Maji'Ka: The Paralithium Crisis


Robot Sheep

This role play takes place on the same continent on Clairos (and in fact the only one), in the one country of the island- Kinkardine. I haven't named any of the cities, nor any of the towns or bodies of water (except the Ocean, which goes by the name of Polris).

Feel free to get creative, but the island's about half the size of Greenland and I can only hope some of you decide to be from the same place. As for culture and people, I will give free creative range for that as well, fully expecting some cultures to be taken from real life. Brownie points for creativity, though.

I urge you all to put complicated thought into these people, as this roleplay may turn into a soap-opera with bland character if not. :P

For those signing up as non-Maji''ka simply skip what you may think does not apply to your character (or ask me if it does!)

With that, I present to you the template-

Name: First and last, as well as a middle initial (if they have a middle name?)

Age: 12+

Gender: Boy or Girl?

Personality: Five traits that best describe your character- Obviously I expect the character to be more complicated than five traits. But this allows some flexibility on character growth/depth as you yourself learn the character.

Appearance: Description or Picture- if you use the latter I ask no real photographs of people (so anime or artwork of the none photograph nature). All of you will have a small scar on your body where the stone entered (unless you are a stone-carrying mortal). No matter where it ACTUALLY entered in your body, it always migrates to the chest.

Transformation: Please put your transformed appearance in a spoiler. Yes, it is required. While I don't expect you all to have matching outfits, I'm going around a general theme of 'sci-fi' or even 'alien-esque'. I won't reject you if you don't fit in, but I urge you to come up with some sort of transformation image, whether written or art.

Foci: Keep in spoiler.When you transform you are gifted with an item that helps focus your magic, name it here. If you lose this weapon, you are still able to use Maji'ka just in an unfocused way.

Maji'ka Abilities:

Destruction. Alteration. Restoration. Illusion.

Pick one you're good at, pick one you're average at. Good luck and god speed for everything else.

Maji'ka Appearance: If you attacks have a special appearance put them here, feel free to explain how this appearance manifests when using your two abilities. (Example: Fire burning away one appearance to create another, etc.) If you put none, it'll simply look like energy burst.

Some History:
Your character's history in a neat little bow.


Along with your general transformation theme, all those with embedded stone will have the same transformation item. It will be a simple button pin, and will only appear after the initial re-activation of the Maji'Ka stone, and it can be anywhere on you. Please explain what the button looks like and where you keep it on your person after you receive it. The button's diameter is 5 cm, and it will have to be kept on your clothing (so if you don't mention it- I'll assume you don't have it- expect monsters to attack either way really)

After -Notes:

Just some tips for those who might not be signing up as Maji'ka,

  • Monsters still have a transformed state, no transformation item though
  • Those with just the shard, the shard will transform but not you. The power source will strictly be the weapon
  • Scientists skip Transformation, Maji'ka and Other. I expect a category called Interests in their stead, where you will say whether your interest lies in the people or the stone itself.
  • Uhm- once again, feel free to ask question here or the OOC!

Read more about this role play...
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Name: Silas S. Merlot

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Personality: Stubborn,white knight tendencies,impulsive,eye for an eye mentality,friendly.

Appearance: Silas stands five foot eight,and weight 183 pounds. He has a large frame which he doesn't quite fill out. His skin is fair,and his face is long and angular. His shockingly green eyes,comparable to emeralds,draw most of the attention from the rest of his face,which is good,because there's a rather large scar just under his chin that he doesn't recall getting. His hair,which is thick like tar,is brown,and kept short.


Minus the helmet.

Focus: Guardian's Aegis


All of the edges are sharpened,allowing it to be used as more than a glorified paddle. Coloured white and blue,just like Silas in his transformed state,with glowing blue lights around the perimeter and central cone. The shield is easily half a foot thick,and can protect his entire body with little effort. For a normal human,it'd be impossible to lift. Silas,when transformed,is able to use it without difficulty.

Transformation Sequence: Silas is encased in a steel cocoon of sorts,which then opens partially,allowing him to walk out. The Aegis is part of the cocoon's shell.

Maji'ka Abilities: Alteration,and solely Alteration. He uses it for defense and mobility,in that order.

Background: Silas was born in the city of Oberusel. The city was dominated by factories,producing damn near anything you could name. And it was here that Silas was raised. His parents were factory workers,maintaining the machines that assembled everything in some factory or another,pulling in a decent pay. However,Oberusel was also a hive of scum. Street crime was rampant. Gangs ran entire districts. The police were only able to keep the gangs from spreading further.

Here,Silas kept himself from falling into the gangs by looking at what they did to Oberusel. It's practically a police state. Now,on his last year of high school,Silas is looking into college programs for police foundations when the meteor shower happened,and now he has that weird scar under his chin,with no clue as to how it got there. Did he ping his face off the bedframe,or something?

Other: Silas' pin is in the shape of his shield,colour and all. He keeps it (when he gets it) pinned to his front left pocket.
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  • Name: Alnos R. Luceran

    Age: 46

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Insane, Cunning, Strategic, Cruel, Intellectually gifted

    (Changed Picture)


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Official_Nintendo_Concept_Art_by_pawn_of_ruin.jpg.eeefb15e5cb25aaa974f6311d3a222ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19466" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Official_Nintendo_Concept_Art_by_pawn_of_ruin.jpg.eeefb15e5cb25aaa974f6311d3a222ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Maji'ka Abilities:


    Shard Form: He is a holder so the piece he found takes form of a black pen in which he writes in strange runes his Illusions etc. His actual attacks in looks vary on how he describes them in his runes, he usually writes the runes on any flat surface, concrete, walls, or his skin if he needs too. Most of his attacks will be Illusions that help make his opponent weaker through him using and integrating destruction magic inside the illusions.

    Some History:

    As a Alnos was a curious and well educated boy, raised from a family of liars and greedy capitalist politicians he knew the reality of his decision and decided to avert himself from the family by quickly starting his own life away from them at the age of 16, he had already graduated high school at that age being a brilliant mind at that young age. He decided to go to his old teacher for help on how he could becoming a professor at the University of Oberusel, the teacher gave him a letter of recommendation with all his records and told Alnos to try to apply to the college and get loans.

    Of course Alnos was accepted at 18 into the Prestigious school due to his extremely high marks but he was as poor as dirt, the only job he had was a part time janitor at a high school, he decided to return to the family at the age of 18 and begged his father for some money, his father obviously gave him the money but said "With interest as always." the money was a large amount able to pay for almost all of his education, Alnos could easily earn the remaining amount. But Alnos knew he was getting himself into a cycle of debt with his father, he stayed in the college 18 years at the age of 36 he was one of the most educated men in the city and had PhD in fields such as Biology and Astronomy, he had always loved to study which is why he tolerated the time at the school but now he owed his father a debt that would take decades to pay, so he got a job as one of the leading biology professors in the school and an astronomer for the universities observatory.

