• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom ๐“œ๐“ช๐“น๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ฎ ๐“ฅ๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต๐“ช๐“ฐ๐“ฎ-- CS thread

Reiia silver

Queen of romance!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Welcome to the character page for the harvest moon RP!
I have not currently thought of a name, so when I do I will change it.
Character sheets should include the following!

Appearance (Anime or illustrated)
Age (18 and older)
Likes (At least Three)
Dislikes (At least three)
Traits (At least four, two bad two good)
Bio (Just a little of their history)

If you have not asked to join, then please do not post your character.
I want to make sure I know who is joining before hand and not just random people posting profiles.
Appearance (Anime or illustrated)
View attachment 700376

โš›โœด ๐ŸŽ€ ๐“ƒ๐’ถ๐“‚๐‘’ ๐ŸŽ€ โœดโš›
Cassidy Ellie Donell

๐Ÿฐ โ‹† ๐ŸŒ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐‘”๐‘’๐“ƒ๐’น๐‘’๐“‡ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐ŸŒ โ‹† ๐Ÿฐ

๐Ÿซ โ‹† ๐Ÿ“ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐’ถ๐‘”๐‘’ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐Ÿ“ โ‹† ๐Ÿซ
[winter 15]

โš›โœด ๐ŸŽ€ sexuality๐ŸŽ€ โœดโš›

.o0ร—Xร—0o. ๐ŸŽ€ ๐’ฟโ™ก๐’ท ๐ŸŽ€ .o0ร—Xร—0o.

๏ฝฅ๏พŸ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐“๐’พ๐“€๐‘’๐“ˆ ๐ŸŽ€ ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ
โ™ฅ helping people โ™ฅ
โ™ฅ Good books โ™ฅ
โ™ฅ Light Rainโ™ฅ

๐ŸŽ‚ โ‹† ๐Ÿ‡ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐’น๐’พ๐“ˆ๐“๐’พ๐“€๐‘’๐“ˆ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐Ÿ‡ โ‹† ๐ŸŽ‚
* Thunder *
* Mayor Steve*
* overly loud people*

โœฉ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐“‰๐“‡๐’ถ๐’พ๐“‰๐“ˆ ๐ŸŽ€ โœฉ
Overly emotional
Takes things to heart

โ€ข._.โ€ขโ€ขยดยฏ``โ€ข.ยธยธ.โ€ข` ๐ŸŽ€ ๐’ท๐’พโ˜ฏ ๐ŸŽ€ `โ€ข.ยธยธ.โ€ข``ยฏยดโ€ขโ€ข._.โ€ข
Cassidy usually called Cassie, has been hard-working since she was very little. Her parents split up when she was pretty young, she had to help her mom emotionally deal with her dad taking off. Because she did not handle things well, Cassie had trouble learning how to just brush things off, also having to bear with the fat that her life is not exactly fair. Her mother died when she was pretty young, causing her to have to go live with her grandmother who was pretty strict. Still, that was not the trouble for Cassie, the strictness gave her order and because of that she was able to complete nursing school rather quickly.

She decided to move to Maple tree Village when finished nursing school, so she still rather new in trying to meet people. while she is rather friendly, she has to know you to actually bring herself to greet you in the morning.

Appearance (Anime or illustrated)


Steven Arias Jones


Age (18 and older)
[Fall 7]



Likes (At least Three)
females | Drinking | light loads at work

Dislikes (At least three)
work | his advisers | people knowing he can be really goofy

Traits (At least four, two bad two good)
secretly kind| Obnoxious| secretly protective | can come off as a narcissist

Bio (Just a little of their history)
Steve, good ole' Steve! what can one say about him, he grew up as an only child in a really rich family. His mother was constantly away having numerous affairs, his dad tried to be there but he was busy with work.

[this is a work in progress]

Appearance (Anime or illustrated)


Gracie Alexandria Jones


[winter 2]

elementary school student

Likes (At least Three)
"uncle Steve"| playing with animals | making friends | stars

Dislikes (At least three)
Being alone | her mother being dead | people misunderstanding Steve | school

Traits (At least four, two bad two good)
Energetic | silly | stubborn | misunderstood

Bio (Just a little of their history)
Gracie is currently living with the mayor, Steve. She went to live with him after her mother's death, she calls him uncle Steve even though he's not really her uncle. Her mother was Steve's cousin, one he was actually really close to. After the death of her mother, he decided to take her in even though he has no idea how to raise a child. Gracie while she is smart, she does not try very hard in school and probably frustrates her teacher a lot. She doesn't like people who misunderstand Steve, often people think he's unkind and selfish, but for this one little girl he is actually done a lot more than people know.​



Ryan Svenson



[spring 20]


A nice drink
Looking out at the lake
being a pharmacist

overly aggressive people
the cold
Being able to help somebody feel better



Ryan grew up in the family where failure was not an option, anything that was not consider doing your best was not acceptable. Because of this he grew up to be very picky, he will not settle for anything less than what he feels is the best. He's not the most knowledgeable in relationships, but he does try his very best be someone his partner could count on. He spends a lot of time working because he really wants to make sure that the village has all the medication they need.

