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Hue Master

Yu-Gi-Oh: Age of Duelist


Duel Monsters, is one of the most popular and widely played card games in the world. So much has happened since the beginning of the game's initial creation. From the creation of the Duel Disk to the creation of new summoning methods, the game has evolved over time. Here in the big city (No title given at this time) in America, one can see Duelists duking it out using their duel disks to summon holographic monsters. There is also the tables where people play at one's locals or just at the park. Other times you'll see a Battle Box with two duelists if you simply look in the right direction. 

Of course the game has it's own share of famed competitive duelists. Maybe your a beginner or perhaps you are one who has played this game for awhile. Regardless, dueling is simply either a fun pastime or a competition to see who is better. There is certainly a lot one can do besides dueling but it's highly likely one will see two people dueling outside. 


Kaiba Corporation's R&D Lab


"My turn, draw!" A brown-haired young man said as he drew his card from the top of his deck. The young man is wearing a long white sleeveless KaibaCorp-designed coat featuring shoulder pads and a raised studded collar with black sleeves coming from his shirt coming out from under. 


"It's time I finished this duel. Prepare yourself for defeat," he says as he looks over his hand before immediately making a move.


"I activate the spell card, Dragon Shrine! I send in my 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' along with 'The White Stone of Legend.' White Stone of Legend's effect activates and I add a 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' from my deck to my hand. I reveal the Blue-Eyes I added to my hand in order to special summon, Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon! Then I activate it's effect destroying the only monster on your field!"


His opponent would see that his only monster, which was in defense, was destroyed. Of course the brown-haired man wasn't done yet. 


"My Alternative Dragon can't attack the turn I use it's effect but... my turn is far from over! I shuffle my 'Master with Eyes of Blue' from my graveyard to my deck and target my 'Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon'. My pride and my soul. Come forth, 'BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGON' resurrect from the graveyard!"


He plays the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his graveyard onto his duel disk, and soon a large white dragon would summon onto the field. The opponent currently has 9000 life points but the young man would finish things this turn. 


"I summon 'Maiden with Eyes of Blue' in attack mode. Then I discard one card and target my maiden in order to activate my 'Sage with Eyes of Blue' effect! At this moment, my maiden's effect also activates and I special summon my second Blue-Eyes from my hand! Then my Sage's effect goes off and I special summon my third and last Blue-Eyes from my deck!" 


Both Blue-Eyes White Dragon's appeared onto the field along with the first. 


"It's over. All three of my Blue-Eyes attack!! BURST STREAM OF DESTRUCTION!!!" All three dragon's opened their mouths and launched their attack reducing their life points to 0.


Soon the brown-haired man and his opponent seemed to have disappeared. 

"Battle Simulation ended. Seto Kaiba is the winner of the duel," a computer-generated voice spoke from within the laboratory. 

"The Legacy Battle Simulation was a success. But it still requires a bit more tweaking before it's announced to the general public," a scientist said as the rest of the staff there also nodded. "Just a bit more and we can bring onto a new age of Dueling Entertainment!" 

RP is now Open! All of you are free to do as you want with your characters whether it's to challenge random NPCs or just simply do something else. You can duel another but you'll have to think of a way to post the duel. 


@GinkyGotBack @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai @F o o l i s h n e s s @Rurnur 

@DemetrioMachete @Arael @KiritoIsamu @TPBx 

@Brinie @Brass Skeleton @The Endergod
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"Excavate, effect of Marshalleaf, Komushroomo." Moshi muttered nonchalantly as her opponent's perfect defense was picked apart, first, his high-level monster with a massive defense stat, followed by the continuous spell preventing her monsters from attacking at all. The older boy in front of him furrowed his brow. "Excavate?" He mumbled to himself, shocked at how easily his lock had been broken. "Correct, I simply take the top card from my deck, reveal it to the both of us, and send it to the grave, based upon whether that card is a plant monster or not. If it isn't, I place it at the bottom of my deck instead, but if it is, that means I get to complete my card's effect which required me to excavate. That's the Sylvan deck." She gave a forced smile, tired of explaining the process of excavation every time she dueled, but remaining understanding at the same time, after all, it wasn't exactly a common mechanic in most decks. However, the boy kept his confused expression, checking through his hand to see if he could pull out any more strategies, but obviously he couldn't. At this point, the card advantage was too far in her favour, while he only attempted to stall with a few powerful cards, Moshi had accumulated a hand full of plans upon backup plans, not to mention the field full of powerful monsters, just waiting for the opportunity to wipe out the remainder of his lifepoints. This was something that seperated Moshi from other duelists, her awareness of the state of a duel, not just looking at the lifepoints, or the attack/defense stats of their monsters, but of each player's field presence and hand advantage. Moshi was very careful with her card choices, favouring cards that allow her to gain more over time, and carefully remove specific cards of her opponents. It was this strategy that led to her opponent's downfall, within seconds after the boy ended his turn, Moshi sent in a barrage of attacks from her high level Plant monsters, finishing the duel. The boy scratched his head in disbelief and began packing up his cards, obviously somewhat taken aback from the experience. She had expected duelists in this country to be more on her level, but perhaps that wasn't the case, for the most part, at least. Moshi offered the boy a handshake and wished him well, suggesting that his deck may require different ways to defeat your opponent, perhaps through more effective means of card removal, if he wished to stick with the "lockdown" strategy.

Afterwards, she stepped out of the battle box into the fresh air, securing her deck back onto her belt. Some people began to gather, as that duelist seemed to be causing a scene elsewhere, it appeared he was something of a local champion, and a defeat from him brought interest from the surrounding duelists. Oh well, she had no interest in small-time drama, it was time to move on. After grabbing a soda from nearby, she began making her way deeper into the city, hoping to come across more powerful duelists and prestigious events as the city became more dense and filled with people. She had come here two days ago from Germany, in order to experience a new level of dueling, and take part in the numerous tournaments this region held at this time of year. She took a sip from her soda, casually eyeing the numerous battle boxes in the town square she had just walked into, attempting to analyse which duelists were at the highest level.
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"My turn, I tribute my Samsara Kaiser and Spirit Reaper to Summon Red Eyes Black Dragon. Next the effect of Samsara Kaiser activates returning it to my hand. Now attack Silent Psychic Wizard," Yama called out. The gigantic holographic dragon spit out huge spurts of red and orange flames from its mouth, destroying Silent Psychic Wizard.