    Even with the good sum of money he was payed monthly it would take him a long time to pay, when Alnos reached the age of 40 his father told him if he didn't pay in 5 years more interest will pile up and the debt will be enough to go with Alnos to his grave. So 5 years passed and Alnos still did not have enough money to pay his father, his father would laugh at how much of a fool Alnos was, Alnos's things were immediately being taken away from him by his father's lackies in order to pay the debt, most things that he had in his home were taken as well as his research, Alnos looked at his home after it had been stripped of everything and now he had nothing, only the clothes on his back and the skeleton of his home. The gravity of the situation made him crack and several dark emotions coursed through him he remembered there would be a meteor shower tonight so he decided to take shelter but before he could move, a large stone crashed into his plain lawn.

    Alnos walked over and took it in his hand, it was a bit heavy, his emotions still raging on the stone took a pen shape, a black, elegant pen. He seemed to grin as if his emotions took over.

    The next day Alnos woke up with a slight smirk on his face, everything had been returned to his home and the news of his father having a heart attack spread like wild fire. His father had been screaming in the middle of the night and his workers found him dead from the heart attack minutes later, the medics couldn't do anything for the man. Rick Luceran was dead.

    Alnos's belongings were returned and now he is the head of the Luceran family, and has left them with not a lot to work with, yes Alnos had it all now, Alnos had changed ever since he got that stone. He changed into a darker person even his physique changed becoming paler and his hair growing extremely long but white, none of those things cared to him though, all he wanted to do now is research the mysterious stone that brought him to this moment. To this very dark reality.

    Interests: He was a scientists and the reason why he looked for a shard in the first place is to study it but then he learned how to use it. But he is mostly interested in the actual power of the stones.



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Name: Kiva (Kevin Dammit!) Blackmoon


Gender: Girl (I'm a dude!)

Personality: Smart, Cheery, annoys people, likes sweets and in denial



Weapons/Catalyst: Her chains

Maji'ka Abilities:


Maji'ka Appearance: Chains will rise up from nowhere and make a cocoon around her. It will then burst and shatter, damaging anyone near her.

Some History: Kiva or rather Kevin was an ordinary guy. He liked to travel a lot out of sheer curiosity. One faithful night he walked into an open field, something hit him and knocked him out. Soon he woke up in a hospital with nurses calling him 'Miss'. At first he was annoyed and confused but when he looked at his reflection she could only stare agape as she saw she was now a girl.


It will be pale blue, fashioned into a spiral chain and on her hair.
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Name: Ollin Ker

Age: 16

Gender: Gurl

Personality: Social, Manipulative, Entitled, Acts to Benefit Self, Self-Sustaining

Appearance: Stands 5'7", petite build, with naturally dark brown hair dyed blond. Small scar upon her left eyebrow where some mysterious object hit her, though she never figured out what. Eyes of a grey hue with hints of purple, but that's just a trick of the light.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4e1328a_WingsOfLight(2).jpg.3fd98226e891ea6b39c67d598070e77f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4e1328a_WingsOfLight(2).jpg.3fd98226e891ea6b39c67d598070e77f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon/Catalyst: The "wings" (gear) on her back.

Maji'ka Abilities:

Alteration. Illusion.

Maji'ka Appearance: Looks like light. Mainly the three basic colors of light, but fluctuates to secondary colors as well. Usually never white, but some exceptions.

Ollin has three notable abilities: She can alter the maji'ka into a sphere (always a sphere, meaning she hovers off the ground a few inches or feet depending when using this) of protection. It appears to be made of red and blue light that slowly swirl, becoming various shades of purple wherever they meet. She has some mobility while using this, but is limited by slow speed. The sphere moderately repels beings that comes near it. She can use a lesser version of this, hexigonal shields (the size of her palm) that she can make appear around her armor (not all at once, one at a time wherever she needs it, the range is a foot or two away from her armor) They appear a blue shade of light, fairly brighter than the blue on her armor. These are her means for quick defense and can be used in tandem with her other abilities.

She can course maji'ka through her catalyst to allow her flight. The stems of the catalyst expand and appear to shine out red light in a wing-like shape. This allows for her to put a quick and great distance between herself and an enemy (or anything, ducks, lakes, unpleasant relatives, etc~) but it is highly draining so is preferred for short use. This cannot be used in tandem with the sphere as the wings require too much maji'ka as it is.

She can remove the gear from her back and alter its shape to a long distance, slow firing maji'ka rifle. As might be gleaned, it is best used far off. The beams of maji'ka fired appear to be red (to yellow, explained below) It obviously cannot be used in tandem with the wings. In theory it can be used in tandem with the sphere, but she'd have to remove the forcefield before firing, which would leave her less than a second in the air before she began descending, which is not conducive to shooting.

The Illusion ability can come in play during the use of the sphere or rifle. Ollin can channel maji'ka into her sphere to cause those who come in contact with it to appear though they've caught on fire, tricking the mind to believe they're in pain. Or, she could use concentrated flares for the same effect. These flares appear as green light, and can be used in tandem with the sphere, wings, or rifle. It is her main means of quick attack.

Channeling maji'ka into her rifle allows the beam to work in the same way as the green flares, but in a more concentrated manner. Those hit appear as though they've been shot and this can trick their minds into debilitating them with pain. But the beam does not cause any sustaining damage. It is but an illusion. The beams range from appearing red to yellow to every shade between depending on the strength of the illusion to be cast (red being the weakest).

Some History: Ollin and her younger (by minutes) identical twin sister, Illin, were small time models in their childhood years (biggest gig was being in high end brand ads). Surrounded by attention and admiration, yet strain and hard work demanded out of them, Ollin thrived, while Illin fell back into her sister's shadow. Eventually their father convinced (pushed) the mother to remove the girls from modeling a little before the girls turned twelve.

In high school now, Ollin still carries herself with the air of importance. She feels entitled to admiration and attention from you, and will act sweet and friendly at first. But follow her around long enough, and you'll start to see the impatient, curt, and unkind Ollin. Her plan is to rejoin the modeling business soon as she exits high school, and this time, rise above being 'smalltime'.


The pin is a small pair of multicolored abstract wings (so it has the general shape of wings, but can be interpreted by viewer differently), and she will wear over the left side of her chest once she's so obtained it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Pin2.jpg.155e55b3e56ce550d6373685f55bcf72.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Pin2.jpg.155e55b3e56ce550d6373685f55bcf72.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Solomon Rem Quart

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Bi-polar, Uncertain, Decisive, Protective, Stubborn


Solomon is 5'8 and weighs 180.3. He has pale sapphire like eyes that can sometimes be mistaken for a grayish tone. Solomon has an average muscular body with wide shoulders and a medium sized torso. His hair is black as a raven's feather and short to where the back touched the nape of his neck. Despite his smooth yet rough look his voice is deeper than you would expect and his mouth is small. On his back near the center of his spine there is a scar that stretched up toward the neck and lower waist that he "thought" he had gotten from playing.



His weapon is nothing more than his body. (Arms, legs , head). Though it may seem harmless when using Alteration he is able to change the way his body is into something else.