While he is pansexual he prefers the company of men, mostly because he's not used to spending much time with women. He has all brothers, plus the fact that his mother had died when he was really young and was not taught how to be a good husband. Sure, he has dated women in the past and while he considered it a good venture, he is eager to get married at some point. He absolutely loves children, so it would be really nice for them to eventually have children. Whether they be adopted or biologically his....


Appearance (Anime or illustrated)

Macy Mathis


Age (18 and older)
[Summer 28]

"You love me, I'll love you!"


Likes (At least Three)
- Makeup
-Sleeping late

Dislikes (At least three)
-Plain Black coffee
- Too much sugar
-obnoxious people

Traits (At least four, two bad two good)
-over achiever

Bio (Just a little of their history)
Macy came from a really rich family who would pretty much give her anything she wanted growing up, despite that fact of growing up with anything she could ever want she actually grew up pretty well. She grew up loving her family and grew up to love people in general, even though she does have her moments that would probably make people want to avoid her during those times. She loves working as a waitress because it gets a lot of attention, especially when she dolls herself up.

She moved to Maple tree not that long ago at all, she moved to try not to keep being a burden on her family and see if she could make it on her own. She can have some attitude depending on when you catch her, mostly in the mornings.​

Marina Yi

[Artwork is by GfriendFanart on Twitter and does not belong to me!]

Gender: Female
Age: 25
Birthday: Autumn 8
Sexuality: Pansexual
Job: Schoolteacher

Likes: Coffee, solitary walks, the cat that lives in her backyard, science fiction novels, dark chocolate truffles, expensive clothes
Dislikes: Centipedes, clutter, lesson planning, the cat that lives in her backyard refusing to come into her house, birds, gaudy decorations or clothing

Traits: Patient, hardworking, elegant, fussy, emotional, a bit snooty
Biography: Marina is the youngest child and only daughter in her family, with two brothers several years her senior. She grew up in an upper-middle-class home. Both of her parents worked in an art museum, but Marina never showed much interest (or talent) in art, preferring dance and music. As a child and young woman, she showed promise as a harp player, but decided not to pursue music and studied education instead, feeling it would help society more than the harp. After obtaining her degree, she taught private harp lessons since she struggled to find a full-time teaching job. Now, after several years experience as a teacher, she is very dedicated and professional, taking the education of her students seriously.

She is not particularly new to the village, having moved from a faraway city after a failed engagement two years ago. Marina mostly keeps to herself, however, and can find it a bit difficult to make friends. She is friendly, just a bit reserved and not especially fond of messy activities or anything outside. Once she does make friends, she is very loyal to them and quick to help them in any way she can. She is also still close with her family, sending them letters often due to living far away from them.​

Name Gender

Emerenta (Emmie) Aster, She/Her pronouns




Fall 21






Mythology/Folklore - Sweets - Cheesy Romance Novels


Beer/Ale - Open Water - Narcissists


Stubborn - Distrusting of others until they prove themselves worthy of her trust - Loyal - Smart


Emmie grew up in Maple Tree, raised by her single mother. They weren't a wealthy family, but they made the best of their situation. Emmie excelled in school, and was able to earn a scholarship to one of the best colleges in the nearest city. Emmie left Maple Tree for several years and studied archeology under some of the best people in the field. Although Emmie loved her field, she was unable to find steady work for anybody who identified as an "archeologist". With a heavy heart, Emmie has returned to Maple Tree and has taken up the position as librarian at the local library to help make ends meet until she can find her place in the world.

There seems to be something other-worldly going on in Maple Tree upon her return. Perhaps her degree will finally be of some use to her and the locals?


Know's Davie and Ivy from childhood



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Davie Honeycutt



Summer 5



His pup Daisy, people, sweets, Daisy, cooking, snow

Bitter food, deep water(bonus points if dark or murky), cockroaches, hospitals, roses

+Free spirited
-His goofiness can be obnoxious, whether that is him being too energetic, overdramatic or a bit oblivious to personal space

Davie was not born but was happily raised in Mapletree along with his older sister. His mother was the then Mayorโ€™s secretary while his father wasโ€ฆrarely around. Rarely became too much trouble so he later stopped showing up altogether. In those early years Davie was lovable, but an often headache. As good natured and kind as he was the daredevil that always tested or outright ignored the rules either amused or annoyed depending on the person. Occasionally troublesome, though never maliciously, his obvious love for the town and people along with a genuine desire to be good maybe balanced out the antics.

At sixteen Davie along with the rest of the Honeycutts moved away from Mapletree after a freak accident left Ms. Honeycutt injured for a period of time. They lived with his paternal grandfather who tried, and mostly failed, to slow down the wild teen. Luckily for Grandpaโ€™s blood pressure that was around the time Davie found his first job in the kitchen, a place that did rather well at putting his endless energy to use. From there he did surprisingly decent, starting at a semi-prestigious culinary academy he then bounced around for a some time honing his craft. All that time he never could ignore that pulling urge of returning to Mapletree. Eventually it became too much and one quick application plus a little bribe to keep the inn keeperโ€™s mouth shut he was on his way home. Hopefully the boss doesnโ€™t ruin his little surprise.

