

Elder Member
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Appearance (Anime preferred):






Reason for being in Malice:

My Character:


Name: Hannah Constantine Coriander

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'11"

Appearance (Anime preferred):


Personality: Hannah has very few friends. She is a rather bleak figure. She seems to have an emotionless demeanor to her, accompanied by a dark sense of humor, and a curiosity that often gets her in trouble. She almost never speaks with others but has no issues with addressing situations as a leader. Hannah is a withdrawn person, very quiet, and perhaps that is for her own good. A very intellectual girl she is, knowledgeable on almost every subject, but perhaps her knowledge is too vast for her age. She knows things that she shouldn't, and due to her odd understanding she has a really hard time making friends. She's convinced herself that being alone is best for her, and because of her odd demeanor she is often made fun of, but she doesn't take it to heart. She is very avoidant of people, and upon meeting an unfamiliar face she tends to become rather uptight. She has a soft side, which is revealed when she warms up to someone, but rarely does that happen.

History:Born into a big city, Hannah always had issues fitting in. She had a weird personality that caused those around her to be pushed away. Try as she might she was never good enough in the eyes of the other children, and she often found herself alone on the playground swing set, drawing what she saw. Fast forward a few years and she's moved on from elementary. Now in high school she's deprived of the comfort of her swing set and takes another shot at making friends. It was most likely her dark humor or her bad puns, but nobody stuck around long enough, and after a while her personality grew jaded. Having no say into the world she was born in, Hannah spent her life hiding herself from others. She longed to meet someone like her, someone that would understand her, and that day had yet to come. All of this, however, was flipped upside down when she discovered Malice. The rumours she had heard were true, and with a knack for adventure she dared to do the ritual. She didn't believe it would work, but her beliefs were proved wrong when she had woken up on a train heading straight to hell. Only recently had she arrived in Malice, and she was in for the fight of her life.

Likes: Technology, animals, the rain.

Dislikes: Snobs, whiners, spiders.


- Has successfully created many inventions.

Night vision- The ability to see in low light conditions.

Archery- Skilled with a bow and arrow.

Mind games- Uses riddles and tricks to play with one's mind.

Reason for being in Malice: Hannah had always sought adventure, and it seemed Malice was more thank happy to oblige.

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Raptor Mikado








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-11_22-59-46.jpeg.2b7014574bf30fb37e17df93cf4c82a1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-11_22-59-46.jpeg.2b7014574bf30fb37e17df93cf4c82a1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Mikado is of noble birth, thus he is a bit obnoxious at times. He comes off as a bit of a jerk at first but upon getting close to him he is actually a very kind person though his extended stay in the world of Malice has hardened him a bit.


He does not speak much of his life before he entered the world of Malice with his brother about a year ago. During his time in this twisted world he would witness an event that would change him forever, the death of his beloved brother at the hands of one of the Time-keeper's metallic creations. This event would change his entire mindset towards the world driving him to recruit every child-adventuring that had been stupid enough to come to this world so that they could band together and find the black and white tickets.


Cowards, bullies, Tall-Jake, The Time-keeper


Reading, Practicing Martial Arts, Animals


Ninjutsu- Master in the arts of Ninjutsu making him skilled in many forms of combat, a skilled strategist, and a master at espionage.

Charisma- Despite his over all snobbish attitude he is an enigmatic enigma due to his courage and sense of justice.

Cunning- He is light on his feet and thinks at an exceptional rate.

Reason for being in Malice

Followed his elder brother into the world seeking adventure, Now seeks revenge for the murder of his brother at the hands of the Time-keeper, also seeks to avenge the deaths of those children before him by slaying Tall-Jake.



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Name: Alexis Matsuki (...I pretty much always use her. She fits everywhere.)

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Height: 5'5

Appearance (Anime preferred):

Personality: She can be quite bitchy, mouthy, sarcastic, rude, utterly obnoxious....though somehow completely lovable.