Maji'ka Abilities: Alteration and Restoration

Background: Solomon was born in Fershi a place where people made weapons and lived in a state were supply and demand was top priority. Solomon knew all to well sine his father was the one producing the supplies and of course desired well enough payment for the high manufacturing of his products. Solomon was his little apprentice , helping his make weapons for anyone who had the money. As for Solomon's mother , she decided to move on with her life though her departure was not at all sad and no one mourned. Busy with work his father skipped the goodbyes and left him to see his mother off.

Now becoming an employee in his fathers shop he was juggling between work and high school life. He was not at all popular it was the work that kept him on his toes. Deciding to continue and help out with his father's business he began to take extra classes in engineering and manufacturing work. One night when he was in the shop cleaning up a gun and applying new parts he felt a sting, something heavy. Putting his work down he walked over toward the shattered mirror in his dad's shop and lifted up his shirt. With surprise he found a huge scar around the center of his spine. Thinking back he had thought it was when he was playing tag. With that thought in mind he shrugged it off and went back to work.

Other: One he has obtained this pin Solomon would place in the center of his left hand. It would appear to be a sun with lines branching out of it on all sides to form a small cross or to some it would seem like a passage way to the center of the sun.
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Name: Yun Sung Hee


Gender: Boy


Trait list(5)

1. Polite

2. Reserved

3. Observant

4. Generally confident in familiar situations

5. Loves challenge



Height: 5'11

Weight: 110 lbs.

Yun's scar where his stone is located in is on the soft spot between his collarbone and right shoulder blade.

Transformation Appearance

Height: 6'0

Weight: 133 lbs.

Yun's Maji'ka catalyst is the red fencing saber on held on his right arm. His right hand cannot let go of the saber even when he desires to, as it is firmly welded to his hand. This also leaves Yun's right hand only capable of holding the saber as it will permanently be in a gripping position. The saber itself is just like regular fencing saber except, of course, much more decorative. However, it can become a deadly force by using Destructive maji'ka upon it to buff it.
Fluency in: Restoration

Some level of skill in: Destruction.

Maji'ka Appearance: Yun's Maj'ika appearance is not produced in a "magical" sense. All his abilities are based entirely upon his transformation, which is adapted to physical combat.

Because of this, I shall first go into detail on Yun's transformation, as it is a crucial item for his power.

The transformation itself acts like a suit, enveloping Yun's body in basically a suit of armor, however the suit itself weighs so little that it is almost as if Yun were not wearing the suit at all. The only thing with appreciable weight is the saber, which weighs the same as a regular fencing saber, and the chain on Yun's left arm which weighs as much as a rope but has the same strength and durability of a steel chain. Yun's vision is basically unobstructed by the helmet on the suit, those of you who worn a fencing helmet know that the steel mesh doesn't actually obstruct your vision all that much and this particular helmet imposes even less upon vision range. The chain can be retracted like a tape measure for practical mobility.

The nature of Yun's Maji'ka is based on his confidence. Confidence is the main emotion that anchors everything together for Yun, the lower his confidence, the weaker he gets and the higher his confidence, the stronger he gets. Overconfidence drains Maji'ka quickly while empowering him while low confidence slowly drains Maji'ka but renders Yun weaker.

Now, on to the nature of Yun's maji'ka

Restorative Maj'ika - Yun's transformative suit restores Yun's body by completely absorbing all lactic acid buildup in his body, thus rendering Yun's stamina practically infinite. He can keep running at top speed for as long as the transformation lasts without ever tiring out and keep swinging at things without tiring out, basically keeping him at peak condition at all times. This is an innate part of the transformation so Yun cannot cancel this restoration voluntarily and will automatically deactivate when Yun has little Maji'ka left. What is described above is what happens when Yun is at peak capacity, experiencing overconfidence or firm confidence in something while engaging in combat. Lower confidence accordingly drops the percentage of lactic acid removed from his body and thus drops his overall physical performance by giving him basic physical limiters. The duller the red is on Yun's suit, the lower his confidence and the lower his restorative power. The suit itself does grant Yun a minor healing factor, small cuts and lacerations will be sealed quickly while major wounds can be closed, but internal damage cannot be healed in a short amount of time. What is important about this healing factor is that it also blocks pain from entering Yun's system. If Yun wants to, he can make it so that he can ignore lethal wounds and keep fighting until he dies from that lethal wound unaffected by the pain it causes, although Yun does understand that not feeling pain at all is detrimental to sensory awareness.

Additionally, the transformation can empower Yun with a "Burst of Speed". The suit can pump in unbridled energy into Yun's system, this basically acts like intense adrenaline, boosting Yun's speed in all physical engagements and even boosting Yun's mental thinking, giving him faster reactions and faster planning. This is also affected by Yun's confidence. Give and take, more confidence, more power, faster drain of Maji'ka, lower confidence, lower burst of speed, lower intake of Maji'ka. This ability is signified when red steam pours out from the vents on Yun's body, and the duller the red shade of the steam, the lower Yun's confidence/power of the burst. This burst is a significant drain on Yun's power and thus is limited to one burst per battle as a finisher or to inflict a serious wound to try and end a fight quickly.

Destructive Maji'ka - Yun can channel destructive Maji'ka from his saber into a bright red energy that envelops any object he deems a weapon, most likely being his saber itself as it is the most convenient weapon. This red energy can repair damage done to the object placed upon it and also strengthen and harden the object. Channeling this energy requires constant physical contact with the source of the maji'ka, which is the saber that Yun wields.Through this method, Yun can cause ordinarily rather harmless objects to become much deadlier such as a wooden stick, but Yun will mostly use this to buff his magical focus(saber) so that it will become a reliable weapon.

Some History:

Yun was born into a family that expected everything out of him. His parents were determined to squeeze the most out of every single talent he exhibited. His existence was a rigorous, spartan training, involving strict discipline through the cold sting of a belt and withheld meals.

At first, Yun knew no other existence other than his, and simply accepted it. The results of this life could be seen, though.

By age five, Yun could fluently play the violin at a level of skill higher than most high schoolers. He excelled in academics, winning countless awards for his arithmetic skills and scientific knowledge.

His skills always grew, and the massive impetus derived from fear contributed significantly to Yun's success rate. He was the perfect student, he was envied, he was looked up to.

But Yun had always felt empty, something was missing in his life. He had accomplished many things, but nothing was his own. He could not truly claim credit for anything he had done, it was always his parents or fear that pushed him.

But Yun accepted things as it was, he was a smart boy, and he knew that revolting against set order was foolishness.

This changed after Yun was accepted to the finest high school of Kinkardine, which accepted boarders only.

Yun had never questioned his parents, and by the time he was accepted to the school, he excelled at everything by himself without his parents as a motivator. But it was still empty accomplishment, it had originated from other people and the basis of Yun's accomplishments would always have his parents as a foundation. But because he had accepted his existence, he had the opportunity to escape it.

Away from the sheltered life imposed on him, he grew as a person in the boarding school. He maintained his excellence in both academics and the violin as well as heading many projects within the school, but Yun discovered something he could call his own.


Yun's parents have given up on getting him to excel in sports when he showed little aptitude for practically any sport. He was incredibly quick and had fast reflexes, but nothing seemed to fit him.

But fencing was the perfect match for him. And everything he accomplished in fencing was his own, borne of his own desire, his own want, his own ambition.

