Mail and Steel, Creatures of the Wyld



I have came across something called mail and steel in a few posts on the sight is this a book, something some one made up and put on the list or something else.

Creatures of the Wyld I have purchased this book twice and it has disappeared twice I can't find it anywhere nere me and I know it is out of print Help please if anyone has any ideas on how I can procure another let me know.
Mal & Steel is a set of mass-combat rules from the Player's Guide.

Personally? If you book keeps going missing. I would recommend just forking out the dole to buy an online pdf copy from Drive thru RPG. They're a legit online company that you can buy rpg pdfs from. Here's their Exalted catalog.

Once you've got it on your computer. You can go to Kinkos and do some printing from the PDF to dead tree format.

This will put you at about the same cost of one of them books, if you print that is. Otherwise, it's fairly cheap.

Also, you can get the errata printed out at the same time. If you can find a copy of it, it's floating out there... somewhere on the internet. ^_^ ;;;

So, you would no longer need to worry about... y'know... buying the same book over and over.
Dose anyone have a sugestion on how to get my hand on a copy of the actual book, thanks for trying Haku
E-bay, baby. That or Amazon. Or even your local bookseller may know folks who have copies.

Come on, it's a book. You're a geek. Do the math.
You do realize that most banks will issue you a debit card that is backed by Visa or Mastercard, that will only draw out of your regular account, but no more than that?  Debit cards will otherwise act in the same fashion, allowing both electronic transactions, or just act as a regular credit card when you're out on the town.
You can also take a look at some used book stores.  Sometimes you can find a few nuggets of gold in the midst of the rubble.
very few people here like exalted they tend to call it Blasphmey you know history of world of darkness and all.

I check the used book stores often though never any luck

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