Story Malozing's RP Samples

I am going to use this thread as a collection of posts that I am proud of. Feel free to give some constructive criticisms and suggestions. I am always looking to improve my writing.

Stepping in front of Wic, Slang blocks the sorcerer’s kneeling form from The Black Heron’s view.

“Wic. Don’t you dare.” They hiss through gritted teeth.

Narrowed eyes turn to the Deathlord, gauging her. “I don’t trust you to keep your word. You’ll get me when Kelam gets Drogath far enough away from you.”

As they spoke of their terms, Slang slips into a shoulder-width stance with their tattooed hands behind their back. Their right hand partially in the pouch holding Serpent-sting and the left hand loosely grasping their right forearm.

Without waiting for Black Heron’s response, the Tya Captain turns their head to Kelam and speaks in Seatongue. “We can’t change the wind—” Slang holds Kelam’s gaze before switching back to Old Realm. “Trust me.”
The bells cut through Slang’s train of thought, and with each step, it becomes harder for them to focus on their plan. The dark voice murmurs promises, which Slang tries to ignore, but the shadows begin to press in.

"Your rebirth awaits."

In a sense, Slang has been reborn twice already. First, from a scrawny girl wanting more than her standard restrictive role to a wiry Tya exploring open waters. Then from a mortal sailor watching mutated sharks pick off the injured crewmates to Solar captain leading and protecting their crew. What’s another rebirth? It’s nothing new to Slang, so why not? The hand gripping Serpent-sting loosens its hold.

“Don’t forget I choose you first,” Zalm’s steady voice cuts through the haze settling over Slang’s mind. “Don’t forget where you come from.”

Memories flood forward, shoving aside the dark whispers. The chats with Zalm as the then-Captain tattooed Slang, helping the younger Tya decide on choosing a new name. Old Medisch, one of the first victims of the sharks, teaching Slang how to make the salve for rope burns. The comradery during every voyage. Blue joining the crew after Slang’s exaltation, the first new crew member of their captaincy. How everyone wanted to stay with Slang even when their exaltation stirred up trouble with the stationed Dynasts and the Feathered One.

“You’re Tya first. And if the Sun don’t like that, screw him.”

Slang glances away from Monstrance and to Heron and her open disappointment.

And screw her.

Wits + Integrity

Wits 5 + Integrity 0 + Stunt 2 = 7

Slang’s hand tightens around the section-staff again. Counting the last few steps, Slang pulls the black jade staff and swings it out at Heron.

Join Battle
Wits 5 + Awareness 4 + Stunt 2 = 11

"I'm not easily broken or cowed."

Note: The group, and the forum we use, has a practice of coloring the dialogue and thoughts.
Decks grumbles as he helps set up the tents. “He doesn’t know how to set up a tent, so he runs off. He probably isn’t huntin’ either.”

His tail lashes side to side so vigorously that it shifts his lanolin-scented cloak to the side. Once the tents were erected, Decks stands and stretches before shrugging off the woolskin.

“I’m goin’ hunting.” The stripes and spots along his neck sprout fur and spread through the rest of his body as it shrunk into the shape of a clouded leopard. Large paws spread wide to stay atop of the snow on the ground. Decks’ pink nose lifts up to the sky, scenting the air for any nearby prey. With a puff of condensed breath, the cat lopes off into the wild.

The smell of rabbit drives Decks forward, and his focus is solely on the hunt, the drumming of his heart. Ears flick forward, and the Lunar pauses and hunkers down, pupils constricting. Behind a hollowed log, Decks spots a tip of a white ear twitching.

Slowly, he crawls closer to the fallen tree. His legs bunch up underneath his lithe body. The rabbit, suddenly sensing danger closing in, dashes away from the log. Decks leaps after it, jaws open wide.

Landing funny, Decks tumbles. Snow is kicked up as he rolls, obscuring his vision. He suddenly stops with a thud. A warm, soft thing put a halt to the Lunar’s momentum. Shaking snow from his face, Decks peers at what stopped him.

Adorei. Looking beyond the Dragon-blooded, he sees a mirror.

Instead of helping, he was preening in front of a mirror?!
The following is a draft of a post for The Convergence of Sky. We haven't gotten to the point in the plot where I would use it yet, so I have omitted the coding that I would use on that forum to make the dice rolls. I don't think any of that group is on RP Nation... If you guys are on this forum, then don't peek! 😛

Decks circles the campsite; his ears twitch towards every little sound. Amber eyes study the dark wilderness beyond the dim glow of the remaining embers. Everything points to a quiet watch for the Lunar.

He huffs and begins to play with the cooling ash surrounding the banked fire, turning his paws a light grey color. The even, relaxed breathing of his new allies tells Decks that they are in a deep sleep. He huffs again and begins to pace around the campfire. This time his tracks taints the white snow with smears of grey. Decks takes a moment to study ashy pawprints, and an idea pops into his head.

The leopard rushes back to the fine and begins to coat all four paws in ash. Once that process was completed, Decks quietly stalks to the Adorei’s tent.

Carefully, Decks pushes a flap open just enough for his lithe form to slip into the Dragon-blooded’s space. Amber eyes immediately turn to the slumbering Nellens. Once he ensures Adorei hasn’t awakened, Decks walks over to the Dragon-blooded’s belongings.

The Leopard Lunar paws through the Dynst’s clothes and other belongings, leaving ashy pawprints on everything. He loops around the tent’s interior to clean his paws off before leaving the way he came in.

[OOC Bits]

As the pre-drawn light graced the dark sky, Decks’ form shifts. The fur retreats, but it doesn’t reveal Decks’ human face. Adorei’s build forms next to the fire, only a tail and leopard patterns on the neck distinguish this Adorei from the true Adorei.

When Walda and the Outlander step out of their tents, Decks shoots them a feral grin with Adorei’s face. He only speaks up when Adorei comes into view.

“Hey, Adorei.”

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