March on Hearthroot (Systemless Fantasy Thread Roleplay)


You Won't Know What Hit You
Interest check for a single thread four person roleplay. Need three more people, best three character sheets will be selected.

Interested in joining a game with an achievable ending? Well, look no further. It's a simple premise, the game will mainly focus on the journey of four adventurers as they embark on their epic quest to slay the evil Witch. Sounds cliche, but the game will be about detail and character development so the plot will be kept simple. It will be a systemless game, so no reason to worry about numbers. There will also be no pressure to post. This is a single thread game, and I would rather have quality posts rather than large amounts of them.

Confirmed Players:

Captain Hesperus

If you have any questions about the plot, please do not hesitate to PM me.

Character Sheet:



Elf, Human, Dwarf, or you can get creative. If you do, please include a description.


A few words or a picture will do.


Abilities and the like. Can you handle a sword? Cast spells? Do you use a bow, or something entirely unique?

Backstory: What did your character do before he was a wandering hero? Notable achievements, family history and the like.

Gear: You may have up to two enchanted items. (Ex. A sword made of fire, hardened armor, etc)

If you are interested, please say so in this thread as well as PMing me a character sheet. Character skeleton subject to change.
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Here's my character:

Name: Garmin Dwerilar

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf (Dwarven Empire)

Age: 40

Appearance: Garmin is a stout 4'11" man, the skin on his broad arms, barrel-like chest and blunt heavy-featured face burnished by long exposure to the very worst the elements have to show. His dark brown beard is a surprisingly trim goatee, cut for necessity and neatness when out in the wilds and his hair is hacked to shoulder-length for the same reason. He has clad his powerful frame in sturdy clothing, heavy canvasses and enduring leather abound stained in arboreal colors. A heavy crossbow of solid Dwarven design is clutched in one meaty fist and a long sword, it's back edge serrated like a saw, is sheathed over his back. He additionally carries a waxed canvas pack which carries his supplies and a bedroll and raincloak besides.

Garmin is surprisingly outgoing for the usually insular Dwarven community, but then, the lifestyle he leads is hardly common to Dwarves either. He is companionable and cheerful, though he can become gruff and irritable when he encounters people who do not acknowledge the dangers of the world beyond the boundaries of civilisation. Most often, when he is not actively hunting or tracking, he can be found humming a Dwarven ballad. He is also a great person to have at a party.

Powers: Garmin is a Runic Ranger, an odd off-shoot of the Dwarven Imperial Ranger Corps. He has had training in the use of runecraft in practical settings and knows a number of beneficial runic formulas to help him in his duties. He is also a reasonably good marksman, using his simple but enduring crossbow to lethal effect at short to medium ranges. He is trained in the use of the Dwarven Utility Sword, a long straight sword approximately three feet long with a serrated back edge which can equally be used in combat, butchery or carpentry. Finally, Garmin has the ability of animal charming, a combination of his approachable manner and pure animal husbandry. He has an animal companion, a hunting hound called 'Haarl' which is Dwarven for 'grey rock', but he is often able to quell wild beasts with gentle words and careful movements, turning hostile predators into wary ones and startled prey into near-docile ones.

Garmin's family have produced a long line of rune workers, be they craftsmen, Runeweavers or engineers. His father was a noted engineer, his works including the Unkarben Spur of the Grand Underway, a three thousand mile avenue that links two of the more remote Imperial outposts and traverses more than four markedly different rock types, each with their own stability issues. His grandfather was a near-legendary Runeweaver, who still teaches masterclasses in the Imperial College and continues to research new applications for ancient and near-forgotten runes. This, then makes Garmin something of an odd-ball, since his chosen career often takes him far from home and Hold and aboveground to boot. Most Imperial Dwarves have been above ground at least once, it's something of a rite of passage toward adulthood. But most cannot abide having no ceiling and swiftly retreat into the comfortable confines of the Holds.