It gave Yun's life more meaning than "my parents" and "expectation".

Needless to say, Yun excelled at fencing. His innate talent for it and his endless desire to improve skyrocketed his skill in an exponential curve. He became the number one fencer in his entire school by the end of his first high school year and his performance in high level tournaments was always top tier.

This is what flowered Yun's confidence. Previously, Yun's confidence was a weak sapling, unable to stand tall due to weeds eating away at its capabilities, but fencing ripped those roots from the ground and completely energized Yun's confidence, giving Yun's life fuller meaning. He was his own person and nothing would ever be strong enough to sway his ideals again.

Or so he thought, situations that Yun could not have concocted in his wildest dreams were to test his will.


Appearance of pin

This pin, after it is received, will be located usually where Yun's heart is.

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@Alad V @Huehuehuehuehue

I seemed to have given some of you the wrong idea when I used the term 'weapon' to describe your maji'ka focal point. Please understand that your weapons/focus will not have any special properties if you are embedded with a stone. It is the Maji'ka that gives them the special properties- for example the maji'ka ability of destruction makes a weapon stronger than normal, causing the attacks to be stronger.

So once again, your weapons won't really be used for weapons sake? if that makes any sense.

I've also gone into a better explanation of Transformation & Foci here.

For anyone who thinks they're ready for judgement, make an Out of Character Comment on this post to say so :P
Name: Donahue Hope (The colour is black :3)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Intelligent, curious, mysterious, stoic, slightly haughty, and a bit of an adrenaline junky.

Donahue Hope was an average honour student through middle school and into high school, doing nothing but studying and playing games in his spare time. He wasn't unfriendly, but didn't entirely see the point of socializing, being a bit introverted. He made his friends over online games, which he also excelled in. As it turned out, when you spent you time doing only two things, you could do two things fairly well.

Everything changed one day for Donahue, when he found a strange little gem on the side of the road, the glint catching his eye as he came home from school one day. He almost missed it, it seemed partly embedded in the ground, like it had been planted there. Or fallen from a great height...

Taking the fascinating gem home with him, Don wondered what it was. He tried going on the internet and searching the gem's properties, but couldn't find anything. He couldn't understand why he held such a great interest in it, but he slept with it in a tight grip, feeling relaxed.

Now, Don's parents were away on business trips, his mother a lawyer for an international firm, and his father a banker. Maybe Don's obsession with good grades came from an attempt to please his parents? But that's beside the point. With nobody home, Don didn't realize someone else had entered his home in the middle of the night until they ripped his door off it's hinges, shattering it. Screaming as he leapt from his bed, a creature lumbered into his room, making a lunge at Don. Never having been much for athletics, Don threw his arms up to protect his face as he was caught in the creature's crushing grip, while it sniffed and snarled, seeming very interested in the gem he held tightly in his hand. Feeling the gem push roughly into his face, poking his left eye as he realized this wasn't a dream, Don felt a deep, rich emotion he'd never felt before.

The urge to live, a deep, dark survival instinct. In the decision between fight or flight, only one was allotted to him now.

Yelling out as his hair turned a stark white, the window behind him melted and shifted, taking a new shape, as Don felt immense power. Pushing himself out of the creature's grip as it roared back, Don's fingernails turned a pitch black as he willed the glass to move, to form a weapon, something to fight with!

As the glass began to take it's new shape, Don't left eye turned a deep scarlet, and a sickening grin twisted his visage. A spear of glass came to hand as the creature lunged once more, but Don threw his spear with unreal force, piercing the demon that had attacked him, pinning it to the far wall of his room by it's head. Panting from the effort, Don felt himself go woozy. No. He had won, he wouldn't let anything ruin this moment, where he triumphed. He would NOT let it overwhelm him. And so, Don collapsed.

Waking up in the morning, Don found no trace of the monster, only a shattered, broken version of a shard just like the one he held on the ground. He theorized that the shard must have given him his newfound power, but the monster that attacked him was nothing more than someone who couldn't handle their shard. He was a chosen one, capable of wielding this amazing power.

Looking in a mirror, however, he realized he couldn't go back to school looking the way he did now. He wondered if he was even fully human anymore.

Getting himself a wig, coloured contacts, and skin tone nail-polish, Don managed to blend back into society. His fascination with the shard grew deeper though, until it became his new hobby. Games dropped out of his life as a sick sense of adventure and fantasy took a deep root in Don's soul. School, and this magic power he wielded were his two great loves now. He no longer had to play games to find an escape from reality, he was living a brand new one. Getting himself a costume for nightly outings, Don began to scour the cityscape, in search of more shards and the monsters that also searched for them.

Normal, everyday appearance, wearing a wig and contact (or under the effects of his Illusion Maji'ka in an emergency):


Actual appearance:


Costume for his outings:


Maji'ka Abilities: Alteration and Illusion

As a partly turned monster, Don doesn't use a focus or shard weapon to cast maji'ka, doing it straight instead. His red left eye, however, is his conduit in his semi-turned state. As such, he can only cast maji'ka on things he can see. Obstructing his vision would prevent him from using Maji'ka as effectively.

Don can also sense shards of Paralite and Paralithium energy, but not as well as a fully-turned monster could, and has monstrous strength and speed.

Shards: Don currently holds three shards, the original one from which he partially transformed, one taken from someone who didn't know what it was, and another found on a nearby rooftop during one of his nightly outings.

Other: N/A at the moment.
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Name: Clairevoyant 'Claire' F. Michaelis

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: artistically creative, intelligent, sometimes anti-social, deadly curious, and a little naughty.

Appearance: Claire is five foot two, obviously not the tallest of the group, with a slim yet curvaceous build. She has long, black hair that has blonde streaks in them. The two most noticeable things about her are her icy blue eyes and the fact that she always has her headphones on, even if she isn't listening to nothing. She also has a scar on the left side of her neck, which she covers up with her favorite black lace choker. She's both a dancer and a painter.


Foci: The headband on her head.

Maji'ka Abilities: Major in Destruction. Minor in Illusion.

History: Coming from a wealthy family, Clairevoyant has been raised to be the perfect woman in her parents eyes. From learning every dialect known to man, to walking with a book on her head, she has been praised by both the rich and poor alike. She has one sibling, her older brother, Clarence F. Michaelis, who like Claire has been raised to be the perfect gentleman.

Although, jealousy is not so far away with the siblings. Clairevoyant was always at the shorter end of the stick when it comes to her and her brother. Clarence on the other hand, did nothing but receive praise from their parents, which resulted in Clairevoyant becoming anti-social. Because as everyone she has met has said "Clarence is the perfect child. Why did they bother giving birth to Clairevoyant?" and "I prefer the older Michaelis than the younger one."

On the night of Clarence's 20th birthday, Clairevoyant was up in her room, standing in her balcony, as always. She could hear the music at the ballroom blaring through the window. She did nothing all night but stare out into the night sky, flickering with the dim lights of the stars. As she was staring into the void, she saw a bright light appear from no where.

The next thing she knew, she was in bed and it was already morning. She got up and headed to the mirror and noticed the scar that was on the left side of her neck.