Caden, Emerenta, Ivy and Liana are childhood friends​
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Name: Maximillian(Maxi or Max)
Gender: Male
Birthday: Spring 10
Age: 22
Sexuality: Gay
Likes: His dogs, Other peoples dogs, and All other animals of course.
Dislikes: People being sad, the dark, and sitting still for long periods of time.
Traits: Max comes off as a pushover but anyone who's seen him work with his dogs knows he can be a strict disciplinarian when necessary, he's very blunt when he speaks and sees no reason to lie to preserve anyone's feelings. Max can talk for hours (to his dogs) and considers himself a good dancer as he used to do competition dancing.
Bio: He moved from the his apartment in the city because his apartment complex was taken over by a new landlord and they no longer allowed him and his seven dogs to stay there. So he moved out to the country where he could have a yard with plenty of space for his dogs to run around

  • *~~~Character Sheet~~~*

    [Image not drawn by me]

    โ€ข Name: Luna Kusaki
    โ€ข Gender: Female
    โ€ข Age: 23
    โ€ข Birthday: Fall 30th
    โ€ข Sexuality: Bisexual
    โ€ข Job: Rancher
    โ€ข Likes:
    - Astronomy​
    - Music​
    - Sweets​
    - Mangos​
    โ€ข Dislikes:
    - Fish​
    - The heat​
    - Cabbage​
    - The Ocean​
    โ€ข Traits:
    - Awkward​
    - Creative​
    - Sarcastic​
    - Easy-Going​

    โ€ข Bio: Luna comes from a family of 5. Two parents and two older siblings. She's lived a rather uneventful life besides the fact that her family was constantly moving around. Her parents were a type of pet sitter. Except instead of cats and dogs is was cows and sheep.

    Luna's family were never able to purchase their own ranch so they lived off of acting as caretakers for huge and rich farms or ranch owners. As the years went own Luna learned to care and manage animals at a young age and often helped out as a means of earning an allowance. Soon her siblings both went off to follow their own dreams and her parents soon got too old of the constant moving around and settled down in the city to take on more stable jobs.

    Once it was Luna's turn to finally head off on her own she wasn't sure what she even wanted to do. There was the obvious, become a rancher path, but since her siblings, both walked different paths she kind of wanted to too, and in her mind, she wasn't 100% sure this is what she wanted to for the rest of her life. She was thinking of just living with her parents and maybe saving up some money to head to university but then the news came that her aunt needed someone to take over her ranch in Maple Tree Village as she recently got married and was going to move. And with Luna's parents being content with their lives the offer was given to Luna.

    Luna was very overwhelmed with this life-changing decision but ultimately decided to accept. It's not like she disliked the idea and she didn't want to let her aunt down. Maybe she would find something that she enjoyed there.

    Shortly after she arrived she got a rather urgent phone call from her older sister who was practically begging for Luna to take care of her son till she could get her life together. Not only did Luna not know her sister was already a mother but she was supposed to take care of a child the moment she moved out of her parent's house. Despite not even thinking she could raise a kid probably, Luna reluctantly agreed to help her sister out. Besides the secret child, everyone knew the situation her sister was going through and didn't want a kid to grow up in an environment like that.

    In current times Luna has only been the owner of the ranch and a stand-in mother for a few months and is still slowly adjusting. She was and still is, worried about trying to make friends. With her awkward and more introverted personality, it's shown to be quite hard for her to talk with strangers.


    Donato Kusaki | Nephew​

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โ€œI, myself, am strange and unusual.โ€

Ivy Oaks



Spring 2


Flower Shop Clerk

The Macabre and Supernatural, Terrible Puns, Nerium Oleanders, Mystery Novels, and Conspiracy Theories

Being Still or Doing Nothing for Too Long, Spicy Food, Garden Pests (Especially Rabbits), The Cold, Professionalism

Traits (At least four, two bad two good)
-Slightly Petty

Ivy, along with her twin Ian, were abandoned at a young age, having been born from an affair and seen as evidence that must be hidden. The siblings unfortunately had little time together, being separated by the foster system as toddlers. Ivy was soon adopted at age 4 by Mapletree Villageโ€™s former florist, Teresa Oaks. Despite Teresaโ€™s old age, she did everything she could to care for Ivy and make her comfortable, having seen Ivy as the child she had dreamed of having.

Thus, despite the odd living situation, Ivy slowly managed to get adjusted to this new life and grew up happily. As she grew however, she found herself entranced with mysteries. Tall tales about ghouls and stories that roamed the world that Teresa would tell Ivy as they closed up the flower shop. Mystery novels or books detailing cold cases that she would spend afternoons reading on a bench in the park. And as she grew up, entranced by any mystery she could get her hands on whether it be another story or a missing pet, Ivy found herself plagued by a puzzle she could not solve: memories that persisted in her mind, all featuring a blonde boy who she could not remember but found herself fixated on. It was through this that Ivy acquired her childhood dream of becoming a detective with the hope that one day, she will.