This makes those rare few Dwarves who can abide the open air unique; some pursue the life of merchants, travelling the roads or setting up businesses in the settlements of other races to ply their wares or services. Some others go a step further and join the Imperial Ranger Corps, an organisation pledged to protect Dwarven interests aboveground, be it the surface roads to the Holds or the Dwarven businesses to be found on the surface. Even rarer within this rarest of Dwarven groups are the runic Rangers, those who are talented in creating temporary runes to aid themselves and their fellows. No Dwarf uses magic. Ever. The very concept of the anarchy of magic and magic users is anathema to Dwarves, which is why they use runes. In a Dwarf's eyes, runes are embodiments of the individual Dwarf's will to make something happen. It is not magic, it is simply the indomitable faith of the Dwarf in the occurrence of a specific effect. At least, that's what the Dwarves believe and they will happily eviscerate anyone who argues to convincingly to the opposite.

Garmin is such a runic Ranger, his family history of runecrafting made the ability to assimilate the runes commonly used in the wilderness easy and his curiosity at the wonders of the World Above pushed him further and further from home, hearth and Hold. Indeed, on his trial of adulthood, he remained above ground all day and all the night as well, watching the sunset and staring at the stars. After that, he expressed his desire to travel the aboveground, much to his parents' dismay. But, as was the way, once a child became an adult, he was free to choose the path of his life for 'no Dwarf can avert the rock rolling down the mountain'. It would be Garmin's choice of what life he lead and it would be he alone who would be responsible for his choice. Thus it was, his father gifted him a hand-made crossbow, marked with a rune woven by his grandfather, his mother gifted him a cloak woven from the best Dwarf-raised sheep and his sister gifted him a quarrel of bolts handcrafted from the highest quality leather and embossed with the family's sigils.

Garmin's first trials within the Ranger Corps would, to most aboveworlders, be considered boring: patrolling the mountain passes, tracking down mountain predators, clearing rockslides and avalanches and constant, constant target practice. But for Garmin it was all fun. Even when he was trudging through knee-deep mud in heavy rain or huddled under a stunted pine tree is a blizzard, he could always be counted upon to raise the mood with a bawdy song or jokes. With time, it was decided that he had earned the right to bear his own Utility Sword and travel independently beyond the Hold's territories. He took his leave gratefully and travelled widely, seeking out new experiences and meeting strangers freely. He bartered for a hunting hound in one human village, delivering over two dozen rabbits in exchange and the two of them forged out into the world.

It was only reports of the rise of a dark and powerful witch leading a great many dangerous minions that drew him back, when home, hearth and Hold were under threat.

Good quality leather armor, sturdy canvas clothing. A pack with a dry change of clothes, camp equipment and a deep green raincloak lined with grey wool. His favored weapons are the Dwarven Utility Sword, a straight sword with a saw on the reverse edge and various small tools on the scabbard, and a Dwarven heavy crossbow with a quiver of twenty bolts. The sword has an enduring rune of durability set into the blade, ensuring that it will remain sharp and rust-free with even the most negligent usage and the crossbow has an enduring rune of swiftness, which helps the weapon's reloading speed.

Additionally, Garmin carries five temporary runes, scribed on parchment, in a water-proof pouch. These runes are 2 fireflash runes (which detonate to produce a brief but blinding flash of light), a foulairrune (which produces a cloud of noxious and persistent gas which can drown out other scents), a rune of navigation (which grants the bearer the knowledge of the direction, but not the distance, to the nearest friendly settlement) and a rune of minor healing (which can be used to heal light injuries and small fractures). He can also create three temporary runes, the ignition rune (which can set a normally flammable object alight, but requires additional fuel to maintain), theswiftshoot rune (which causes plants or seeds inside it to grow rapidly) and the wildstep rune (which allows the user to move through wilderness terrain swiftly and with minimal disturbance).

The temporary runes can be supplemented by additional runes which can create delays or triggers to their activation, but adding these runes increases the time to making the base rune.
Name: Elwyn Belegost

Gender: Female

Race: Dwarf (Dwarven Empire)

Age: 25


Standing at a solid 4'5 in height Elwyn is quite proud of her height. She is long in limb and torso with dark, mahogany hair that, when uncoiled cascades down her back in ringlets down to her knees. She has dark brown eyes that show her youthful enthusiasm for all things. She has the toned muscles of one who has received martial training her entire life, even though she seriously doubts that it will be a skill she will ever have to use. She prefers the color green and usually dresses in the finest silks and satins in different tones of green.


