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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Maple Grove (slice-of-life/adventure rp -- Accepting/Not Started yet)


Starry Night Smol

Tiny adventure bean

Current/Available Roles
Places in Maple Grove
Seasons & Events​

Some say small towns are a thing of the past, and that you'll only ever find big cities or at least growing ones. Well, that isn't what is said about the town of Maple Grove. In fact, very few people outside of the little thing even know of it. The town is tucked back into a little seaside port on the united states east coast, and there's only a few ways to enter or leave: The mountains at the west and north, where driving through can be treacherous. The airport, where a few goods can be imported or exported, as well as travelers can enter or leave. Or, the safest and most scenic route, where a ferry can bring travelers in or out, and much of the goods needed can be imported or exported. The funny thing is, most people entering Maple Grove aren't wanting to leave. They find their spot and make it their own, raising families and allowing the town to grow bit by bit.

The secluded town is fairly self-sustained. Farmers grow a lot of the fruits and vegetables on their land and greenhouses. Ranchers raise livestock for butchering. There's even the local bar that has earned the tiny town a bit of fame by word of mouth. There's even a fashion center, cafes, and plenty of other shops that come and go as people move in and start their dreams. And for the more adventurous sorts, you may test your mettle in the mines and the wyldewoods, combating the harsh terrain and dangerous expeditions in search of treasures and riches. So if you're looking to start a new chapter in your life, or want to start over, or if you've been here all your life, Maple Grove has a little something for everyone. Come on in and people will welcome you with a hearty handshake.

Current/Available Roles
Places in Maple Grove
Seasons & Events

Before you begin your roleplaying experience here, there are a few things you might want to know. I’ll try and keep it brief though.
Note: As manager of the rp I may be adding/editing rules.

1. This will be a slice of life roleplay, with a little romance and drama thrown in for good measure. That being said, human characters only. These humans (should they choose to join the adventurer’s guild) can go on monster-slaying adventures if that is your career path in joining the Carpe Gladio Guild.

2. As a harvest moon / stardew valley inspired rp, you have the option to choose any career you can think of, like a farmer, miner, policeman, monster slayer, etc. However, there are some things you need to know. I will limit the number of each career type. If everyone wants to be farmers where would the fun in that be?

Not sure what you wanna be? I’ll have a list of available career paths. If you don’t see one on there that you’d like, pm me and I can add it!

3. Short posts are fine, long posts are fine, but at minimum try and post a paragraph.

4. Spelling and grammar are hard sometimes but please try and post in past tense third person as much as possible.

5. Decorate your posts however you like. At the very least, include a picture of your character and their name so we know who we are interacting with. Wanna do pretty colors and symbols and fonts? You do you. I recommend using a test forum to try out some posting layouts before you use them.

6. No overpowered/god moddy type characters. Let's get creative and create characters that don't all jive with each other.

7. Even if you have a character that's typically a jerk, please be mindful of the people you're roleplaying with. (In the OOC, don't harass people). It's okay for a character to be a jerk. It's okay for other characters to get offended by what a jerk character says. It is okay to start fights and drama in the RP itself! It's okay to develop relationships (just keep them Terms of Service). Just, give all these things time to develop.

8. Plot with your fellow roleplayers! Reason things out in the OOC thread! Establish roomates (talk it over with me, and adjust profiles as necessary).

9. You can have as many characters as you think you can handle; be it one or one hundred.

10. Complete and send reservations first! (I'll use them to list off characters in a post further down) Use a 100 px by 100 px image of your character; you can draw the chara, find an adequate anime/cgi/drawn image of your chara on google or an art site, or use a character creator. (Need help? Talk to me! I've got plenty of resources provided your computer uses Flash, or, you might be able to commission me or another artist to draw your chara!) PM me the completed reservation skeleton titled: Maple Grove. I'll look it over and let you know when to send me the full chara sheet.

11. Send the full chara sheet after you hear back on reservation. PM Me the profile skeleton titled: Here I Am!

Anything else?

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to shoot me a PM.
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Current/Available Roles
Places in Maple Grove
Seasons & Events​

The list of available career options for the timebeing. Want something on here you don't see? PM Me! If Slots fill up, try and find something else! If we have a good balance of characters, I'll add more spots. (note, not all of these need to be filled up, these are just ideas! :> )

Mayor and Government Staff

The one and only; Mayor of Maple Grove! The mayor's in charge of planning and hosting town events, greeting newcomers in Maple Grove, and the health/wellness of the town. Along with the mayor, you have your sherrif, police, and an admin assistant to help the Mayor!


۩ NAME ۩ Aryanne Marie Augerstone​
۩ AGE ۩ 34​
۩ OCCUPATION ۩ Mayor and Master Archer​
۩ LOCATION ۩ Town Hall and Carpe Gladio Adventurer's Guild​
۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩27 years (took a few years away from town to travel)​
۩ USERNAME ۩ Starry Night Smol​

Admin Assistant

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People who grow food, raise animals, or both!