And Ivy retainer this dream growing up, studying intensely and dreaming of entering forensic science. That was until she was 17 and Teresa fell fatally ill. Ivy did her best to care for her caretaker, but as Teresaโ€™s health worsened, Ivy found herself growing afraid from the prospect of loosing the place she called home: Teresaโ€™s flower shop, which could easily be closed. It was this fear that caused her to question her dream and how much of her passion was driven by the interest of what she would get into and the romanticized ideal she had set up.

Teresa died when Ivy became 18 and Ivy made her choice. She inherited the flower shop and begun to run it as its head clerk while solving every neighborhood mystery she could when she had the time, finding the lifestyle strangely fulfilling especially with the knowledge that she is carrying on her caretakerโ€™s legacy.

However, with the death of the only family she had known, Ivy did slowly find herself growing lonely. Thus, she found herself solving one more mystery. The mystery of her biological family. She begun to attempt to find any traces of her family tree only to end up solving the question of the blonde boy, discovering him to be her twin brother Ian.

Ivy immediately wrote him a letter and in a few weeks, she received a response. Over time, the two became pen pals and after 3 years of mailing each other, Ian suggested meeting in person, seeing as he was thinking of moving to the village to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. Soon, the twins moved in together, Ian renovated the town bakery, and Ivy has been living in this new chaotic household ever since.

Ian Harris- Twin Brother
Emerenta โ€œEmmieโ€ Aster- Childhood Friend
Davie Honeycutt- Childhood Friend
Liana Rose- Childhood Best Friend/Gardening Buddy
Caden Oโ€™Connor- Childhood Friend​
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โ€œI-I donโ€™t freak out easily! I panic at a normal rate!โ€

Ian Harris





The Culinary Arts (especially how the food smells), Quiet, Sweaters, Puns, Salty Foods

Loud and Crowded Locations, Being in the Spotlight, Sweet Foods (ironically. He just... like the smells), Doing Nothing, Invasions of Personal Space

-Overly Sensitive
-Easily Stressed

Ian, along with his twin Ivy, were abandoned at a young age, having been born from an affair and seen as evidence that must be hidden. The siblings unfortunately had little time together, being separated by the foster system as toddlers. Ian was adopted at age 5 by a middle class couple who treated him like he was their own son.

Raised in their apartment in the big city, Ian lived happily with them, growing a love for cooking and all sorts of activities that would allow him to work with food. He found it a fun challenge. Unfortunately, he couldnโ€™t say the same thing with social interactions.

Growing up as a nervous and awkward child, Ian found himself often keeping to himself, getting easily stressed in conversation. As he grew up, this led to him being ostracized and soon bullied as he soon found himself avoiding interactions with others even more, instead throwing himself into his work. He quickly became top of his class, his intellect warranting him both praise from his family but also pressure.

As he continued to grow, he found his scholarly achievements overshadowing his passions, his intellect being prioritized by his parents as he found himself stressing over being the top of his class and meeting their expectations more than what interested him. Cooking and baking became an escape from this stress that he found himself less and less able to enjoy as his schedule became more and more occupied with his studies. Over time, he begun to see it as a silly pastime that he shouldnโ€™t distract himself with.

Finally Ian graduated from highschool, having been the valedictorian of his class and entering one of the top colleges of the state. Yet he wasnโ€™t happy. He did one year of college with an undecided major, unsure of what to do with his life after years of simply focusing on getting the best grades. Ian found himself now burdened with guilt yet also indecision. He found himself at an impasse of what he wanted what to do. Where he wanted to go. Who he wanted to be. Thankfully after a few days, he received a letter from his biological twin Ivy.

While he was hesitant to reply to what appeared to be a stranger, Ian find himself looking into his family history only to confirm that yes, Ivy was his sister. So he hesitantly replied and soon they became pen pals, writing to each other constantly as Ian slowly pieced his life together again. Yet he struggle to find a passion as he jumped between majors and struggled to decide what he wanted to pursue.

Finally after a few years of mailing Ivy, he found himself asking her if he could move in with her, hoping the peacefulness of a small town life could possibly help him in discovering himself. Ivy welcomed in open arms and he soon found himself making a home in Mapletree Village. After a few weeks of living there, Ian found himself growing interested in the bakery in the town which had closed since the death of the resident baker.

Encouraged by Ivy, he took on the job and soon found his true calling in this childhood passion that he had returned to.

Ivy Oaks- Twin Sister
Davie Honeycutt- F E A R​
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Name: Liana Rose

Gender: Female

Age (18 and older): 24

Birthday: April 01 (April Fools and she has always hated it).

sexuality: Straight

Job: Store clerk

Likes (At least Three): Animals, flowers, rain, books, helping others, bartering, romance, FLOWERS.