Jin's LP: 2600 - 2100

Yama's LP: 3100

"Now, Silent Psychic Wizard's effect activates, the card I Banished earlier and Special Summon it to the field. So now I Summon Esper Girl back to the field. Now its effect activates, I'll remove one card from my deck from play," Jin stated.

"Pathetic choice, but I'll let it slide. I'll set on card face down and end my turn. I'll end you next turn for sure."

"I think you have it all backwards my friend, I win now."

"You expect to win with that pathetic monster?"

"No, but you've been underestimating what I'm capable of. Draw." Jin looked at the card he drew. "Overdrive Teleporter, just what I needed. First I'll activate this spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon, I can destroy one spell spell or trap card on the field so I'll destroy your face down card." In a flash, the card disappeared and blew up into a billion pieces. "Next I'll tribute Esper Girl to summon Overdrive Teleporter. Next I'll add the card that Esper Girl banished to my hand as part of her effect."

"Decent card but it only has 2100 attack, you can't destroy my Red Eyes Black Dragon." 

"I'm not summoning this card for its attack power, but for its effect. By sacrificing 2000 Life Points I can special summon two Level 3 Psychic Type Monsters from my deck. So I'll summon Serene Psychic Witch and Psychic Commander from my deck. Next I'll tune my Level 3 Psychic Commander and my Level 3 Serene Psychic Witch to Synchro Summon Psychic Nightmare,

Jin's LP: 2100 -> 100

"Ok, so you did all that. Nearly killed yourself, and for a card that only has the same amount of attack power as My Red Eyes."

"You fail to see the bigger picture. Next I'll activate my Nightmare's effect, I pick a card in your hand and guess if it is a Monster, Spell or Trap Card. If I'm correct then my Nightmare gains 1000 Attack Points until the end of this turn." Then a holographic projection of Yama's hand was placed onto the screen with the backs faced toward Jin so he couldn't see which card was which. Out of the two cards, Jin picked the one on the right, "that is a monster card."

"Oh no," Yama replied with dread. Jin somehow managed to figure out that he only had monster cards in his hand, "but how did you know."

"Because you lack any forethought whatsoever. Now my Psychic Nightmare gains 1000 Attack Points. Now attack, Psychic Nightmare, destroy his Red Eyes Black Dragon." The demonic figure unleashed a stream of green lightning bolts and eradicated his dragon with a blistering barrage. "Now, Overdrive Teleporter, attack him directly." The monster glowed with a green aura and disappeared from the battlefield, then reappearing right in front of Yama. He punched him with a glowing green fist, the surprise knocked over Yama. "I win," Jin said triumphantly.

Yama's LP: 3100 -> 2100 -> 0
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"Go, Master of Oz number one! Destroy his precious dragon!"

Sirius stood in the center of the city's largest park, facing down another duelist who had three Master of Oz monsters on his field. The first massive creature winded one fist back and threw a massive punch at the only monster on Sirius's field, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend, and flattened the dragon, destroying it and dropping Sirius's life points to 4600.

Sirius didn't seem fazed by it, however, staring his foe down with his signature intensity. The other duelist stared back for a second, hoping for a reaction, before finally growling in frustration. "Aren't you gonna say anything!? I just smashed your only monster, and I've still got two Masters of Oz to attack you with! you're about to lose!"

Despite the other duelists taunting, Sirius remained stone-faced. "...About to lose?" He spoke up, cocking his head.

"YES, YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE! Master of Oz number two, go in for the direct attack!"

As the second giant beast moved to attack, Sirius began to laugh, starting off as a quiet chuckle before quickly escalating to a full-blown guffaw. "I'm about to lose!? Is that honestly what you think? You honestly think I'd lose to such a bland strategy? Let me show you otherwise! I activate the trap card Reject Reborn! Your attack is negated and the battle phase ends!"

The other duelist groaned in frustration. "Come on, man! you've only got one card in hand and nothing else on the field, you're just delaying the inevitable!"

"The only thing that's inevitable is your complete and total defeat! You, who lacks true passion and duels only for the sake of your pride, will never defeat my burning soul! Reject Reborn has a second effect that lets me summon back a Synchro monster and a tuner monster from my graveyard! Rise once more, embodiments of my soul, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend and Synkron Resonator!"

"And now it's my turn! Draw!" Sirius bellowed, drawing from his deck as his turn began. "This is the fifth time you've challenged me, and this will be the fifth time you lose to me. My dragon will never fall to the likes of you! I summon Mirror Resonator from my hand and use him and Synkron Resonator for a double tuning with Scarlight! Come forth, mighty king! I summon Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend!'

'I activate Tyrant's ability and destroy every other card on the field! Get rid of those ugly beasts!" The other duelist could only watch as his three monsters disappeared in holographic flames, quivering with a mix of fear and anger. Sirius could only shake his head. "I'd hoped you'd have learned by now that simply having strong monsters isn't enough to beat me. Ah well. Tyrant, end this." Sirius didn't even bother to watch as the duel ended, turning his back to the other duelist as his dragon took the last of his foe's life points. Slipping his used cards back into his deck as his duel disk deactivated, Sirius took a look about the park, other duelists giving him a wide berth, not wanting to end up like his last opponent. A real shame, that was. He hasn't improved one bit. Some people just never learn, it seems.

(Open to interaction)
Jin packed up his duel disk and deck, and like a good sport, he shook Yama's hand. Yama smiled and promised he would beat him some day, and the two went their separate ways. Jin then headed over to the market to run some errands: pick up some coffee, some snacks, and his lunch. He had exams to study for, so it was sort of necessary that he got his cram week supplies in. He promised himself that would be the last duel he would participate in before confining himself to his apartment for the next week to study.

He walked over to the park to eat his lunch and watched another duel unfold. The guy seemed pretty fired up as he executed his kill combo. "Reject Reborn is such an overloaded card," he muttered to himself, "though its pretty specific so I guess there's that." When the guy finished he turned his back to his opponent as he "styled" on him. The other duelists seemed afraid of him, and they had absolutely every right to be. The guy showed some serious skill and had powerful cards to back it up. He took another bite out of his sandwich and got up after putting it away, he mounted his duel disk and walked up to the plate.

"Yo, as cool as it is to laud over your opponent at least be somewhat respectful, they're duelists like you and me," he stated. "Now, lets test your metal."

@Brass Skeleton
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Sirius turned as a stranger approached him, telling him off for his aggressive attitude. The fact that the guy had approached him at all piqued Sirius's interest; after all, everyone else was avoiding him. That made him either confident or arrogant, and Sirius wanted to find out which one it was. "Laud? I do no such thing. I merely tell it how I see it. That man had challenged me four times prior to today, and has lost every time. He's been given every chance I could give him, and yet he still loses. I am, after all, trying to improve and practice before my next tournament. How am I supposed to do that if my foes don't show the same drive?"