Alexis was always close to her brother, Ian. He was only a couple years older than she was, but was always that protective brother that every girl wishes for. She loved him with all her might, as well as her parents who always offered their love and tender care. She used to smile, she used to love. Though one day, after taking a long walk in the winter snow out in the forest, she came back to her home only to see the blood stains, and remains of her family that were brutally murdered by trolls. For what reason they had, she didn't know. She only found herself crumpling to her knees, wheezing and crying over it. She was eleven. And now the last of the shape-shifter kind.

Since then, she's found no reason to smile at all. No reason to laugh, or befriend anyone. Why should she? The only things that were important to her were taken away, gone forever. She figured if she ever got close to anyone like that ever again, something will happen.

So she figures it's just best that she stay distant.

Its worked so far.

Dislikes: Ignorance.

Likes:Wolves, Coffee, Winter, Cigarettes, beer, playing pool, dancing (secret), An unusual thing for Nutella...

Skills: Shes good with a sword, and she can shapeshift. But she mostly keeps that on a down-low and just lives her life as a human. Though if you dare piss her off to an extreme...she will kill you.

Reason for being in Malice: Thought it'd be something different...something else to do with her life.
Name: Rainan Han

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 6-1

Appearance (Anime preferred):


Personality: Quiet, enigmatic. Rarely voices his opinions even though he has quite a few. He can easily shift into the role of a follower but he wouldn’t jump over any bridges for anyone. He can get angry fairly quickly if people are being stupid or irrational. He is protective of people he doesn’t think can protect themselves. He doesn’t trust men and gets along with women far better. Most women feel they can trust him while most men assume they can’t. He doesn’t do anything to prove either wrong.

History: His father left when he was a baby and he grew to hate men altogether because of this. His mother was poor and barely paid the bills. He had to take care of his younger sisters throughout all of this. When he graduated high school he stayed at home to help pay the bills and make sure his three sisters get out of high school safely. In high-school all he hung out with were girls, leading many of the men to assume he was gay which he is not. He isn’t a ladies man by any means. He just finds them easier to talk to.

Dislikes: Men, stupidity, immaturity.

Likes: Take charge women, level headedness, acts of courage.


Intelligence: Got high marks in high-school and is very cunning.

Speed: Also ran track and posted the school record. Very quick on his feet.

Fearlessness: What he lacks in strength he makes up in with pure resolve. He isn’t scared to lose his life.

Reason for being in Malice: He was tricked into thinking his sister had entered malice. He found out this to be a lie and found himself stuck.
The RP will be starting tomorrow. Any sign ups beyond this point may still be accepted, and can ask for a rundown of what has happened in the RP as we progress and I will be happy to oblige. Thank you all. ^.^

(You don't realize how happy I am, to see a Malice rp. I've wanted to do something Malice for so long.. Thank you...)

Name: Cassandra "Cassie" Kulver

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 6'2



Personality: She looks like a happy cheerleader, but don't be fooled. She'll kick your a**, and then kick it a little more. She is not afraid to get dirty. She keeps her tough girl image in the most dangerous of situations, but it's only when she's alone or with someone trusted does she let out the real her; A small, sensitive girl who was bullied in school, with a sarcastic sense of humor, bubbly and goofy.

History: I worked on my family's farm- I look like a farm girl, though, don't I? Ha, yeah. But, I have a pretty basic life. Farm chores, taking care of the horses, mostly. I was bullied in school for most of my life, got me shoved in this place. Theres my life's story, I'm not telling you more. You'll just have to earn the detail.


Spiders -CREEPY.

Small spaces -Ha....haaa.




Lead Pipe- Ohhh, he's my best friend in this place...


  • Strength- Hauling as much slop as I do, you get muscle.
  • Speed- Thats kind of necessary where I'm from.
  • Animal skills- Don't know if I'll need that.