Dislikes (At least three): Dishonesty, laziness, poor attitudes, procrastination, snow, rudeness.

Traits (At least four, two bad two good): Incredibly sweet, well-spoken, and hardworking. However, Luna can also be a huge push-over and she can be a tad shy.

Bio (Just a little of their history):

Liana grew up in Maple Tree Village. Her family had a long-standing history in the town and she was proud that her roots were in a peaceful and quiet village than in some concrete-covered city. She was taught by her father from a young age to appreciate all that you have and to try your best to help others who do not have as much. She was also imbued with a strong work ethic and as a young girl was never caught complaining or procrastinating her chores.

Her father, Mr. Rose, owned the Village's only trading post and had cleverly named it as such - Rose Trading and Co. He had worked hard to build the shop from a small bartering stand the spacious and welcoming shop that it was now. When Liana got old enough to help in the shop she became the regular face, happy to help anyone who happened by. If they didn't have the item you needed you could be sure that Liana would do everything she could to procure it for you. She also is the reason that Rose Trading and Co. have fair prices amongst the wide variety of goods. When Liana started taking over the shop during her father's decline in health, she took to gardening and raising a selection of beautiful and exotic flowers; Rose Trading can now be found flourishing like a jungle.

Though she would never admit it, Liana took to growing flowers after the death of her mother and her father's quick decline in health. Flowers make her feel at peace and remind her of a time when her and her parents would tend to their home garden every morning before opening the shop. Now, it really has just become a part of who she is. However, with the expensive costs of care for her father...Liana was forced to sell her childhood home and relocate to the attic above the store. She has done well with space and makes sure that her father always has a view outside from his bed...

She hopes that one day she will raise enough at Rose Trading to buy back their old home, but for now she simply keeps the shop running and the town supplied with everything they could possibly need.


Ivy - Her gardening/best friend.

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Elias Beaumont

Cis Male


Spring 17



Waterfall sounds, Music, Volunteering, The smell of new books, Night, Smoking

Procrastinating, Beer, Overly loud places, Heartless people

- Mischievous
- Impatient
- Defensive
+ Organized
+ Empathetic
+ Cooperative

Ever since he has remembrance of the job he always wanted to have, Elias never deviated from wanting to be a firefighter and dedicate his life to the aid of his neighbors and the city. He was raised as an only child from a toxic relationship that only worsened with time due to economic instability and his presence, solidifying the family and being the excuse to not choose divorce as an option.

From a young age to his adolescence, Elias showed signs of sympathy towards others and constant care for their wellbeing. He loved volunteering for any program related to social service and aiding people, particularly vulnerable and impoverished cases to which he felt related for his complicated past. It was at the age of 13 that he decided his future job, starting to study day and night on both the labor and duty behind being a firefighter of the city, what it meant to be one of them and the importance of their daily presence. He tried joining the junior forces at the age of 15, but failed due to his low grades at school which were one of the requirements to apply. A year passed until he finally joined the junior program and started training, falling immediately in love it, and letting him escape from his house environment.

Being old enough to join the fire service, Elias started working officially at the local fire department and 2 years latter his wage and savings let him live together with a friend from school at the suburbs, getting away once and for all from his parents, but keeping a keen eye at their situation if they ever needed help. This is also where he found one of his passions that kept his free time occupied, learning to play the guitar.

It's been 6 years already since he fulfilled his dream, and now an unprecedented program from the firefighter department asks for personnel at another section of the state, in a certain "Mapletree Village" he's never heard of before. The offering of a house just for himself at a seemingly calm town far away from his messed up family couldn't be declined, and so Elias ends up arriving at this town as the new firefighter of the zone.

Dr. Althaea Sweetwater


Prefers Men

28 | Winter 19


Helping Patients | Aesthetically-pleasing Scenery | Calming Music | Pastries | Tea

Difficult People | Being Stressed | Noisy Environments | Overly-bitter Food | Cold, Grey Days

Kind | Patient | Professional | Somewhat Anxious | Slow to Trust | Emotional when Overwhelmed

Althaea is quite new to Mapletree, having moved to the village around half a year ago not too soon after becoming eligible to practice independently as a doctor. The years of studying and training allowed Althaea to realise that they still had to improve on their ability to handle too much stress, so they wanted to start off somewhere more calm. They also knew that they ideally wanted a working environment where they actually had the time to sit and really understand their patients, and Althaea was all too familiar with the fact that being a doctor in the city wasn't really conducive of that. So, after finding that a clinic in a small village was looking for a new doctor, Althaea quickly jumped on the opportunity.​

(Best picture i could find for him credits to original owner)

Jared F. Henderson




Summer 2


-Colder weather
-Reading books
-Studying with his sons
-Donating Blood

-Warmer weather
-Unnecessary disrespect
-Being woken up forcefully

-Easily irritated when exhausted
+A selfless man
-Overwork (May lead to injuries or illnesses)
+Treats others like they are part of his family
+Knows how to discipline a child.

