a fictional fantasy world. As there is a travel part in the rp, I'm only going to accept 5-6 major characters for the first half of the rp. More can be added later if I feel like it'd be possible.

Sibling Roles:

  • Eldest Princess Celestite Aureus (Cecil) - Widely known as the most beautiful woman in Aurareum (and to some in all of Tairrah), she is constantly being used by her uncle as a bargaining chip in international affairs, often forced to entertain important guests who are in love with her. However, she hates the lustful looks those men give her and how they all wish to possess her like some rare flower rather than a person. Few take her seriously, only appreciating her looks and nothing else. She is determined to prove she is more than just a pretty face. She is currently in an arranged marriage with the prince of Evandelle, a small but wealth trading port kingdom. She is the second oldest sibling.
  • Second Son Cyprus Aureus (Jinzo) - Nicknamed the God of Death, the second son is known for his battle prowess, earning a high rank in the military despite being so young. As he is often the one who hunts down and punishes the "kingdom's enemies", such as assassins, rebels and terrorists, he has racked up quite a body count, making the citizens and even nobles see him as a cold-blooded killer even though he is just following orders. Though it seems that fighting is all he knows how to do, he is beginning to question his actions, secretly wishing to put down his weapons and living a peaceful life. He may or may not be suffering some hallucinations of his victims, brought on by immense guilt. He is the third child.
  • Youngest Princess Lazuli Aureus (amdreams) - Rumored to have been still-born, the youngest princess has been locked away in a forbidden tower since birth. Only known by a select few, she hasn't met many people and to keep people away from her tower, she is called a ghost who haunts the tower. She wishes to be free, see the world and find out why she has been locked up. She is the youngest child, age 15.

Other Roles:

  • Wandering Adventurer Shane Izner (TenaciousTinkerer)
  • Blacksmith Pyrope Amnestia (Jinzo)
  • Other
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"Hey, Mary. Is that apple pie I smell?" "Watch the hands, Will. I need these for the festival tonight."

"Sophie, you still working?" "Yeah, I've got 6 dress orders and 2 fittings to finish."

"Gretel, you got a date for tonight?" "Well, it depends whether a certain guy can gather the courage to ask me."

It had been a long time since the streets of Aurareum had seen such life in its citizens. The air was filled with music, voices and the smells of meats and baked goods. Those who weren't rushing through streets on errands or celebration preparation were dancing up and down the cobblestones. And in each and everyone was a certain light thought to be extinguished long ago.

And why shouldn't the be happy? In a few days, the first prince, Alexandrite, was turning 21 and would finally be old enough to take the crown back from his uncle. Finally, the last 14 years of oppression and abuse seemed bearable. Things were looking up. In celebration, the people were holding a three day long festival. Scrounging every penny they had, they planned to throw a party grand enough to fully display their joy and hope for the future. Bakers were creating all sorts of confections. Cooks were busy preparing feasts. Musicians were practicing their songs. Girls were getting their best attire together. The gates to the city were thrown open for all to come.

This was the beginning of a new era. Soon Aurareum would be a kingdom worth its title as the Golden Kingdom.


Even the castle staff was busy with preparations of all kinds. There was a ball to plan, people to invite, a coronation to get ready for. Everyone was much to busy to notice the soon-to-be king sneak out of the hidden door to the forbidden tower. As he walked the castle grounds, smiling and greeting servants and such, he wondered what he might do now. Maybe he could convince his siblings to take a trip into the city. It was interesting, seeing the people so happy and excited. It was a sight he could barely remember. Ever since his uncle took the throne 14 years ago, the entire kingdom seemed to lose the luster and shine it had in the days his father ruled. But now it was as if the returned to those days. Who knows, maybe seeing how excited they were for him would make him feel more at ease about this entire thing.

He wasn't sure how to feel about becoming king. It was certainly a good thing. He'd get rid of his uncle and deranged mother. He'd be in control of everything and no one would be able to rder him around anymore. But still, he wasn't exactly looking forward to it. Would this make him happy? Would he be good enough? Could he make everyone happy? Well, one thing was for sure, a certain person was depending on him getting the crown.