And another thing she noticed was.. Where was Clarence?


Her pin would be a small pink half of heart. Which would be pinned on her choker.
@Alad V

Can you define how exactly he uses Alteration for mobility for me? Other than that, Accepted.


Read the rules.

I'm a little unsure about the amount of capabilities you gave him. If he has that much restorative capabilities, I don't think I'll allow the speed aspects. Unless it is one burst of speed per battle with Maji'ka. I 'm also going to say no to the fact the wounds he make don't heal- unless he's fighting another restorative maji'ka, this will be the case anyways. If you're fine with these stipulations, he is Accepted (and after you make sure to read the rules xD ). [/spoilers]


Can you please explain what your maji'ka does? or is it just pure destruction/illusion energy. If the latter is the case, you're Accepted. If the prior is the case, just fix and you's accepted.
Name: Syla X. Kalem (Making it bold so you can tell the color)

Age: 19

Gender: Boy

Personality: Rash, quick to jump between emotions, determined, bitter with the world, self-righteous.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0378a9472745ee3508b4fa0fec43a5ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0378a9472745ee3508b4fa0fec43a5ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0f350965db73606fbe277365c0b6c283.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19229" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0f350965db73606fbe277365c0b6c283.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

But no wings

Maji'ka Abilities:

He's very strong with his destruction. That's all he's ever needed or experimented with.

Maji'ka Appearance: It shows as a dark, blue-black flame. It can either be tossed or it might envelop his body parts to cause damage when he attacks physically. His is the armor armor he wears, claws and all. It helps pretect him from attacks by other Maji'ka, and helps to increase the damage his physical attacks do. However, it is a bit heavy, so it slows him down and wears him out.

Some History: He was raised in foster homes, being bounced from place to place, never having somewhere permanent to call home. He never really minded until maybe his sixth or seventh home, where he spent almost four years and had a chance to make friends, even develop a crush, only to be ripped away from it and placed in a strange new home. This is when he started to resent his lot in life, and the resentment only grew over time. He feels he deserves better and will go to extreme lengths to get what he feels belongs to him.


Theme Song:
The button will be placed on his right shoulder. It is a weird object, seeming to change color on it's own, naturally appearing in a spiral of a very dark blue and an abyssal black.



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Name: Rie Katayama

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: Prideful, to say the least. Rie is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted.

Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possesses a natural charisma and the ability to lead others. In-spite of her pride, Rie has shown to be a very pragmatic and extremely determined woman, willing to cast aside pride and appearances and putting herself in dangerous situations as well as use whatever means necessary in order to secure victory. Aside from her cold structure, she does care dearly for her comrades.




Foci: Rie's sword is the weapon she uses as a gateway to focus the raw power of her Maji'ka. The weapon itself is very durable, and cannot be scathed by other weaponry.

Maji'ka Abilities: Alteration and Destruction.

Maji'ka Appearance: When using her Destruction Maji'ka to strengthen her sword; or any weapon at that, her weapon glows a bright red. When using Alteration Maji'ka, he left hand glows a turquoise color as she alters objects to her liking.

Some history: The continent of Clairos is ruled by five council members, Rie being the fifth. She oversees the government's military, a role that suits her very well. These five council members reside right smack in the center of the small continent, the capital city known as Haedairia. Along the outskirts of the city lie towns and villages, areas in which farmers thrive in. Some small suburban cities rest here, too. Next, along the coastal line of the continent resides all the fishing villages you can find. Along with shanty towns, and broken down villages. Pretty much the sort of place you wouldn't see a rich person lay their fingers on. Think of it as a rich, middle class, to poor aspect of life between these three "sections". Rie sees current council members as idiots, albeit they keep all the income they collect to fatten themselves. Rie believes that they are pigs created solely to be ruled by her. That is what sparks the fire within her blackened heart.

Growing up, she was able to experience first hand the way the poor was treated by some Council members that retired before she came into the picture. Her family suffered through many hardships, from sickness to starving nearly to death, it was a horrifying experience. But, when she was only ten, after her father became apart of the military as a commander and once her mother got a promotion and was recommended to work at a very successful and very important bank in the capital city, they were instantly booted up from poor to becoming one of the most wealthiest families within the capital city. For some time afterwards, life was finally being fair to them.

During the past, when there simply wasn't enough fish in the waters, or when competition for food amongst other fishing villages became out of control, Rie saw her fair share of violence. Her older brother and father had even broken bones trying to safeguard their food supply from neighboring villages that seemed to have been stricken by taxes and famine pretty badly. After experiencing the hardships they went through before their lives turned for the better, and after having interest with a militaristic life at such a young age, Rie became determined to become a council member as soon as possible.

After finding out what she really wanted to do, she spent six years studying all there was to know for what was required to be a council member. After becoming only 16 years old, she enlisted to become a candidate to take the previous fifth council's place. With her father's help, along with numerous letters from her mother's employers, the other council members finally came to have her on the candidates list. There were at least 49 others who were also participating.

Thing is, normally, a councilor had to have had experience with politics and with all sorts of stuff about the military to take the fifth council member's place. The age for said person would probably be somewhere around the age of 25 and older, which would have sufficed. And they also had to go through two months of grueling training at the Console Institution to be qualified to take the role as the fifth member. At the time, she was only sixteen, and the others were determined to make a fool out of her when she realizes how difficult the academy was for someone so young as she was. But, she had already spent six years studying from days on end and disciplining herself more an more to become someone that can lead a proper military. And to their surprise, after graduating from the institute, she succeeded and took her rights as one of the five, being the first ever in Clairos history to be a console member at such a young age.

It definitely did not take long enough before she saw the real problem with the way the continent was governed. The other members of the council were complete imbeciles, at least that was what she thought. She spent four years governing the military side of the council with an ironfist, stopping any if at all sign of rebellions, riots, and all of the sort. She eventually grew to hate the other members' presence, and felt chained down by them. During her first year though, they have always ridiculed her, talked back to her, and ignored her. This forced her to become a tougher, much smarter woman to be one step ahead of the others.

Then, one day, a meteor shower had occurred, and suddenly she was gifted with Maji'ka abilities. This is the very first step that pushed her desire into obtaining absolute rule of the world.

What she really wanted was more power.
And to achieve that, the other members must die by her hands. And she will do whatever it takes to overthrow them, and rule the insect-infested planet of Clairos. And she will most certainly use her new found power, and anyone who helps her in her cause for world conquest to slaughter those who oppose her. Including those with Maji'ka abilities, those in which she will personally hunt down and kill.

Other: Rie's pin is usually clipped under her right shoulder on her clothes. It is shaped as a tribal sign. She does have experience with hand to hand combat, she had her fair share of weapons training, and has practiced with her melee weapon skills very often. She is indeed capable of fighting.

(If there's anything I need to fix, I won't hesitate to do so!)
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Name: Tori S. Nicholas

Age: 15

Gender: Girl

Personality: Loner, Kind Hearted, brave, stubborn

Appearance: The girl is fairly tall and pale skinned. her messy black hair reaches to the small of her back and dark grey eyes. she has an athletic build though decent curve to her as well. she wears a loose T-shirt and athletic pants with a locket. her scar is on her chest very close to her heart.