Reactivating his duel disk, Sirius took his usual stance and pointed at the other duelist before slamming his thumb up to his chest.. "If you wish to test me, so be it. My name is Sirius Cowen, and my dragons will show you just what I'm made of!"

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After making her way through each of the town square's "Premiere" duelists without even finishing her soda, Moshi began to move into other parts of the city, eventually coming across a rather large park, filled with duel arenas. This seemed more appropriate, she had heard from the other duelists that this was a major location for dueling in the city, maybe here she'd find some more serious players. Immediately, an exceedingly loud and heated duel appeared to be taking place, she hurried over, snaking her way through the crowd to see the game's conclusion, only to discover it was already over. Letting out a sigh, she took a sip from her soda, appearing as just a casual onlooker while analyzing the duelists, specifically, the winner. It was a rather tall gentlemen, though unfortunately it looked like he had already found another opponent. But no matter, it was better to scout out powerful duelists than spend her time dueling those far below her own skill level.

Moshi was the first to form a crowd around the two duelists, showing no emotion as she simply waited for them to begin dueling, finishing off her soda.
"The name is Jin Ishimoto. Its a pleasure to meet you." Jin stated. He grabbed his deck from his case and inserted it into his duel disk. It sparked to life as it assembled itself. "I can't pull any punches he told himself. This guy has expectations, and I have to exceed them." He switched out his current deck with a different one from his backpack.  " His Psychic-Types lacked sure lacked the attack power to beat his Dragons, but he knew he had the edge in other ways. Hopefully, his tournament deck would prove to be useful good enough to stand up against such powerful cards. After all, if he was going to enter the tournament after exams were over, he'd have to face this guy anyways.

 After registering the placement of his new deck, the Duel Disk lit up once more and showed how many life points he had left. The machine then shuffled his cards and set them back into place."Prepare yourself, Cowen. I won't hold anything back." He pulled out his first five cards and waited for his opponent to the same.

@Brass Skeleton
On this morning, one would find Midori hold a blue umbrella in the air, fully open, despite it being a rather sunny day out walking eastward from her home. Why? Because a card told her to of course. It may have attracted some attention of the wrong sort, but it was perfectly fine for her otherwise. "So....that should be East."  She said to herself turning towards the city center, a range of duelists walking along with her... or rather around her. If the umbrella didn't throw them off, when she would glance at them, most of them quickened their pace, no doubt either intimidated or scared. "Let's go Fortune Girl Swee..." As odd as it may seem, she always followed through on her card's fortune, and there were a few others around the dueling sector of the Town Square who wanted to hear their fortune for fun - granted they usually didn't follow through and take the card's advice like a grain of salt.

'I think here would be nice' She said, standing on the outside of a card shop (the fourth one she passed by) near the Town Square, taking  a look inside for a brief moment before she started her harmless fortune telling section inside a battle box, with a fee having to be given to the owner for her using it for a set amount of time. As long as she didn't actually ask for money from their customers or someone wanted to duel inside of here, the owner had no problem with her hobby - plus, she might attract other weirdos like her.

<Open for interaction>

"Since, I challenged you, I'll start us off. I'll summon Psychic Snail and  set 2 face down cards," Jin said calmly, "End Turn." He looked at his hand and at the cards he played. "I don't have the immediate power to take him on right off the bat, but if I can just get the ball rolling, cancel out his strong moves with some traps, then I'll be able to push an advantage.

"My turn, Draw. First off, because I don't control any monsters, I can special summon Primitive Butterfly from my hand, I'll activate my Butterfly's second effect, increasing its level by 1. Next I'll summon Red Resonator. With its effect I can also special summon 1 level 4 or lower monster from my hand, so I'll summon Mirror Resonator in defense mode," Sirius stated loudly, "Now, I'll tune my Red Resonator and Primitive Butterfly to Synchro Summon Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend." The two monsters transformed into 8 stars that lined up together. Circles formed around them as they transformed into the gigantic, fiery red dragon.

"There it is," Jin said to himself, "Now I'll activate my trap, Bottomless Trap Hole. Your dragon is no use if I banish it." The Trap Card flipped up and unleashed a powerful vortex sucking the dragon into the abyss, destroying it and removing it from play.

"Gah, you coward, I shall not tolerate this kind of foolishness. I'll emerge on top by the end of this duel you'll see. For now I'll activate this spell card, One Day of Peace. Both of us will draw 2 cards, then I'll end my turn."

"Nice, a good draw." Jin then readied himself for his turn, "Draw. Now attack, Psychic Snail." The humanoid snail attacked the mirror carrying demon, instantly destroying it with a single punch. Since it was in defense mode, it did not have any effect on Sirius's Life Points. "I'll end my turn there."

"Is this what you call a test? I'll bring out more of my passion to destroy you," Sirius exclaimed. To be fair though, it was true, Jin was playing the slow game and for good reason. As much as he wanted to win, this was a duel to gauge the strength of his tournament deck, and so far it faired well, but Sirius looked like the type of guy to have more than just raw power. As seen by his last duel he wasn't fazed staring down those Master of Oz's who had vastly more attack power than anything Jin could pull out. Revealing too much would put him at a disadvantage in the future, if he ever had to face this guy again. "I'll summon Red Sprinter. WIth its effect, I can special summon one level 4 or lower monster from my hand or the graveyard, so I summon Red Resonator from the graveyard. Now I'll tune Red Sprinter and Red Resonator to Synchro Summon Rising Red Dragon. With Rising Red Dragon's ability, I can special summon Red Resonator from the graveyard once more."

"This combo," Jin said to himself, "is he going to summon...."

"Now I'll Synchro summon another Scarlight Red Dragon!!!"

"What the hell, another one?"

"Attack, Scarlight Red Dragon. Destroy his Psychic Snail with Blast Burn Inferno."

"Not on my watch. I activate my next trap. Burying Mirror Force. With this I'll flip your Dragon into face down defense position." The Dragon stopped its attack and was soon confined back into its face down card.

"I end my turn."