While not originally from the village, Jared grew up from a small town far from Mapletree. Who did grew up in Mapletree is his wife, Donna Llakes. Before he met his wife. Jared was your average town lad. Unlike his other hometown kids. Jared was lazy, irreverent and unmotivated through his youth. Always causing trouble when one atleast expects it, that is until he met the girl of his life at the age of 17. Something in him changed his ways, he became active in school and anywhere else despite starting too late. He felt like a brand new person just being with his future wife. He landed on a decent carpentry occupation which his wife wholeheartedly supported. Everything was going to well for the man himself, he moved to Mapletree as soon as he received the greatest gift of his life. Three healthy sons. He moved to the village with wife and kids, along with another family member.​
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Colin, Ryan and Wayne Henderson

All Male

All 9

Winter 22



Colin likes- Apples, Pianos, His abacus and The color red

Ryan likes- Blueberry pie, Playing sports, His personal spiral notebook, The color blue

Wayne likes- Mangoes, Performing hand-based magic tricks, His Rubik's cube, You guessed it

-All of them hate being proven wrong
-Being separated from one another
-The dark
-Spicy foods

+Each knows how to cooperate with others
+Mentally advanced in education
+Secretly submissive
+/-Lawful neutral
-Lying is a common practice among the three, especially if it benefits them.
-Comes off as selfish
-Trouble is necessary to perform, they'll do it (Mostly comes of as harmless)

Born and raised in Mapletree, these triple scholar of triplets is one of the popular folks in the village. Other than their assorted primary color of preferences and advancing sharp intellect at a young age, The boys are also known to cause minor pranks around the village for harmless fun and make everyone think twice before stepping anywhere close into the Henderson residence. There's not much to say about them other being called "Jared's boys" Sometimes they do help out with their father.​

Frida Daisy S. Normann




Carpenter (Can be changed)

+Staring at sunsets

-Long reading
-Being joked on (She has little sense of humor)
-Expensive items (Even if given some)
-Hot temperature
-Long conversations (Sometimes conversations can become one-sided if she finds the conversation a waste of time.)

+Secretly Compassionate/kind
+Fast hands-on learner (Learns faster when demonstration is used)
+Longer patience to children
-Easily irritated (Although she won't resort to physical violence)
-Difficult to befriend (As she prefers to work alone)

Born from a far away city. Frida comes from the mother's side of the Henderson's family. From Jared's wife, Elia. Her younger sister. Frida is an only child of two rather obnoxious parents. From the start, it was obvious that Frida wasn't fit for the big city pace, although her parents stated that she is just slow and will catch up to their expectations. She never did. She performed low on school exams and can hardly catch up to the lessons. The school she enrolled in was for scholars as her office working parents said that she can actually go toe to toe with the more qualified students. Bullying was another unsurprising factor to her slow and delayed education. She kept this issue from her parents to not disappoint them anymore.

At age 18 Frida decides to leave her parents and the big city behind to start a new life with her uncle Jared. Moving to Maple tree for two years and worked under Jared's temporary assistant in carpentry. It may not be her dream job nor the life she wanted. It was way better than living in the city where she can hardly compete. Maybe, just maybe... Frida will find her ideal life here.

Colin, Ryan and Wayne's older cousin, Jared's Niece​
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Adelaide Meadows
Twenty | Spring 14
| Rainy days| Animals | Reading | Volunteering |
| Most insects | Selfish people | Needles or anything to do with hospitals |
| Kind-hearted | Compassionate | Impulsive | Over-critical |
Adelaide grew up in a loving household, or so she enjoys telling herself and others. While she had no problems growing up, she was always over-shadowed by her siblings achievements and the pressure from her parents. She didn't want to work in the big city; the thought of sitting behind a desk never really intrigued her and she knew that upset her parents. Adelaide loved the country, however, and would often run away to her neighbours little garden to help the old lady plant flowers and look after her flock of chickens. Her parents weren't impressed.

It became painfully obvious to her family that she wouldn't be following in their footsteps in regards to working in the big city and when she came of age to be able to move by herself, she was gifted a plot of land by the little old lady who she helped for years. Grateful for the kind gesture, Adelaide immediately took the chance at becoming what the lady was; a farmer. She was dedicated, hard-working and very dead-set. There would be absolutely nothing that could change her mind on taking this opportunity and she held onto it with both hands.

Maple Tree was the hometown of the lady and now it was where she was beginning to set her own roots. The plot of land was gorgeous, a real beautiful sight where she could envision everything she could do to it- and there was a lot that she wanted to do. The helpful lady had been kind enough to get her on her feet too; donating some chickens and farm animals since she could no longer look after them herself; She'd rather them go to a loving home than to the slaughter.

Considering the amount of charity that had been given to her, Adelaide makes sure to give back as much as she possibly can. She still writes to the lady to this day, more than her own family.