Transformation: Transformed she has a bit of a sci-fi look. has a one piece like piece made of pretty tough spandex and has tech armor all over her limbs with bits of exposed limbs. the whole thing is colored black and green with sheaths for her dagger sword in opposite arms.

Foci: her Foci are a dagger and sword with a gothic monster style. they also double as her weapons.

Maji'ka Abilities:


Average: Alteration

Maji'ka Appearance: Her Maji'ka takes takes the form of shadow energy which when Altering takes the form of shadowy tendrils that come from her dagger's hilt as her Sword's hilt brings forth shadowy energy stream.

Some History: Tori for awhile had a good life. she was in the middle class with her parents and little sister. It wasn't perfect but she liked it. then on her 13th birthday they went out to a favorite pasta place when some psycho entered the place and shot it up. the psycho missed the heart by a bit spared her. the rest of her family was not so lucky. they died on site and she was the sole survivor of the incident. she ended up in an orphanage and only just a few weeks ago got adopted.


Her pin has a skull design on it and is pinned to the edge of her sleeve.
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Carmen A. Timberland






Sarcastic, Cunning, Observant, Patient, and Harsh



Some History:

"We can't live like this anymore," A tall dark haired male massaged his temples with frustration, grinding his teeth together. The blonde woman in front of him stood with her back turned to the man and her arms crossed over her chest. Her expression was undecipherable, a blank mask that, over time, became her neutral look. The man reached out and took the blonde by her shoulders. "Listen to me, Carm-"

Pulling away from the man's touch, the woman spun around and took a step back. "Don't call me that...!" She hissed under her breath, fear flashing through her icy blue eyes for only a moment. A moment of vulnerability. It didn't take long until the woman's mask was worn once again.

The man's expression was one of emotional pain and hurt, but it was soon replaced by a scowl. "Then what am I supposed to call you, honey?" Taking a step forward, the man towered a few inches above his wife. "Dear? Sweetie? Pumpkin?" Each sickeningly sweet pet name caused the woman's heart to break a little.

A slap silenced the man as the blonde quickly turned around and grabbed her coat. "I'm going to work." She muttered softly as she began to open the front door. The man only stood at the entrance, covering his face with his hand. "I'll pick Sophia up after school." The door shut closed and locked, only to be followed by the sound of the car engine running and fading away.

~Time Skip~

She stood in front of the kindergarten building, along with the other parents who were waiting for their children. The sky was a beautiful shade of eggshell blue, for no clouds even dared to stain the air. The sun was shining high up in the sky, it was the third day of June. School was to come to an end soon and both the teacher and children were getting ready for their report cards.

Her blonde locks were pulled back loosely in a low ponytail that kept her hair out of her face. It was mandatory in the lab. The woman stood tall, making polite chit chat with the other parents around her. It was only when the small kids came rushing out the doors of the kindergarten that the parents directed their attention to their children.

"Hello there, mama!" A young girl around the age of six pulled at the fabric of her mother's shirt, a bright and cheerful grin glued onto her small face. "You would never believe what I did today!" Rummaging around in her Hai Thurr Doggy backpack, the kindergartner tucked some of the loose black strands that fell out of her pigtails behind her ear. Pulling out a piece of paper, the child held it out so that her mother could look at it.

Smiling softly at her daughter, the woman took the piece of paper out from the small hands and opened it up. She gasped when she saw what the girl had drawn. "This is very good, Sophia." Giving Sophia a high five, the blonde woman bent down to look at the amateur scientific drawing of one of the trees by the playground. "Do you know what kind of tree this is?" The scientist waited for an answer, still staring down at the drawing, which was more of a bunch of detailed scribbles.

Sophia frowned as she searched through her brain for the answer. "Uhh, uhh...I know this...." The six year old and her mother began to walk towards the car. "Oh! Oh! It's a Judas tree! Or a Cercis siliquastrum!" Sophia stumbled over the scientific name of the tree, ending up pronouncing it as "sir-sis silly-qua-strum".

Strapping the seat belt around Sophia, the blonde woman smiled with amusement at the six year old's pronunciation. "It's pronounced sir-sis sil-qua-strum but very good." Closing the door to the backseat, the woman walked around to the driver's seat and got in. Starting up the car, she backed out and drove out of the kindergarten's small parking lot.

Ten minutes later, Sophia began jumping up and down in her seat and kicking her legs back and forth. "Mama! Mama! Look!" Pointing out the window and at a large field of flowers, Sophia's gaze was focused on a scrawny tree off to the side in the field. "Can we go look at it?" Leaning over to try to give her mother the puppy eyes that everyone knew only worked on her father, Sophia begged and showered her mother with pleases. "Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Puh-leaaaaase!"

Sighing, the blonde nodded and pulled over. "Alright, but because it's for a learning experience." Getting out of the car, the woman opened the backseat door and calmly proceeded to unbuckle the squirming girl's seat belt. The moment the seat belt was off, it was as if a bomb was set off. Sophia was out of the car, running straight towards the tree.

Laughing at the sight, the woman closed the door and locked her car. "Be careful, Sophia!" Jogging to catch up with the six year old, the scientist was known to be quite observant. She could spot some of the slightest, smallest, tiniest details in something. So, why didn't she see it before it was too late?

~Time Skip~

"So...Sophia...?" Falling to her knees, the woman's hands were covered with blood, the result of her attempts to save her daughter. Furrowing her eyebrows together, the scientist desperately checked for a pulse. But there was none. Wiping her bloody hands on her pants, the woman quickly reached out and held her daughter in her arms. Sobbing into Sophia's raven locks, the woman knew that her daughter was gone. She was a scientist, she was the one who faced the facts. But, for the first time in her career, Carmen A. Timberland wished that science never existed.

Beside her lay a large shard, shimmering in the sunlight like an angel. An angel that was as innocent as a newborn child.

Carmen is one of the mortals that hold a shard but have not fused with it. The shard is still a shard and has yet to transform into a foci or successfully fuse with a being.

Name: Lisette Franco (She often debates with herself whether or not to pronounce her name Lih-sette like listen or Lie-sette like the word lie)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Lisette is what some would consider a mechanical prodigy. She is good at inventing things and has made several inventions that benefit her greatly. She is very blunt and is not afraid at all to point out your flaws or what she thinks is wrong with you. She is extremely stubborn and once she has made a decision she will not budge, no matter what you do. Speaking of decisions, it often takes her a long time to think of them. She has a hard time coping in social situations and prefers to keep to herself since she was born in a city where deviating from the norm wasn't acceptable. She would be mocked or insulted for her innovations and ideas. She still loves to share all her ideas, though, as she has several hundred of them, swimming in her head at all times, so long as she's comfortable with the person she's sharing her idea with. She gets angry very quickly, especially if you make fun of her ideas or inventions. She's a big dreamer, and always has had big hopes for the future. She has a strange sense of humor that most other enjoy.