"I live to fight another day, I suppose. But how many of these cards can he possibly have, I don't have enough traps and spells to block and delete all of them." Jin adjusted his collar and glasses. He pulled out his next card and saw his next move, "Nice. Now I'll attack your Scarlight Dragon. Go Psychic Snail." The Snail attacked once more, awakening the dragon from his slumber. The card flipped open but nothing happened other than Jin taking damage from attacking such a powerful monster. "Now its my second main phase, so I'll activate this spell. Telokinesis. As long as I control one face up Psychic Type monster, I can destroy a face up card on the field, so I target your Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend. However as a side effect, I take 1000 points of damage." Psychic Snail lifted up its hands to its head and summoned a dark ball of energy, firing it at Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend. The blast destroyed the card and sent it to the graveyard. "Now I'll summon Serene Psychic Witch in attack mode and end my turn."

Jin's LP: 4000 -> 3400 -> 2400

@Brass Skeleton
Sirius drew as his turn began, then smiled upon seeing the card in his hand. This is where it ends, Jin Ishimoto. You put up a fight, but in the end you were simply no match for my mighty dragon. I activate the spell card Return of the Dragon Lords! This lets me special summon one level seven or eight dragon from my graveyard. Rise once more, embodiment of my soul, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend!"

"Next, I'm activating the spell card I just drew, Resonator Call, and add Chain Resonator to my hand. Then I'll normal summon him and activate his effect, special summoning Synkron Resonator from the deck! It's time once again for a double tuning. I tune Scarlight with Chain Resonator and Synkron Resonator! Rise, mighty king, and show our foe just what we're made of! I summon Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend!"

The monster roared to life in an explosion of holographic flames, hovering over the battlefield. I activate Tyrant's ability, destroying all other cards on the field! Go, wipe everything from existence!"

Tyrant slammed it's massive fists into the ground, sending a wave of fire towards Jin's monsters, blowing them both away. Jin seemed concerned, but remained calm. "I activate Serene Psychic Witch's effect, banishing a psychic type from my deck," He said, sliding a copy of Mental Seeker into his banished zone.

"Banish whatever you like, you won't survive this next attack. Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend!"

As if responding to Sirius's call, the monster turned to look at him. "Our foe here says he wants to test our metal, so let's show him everything we've got. Take the last of his life points with Absolute Power Inferno!"

The monster let out a mighty roar and wound up one flame-covered fist, then practically threw a wave of fire towards the other duelist, stripping away the last of his life points.

Jin's LP: 2400 -> 0

Sirius deactivated his duel disk and turned as if to walk away, then stopped and looked back at Jin. "You have potential, Jin Ishimoto. Improve, then come challenge me again. I'll take you on anytime you like."

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Moshi tilted her head curiously upon watching the duel take place, the Red Dragon synchro deck interested her, as she had a penchant for extra deck-based aggro decks, with a focus on special summoning. The Synchro summon was inherently much more difficult to pull off than her own XYZ cards, but this duelist seemed to be able to perform them consistently, impressing her. On the other hand, the psychic deck didn't seem to have a chance to show off it's potential, perhaps the build had some consistency issues, nevertheless, the duelist behind the deck seemed to have raw talent and potential to improve. Either one of the duelists should be able to help her out, depending on who was the friendlier out of the bunch.

The girl shuffled awkwardly over to the winner of the duel, Sirius, raising a hand in greeting. She looked up at him, taking a sip from her soda before speaking. "I saw your duel, it was impressive. I'm new to this country, looking for high-level duelists." She paused and observed him once again, before glancing over at the other one, Jin. "Would you consider yourself one?" She raised her eyebrows slightly, smiling curiously up at him. "If not, perhaps you could direct me to where I would find some?" She asked in a somewhat challenging tone, the man seemed to be very high-spirited and confident in himself, and she'd be very interested to see how he reacted to this statement. Of course, she didn't actually intend to challenge him, she really did want to know where the most powerful duelists in the city were located. @Brass Skeleton 
As Sirius began to move away, he was approached for a second time, this time by a young woman. Though her English was perfect, she spoke in a heavy accent, to which Sirius cocked his head curiously. Two people in one day who weren't afraid to approach him? This was certainly rare. 

"Why yes, I would consider myself a high level duelist. That accent of yours...German, right? Must be in town for all the tournaments we hold." Sirius couldn't help but be curious; foreigners weren't uncommon, but something about the way this girl seemed off, almost like she was putting up a front. He had never liked that about people—if you wanted something, why not say it outright? Simply beating around the bush was too time-consuming for his liking.

Adjusting his stance and crossing his arms, Sirius stared back at the girl with his usual fierce intensity. "If you want to challenge me, girl, then just come out and say it. I lack the patience to entertain the whimsies of a stranger. If you want to find other strong duelists, then you'll have to ask someone else. Everyone I've fought recently has either been disappointing or hasn't realized their own potential yet," Sirius said, throwing a glance at Jin before looking back at the girl.


The crowd was on edge as they circled around the two duelist, people coming out of the card shop across the street were running closer to see what all the hype was about as the duel raged on between two young men and from an outsiders point of view it looked pretty one sided. But inside of Alexander's head it was already over, all he needed was for his opponent to end his turn.


Alex's lp: 700

Brandon's lp: 1900


"I activate Saffira, Queen Of Dragon's  ability, and discard one card so I can draw two more. But because of your Dragon's Shield card I can't touch your Red-Eyes Wyvern this turn so I end."  Brandon smirked as he held his cards and watched as Alex made his move.


The dark haired male smirked as he grabbed a card. "I draw and activate the magic card polymerization..and I fuse my Red-Eyes Wyvern with My Buster Blader from my hand in order to Summon, Buster Blader The Dragon Destroyer Swordsman!" Alex smiled as his card entered the holographic field, sword at the ready. 


"Not so fast I Active the magic card Dragon's Treasure! And due to the field spell mountain my dragon Queens attack  is up to 3000 , higher than your swordsman." Brandon began laughing as if he'd already won, Alexander smirked as he pointed at Buster Blader. 


"Don't tell me you forgot about his ability. It's a bit more buffed up than the normal Buster Blader, instead of gaining 500 attack and defense for each dragon in your graveyard..he gains 1000 attack and defense for every dragon type minster in your field and graveyard and if I counted correctly you have three, one being Saffira, making my Swordsmans attack 5800."


The crowd went crazy when they heard this, some even calling his card overpowered. But he thought of it as the perfect card for a dragon slaying deck like his. 


"So in other words you're finished, Now Buster Blader attack his Dragon Queen and end this!" Alex smiled as he watched his swordsman sprint forward and deliver a powerful slash straight through his opponents dragon obliterating it, the sudden attack force sent Brandon falling asleep his life points dropped.