Owns an elderly sheepdog named Duke​

Caden O'Conner
Age : Twenty-Six | Summer 1st
Sexuality: Unsure
Job: Miner of Mapletree
Likes : Any strong caffeine drinks, no milk | Whiskey | Working out | Helping those in need from Maple | Kittens |
Dislikes : Milk | Anything too sweet | People entering the mine without his knowledge |
Traits : Blunt | No-nonsense | Can be standoffish | Protective | Caring | Helpful |
Bio : Cadens family had always been in the mines; It was just their work trade. They started out young to get used to the darkness and when they were able to hold a pickaxe by themselves without succumbing to its weight, the boys of the family would be thrust into the work. Caden was one of the boys who were unlucky enough to get an early start. He'd always been at Maple, it was his hometown and he severely doubted that a move would ever take place. Despite his own family moving onto another town, Caden stayed behind. He couldn't leave the town in need of a miner and considering everything, he loved the little town. Although he works as a miner, Caden is no stranger to manual labour; He can often be found helping the townsfolk fix their fences and even help in building new buildings.​
Fiona barista.jpg
Fiona Nightfall

Non-conforming (leaning towards female)

27 (Fall 28th)



-Fresh coffee with perfectly foamed milk (if you want something done well, do it yourself!)
-Good food
-Cats (and animals in general)
-Sometimes, a liiittle bit of liqueur in her morning coffee. Just a wee bit! ;D
- Art - loves to consume it and create her own

-Receiving flowers - she prefers to leave them as they are, alive and in the ground
-Water/being soaked

+ Cheerful and positive
+ Fast and efficient at her job, once she gets there...
- ... Always late no matter how hard she tries.
- Has a hard time being vulnerable despite being aware of it all (she was unlucky in her past relationships)

Fiona was raised in a non-conforming household in one of the finer neighbourhoods of a major city nearby: her mother was the one away at work while her father stayed at home to take care of her sister and herself. The two were raised with very few restrictions, yet without forgetting essential values such as love, respect, independence and tolerance. Fiona was more soft spoken than her sibling, but has managed to grow a tougher skin throughout the years at the expense of her happiness. Many people took advantage of her good-willed nature, yet she refused to believe that everyone was like this and continued to look for the good in others. After her father passed, she struggled to find purpose in life when one day, her maternal grandmother sent her a long letter; it was an offer to take up her old coffee shop business in Mapletree Village. Her mother received the same offer at her age, but had refused it initially because she wanted to be elsewhere doing other things. Fiona was ecstatic: she loved coffee so much - it was some sort of family tradition or ritual already - why not make a living out of it? In a sway of thirst for change, she agreed to take up her granny's shop with great pride.​
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Alexandre blacksmith.jpg
Alexandre (pronounced Alexander) Valdi

Male (and comfortable with his identity/sexuality)

26 (Winter 14th)



- Classical music, opera
- Nature
- Sword/weapon enthusiast
- Butterflies
- Collects precious stones

- Weak craftsmanship in any craft (cheap makes and such)
- Country music
- Ignorant people

+ Well-spoken
+ Skilled at his craft perfected since generations and holds great pride in it
- Somewhat asocial because of his high standards
- Too pragmatic at times and therefore puts emotions on the side... unless someone helped him have a change of heart?

Alexandre hails from a long line of blacksmiths on his father's side, originating from a small French community in another country. He clashes with the traditional view of his kind, mostly because his mother was a very passionate scholar (philosopher) with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. She managed to pass this on to Alexandre who also values knowledge and education above all. This set of principles makes him a perfectionist and unrelenting in providing the best he can at all times. Although sometimes, when he brings himself outside the realm of excellence, he feels truly alone. He finds solace in taking walks in the woods or by the beach, feeding off nature's calm and harmony. He feels as if the best he can do can't provide him with the happiness he would find in companionship. This has been running through his mind for a long time, but he refuses to speak of it with anyone for fear of being perceived as weak. So he bears his secret in silence until... what, exactly?​
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Mathias vineyard.jpg
Mathias De Verger


25 (Spring 7th)


Farmer, vineyard owner

- Alcohol and prefers, to absolutely no one's surprise, wine
- Cheese
- Music
- Dancing
- Women
- His horse, Starlight

- Being turned down/rejected
- Children (he'll tolerate them well enough if they're not his own but does not want any)
- Junk food

+ Charming
+ Passionate
+ Happy drunk
+ Appreciates the finer things in life
- Inflated ego
- Messy
- Handles rejection poorly

Mathias was born and raised in Mapletree Village by rich parents. During most of his life he didn't have to work or clean around the house; he would simply let the live-in staff clean after himself. This turned into a nasty habit, and you can witness it if you're lucky enough (so to speak) to step into his house-nearly-mansion before his maid cleans everything.

Seeing as he is their only son, Mathias' parents had already planned to offer him the whole of their vineyard to take care of after their passing. What no one was ready for is when they sadly left this world unexpectedly in a tragic rafting incident while on vacation. Mathias was technically old enough to fend for himself, but the pain of losing his parents drove him to drink much more often... Sometimes too much.