Reason for being in Malice: It was a DARE! Some idiots at school said I was too wimpy to do it, so I did it... Wheeeee...
*I hope this isn't too far fetched, you said people from all over the world xD

Name: Alexi Cassanova

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6'1

Appearance (Anime preferred):


Personality: Alexi is brave, adventurous, but most of all selfless to those he trusts and holds in his heart. Alexi is calm out front, but given the proper circumstances is unafraid to unleash the warrior that lives within him. He has common sense, but typically may be called on to do the dirty work while others do the heavy thinking. Alexi possesses immense courage but is somewhat limited by his perception of reality; while seemingly everyday dangers pose no immediate danger in his mind, those things which are not commonly accepted yet rumored about, such as ghosts or extra-terrestrials or the paranormal, frighten the hell out of him.

History: Alexi is a swordsman in training, a warrior fighting for the people of Farador, a moderately urban yet old-fashioned clan that exists deep within the forested region of the Himalayas. Destined for this position since birth, Alexi trains to hunt the wild of the forest for food, and to protect the people of Farador from anything that might cause them harm, including the savage denizens of Luthania, a nearby clan whose conflict with the Faradorians extends back hundreds of years. Every now and then the two clans raid eachother, killing and pillaging until eventually being driven off; the battles only escalate and they desperately wish to wipe the other out permanently. Alexi is knowledgeable but not fully experienced in such history, but given that he graduates and becomes a full fledged warrior, he will.

Dislikes: Selfishness, lack of aptitude, lack of honor

Likes: Honor, family, swordplay

Skills: Alexi is a warrior in training; he has trained years in the art of the sword, and crafted Rishka, his personal Katana of choice, to be his permanent weapon. While he has improved and progressed much over the years, and is fully capable of defending his people, he is by no means an expert, though he strongly wishes to be.

Reason for being in Malice: It is the night before his graduation ceremony. He is wandering through the forest with his two best friends: Brian, a student of medicine in the clan, and Petenka, a builder. Petenka has heard of the story of Malice and wishes to perform the ritual out of nostalgia; Alexi and Brian follow obliviously, all three of them unaware of just how real the ritual is.
Name:Hector Valentine




Appearance(Anime Preferred):he has a white long hair



Personality:He is Quiet and and kind he rarely talks to strangers sometimes unsure about thedecisions he choses. He is rich and dosen't act like one. He don't know how to use to things like Vending machine, boiling a Cup Noodles, and so on from the Commoners and tries to duel others for their choices.

History:He always stay at his Mansion and cannot go out to the Outside world and cities. He is also trying to escape the mansion but gets caught Sometimes he goes to the city rarely because of the business of his family.

Likes:Mystery,Dueling,Tea,Juice,Success,His Rapier

Dislikes:Failure,Misunderstanding,Dirty Things,


  1. Sword fighting-Teached by the Valentine Family Combat Instructor
  2. Agile-He is Fast in Delivering His Thrusts
  3. Stealth-Because he has Successful Escapes

Reason For being in Malice:By The 15th time he escapes the Mansion He got lost and got into the Malice By Following one of the Minions Of Queen of Cats

if your wondering about the image im new here so i dont know how to post a picture sorry
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Name: Marcus Dufresne

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Height: 5'8

Appearance (Anime preferred):

Personality: Dufresne likes to keep people on their toes, he is thankfully calm most of time. He does have panic attacks sometimes when the pressure is on.

History: Marcus was born in Liverpool he liked to play football like any other kid, but when he wasn't doing work our being outside he was locked up in his room playing video games and generally searching the web. This is where he started going by his last name, Dufresne he liked it because it was a decent username. He also found out about Malice on the internet, Dufresne bought into the fantasy that Malice was real. Dufresne started to get every image he could find making a blog about Malice, after that he started obsessing over it learning everything he could he wanted to go there, but he knew he had to be prepared. So he started examining the places the things, the people in it. Dufrense for his birthday that year asked for 20 MRES, 10 pints of fresh water, a machete, and a first aid kit. He kept training and studying making sure he knew what to do when he got there.

Dislikes: People who over react. People who went to Malice on a dare, he despises the stupidity of them not thinking this place was real. Dislikes animals. He also hates ignorant people.

Likes: Sweet things. The dark. Having the upper hand. People who can work with him.

Skills: ADHD for things in Malice. Knowing how to use first aid and a machete.

Reason for being in Malice: Just to know that it was all real.

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