Sitting atop one of the towers of the city wall was a blonde haired boy, looking over the city. "Seems like a party. Pretty big one too." He smiled to himself. A big part meant a couple of things. One, there'd be some pretty important people coming. Some pretty important and wealth people. And second, everyone would be too busy getting drunk and trying to get lucky to notice a few things disappearing here and there. Silver couldn't ask for a bigger opportunity than this. Not unless the kingdom's treasures would come dancing right into his possession. "This is going to be fun."

"Hey! Who's there?!" A couple gaurds were running along the wall toward him. So much for a nap before getting down to business. The boy gave the guards a wink before jumping off the tower and seemingly vanishing below.

(Sorry for the sucky opening. Such writer's block.)

@Cecil @TenaciousTinkerer @Jinzo
As the citizens of Aurareum seemed to display joy and happiness for this specific day, a boy walked in, a rather tall one compared to those around him. Curiously looking about smiling seeing the happy faces of those all around. The boy wasn't from around here at all, and carried a large backpack attached to something that stretched out quite a length, seeming a bit obtrusive to carry around but he managed to move around with it nonetheless.

Making his way around heading gradually towards the scent of various cooked foods and pastries, he eyed the various cooked, foods, licking his lips a bit he made his way over to the stands. "Oi!" he called, leaning against the stand, the woman in question he was trying to address took her attention off of a pastry that is being cooked in a outdoor oven, the scent wafting a bit around. "Mmm? Oh! How may I help you?" She asked looking towards the taller fellow.

The boy giving a smile pointed off towards the side where there lie a piece of bread filled with some sort of jam. Surrounded by some smaller pastries of various shapes mixed with some kinds of fruit it seemed. "How much for some of the things over there?" He asked looking over briefly, before turning back towards her. The woman briefly glanced over to where he pointed, quickly addressing the price in general, a reasonable price if one heard. Immediately the tall boy bolted into his backpack, digging around and dropping a wadded pile of money, and a few coins to top it off.

"Gimme a few! And uhh . . . some of that too!" he said pointing off behind her towards a pie. The woman somewhat confused who would drop this much money for pastries, but wouldn't really complain since he seemed enthusiastic about buying it all, quickly stacked up the general things the boy pointed at, collecting most of the money, the boy just quickly gathered up his food, and running off, briefly looking over to yell. "Keep the change!" The change in general was kinda a lot, but too late now, the boy ran off to explore around the city.

The boy took a bite out of one of the many pastries he had gotten, enjoying the flavor. "Maaan, these things are good, lotta amazing food round here! Wonder what's going around here to get this many people hoppin around heheh." he said to himself with a smile and a chuckle, before looking off around the town, continuing to explore around while just taking bites out of his pile of food.

((Was having a bit of trouble thinking what to post, ill get going a few more posts in \o/))
Her maid servant zipped her into her way too over the top dress. Sometimes she swore he uncle did this just to make her mad! After being woken up at dawn, washed, made up, and dressed; her patience was waning. She hated this! Every time an official came into town her servants were ordered by her uncle to torture her with these silly dresses. She sighed, today would be even worse. She was happy for her brother, really. In fact the only reason she was going along with this today was the knowledge that her brother would finally be more powerful than her uncle! Maybe after today she could finally stop being a puppet for the kingdoms affairs.

When her maid servant was done with her dress, she moved onto her hair, twisting it into an elegant bun with just enough hair hanging down to give it appeal. A knock came from the door, "Is she done" her uncle said cracking the door slightly. "Just about" the maid servant said as she placed a delicate silver tiara in her hair. "Alright, she's done" she exclaimed helping Celeste up. Her uncle did caught his breathe, "Perfect, okay lets go. Everyone's waiting." He took her hand and led her to the main hall. This was going to be a long day!

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