۩ NAME ۩ Danny Dulaithe​
۩ AGE ۩ 25​
۩ OCCUPATION ۩ Farmer/Rancher​
۩ LOCATION ۩ Dulaithe Acres​
۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩All his life​
۩ USERNAME ۩ Starry Night Smol​

۩ NAME ۩ Darien Dulaithe​
۩ AGE ۩ 22​
۩ OCCUPATION ۩ Farmer/Rancher​
۩ LOCATION ۩ Dulaithe Acres​
۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩All her life​
۩ USERNAME ۩ Starry Night Smol​

۩ NAME ۩ Peony Thorne​
۩ AGE ۩ 22​
۩ OCCUPATION ۩ Farmer​
۩ LOCATION ۩ Blackberry Farm​
۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩ Just moved in!​
۩ USERNAME ۩ ApfelSeine​

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Hey, those fruits, veggies, and fish have to go somewhere! Plus, farmers need a place to buy their seeds!

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For all your tool upgrades

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Hey! Woodworking is a good business! Upgrade homes or build furniture for your local townsfolk.

--- OPEN ---

Inventors & Mechanics

Need your vehicle repaired or looking for something neat to use? Check out the Mechanics for your auto repairs or an inventor for some neato gadgets and gizmos!

۩ NAME ۩ Rebecca (Beck) Noelle Morrison​
۩ AGE ۩ 22​
۩ OCCUPATION ۩ Mechanic / Inventor​
۩ LOCATION ۩ Cog and Wrench Garage (bottom floor of her home)​
۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩All her life​
۩ USERNAME ۩ Starry Night Smol​

--- OPEN ---


Your seamstresses and clothing stores.

۩ NAME ۩ Hannah Henderson​
۩ AGE ۩ 20​
۩ OCCUPATION ۩ Seamstress, tailor on occasion.​
۩ LOCATION ۩ She owns a local business on main street called Sew Lovely.​
۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩ Entire life, born and raised there.​
۩ USERNAME ۩ Catori​

--- OPEN ---

Health and Wellness

Doctors, Nurses, Nutritionists, Spa Owners, you name it!

۩ NAME ۩ Dr. Kenta Yamato​
۩ AGE ۩ 47​
۩ OCCUPATION ۩ Doctor​
۩ LOCATION ۩ Maple Grove Clinic​
۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩ 25 years​
۩ USERNAME ۩ ApfelSeine​

۩ NAME ۩ Satoshi Yamato​
۩ AGE ۩ 24​
۩ OCCUPATION ۩ Physician’s assistant​
۩ LOCATION ۩ Maple Grove Clinic​
۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩ His whole life​
۩ USERNAME ۩ ApfelSeine​

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Music for your ears gets played by someone, after all!

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Spending your days fishing to sell at the market or owning a bait and tackle shop.

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Your hikers, archaeologists, lumberjacks, miners and more!

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Adventurers Guild

Someone's gotta protect the town from monsters or go search for treasure! Can be a character’s sole occupation, or a part-time position.

Head Adventurer: Leader of the Carpe Gladio Adventurer’s Guild

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Master Archer

۩ NAME ۩ Aryanne Marie Augerstone​
۩ AGE ۩ 34​
۩ OCCUPATION ۩ Mayor and Master Archer​
۩ LOCATION ۩ Town Hall and Carpe Gladio Adventurer's Guild​
۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩27 years (took a few years away from town to travel)​
۩ USERNAME ۩ Starry Night Smol​

Master Swordsman

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General Members

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Current/Available Roles
Places in Maple Grove
Seasons & Events
Complete the reservation and profile skeletons for the type of role below. Send reservations with the proper title when sending a Reservation and Full Profile. Remember for the image, you can draw the chara, find an adequate anime/cgi/drawn image of your chara on google or an art site (no stock photos or pics of real life people), or use a character creator. Need help? Talk to me! I've got plenty of resources provided your computer uses Flash (here's This one or That one just to name a couple examples.) or, you might be able to commission me or another artist to draw your chara!

At a glance and Reservations
Fill this out first. I'll use it to show who is playing which character in the Roles/Careers section above.

[imageFloat=left][IMG]replace image here 100px x 100 px[/IMG][/imageFloat]
[INDENT=10][B]۩ NAME ۩[/B]  First (middle optional) Last[/INDENT]
[INDENT=10][B]۩ AGE ۩[/B] How old do they appear?[/INDENT]
[INDENT=10][B]۩ OCCUPATION ۩[/B] What do they do?[/INDENT]
[INDENT=10][B]۩ LOCATION ۩[/B] Where do they Work?[/INDENT]
[INDENT=10][B]۩ BEEN IN MAPLE GROVE ۩[/B] How long have they lived in Maple? If it's their first day, put "Just moved in!"[/INDENT]
[INDENT=10][B]۩ USERNAME ۩[/B] self explanatory[/INDENT]

Full Character Sheet
Send this to me once you get approval on the reservation.