Brandon's lp: 1900 -> 0

Alex's lp: 700


Alex smiled as he put his deck back together, placing the cards in their case securely on his belt as he walked over and shook his opponents hand. "You did good, try working with more monsters instead of just depending on one and I promise you'll see different results. Challenge me any time and I'll gladly accept."  He smiled as they shook hands and went their own way, a few duelist calling him Alex: The Dragon Slayer and congratulating him as he passed by and walked over towards the card shop to escape the other duelist.


He looked around the town square for either a place to relax or grab something to eat since he was starving, but a girl sitting in one of the battle boxes caught his eye, it was strange for someone to just sit their alone unless of course she was waiting for someone. But she had an interesting set up that made him approach her.


"Hey, I couldn't help but notice that you set up shop here..are you looking to trade cards or are you waiting for a duel?" He asked while giving a polite smile so he didn't come off as a jerk or rude..even though he could be both of those things.


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Moshi nodded and sucked out the last of her soda, responding to the duelist's fiery glare with a look of mild curiosity. "That's right, though I don't know when or where any events would be held." She looked around for a moment and tossed her empty cup into a nearby trash can, before wandering back over to Sirius, straightening her jacket briefly. "Part of the reason i've been looking for high-level duelists, though unfortunately I haven't come across any yet." She glanced up at him and folded her arms confidently. "I wouldn't mind dueling you, it should serve as a good measure of whether or not i'm ready to participate in this country's tournaments, no?" She spoke with conviction, interested in truly testing out her deck against a high-level duelist like this.

Excitement grew within her, there was no better duel than a fight between two aggro decks, battling to summon the most powerful monsters and take down their opponent's. From the monsters she saw Sirius using, Moshi knew instantly that he would be a challenging opponent. @Brass Skeleton
A small circle had formed around D'arby and his opponent, a tourist from some far off city with a name he didn't bother to remember.  Rather than having their duel in an arena or a battle box, they were simply sitting on a park bench with their cards laid out on its surface.  Apparently the young man didn't know the first thing about Duel Monsters and the only reason he had a deck was because he got one for his birthday just last week.  The deck he was using was a mishmash of random cards that was nearly cringeworthy to see in action.  Despite his lack of knowledge in dueling and his ignorance when it came to the worth of a card, D'arby had managed to convince the tourist to bet his Cyber-Stein in a duel.  However, if D'arby were to lose, he would have to hand over his entire deck to the naïve young man.  At the moment it was his opponent's turn and things weren't looking good for D'arby.

D'arby's lp: 1200

Tourist's lp: 8000

"Jeez, you're really taking a beating aren't you?"  He said with a laugh.  "I mean, you haven't even been able to hit me once this whole duel.  Are you sure you still want to give me your deck if I win?"  A chuckle escaped D'arby's lips as he looked at his board one last time.  "A bet's a bet.  Win or lose there's no going back."  The tourist shook his head in disbelief, if he didn't want to back out of the bet that was his own fault.  Switching his Gogiga Gagagigo to attack mode, he shrugged and pointed at D'arby's only monster on the field, which was lying facedown and issued his attack.  "Okay, I guess I attack your monster.  My Googoo Gaga lizard has 2950 attack points so he probably destroys your monster, right?" 

Nodding his head slowly, D'arby flipped his monster face-up and replied with, "Yes, you're right there my friend.  However, you'll have to bear with me as I explain my Dice Jar's effect to you.  You see, when Dice Jar is flipped from the facedown position to attack mode, we both have to roll a six-sided die.  Whoever rolls the lowest loses life points  equal to the winner's roll times five hundred.  However, if one of us were to roll a six, then the loser would take six thousand damage."  Pulling a single dice out of his pocket, he held it out for the tourist to take.  "Would you care to take the first roll?"

Reaching out to take the dice, he gave another bored shrug in response.  "Man, I couldn't tell you another card game that involves rolling a dice."  D'arby laughed from his throat, "You haven't played too many card games then, my friend."  The dice rolled onto the table landing on the fifth side, which triggered a reaction from the tourist.  Hollering in victory, the man shot his arms into the air with excitement.  Rolling his eyes as he took the die for himself.  "Don't count your winnings just yet, friend."  Lady Luck seemed to had shined on D'arby as his roll was fortunately a six.

D'arby's lp: 1200

Tourist's lp: 8000 -> 2000

Needless to say, the tourist was dumbfounded.  His jaw had dropped in a way very similar to Edvard Munc's "The Scream" painting.  "See what I mean?  You never know when you're luck will change.  Still, my Dice Jar must make its way to the graveyard."  Daintily picking up his monster and placing it to the side, D'arby's fingers then wandered to a facedown card he had in his spell/trap zone.  "With that, I activate my trap card, The Paths of Destiny.  The both of us have to toss a coin at once, if it lands heads you gain two thousand life points.  Tails, you lose two thousand life points."  Plucking a nickel out of his coat pocket, the tourist flipped his coin at the same time as D'arby who had done the same.  The tourist's coin had landed first which came up tails, ruining any chances of winning he had.  D'arby's coin had yet to land as it was spinning high into the sky and still ascending.  Just as the coin was about to land, a strong wind had blown in their direction, causing some of the cards on the table to hover away.  The both of them desperately slammed their arms down on the bench to keep them from flying away just as the coin landed in between the two of them.  The tourist dared to look at the coin and was met face to face with the face on the coin.  D'arby had gained two thousand life points, securing the victory for D'arby once and for all.

D'arby's lp: 1200 -> 3200

Tourist's lp: 2000 -> 0

Sighing with disappointment, the young man excavated his Cyber-Stein out from his graveyard and handed it to D'arby, who eagerly snatched it from him.  "Seems to me that fortune doesn't favor fools.  Regardless, it was a pleasure doing business with you, friend."  D'arby neatly placed his newly acquired monster card in a rather large duel monsters binder he kept in his bag.  Cyber-Stein, even though it was a worthless card D'arby knew its worth.  To the right people, this card would land him three thousand dollars on the spot, bringing him slightly closer to his goal.  The tourist, with hands in his pockets, walked away in a shamed manner, back to whatever business he was on before he was unlucky enough to have met D'arby.  While the gambler had seemed like a nice man to the tourist, the one thing he really despised about him was that from the second he met him D'arby had been smirking a smug smirk, even when things were looking grim for him.  The poor unfortunate man had a feeling that smirk would haunt his dreams for years to come.