Appearance: Lisette has light pink hair, with straight bangs, reaching just above her eyebrows. The bangs have a few parts in them, dividing it into three segments. She always wears a pale yellow head band, that keeps her mid-neck length hair nice and straight. Lisette obsesses over her hair for about an hour each day, spraying product in it and brushing it to make sure that a hair never springs out of place. Her face is very smooth, and ovular, with a medium skintone. She has grey, almond shaped eyes, angled upwards slightly, and pointed at the lower-apex. Her eyes are small and a bit squinted, with medium length eyelashes. She wears thin framed glasses that are rust red in color. She has a small mouth, the upperlip being a bit wider and fuller than the bottom one. Her lips are a light, sort of salmon color. She has nice, full, cheeks and you might say her face is a little chubby. Her cheekbones rest in the middle of her face. Her nose is small and button-like, with a nice downward curve. She has average-sized ears that appear like any other ears. She is 5'4" and weighs about ninety-four pounds. She has a small frame, long arms, and big feet. She's not exactly attractive, but she isn't ugly either. She carries a leather satchel with her that holds her tools and two to three small-ish inventions.

Maji'ka Abilities:

Great at destruction, good at alteration


(Except it has Lisette's hair, not that brown hair.)

Information: The armour is very light and durable, allowing her to attack and move swiftly. Her wings provide a bit of extra swiftness and mobility.

Foci: Lisette's Foci is her large gun gauntlet. Along with shooting gears she can hit people with the arm if she's close enough.

Transformation Sequence: The pieces of her suit appear and attach onto her body, closing around her safely.

Maji'ka Appearance: Her destruction magic appears as fine, bronze gears. The gears move fast and can bounce of off walls and other surfaces. The teeth of the gear can cut up her enemies easily. A blue fire appears out of the gun and engulfs what she would like to alter. The flames are extinguished and it comes out as the new object for her alteration magic.

Some History:

Lisette lived in a nuclear neighborhood. A neighborhood where everything was the exact same. All the houses were painted yellow and had pretty gabled brown roofs and lovely white picket fences. Even inside the houses, everything was the same. You entered into the living room, a kitchen was on the top right, there were two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an attic, and a small game room.

The three were very different from the other families that lived there. They were strange, and loud, sparks and strange fires always coming from their house, due to Lisette's mother. It was a huge contrast to the other families that lived there, who were quiet, well-spoken, and pleasant people to be around.

The community was very bothered by the Franco clan and how they didn't fit in and disturbed everyone else. They came to the decision that either the Francos moved or they made their life in the neighborhood a living hell. There were often large crowds in front of their house, trying to get one of them to come out, but it never worked. The Francos were much too focused on their own business to be worried about anyone else.

It was much worse for Lisette at school, though. Everyone turned on her, even the teachers, who were supposed to be supporting people and role models that she could look up to. Even though her parents managed to stay neutral about these things, Lisette wanted more than ever to just punch someone or scream at the crowds to go away.

She vented to her mother about this one day and how she just wanted to make them all disappear. So her mother suggested she try inventing something to make that happen. Lisette liked that idea and set to work. While not inventing anything to make someone disappear, she made lots of other items that have helped her greatly.

After over ten years of working on inventions, she finally made something to solve her earlier problem. While it didn't make others disappear, it silenced them and they became mute. Of course you could use the device to unsilence them, but Lisette preferred to keep anyone she silenced on silence.

This invention got her kicked out of school, but it didn't bother her, because she thought it was a shitty school anyways, with rude people and stupid teachers. She set aside school to work on inventing and asked her parents if they could move to the city where businesses were booming and people were filthy rich. They agreed, as they were sick and tired of their current neighborhood. They packed their stuff, and moved to a nice house outside the city with plenty of space for a workshop and all of Lisette's inventions.

One night while inventing, she felt a sharp, stinging pain in her wrist, but the sudden pain was gone within a few minutes.


Her pin is shaped like two gears, one large, and one smaller. It's pinned onto the left of her headband.

After -Notes:

  • Subject: BXM471-G1


    Name: Lauren Sparks

    Age: 12 Years

    Sex: Female

    Weight: 107 lbs.

    Height: 4‘ 8“

    Details: Her hair is auburn; a nice reddish brown, and her eyes are green with flakes of dull yellow in them. Her skin is fair, with freckles dashing her nose, cheeks, arms, shoulders, legs and thighs. They get a very dark brown, and even her skin, with enough sun, gets a pretty shade of lightish tan. She is very slender with barely cupable breasts, mild womanly figure and sweet baby smooth skin. Her hair is a an outgrown pixie cut but just long enough to slap some bangs to one side, and two cute buns or tails on either hemisphere of her head.


    Lauren has a strong sense of what is right and wrong without much thought for the bigger picture or her own safety. She enjoys soft cuddly things and has no patience for bullies, meanies or bossy people. She will voice her opinion when she feels she needs to. She is often made fun of for looking like a boy, mostly cause of her shorter hair and her ear rings but her gender is usually easily recognized by her soft skin, girly structure and either a bra and/or panties.

    For people who’re nice, or spoken, she usually quickly makes friends. Right now, with life at home, her emotions and state of mind are a little hectic. It can show in her conversations and how she actions.

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Herald Gossamer








Passionate (In certain occurrences)

Easily frightened






A hand gauntlet. Nothing more, nothing less.

(It is shown in his transformation-- see his right arm.)

Maji'ka Abilities



Maji'ka Appearance

As Herald transforms, he changes through an explosion of yellow sparks and wisps. His magic acts in the same way with each and every target of his, whether it be himself, others, or other objects.


A man who suffered through a bumpy life, Herald did not have it easy. He was born into poverty, a trembling household, and an experience without a father who had abandoned his family from when his sister was born.

Life had gone on in a cycle. Scavenging for necessities, dealing with that unsafe shelter of a home, staying alive among everyone else like them who only cared about themselves. It was harsh, like a purgatory that never ended. And Herald just grew up through it all.

Herald never done anything about it. He never felt like he had the choice of rising up from his prison. He just sat there and let it happened. It just wasn't in him to act, and so he just let it go on.

[The next tidbits will happen as the RP progresses. This has already been discussed in a PM.]


Herald's pin appears to be jewelry in the shape of a cross. In the middle is a shiny marble-looking stone, with a metallic outline around it. It is embedded into the back of his left hand.
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I ain't never gone korean before no how no way

Name: Kim Yu Na (A beautiful and delicate child)

Age: 14

Gender: Girl

Personality: OCD with cleanliness in any and all forms (organization, speech, grammar, etc) and overbearingly corrective, she's Meticulous, Naiive, and Obsequious. She's also narcoleptic.

Appearance: There’s a scar in her inner left thigh. She’s Korean, with pale skin, short stature, and a thin, flexible body. Her hair’s a slick black, usually tied back in an out-of-her-face bun, and she dresses in colorful pastels or leather jackets. (will draw)

Transformation: Red is the primary color of her outfit, with the occasional white and yellow to accentuate and be all stylish. She has a red hair ribbon that ties up her hair and nets its monstrous length. Her eyes are shadowed by a yellow holographic visor, and her feet have matching yellow lazor lights at the ankles, akin to Mercury's winged feet. The outfit itself is reminiscent of a gymnast's leotard, with long sleeves and a cut just below the waist. Belted with a sash that floats a fluffy frill behind her, and matching arm ribbons to boot, the legs are left free to optimise jumping movement. Yellow laser at the hip and high sock-like shoes cover her lower half. Red leather therefore coats most of the outfit. When given the opportunity, Yu Na will cover this outfit with a billowy brown cloak, and keep it on for the entire battle if she can manage it.