[image of your character. Just make sure it's not too big.]

[b]Name:[/b] First, Middle (optional), and Last Name

[b]Age: [/b] Age
[b]Gender:[/b] All are accepted
[b]Sexuality: [/b]All are accepted

[b]Occupation:[/b] What do they do?
[b]Workplace:[/b] Where do they work?
[b]Resident For:[/b] How long have they lived in Maple Grove? If they're new, put New.

[b]Height:[/b] how tall?
[b]Weight: [/b] how heavy?
[b]General build:[/b] body type description
[b]Hair color:[/b] Color and style of hair~
[b]Eye color:[/b] color of eyes~
[b]Extra:[/b] Scars, tattoos, etc.

[b]Bio: [/b] A minimum of a couple paragraphs.

[b]Personality:[/b] Personality description. About a paragraph or so.

[b]Likes:[/b] List things they enjoy.

[b]Dislikes:[/b] list off dislikes and weaknesses.

[b]Secrets:[/b] Guilty pleasures, secrets, embarrassing moments.

[b]Room:[/b] [link to what their room looks like]

Current/Available Roles
Places in Maple Grove
Seasons & Events

A little map of the town!

Town Center

The beautiful green of town square is at the very center of Maple Grove. Most festivals are held there, but when there is no festival going on it makes for a great place to kick back and relax from a hard day's work.

Shopping District

On all perimeters of the town square are many quaint buildings used for shops. This has been dubbed the town shopping district. Grocery store, tailor shops, cafes.... you name it, you can probably find it here.

Town Hall

A short walk from the town square, you will find the glorious Maple Grove Town Hall. Located southeast of the square, the town hall hosts the mayor and municipal staff during their work hours. In a separate wing of the municipal building, the sheriff and their staff have a small town jail, just in case Maple Grove needs to put someone behind bars.

Farm and Ranch District

To the northwest of Maple Grove are the sprawling fields of the ranch and farming district. Here, there are large plots of land, some unused and in dire need of work, others, well taken care of by the farmers who work their fields.

Fenris Forest

Fenris Forest begins in a northeasterly portion of Maple Grove. Located between Town Square and the farming district, Fenris Forest hosts a variety of wild game, various types of trees to harvest wood or sap, and depending on the time of year, you might even find some great foraging foods.

The Mountain Range

The mountains on the far north side of Maple Grove are host to the mines and Carpe Gladio adventurer's guild. The trail up the mountains can be treacherous, but once you reach the top, you may enter the opening of the mines.However, if you journey eastward and cross the bridge in front of the waterfall, you will reach the adventurer's guild.

Carpe Gladio Adventurer's Guild

The place of reprieve for the adventurers. The Carpe Gladio Adventurer's guild is home to the Guildmaster, who invites those they deem worthy to be considered adventurers. Most adventurers have regular run of the mill jobs during the day, like Mayor Augerstone. However, when danger strikes, or when the need to harvest monster materials arises, or rumor about an amazing treasure hidden somewhere near happens to grace the ears of the GuildMaster, the adventurer’s guild members are on the case!

The Wylde Woods

To the south of the mines, west of the town, is the Wylde Woods. The Wylde Woods are ancient woodlands, home to monsters of all kinds. Slime balls, vampire bats, Rock Golems, and much more reside here. On occasion, they manage to meander out of the woods and head for town. The adventurers of the Carpe Gladio guild manage to keep the town safe, and when they vanquish a monster, harvest the rare materials created from the monster carcasses.

Waterways, Rivers, and Lakes

From the waterfall in the far northwest brings the sprawling river that goes all through Maple Grove. The river meanders its way from the lake at the base of the mountains, along the outside of the town, in between the town and the farm district, before making its way to the sea in the south.

Scattered throughout the areas deemed Maple Grove, there are several ponds and lakes. These bodies of water serve for great spots to fish for freshwater fish, swim, or just have a nice quiet day by the water.