She was born and raised in the human city-state Cornak. Her parents were sent there by the empire as diplomats. She loved the city with all of its noise and bustle and press of humanity. She spoke Dwarvish, the three main Human languages spoken in the city as well as the Elvish tongue. She was well trained in gem trading since her family did more than just act as diplomats. Idleness was not a tolerated in her parents' household. She was, for the most part, lovingly indulged and if humans thought she was a bit old to be unmarried and living with her parents the elves were quite amused at her youth. She is optimistic and generally happy. She enjoys the social life. Part of her education includes all the old songs as well as how to play the lute. Though she will never be one to sing before kings, she has a sweet, generous voice and she can harmonize very well.


Although she's received martial training she finds that she is much better with a bow and arrow over other weapons. She carries a dagger at her side for no dwarf should ever go about unarmed but she doesn't ever actually draw it. She is proficient in sword but her true talent lies in her earth magic. She was quite young when she quite happily made a storm out of her bathwater in the bathing room. A rarity amongst her kind she has the ability to sense the elements and use them to her advantage. Some call her a witch, others a sorcerer but she just calls herself an elementalist. It doesn't mean much but it sounds nicer.

What did your character do before he was a wandering hero? Notable achievements, family history and the like.

Elwyn has trained extensively with humans to hone her gifts and gain control over the magic. The city dwarves have no fear of her magic but she learned that those who live deep underground put their trust in runes, claiming that magic is wild, unpredictable and therefore not to be trusted. She can make runes easily and she finds it humorous that a piece of paper with a rune for healing is an acceptable form of magic but the actual healing is not.

Still, she was warned that any use of magic below the earth would bring really bad things upon her head and shame upon her family and she should use nothing but runes when below the earth. Her family was sending her to the king to oversee the shipment of specialized weapons that were gifts from the dwarves of the city to the eldest son of the Dwarven king on his marriage. Her company included a few humans and
their gifts as well as a few Elves who knew that their presence would not be challenged along with their gifts.

It was after the celebrations of the wedding that she found herself volunteered to go hunting after an evil witch. Someone somewhere decided that she was a good candidate help destroy the creature. Elwyn was less than sure they picked the right girl. She knew nothing of going after evil witches or even of going off the paved road. In fact, this was the first time in her life she had even been
below the ground! She had some serious misgivings about this. At least she had a nice carriage and she didn't have to sleep under the elements! Why, sleeping outside, such a thought was truly barbaric.

You may have up to two enchanted items. (Ex. A sword made of fire, hardened armor, etc)

When she was sent out of the city to keep an eye on a set of runed swords, axes, and assorted weapons for the Dwarf King Elwyn was gifted with a traveling wagon and a team of four horses to pull it. In it she had everything she needed for her personal comfort. Her family made sure that she had enough coin and gems for trade in case she required currency that coin alone would not provide. Hers was a very expensive wagon and it had all the benefits of a traveling home including a bed for two, a couch that could turn into a bed, a furnace for heat and cooking, oil for cooking and heating, coal and even two containers with runes to keep food cool or frozen so that they remained as fresh as the day it was put into the containers.

She was also gifted with a specialized runed bow and arrows that would make sure that she would always find her target for any animal she required for food. The runes allowed for her to hit her target, skill was required to make sure the first arrow killed rather than wounded. She also had a sword that was enscrolled to assist her in detecting and protecting herself from danger.
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Name: Daedrian Shimmerwood

Gender: Male

Race: Half Elf

Age: 56

Appearance: He is a tall man, standing at 6'6 head and shoulders. He has wide shoulders, and a scraggly beard, betraying his human heritage- while his almond shaped blue eyes, and his almost silvery grey hair, insinuating the elven blood that makes up his mothers side of the family. He is slender, for his height- though, his arms and legs are both long, and his build is lean and muscular, rather than thin and frail. His face shows more age than most half elves would- laugh lines writ large on his face, along with scars.