Mathias has fond memories of helping his parents take care of the vineyard. They taught him how to care for their grapes, the joys of cooking and pairing flavours, and the importance of leading a fulfilling life. Still, he felt insecure about being able to handle the business on his own. It was a rough start, but after the first year, he finally got the hang of it. Since then, he has been successfully maintaining sales, shipping his high quality organic wine around the world for grand connoisseurs to spoil themselves with and he sometimes travels to showcase his products himself. Having made a nice little fortune to plan for the future, he now feels ready to tackle the next step: chasing after the woman of his dreams. But... Who could she be?​
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: Name :
Camellia 'Cammie' Celmonte

: Gender :

: Age :
23 | Summer 23

: Sexuality :

: Job :

: Likes :
Singing | Flowers | Attention | Jewellery | Jared, Steve and Adelaide | Strong women

: Dislikes :
Mud | DIY | Her family | Herself | Hardwork

: Traits :
Clumsy | Ditzy | Bubbly | Forgetful | Lazy | Sweet | Soft hearted | Persistent

: Bio :
Camellia is a new resident of Mapletree Village, having only lived there for around a month or so, though she is no stranger to the countryside. The Celmonte family aren't farmers, but are landowners, living on a wide estate with orchards, fields and woods for miles around. An only child for most of her life, Camellia was spoiled rotten by her parents; her every wish and desire was fulfilled and retrieved by them, any mess she created was cleaned by the staff, and ultimately, her upbringing gave her a severe superiority complex. In her house, she was the master, and what she wanted, it was followed. However, this all changed when her little sister was born. In an instant, the cushy lifestyle she had known and loved was ripped from under her feet, given to the younger sibling. Her spotlight had faded. Maybe it was for the best, but for the redhead, it was the most painful experience of her life; from being babied until she was 17 to now being forced to do everything by herself, being shamed and laughed at when she would fail the smallest of thing, Camellia's self-confidence shattered, and she began to resent the people who raised her as well as her sister.

Six years passed, and within that time she gained two brothers and had learnt how to keep a garden and a kitchen in order. She relayed heavily on her servants for help and advice, but hey, she was getting somewhere! Although, not anywhere fast enough for her mother and father; they continued to pile on the insults and arguments were almost daily between the three. Then, one day, she had enough: Camellia declared that she was moving out, would show how she could manage on her own, and that's her story so far; she moved to the village with nothing but a fat wad of her parent's cash and an emergency credit card, and she's been surviving on her own! ... For the most part. Her neighbours (unfortunate victims) usually have to bear the brunt of her whining and lack of skill, but hey! At least they get paid for the work they do!

... Now if only she could learn how to keep her cabbages from wilting...​


: Name :
Marcus Fitzroy

: Gender :

: Age :
34 | Autumn 16

: Sexuality :

: Job :
Police officer

: Likes :
Pancakes | Homemade dishes | The cafรฉ | Peaches | Jogging | Rabbits

: Dislikes :
Cockiness | Shetland ponies | Laziness | Flirting

: Traits :
Relaxed | Humble | Awkward | A little unsociable/untalkative

: Bio :
Marcus has lived in the village all his life. He knows every nook and cranny, every hill and river, and he's rather proud of that fact.

Nothing about his life has ever been that abnormal; he grew up in a good home, the middle child out of 5 siblings. He's always been a quiet boy, never causing any trouble for anyone (unless they touched his collection of trucks or toy pistols), and he was rarely seen without his cowboy hat for the first 8 years of his life. Cowboys were his obsession, his muse, his world, and when he grew up, he was determined to become one, and boy was he sure to let everyone know. In his eyes, cowboys were the ultimate justice, bringing peace to the wild west, and he wanted to do just the same! Sure, he got teased from time to time by his peers due to his persistence of the subject, but it never bothered him that much.

Then, when he was a teen and learnt that cowboys weren't the heroes the movies had made them out to be, he decided to follow a new path of justice; he wanted to become a police officer. His intentions were to move to the big city and become part of the force, but with a diagnosis of autism in his late teens, that dream kind of came to a stop... He was told by numerous professionals that he wouldn't be able to manage it, that it was better to give up, and for a while? He did; his days were spent on his family farm, and his future seemed bleak. You could live with autism, sure, but... Most things would drain the young man, especially socially, and it seemed that all he could manage was maintain the farm, talk to his parents then pass out from exhaustion. It was a slow, dull life, but thankfully for him, it wouldn't last long; he found a way to cope with his anxieties and recoup during the day.

His first rabbit wasn't intended for him; in fact, it was bought for his younger sister. When she went out for school, he'd spend the day tending to the rabbit in between his farming, and both he and his parents were amazed to find that this small creature was able to give him another dose of life. To keep this short, this rabbit had given Marcus the courage to try and accomplish his dream of becoming a police officer, and he succeeded. However, instead of working in the big city, he decided it was best to work for the town he loved so much.

Today? He's living the high life with his three rabbits as his 'work colleagues'. Despite what those specialists had told him all those years ago, he's working, happy and doesn't want it to ever change.​

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