(Same location as @Rurnur @Brass Skeleton and @TPBx)
Artyom Haiba the usual home stuck giant had finally left his house which was rather rare for him to do lately, he prefers to be in doors reading a book or flicking through his deck figuring out new combos or plays that he could make with his deck. His deck was a strangely complicated one but one that he can afford to make mistakes with without too much of a downfall. Artyom didn't really know what prompted his decision to leave the house and venture outside but he did maybe he wanted a duel it had been a while since he had battled anyone after all, he began flicking through his cards while walking something he would often do to make people less likely to talk to him as he looked preoccupied but because of his height staying incognito was impossible after all he towered over most people without even trying.

Without a goal Artyom continued wondering until he saw a group of people surrounding two people which often meant a duel was taking place something that interested Artyom  so he approached the group an advantage with being very tall is that he can see duels even from the very back of a group. It seemed the duel was going well for one player but the other it was going poorly however as Artyom knows all to well a duels never over until one person is at zero he watched as just as Artyom was thinking it happened. The match went from one person at 1200 life point and the opponent at 8000 to the guy who was losing to 3200 and the opponent to 0 it caused a smile to come across his face he loved seeing matches like that and he even clapped quietly about the match.

Artyom watched as the group dispersed but he stayed behind he wanted to talk with the winner well if he could managed to get his words out that was. "Impressive" Artyom said putting on a very fake smile towards the individual "Quite a unique deck you have there not many people have luck with luck decks." He added still holding the smile.


Gyro Al Dente


Gyro would be outside walking as he would head to his local mini-mart for a coke-cola slushy. Once he got his small-sized frozen drink, he went back outside to drink it as he walked. Today seemed like a good day and he wondered what he should do next. He looked at one of his decks that he had made just recently and wondered if he should duel someone so he could get some play testing done. There's bound to be some upcoming tournament later on so maybe he could enter the competition with this. He took the time to eye some of the Duelists who were dueling with duel disks and some in the battle boxes. 

"Dueling feels so much more immersive with those duel disks and battle boxes. Well anyways I better get walking," he says to himself as he continues on. As he drank his slushy, he would eye the shops and buildings around him. He enjoyed the streets and shops of cities and felt just a bit better about it. After a bit of walking he felt the need to take a break so he sat down on one of the many benches and began to relax. Just because he felt like it, he took out the deck he looked at earlier and went through it.

[SIZE= 14px]She tilted her head behind her as she heard a large commotion from outside her glass box, not that she could actually see what was going on other than a few scattered voices of applause and the backs of the people at the outer edge of the crowd who probably was just cheering along without know what was actually going on. Midori giving a sigh as she looked back at the setup, if it was working as it supposed to she should be able to place cards willy nilly for now in order to accurately show their fortune... with a small show from a hologram.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Welcome to the 'Fortune Telling Witch' Card Reading. Also, you look like a Delinquent with you wearing all black." She said, insulting the taller male within five seconds of their first interaction, making an absolutely wonderful first impression to the fellow duelist. Although, her calm tone when saying that was a little off "Did you and a friend want to use this Battle Box for a duel or anything?" Midori asked, looking up at the male, tilting her head upwards from her sitting position. So far, it wasn't like her impression was much good either, and glaring at him from below didn't exactly help to improve that. "Or did you just want to ask that." Her eyes shifting back down to her deck of Fortune Girls, cutting it into thirds before putting them back together, waiting for a reply from the 'delinquent'.[/SIZE]

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Moshi nodded and sucked out the last of her soda, responding to the duelist's fiery glare with a look of mild curiosity. "That's right, though I don't know when or where any events would be held." She looked around for a moment and tossed her empty cup into a nearby trash can, before wandering back over to Sirius, straightening her jacket briefly. "Part of the reason i've been looking for high-level duelists, though unfortunately I haven't come across any yet." She glanced up at him and folded her arms confidently. "I wouldn't mind dueling you, it should serve as a good measure of whether or not i'm ready to participate in this country's tournaments, no?" She spoke with conviction, interested in truly testing out her deck against a high-level duelist like this.

Excitement grew within her, there was no better duel than a fight between two aggro decks, battling to summon the most powerful monsters and take down their opponent's. From the monsters she saw Sirius using, Moshi knew instantly that he would be a challenging opponent. @Brass Skeleton

@Brass Skeleton

Artyom Haiba the usual home stuck giant had finally left his house which was rather rare for him to do lately, he prefers to be in doors reading a book or flicking through his deck figuring out new combos or plays that he could make with his deck. His deck was a strangely complicated one but one that he can afford to make mistakes with without too much of a downfall. Artyom didn't really know what prompted his decision to leave the house and venture outside but he did maybe he wanted a duel it had been a while since he had battled anyone after all, he began flicking through his cards while walking something he would often do to make people less likely to talk to him as he looked preoccupied but because of his height staying incognito was impossible after all he towered over most people without even trying.

Without a goal Artyom continued wondering until he saw a group of people surrounding two people which often meant a duel was taking place something that interested Artyom  so he approached the group an advantage with being very tall is that he can see duels even from the very back of a group. It seemed the duel was going well for one player but the other it was going poorly however as Artyom knows all to well a duels never over until one person is at zero he watched as just as Artyom was thinking it happened. The match went from one person at 1200 life point and the opponent at 8000 to the guy who was losing to 3200 and the opponent to 0 it caused a smile to come across his face he loved seeing matches like that and he even clapped quietly about the match.

Artyom watched as the group dispersed but he stayed behind he wanted to talk with the winner well if he could managed to get his words out that was. "Impressive" Artyom said putting on a very fake smile towards the individual "Quite a unique deck you have there not many people have luck with luck decks." He added still holding the smile.



[SIZE= 14px]She tilted her head behind her as she heard a large commotion from outside her glass box, not that she could actually see what was going on other than a few scattered voices of applause and the backs of the people at the outer edge of the crowd who probably was just cheering along without know what was actually going on. Midori giving a sigh as she looked back at the setup, if it was working as it supposed to she should be able to place cards willy nilly for now in order to accurately show their fortune... with a small show from a hologram.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Welcome to the 'Fortune Telling Witch' Card Reading. Also, you look like a Delinquent with you wearing all black." She said, insulting the taller male within five seconds of their first interaction, making an absolutely wonderful first impression to the fellow duelist. Although, her calm tone when saying that was a little off "Did you and a friend want to use this Battle Box for a duel or anything?" Midori asked, looking up at the male, tilting her head upwards from her sitting position. So far, it wasn't like her impression was much good either, and glaring at him from below didn't exactly help to improve that. "Or did you just want to ask that." Her eyes shifting back down to her deck of Fortune Girls, cutting it into thirds before putting them back together, waiting for a reply from the 'delinquent'.[/SIZE]


Sirius let out a grunt and readied his duel disk once more. "Very well. Let's not waste any time, then."