Foci: A pure white umbrella with a bright red leather handle. It shines with a healing light and must shade the object or person she seeks to restore.

Maj’ika Abilities: Restoration. Alteration.

Maj’ika Appearance: She uses the umbrella for both abilities she's shown some promise in. Her focus in Restoration is the healing of human flesh, and she has undergone a memorization of the human physiology towards that end, wanting to know exactly what to focus her mind upon in order to uncover the exact healing required to fix the issue. She believes her ability is made strongest when her foci shades her, so she always has her umbrella handy to shade whatever she's putting her hands on to heal. She has also been practicing using the umbrella for long range healings, sending out rays of light that are meant to heal her target. The success of such attempts varies with circumstance. The manfestation of her skills occurs in bright, lightning-like flashes.

Alteration manifests alongside a closed umbrella. She uses the sharp point and transforms the item into a light-saber, the one blade that she imagines could entirely obliterate anything in its path, but in truth can only on average output about as much zappitude as a taser on low. She feels, and has long felt, an affinity with the jedi for their flippy moves and buddhist-like ideals. So far as she's concerned, she is a jedi. A magical jedi. The lightsaber zaps by a flash like lightning into being has a white blade and a blood-red hilt.

Some History: Yu Na has a very strict home with a traditionalist father that raves on the importance of a tireless work ethic. In her household, nothing is more important than success. Whatever a Kim tries their hand at they must succeed in. Failure is the choice to not do your best, and loss is met with the ruler's rapping across her knuckles, or father's fiery lecture, or standing outside the front door in the rain, or balancing text books on her kneeling thighs. Discipline, enacted from when she was at a very young age, drove the point home. Yu Na was to go beyond what she was naturally capable of doing in order to achieve the expectations set in place by her household.

And this is her life in a nutshell. Studying at school, taking studious notes, befriending only those that study with her, returning home to study, to show the grades she received on tests or quizzes (receiving due discipline or an accepting nod besides), and in all ways submissive and overacheiving, but never ambitious for her own gain, except for the approval of her father. He who scares her the most is at the same time the one person she most desires to please.

Other: Brooch is a smiley face with the tongue sticking out and a big ole wink going on. Its metallic shine is golden in shade. When pinned, it is found stabbing into the cloth binding her bunhair.
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Age: [DATA CORRUPTED] <Sys.Admin - Edit> Approximately 35 years.

Sex: Male <UNAUTHORIZED.USER - Edit> Or am I?

Psychological Evaluation: The subject has shown sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies with shocking regularity,but has also been observed to be very patient and methodical in his actions. The subject has a sadist streak,and endeavors to take prisoners. Goals currently unknown. <UNAUTHORIZED.USER - Edit> Good job! By the way,check behind the dumpsters behind Shots on 32nd and Main. He's starting to smell.

Appearance: [DATA EXPUNGED] <UNAUTHORIZED.USER - Edit> Nice try. Don't try it again. <Sys.Kernel - Info> Restore failed.

Observed Superhuman Abilities: The subject appears capable of undergoing a physical phase-shift,turning into what is most likely energy or data. They are also capable of high-energy discharges. Finally,they've been observed to produce throwing knives,a longbow,and a strange sword with a sickle shape,concave side facing forward,seemingly from nowhere. <Sys.Admin - Edit> It's called a shotel.

<To be continued>
Name: Treasa (TRA-sa) Shea (ALL the colors)

Age: 15

Gender: Girl

Personality: Curious, Resourceful, Intelligent, Determined, Friendly



Scar in her suprasternal notch, often wears turtlenecks to hide it

Outer three fingers on right hand replaced with mechanical prosthetic, visible inner mechanisms

Maji'ka Abilities:

Restoration - Specifically fixing nonliving things is her specialty.

Destruction - Treasa has more aptitude for breaking things than she'd like. Electricity is both a useful tool in making things and making things break.

Maji'ka Appearance:


Foci are the large, pink beads on her hair tie

Some History:

"-thing on? Testing, testing, one-two"

"Alright, so I got this working, and here marks the first official entry in the audio diary of me, Treasa Shea, hopefully this will be found long after I'm gone when my inventions are running this world in the exploration of the cosm-" audio cuts out

"I fixed it, nothing to worry about" the sounds of shuffling papers and tools "Alright, I'm going to record my ramblings as I work from now on, so I'm not just talking to myself." a loud metallic clunk "Currently working on converting a small, automatic vacuum into a drone that can map out the floor plans of a building with extreme precision" sound of a ratcheting wrench "I have the prototype sensors mounted, but the motor needs an upgrade to carry the--" sound of a door opening "How hungry are you, sweetie? Your father's grilling steaks." "Not now, mom! I'm recording my thoughts for posterity... very hungry, thank you." sound of a door shutting "Where was I...? Oh! The motor needs more torque to carry the extra weight..." log continue for 30 minutes, when Treasa is called to dinner.

Panting "Whew. Almost lost a finger or ten, there. The RoomBot blew up. Too much torque. Need to make some adjustments"

"Scrapping the RoomBot project for a while, after... well, I have a new project to work on: a motorized prosthetic for the middle, ring, and pinky finger on my right hand. Shouldn't be too difficult; just wire it up to follow the lead of my index finger. Makes flipping someone off more difficult, but I have another hand. Now if I just..."

"My new fingers have passed with flying colors: waterproof, silent motors, they look badass with the clear-coating around the circuitry, and I only snapped my fork in half at dinner once! I am officially awesome!"

"-eautiful, ins't it, Treasa?" "Yeah, mom, beautiful. For future listeners, my mother and I are in our back yard, and there's a giant shooting star. Video will probably be available in news archi-- what the hell? It blew up, and shrapnel is flying--" "Get inside, honey." "Mom, what's happening?" "Get inside!" wind interference, door closing "Mom, what just--" glass shattering, man shouting, loud thump, girl screaming, audio cuts out

Distant sirens persist through entire log "Something big just happened. The meteor blew up, shrapnel went everywhere. Luckily not many serious injuries, but mom got knocked out by a chunk of our window, everyone's covered in glass cuts, and I'm lucky to be alive; a piece of glass or something went straight into my chest--" "Sweetheart, come listen to this." muffled voice from an old radio '--reports of people being struck with shards of this mysterious stone. We don't know what it is doing, but it's inside people. Lattimer, Shea, we need you to--' radio shuts off "Sweetheart, go to daddy's den, and open the closet, push hard on the back wall and go through. Your mother and I love you very much, and we hope to see you soon." "Daddy, what--" knocking on a door, [whispered] "Go."

Other: Pin is a cog, attached to the center her right palm, through her prosthetic because why not?
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