Map of creation 1st age


Junior Member
Dear all

A while ago I swear I found a map someone had made of creation during the first age; it was huge and a large portion had a great wall surrounding it. Anyone know the link?
Wordman did a mosaic map of the first age on here...could do a search for it...or you can just click here, since I already did so.

Credit goes to wordman for it. Time spent using the search function (all 10 seconds of it) was all mine. *bows* :P
That might have the Long Second Age map. In the Downloads section, but that's for my Modernis Mundi setting, and not the First Age.

But, the setting did have some areas that were reclaimed as the Creation was expanded by the Dragon Bloods Reality Towers. You're welcome to use it as a base if you'd like.
Jak! Your map is exactly what I had seen, awesome job!!!  

Just wondering if you have the map minus the wall?
Wow Jak, that's an impressive map. Way huge! While looking at it I didn't notice that the tiny spec of an insland in the center is the blessed isle... wow. Makes me want to really play Modernis Mundai. Great Job
The map was drawn by hand, then I took a photograph, loaded into the GIMP and tweaked it in there. I'm not sure how many layers to took. It was really the first time I'd used it, and I'd like to go in and clean it up a bit now that I'm a little better at handling it, but after I did the collected Adobe version, I wanted to get a map out for the folks who had questions about the setting--plenty of detail in Modernis Mundi, but some folks weren't sure where the Beast Isles were, or how big The Wall really was.

In that setting, you have to realize, that it's still not ALL of the Creation-That-Was, but sections have been reclaimed from The Wyld. I suspect that the First Age was even larger.
You DREW that? Bloody hell, must have been some work.

P.S.: MUAHAHAHAHA! I control the last posts on all subforuns. Online 24/7.
The original. About 26"x20"

Arthur said:
You DREW that? Bloody hell, must have been some work.
P.S.: MUAHAHAHAHA! I control the last posts on all subforuns. Online 24/7.
Yay, another me has spawned in the net!

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