Backing up a few feet to put some space between him and his newest opponent, Sirius pointed towards his chest with his thumb for the second time. "In case you didn't catch it, my name is Sirius Cowen. My Archfiend Dragons and I will show you just how high-level the duelists of this city can be!"

Though his intense look didn't falter, Sirius couldn't help but feel that this girl was hiding her true abilities. If she had come from Germany to try and find better duelists to fight, did that mean she had run out of worthy opponents back in her home country? Sirius was plenty confident in his abilities, but he was far from world-class, and if his worries were true, he was in for a rough, uphill battle. Whatever the case, this fight's gonna be a tough one, I can feel it.

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Moshi nodded promptly and backed up in preparation for the duel, readying her disk and setting up her deck appropriately. "Moyashi Waldlaufer, user of the Sylvan deck. I look forward to gauging my strength against one such as yourself." She spoke politely upon activating her duel disk, starting the duel. Red Dragons, huh? This almost confirmed to her that he would be a highly aggressive duelist, and Moshi didn't exactly have much experience fighting against decks so similar to her own. After all, aggro decks were surprisingly rare in this era, at least in her home country. It would all come down to who can make the most powerful push, she thought to herself.

It was always highly entertaining to go up against a more enthusiastic duelist such as this man, it should be a fun duel, whether she wins or loses. Moshi gave a gentle smile, taking in her surroundings as the wind blew through her hair, and her golden eyes glowed in the bright sunlight. And with that, the duel would begin.

First things first, Moshi got lucky and won the game of rock paper scissors, deciding that her opponent would go first. She looked down and smiled to herself, knowing that this would be an important factor in the fate of this duel. If her opponent went first, it would be more likely that he would be missing certain combo pieces, and due to his style of play, likely doesn't run a lot of traps, while on the other hand, Moshi was in a similar situation, where going second is far more advantageous. Her deck was more reactive, and needed the opportunity to attack as soon as possible. Upon looking at the five cards she drew, it became that she made a good decision, as she lacked a good first turn play with only these five cards.

@Brass Skeleton
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"I think I'll start us off. Because I control no monsters, I can special summon Primitive Butterfly from my hand. Next, I'll summon Synkron Resonator and tune him with Butterfly to summon Red Rising Dragon. Red Rising's effect lets me summon Synkron back to the field.'

'Now I'll activate Emergency Teleport and special summon Risebell the Star Adjuster! Risbell lets me alter a monster's level when summoned, so I'll raise Red Rising's level by one, then tune him once more with Synkron Resonator. Rise, embodiment of my soul! I summon Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend! Finally, I place one card face down and end my turn. At this time, Risebell is banished due to Emergency Teleport's effect. Your move, Moyashi."

Sirius was confident in this start; his signature monster was out already, and he had a solid card to defend it with. He'd used up every card in his hand to do it, but if this opponent truly was world-class, he'd need to go all out.


As his opponent's turn continued to drag on, Sirius couldn't help but tap one finger impatiently against his thigh. She continued to play card after card, make move after move, and it was starting to get on Sirius's nerves.

She's got to have gone through half her deck by this point. I certainly hope all this prep is worth the finale.

True enough, it seemed Moyashi had plans in store, as she quite excitedly began to XYZ summon. Sirius couldn't help but grin a little as he watched her; she seemed genuinely happy as she played her best cards, a feeling Sirius recalled all too well. He couldn't remember when it was he last experienced that feeling, however; he'd spent so much time focused on simply getting better that he'd forgotten to enjoy himself every once and awhile.

As his monsters were whisked away back into his extra deck and his life points dropped, Sirius figured that'd be the end of it. His deck simply wasn't fast enough to keep pace, and in trying to do so he'd rushed his turn. All he could do now was accept the loss and learn from it.

"Draw...I place one monster face down and end my turn. I can see why you're looking for strong opponents, Moyashi Waldlaufer. You may have wasted a trip, though; there aren't many people here that could match your pace. Make this next turn quick."

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Moshi watched carefully as her opponent summoned monster after monster, ending up with a field of two powerful synchro monsters, however, it looks like a lot of resources were spent in creating this field, and with only one card serving as a defense. If she could pull off one good summon, things should work out from there. "That's a powerful monster you've got there, well, here I go." Moshi spoke calmly and drew her sixth card, revealing lonefire blossom, the perfect card to begin her play. "Alright, I normal summon Lonefire Blossom to the field, and, I'll activate it's effect to tribute itself, summoning a plant-type monster straight from my deck." She explained while producing another copy of lonefire blossom. "Next, I'll activate the effect two more times, in order to bring out Sylvan Sagequoia." Now, she had a high-level plant type monster on her field, and a graveyard full of Lonefire Blossoms which would serve as an important resource for the future of the duel.

Upon completing her first move, she analysed her hand, filled with monster cards, except for one. "Now, I'll activate the spell card, Sylvan Charity. This card allows me to draw three cards from my deck, and then select from my hand, one Sylvan card, as well as one other card of my own choice, and then place them on the top of my deck in any order." Moshi then proceeded to draw from her deck, filling her hand with three much-needed spell cards, and allowing her to empty her hand of two monster cards that she couldn't use right now. However, there was another reason behind placing those specific cards atop her deck.

As the effect of Sylvan Charity resolved, Moshi was quick to activate one of the spells she had just recieved. "Before anything else, I'll use Mystical Space Typhoon, targeting your face-down card." She pointed towards the suspicious card, serving as her opponent's only defense, before it was destroyed in an instant. Now, she could continue her assault without worry of being stopped.

Moshi let out a small sigh, stretching her arms briefly. "Time to show you the real power of the Sylvan deck. Effect of Sagequoia, excavate." She began to explain, while performing the effect of her Sylvan card. "Not sure if it's a common practice here, but my deck revolves around the process of excavation. First, I reveal the top card of my deck, and determine whether that card is a plant monster or not. If it isn't, I place it at the bottom of my deck, but if it is, I send that card to the graveyard, which in turn completes the effect of Sylvan Sagequoia. More importantly however, another effect will trigger from this process, the effect of the card which was sent to the graveyard: Sylvan Peaskeeper, which was placed on the top of my deck using the effect of Sylvan Charity." Moshi took a moment to brush her fingers through her hair, giving a smile to her opponent, hoping the info dump wouldn't overwhelm them too much. "Effect of Sylvan Peaskeeper, when this card is excavated, I can special summon a level four or lower plant-type monster from my graveyard. I choose Lonefire Blossom, special summon!" She exclaimed while summoning Lonefire Blossom back to the field. "That's right, a Lonefire Blossom means access to any other plant monster in my deck, activate effect! Summon Sylvan Hermitree!" Moshi shouted, summoning yet another, even more powerful plant monster straight from her deck. Her combo was going perfectly, which meant her opponent's monsters won't be lasting much longer.

