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Fantasy Male seeking a descriptive, female partner for a OC fantasy-romance RP (plotlist inside)

Seeking a descriptive, female RP partner, for a MxF OC romance-fantasy roleplay. I’m fine with using both realistic and anime pictures, or none by using mere descriptions.

About me: Call me Red. I’m 30, male, and I’ve been writing & roleplaying for many years. At first I started writing original fiction of my own in my spare time, before I discovered roleplaying a few years back.

My writing style: I write creatively, in much detail when needed, but love playing with words. I generally write somewhere between 3-5 paragraphs. My word count are somewhere between 250-500 words. (If you love to write as much as I do, then it’s awesome!)

What I’m looking for in this roleplay: a mixture of romance and fantasy. Hopefully, also elements of action/suspense. Expect things like dragons, wizards, elves, shape shifting beings, magical stuffs, just to name the typical stuff in high-low fantasy, are what we could expect. I got the idea from games like DragonQuest, Elder’s Scroll, Final Fantasy, those types of stuff.

Potential fandoms: Final Fantasy, DragonQuest.

What I’m NOT looking for: few liner responses, and way too much world building. (I love worldbuilding together as well as planning and speculating, but if there’s too much of that, the roleplay will never get off the ground. Oh, and I don’t mind OCC.)

Platforms I use:
+ PMs
+ E-mail
+ Google Docs
(I can’t do instant-messaging!)

My plot lines:

1. A courageous warrior liberates a girl from the clutches of a deadly dragon/monster. But after falling in love with her, he’s told that she is the kingdom’s runaway princess. When told that her (imposter) father is an ancient dragon in disguise, the warrior must do anything to kick the dragon off the throne. Will they find allies to make it happen?

2. The king’s wife becomes a mere concubine, after the king banished her former lover from the kingdom. But a knight of the king develops an attraction to her, and wants to help her escape and reunite her with her lover. When the secret is found out, and the king’s evil side is showing, and sends out a group of deadly magicians to punish the fleeing pair. But the question remains, is her lover even alive? Which love will she choose?

3. A female elf falls for a famous human knight, when the two races of kingdoms(elves and humans) declare war with each other. Once their love is found out, the human king seeks to kill the pair, labeling his once loyal knight a traitor. Unless...the two factions make peace and their love becomes acceptable. Will peace come swiftly?

4. Inside a small town, two childhood friends become lovers, while the town fights off dragons and other creatures appearing at night. The two become fed up living in constant terror, and decide to find a different place to live, traveling by airship. They find out of the two lovers has only a limited time to live, and need a special cure to get rid of the curse. Will they find it, before one of them turn to stone?

5. A royal knight and his few soldiers are wounded from battling hordes of dragons, and cared by a peasant girl and her family in a small village. The village is pestered by a group of magic-using bandits, seeking to enslave the girl and ask other types of tribute. These villagers clearly need help, the knight offers help by facing these bandits. But what will he do once the girl gets taken?

P.s.: I’m open to changing or mixing these plot ideas, or to add in your own.

If you got other questions, let me know! :) Preferably using PMs.
Hey there. I'm new and can't send private messages yet so please pardon me for that. I would love to work with your idea involving the elf and the human though! Send me a message if you'd like to give it a go. I'm getting ready for work so it'll take me until lunch time and ending shift to get back to you.

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