Hansen Beach

Hansen Beach is the southernmost location of Maple Grove. The beach has scenic bluffs, soft white sand, and several docks along the miles of coastline. Hansen Beach is a social hub in the summer, when the waters are perfect for swimming and surfing. Year round you can check the tidepools for interesting shells and creatures. Perhaps you can even find a nifty sand dollar.[/color]

Current/Available Roles
Places in Maple Grove
Seasons & Events



Spring ┃ Summer ┃ Autumn ┃ Winter

Sunday ┃ Monday ┃ Tuesday ┃ Wednesday ┃ Thursday ┃ Friday ┃ Saturday

1 ┃ 2 ┃ 3 ┃ 4 ┃ 5 ┃ 6 ┃ 7 ┃ 8 ┃ 9 ┃ 10 ┃ 11 ┃ 12 ┃ 13 ┃ 14 ┃ 15 ┃ 16 ┃ 17 ┃ 18 ┃ 19 ┃ 20 ┃ 21 ┃ 22 ┃ 23 ┃ 24 ┃ 25 ┃ 26 ┃ 27 ┃ 28 ┃ 29 ┃ 30 ┃ 31


Morning ┃ Afternoon ┃ Evening


Clear ┃Sunny ┃ Light Breeze ┃ Windy┃ Cloudy Misty Light / Heavy Rain ┃Snow┃ Hail ┃ Thunderstorm ┃ Blizzard
Hot ┃ Warm ┃ Chilly ┃



Day 6: Fall Ball – Kick off the Autumn season with a cute masquerade ball. The evening will be host to food, fun, dancing, and more. Come and dance the night away in beautiful masks and formalwear. Festivities start at 6:00 PM in the town hall.

Day 14: Pumpkin Fest – There are few things that say fall other than the look and scent of all things pumpkin. Come to the town square to enjoy a day honoring the great gourd. Pumpkin beer, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin bread... sweets, savories, carvings. You name it, the pumpkin will be featured in it! The pumpkin fest begins at 10:00 am.

Day 25: Hallowed Halls Night – The equivalent of Halloween. Little ones can go trick-or-treating or adults can gather for spooky halloween parties. The festivities begin at 7:00 PM wherever you choose to be on Hallowed Halls Night. Just be VERY careful and stay away from the Wylde Woods. Monsters have a tendency to be extra aggressive on Hallowed Halls Night....


Day 2: Winter Horse Race – The winter season begins with a horse race. Go to the horse track at 10:00 AM to kick off the festivities.

Day 12: Winter Wonder Ball – A cute little dance in the middle of the winter season. Come to the town hall for a wonderful night of dancing, food, and music. Festivities begin at 8:00 PM.

Day 27: Givings Day – A time to give gifts to the people you care about. The festivities are all day wherever you choose to be.

Day 28: New Years Eve – The last day of the year calls for dancing, fireworks, drinks, and more! Say goodbye to the old year and hello to the new wherever you choose to be! Usually the bar hosts a pretty awesome new years gig starting at 9:00 PM till 2:00 AM.


Day 5: Spring Horse Race – Come watch the horses from several ranches and farms compete in a race against eachother. The winner gets to take home a gold trophy and a cash prize of 1000G. Races start at the horse track. First race at 10:00 AM.

Day 11: Flower Festival – With plenty of time for the spring flowers to be in bloom, come celebrate spring and its glorious floral bounty. The Festival is in the town square, starting at 9:00 AM

Day 23: Egg Festival – The towns' chickens have been working hard to lay eggs! We have a whole day dedicated to the bounty they give; egg themed dishes, an egg hunt, an egg toss.... come to the Town Square to celebrate at 10:00 AM


Day 7: Summer Bonfire Night 1 – The first week of summer ends with the first community bonfire night of the season! Come to Bonzai Beach for a giant bonfire. Get together with friends, have some drinks, and sit around as we sing songs, roast smores, and play games in the sand. The bonfire starts at sundown, around 7:30 pm.

Day 10: Music Festival – Maple Grove celebrates music of all kinds. Come join us at the gazebo for a lineup of local and traveling musicians to celebrate what can bring all of the community together. The music festival starts bright and early at 7:00 am.

Day 14: Summer Bonfire Night 2 – The end of the second week calls for another bonfire night! To Bonzai Beach you go if you'd like another round of evening summer fun.

Day 15: Surf's Up, Maple Grove! – The summer surf competition takes place in the middle of summer to give surfers a chance to practice. Come to Bonzai Beach to cheer on your fellow townsfolk as they compete in a surfing competition! First place winner takes home the golden surfboard trophy and 1000G.

Day 20: Food Fest – Enjoy summer's bounty in a giant community potluck. Bonzai Beach gets a bit of a makeover from our skilled craftsmen and craftswomen who dig benches into the sands for people to sit and eat. Be sure to bring a dish to share~. The festivities start 5:00 pm.

Day 21: Summer Bonfire Night 3 – The end of the third week calls for yet another bonfire night. Come on down to Bonzai Beach at 7:30 for fire and music.

Day 28: Bonfire and Fireworks – The last bonfire night of the summer season also calls for fireworks! This particular festival lasts almost the entire day, from 8:00 am to midnight. Come enjoy a day of food, music, dancing, and fireworks.

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