"Okay, time to change things up. First I'll activate terraforming, allowing me to add a field spell to my hand, Mount Sylvania!" Moshi exclaimed upon activating her field spell card, changing the duel's terrain to a beautiful forest region. "Using the effect of Mount Sylvania, I send one plant-type monster from my hand to the graveyard, in order to place one other plant-type monster from my deck, directly on top of my deck. I discard the Hermitree from my hand, and place Sylvan Princessprout on top of my deck." She explained carefully, while preparing her deck for the next part of her strategy.

"Forgive me for all the preparations, but trust me, it's all very necessary. Watch as I activate the effect of Sylvan Hermitree, to once again excavate a card from the top of my deck, but take note, Hermitree has an extra effect, if I do indeed excavate a plant monster, i'm able to draw an extra card from my deck." She then proceeded to excavate Princessprout from her deck, and draw an extra card as per the effect of Hermitree. This was a very important part of her deck, the ability to constantly gain advantage. That's what it's all about, after all. "There we go. Now, the effect of Sylvan Princessprout triggers upon being excavated, allowing me to summon her from the grave to the field, changing her level from 1-8 in the process. I think i'll go with.. level 7." Moshi gave a smirk to her opponent, wondering if he knew what she had planned yet.

"You're a Synchro duelist, correct? Well, i'm more partial to a different mechanic. Xyz summon! Rank 7, Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter!" Moshi shouted excitedly, as she summoned her most powerful monster, using the level 7 Sagequoia and level 7 Princessprout as Xyz material. "What do you think? Well, at 2800 ATK, it's still no match for your dragon. But, I might be able to do something about that with my monster's effect. Detach material, activate effect of Orea! This monster allows me to excavate up to 3 times in total, and then return cards from the field to the hand, equal to how many plant-type monsters I excavated." Moshi tilted her head, watching carefully as she revealed each card, first, it was another copy of Sylvan Sagequoia, followed by Sylvan Cherubsprout, and finally a copy of Terraforming, which was sent to the bottom of the deck. "Looks like luck is on my side, thats two plant-type monsters, meaning I get to select two cards on the field to return to the hand." Moshi tapped his finger against her lips, glancing down at her opponent's two extra deck monsters. "Well, it's gotta be back to the extra deck for your synchro monsters. Orea, use Nature's Purity! Remove those cards from the field!" Moshi smiled as the only two cards on her opponent's field were whisked away, back into the extra deck where they came from.

"A powerful effect, no? But i'm not done yet. The Sylvan deck works together perfectly, each effect leads to another, always moving around to make eachother more effective, that's the true strength of my deck. Activate, effects of Sagequoia and Cherubsprout! Upon being excavated, Sagequoia allows me to add a Sylvan spell card from my grave to my hand, bringing back Sylvan Charity. While Cherubsprout allows me to summon a level 1 plant-type monster, directly from my deck. I summon copy plant, using it's effect to copy the level of Sylvan Hermitree, becoming a level 8 monster." Moshi took a sigh of relief, well that was her main phase 1 completed to perfection, it was an unlucky spot for her opponent, as she knew things would be very different if he was still able to summon his dragon next turn, wiping out all of her monsters

"Finally, time to attack. Orea, Hermitree, attack his lifepoints directly!" Moshi shouted confidently, taking out a massive chunk of lifepoints from her opponent. The combined attacks of both monsters had dealt 5,500 damage, leaving Sirius with only 2500 lifepoints remaining. "Sorry to leave you with so little, I've been in your position many a time, Sirius. Lets see what your final draw brings. But first, allow me one more move." Moshi addressed her opponent before performing a second Xyz summon, using the level 8 copy plant and level 8 Sylvan Hermitree as the Xyz materials. "Xyz summon! Rank 8! Come forth, Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector!" She glowed upon summoning the new monster in defense position, realising her perfect field, both of her most powerful cards, accompanied with Mount Sylvania brought her great joy. The new xyz monster simply lay as a great defense, holding a massive 3200 DEF points. She set a single card face-down, and with that, Moshi ended her turn.

Upon seeing the completion of her opponent's second turn, with only a single set monster, Moshi nodded to herself, confident in her victory. "Oh? But simply take a look at this field of mine, what would happen if you decided to instead, summon your Scarlight Dragon during your second turn, and not the first? My xyz monsters would be gone, and I have little means of destroying your monster without them. In my eyes, it's all a matter of timing, do not count yourself out." During her opponent's end phase, Moshi stopped Sirius for a moment. "But, before you end your turn, it's time for the second effect of Mount Sylvania. During my opponent's end phase, I can excavate a card from the top of my deck, as per usual, if it's a plant, it goes to the grave. But, if it isn't, this time i'm able to choose whether or not it remains at the top of the deck, or goes straight to the bottom. Now, lets see what I get." Moshi quickly revealed the top card of her deck, showing that it was another plant monster, which was sent straight to the grave. But, the very act of a card being sent from her deck to the grave, would trigger the effect of another monster. "Well, it's just a plant monster. Though this does allow me to activate the effect of my Xyz monster, Alsei! Activate effect, detach material! Whenever a card is sent from my deck to the grave, I can detach a material from Alsei, and target one card on the field, and choose whether it's sent to the top of the deck, or the bottom. Now, I'll select your face down monster, and place it atop of your deck, effectively negating your entire turn." Moshi giggled quietly, it was cruel, but she couldn't help but enjoy herself. "My apologies, but it's time to finish things off." She spoke politely and drew a card for her turn, before swiftly attacking Sirius with Orea, reducing his lifepoints to zero.

After gathering up her cards and resetting her duel disk, Moshi wandered up to Sirius, a little more confidently this time as she looked up at the giant. "I thank you for this opportunity, Sirius. I understand all too well the situations aggro decks are often put into. I look forward to seeing your deck's true strength one day, when we duel again." She extended her small hand for a handshake. "It seems this country may have a place for me yet. As it does for you, I feel your deck has a truly frightening strength, which I have not yet even begun to understand, but i'm sure, it only requires the correct handling to bring out."

@Brass Skeleton

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