Personality: He is a generaly calm, and collected person- very much so a quiet and strong type. He is a polite, well mannered, and secretive fellow- those who have journeyed with him in the past, have commented that he must take more after his elven side of the family. It might be noted, however, by older freinds, that he used to be quite the jovial individual- time, however, has taken it's toll, and in the place of a happy and jotfull man, now stands a solemn, calm, and wise presence that seems more interested in others, than himself.


He is an Experienced Wizard, a proffesion he started upon at the age of 21, after minor dabbling in his youth perked his interest, when combined with a peculiar talent. He has quite a large book of spells, and a large breadth of knowledge- though, physicaly, he is underwhelming beyond being moderately light-footed, and exceptionaly Dexterious. He is quite meek, having low strength, and would easily be slain- if he was ever struck.


He spent his childhood growing up in the care of his mother- his father, the human man who sired him, being quite dead- the young child was not told what had robbed him of a father, however, until the age of 25- still considered a child, in the Elven Community, in years- but recognized as mentally old enough, and mature- due to his human blood hastening his growth, to be told- it was felt that he would, of course, not rush of hastily, as he might have at a younger Date. This assertion was quite wrong- as the tale he was told unfolded. As fate would have it, his father, was lost to a dragon, that had been on quite the rampage. He, as is the way of a young man who has been told he has mystical gifts, and given time to develop them- went off, seeking a party of adventurers, and possibly some form of military support- though he was not to gain he support of any nation, beyond payment that was promised- he found a group of young "Heroes" Who sought to slay the dragon, and loot it's hoard. He joined with them, at this point. They went onward- and after a harrowing adventure, the dragon was indeed slain..... except, that he, by this point in his thirties, was able to deduce- that this particular draconic beast, was not acting of it's own volition- a peculiar orb, found in the beasts hoard, had been mystically assailing the creatures mind. He warned his comrades against it- but, greedily- they saw but a large gem- they went to the orb, and started trying to take it. This, was when something very.. curious, happened- they began.... to Bicker, and fight amongst themselves, his companions- as he watched on, a darkness came over them- playing on their natural greed, and other failings- the Human Knight, his Distrust of the Mage, and the Elven Thief- the Dwarven Rune-mage, his Pride, and knowledge of his own superiority to the others. The Elven Thief, her greed- and dismissal of the shorter-lived companions she had brought there. Each of them found their desires, and flaws, magnified, near this orb- While Daedrin backed away, unsure of what was happening, his friends who he had come to care for dearly over the years of their adventure, and hunt, went mad, turning upon each other. The Human Knight, emerged victorious, and then looked, a maddened grin on his face, as he turned, his blade soaked in blood, his armor spattered with it and scorched by the rune-mage's runic weaponry. He started to charge Daedrin- who, panicking, struck at his friend, Ser Altraues, with a bolt of Arcane Lightning. The lightning coursed through his armor, slaying him in a matter of moments- Deadrin, took a moment, to recover... then, he approached the Orb. He does not speak, of what occurred- and it would be hard to tell.... he was, however, able to bring it to his masters- clearly, witnessing the results on his comrades, gave him some measure of protection from the things offers. In the end, it was traced to a certain evil witch. From that point on, his life was dedicated to first, growing powerful enough to stand a chance, and then, finding a group to take him, to destroy her. When a group was finally being gathered, he emerged from his order of magi's tower.... with every intent to make good on his decades old oath.

Gear: You may have up to two enchanted items. (Ex. A sword made of fire, hardened armor, ect.)

He wears a magical robe, that proclaims his rank in his order- a mystery, to others, and provides impressive magical protection- being woven with wards, and sigils. The Robe, is resistant to the elements, and minorly resistant to attack.

He also carries a wizardly staff, made of wood, with Crystal at the top, and veined through the hard-wood. IT act's as a focus for his magic, and is quite a tough staff, in terms of ability to parry blows.
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