Maidreamin ☆ Maid Cafe!


drugstore perfume
Characters and Available Spots -

Maids (3/10)

@Sunkissed - Name: Abi Brinley Personality: Yasashii, Akarui

@Princess Ktyria - Name: Kiyomi Misako Ishii Personality: Majime, Shinkei Shitsu

@Halcyon - Name: Chiko Iruwa Personality: Kurai

Customers (1/10)

@Rain - Name: Yukimara Kawayoshi

Maid Sign-Up Sheet:

Full Name:

Cafe name/Nickname:

Age (15-20):

Stereotypical personality/Character for acting in the cafe (there will be a list of Japanese personality traits below. you can also have a short paragraph about your character too):

History (Large paragraph or more please):

Normal personality (Outside of the cafe. A large paragraph or more please):

Appearance (Anime and realistic is allowed):

Outfit (Maid outfit, you can add certain accessories too)



Sexual Orientation:


Personality types (Choose 1 or 2 for your character. Don't choose the same mixture as someone else.):

Majime - earnest, serious

Omoshiroi - funny, interesting

Yasashii - kind, nice

Ijiwaru - mean

Wagamama - selfish

Akarui - bright, outgoing

Kurai - gloomy, depressing

Shinkei shitsu - uptight

Ooraka / nonbiri shiteiru - laid back, carefree

Customer Sign-Up Sheet:

Full Name (Japanese, unless your character is from a foreign country. I won't allow many though)

Age (15-25):

History (Large paragraph or more):

Personality (Large paragraph or more):

Appearance (Anime or realistic, I don't mind):

Favourite Maid:



Sexual orientation:


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Full Name: Yukimura Kawayoshi


Age (15-25): 17

History (Large paragraph or more):

Yukimura's parents died when he was twelve, after this he was put into custody of his uncle where for the rest of his life he had an emotionally tense relationship that often consisted of them not talking to each other completely for long periods on end. His parents had been middle class citizens, and his uncle was extremely rich from owning a company that built computers and electronics of this type.

So when his uncle brought home prototypes that no one wanted, he gave them to Yukimura, the only sign of kindness that Benjamin had known. Treasuring this gift but not knowing how to use it he taught himself. With all the time on his hands he fell in love with technology, and for his teenage years he spent them cloistered in his room obsessing over electronics. Being clustered in his room, he developed a rather quiet and subdued personality that was slightly asocial.

Personality (Large paragraph or more):

Yukimura is often considered smart because of his studious looking glasses, and he is. Yukimura is extremely perceptive, to the point where it might seem like he's treating you like you’re stupid. But hes not, he just thinks that people should be well informed about their surroundings. Hes typically perceived as cold, which he sort of is, its hard for him to hold a true conversation because of how awkward he is. So he just ostracizes the person or people that hes talking to, a sort of defense mechanism if you will.

This is different from bullying, which he never does. He does not attempt to converse with people unless he needs something. However when people try to understand or befriend him he treats them as a nuisance but typically hes happy to have someone around. He’s very responsible and acts more like a protector and older brother around his friends. He wears glasses because as a small child he read lots of texts and papers, sucking up knowledge wherever he went. But this did a number on his young eyes because focusing on small text is tough on your eyes.

Appearance (Anime or realistic, I don't mind):


Favorite Maid:

Despite Yukimura's initial distaste with socializing, maidreamin was recommended to him by an internet friend, so at his incessant nagging, he finally traveled there to try their food, and he claims that the only reason he stays there is because he enjoys the Omuraisu.

But truthfully, he likes (maid type, Kurai).








Annoying People



Sexual orientation:






Full Name:

Kiyomi Misako Ishii

Cafe name/Nickname:

Kiyo-Chan and Mother

(Not very sure >///<)



Stereotypical personality/Character for acting in the cafe:

Kiyomi is the basic mother of the group. She's always serious and earnest (Majime) and is way to uptight about everything (Shinkei shitsu). Ishii stresses about all the small details such as: Are the table clothes put on correctly? Is everybody in their maid outfits and ready to serve? Things like that. She tends to be bossy when it comes to things as well. "Go serve that customer, he's been waiting for awhile." and "Pick up the pace! They're waiting for us!" When she serves the customers, she tries her best to not get angry or frusterated with them and often has to fake a smile. Sometimes she wonders how she even keeps her job when she messes up. Although despite her bossy and serious attitude, she cares for the girls there. Even though she doesn't show that she does. If they're sad, she'll confront them about it, make sure that they're okay.


Kiyomi was born into a strict house hold. She was taught to be elegant and act like a lady from the beginning and was told to always follow and inforce the rules to not get in trouble. She always obeyed what she was told to do and was informed that the lady did the work around the house while the man worked- so she grew up cleaning and serving the men of her family, which were many. Kiyomi ended up being strict as well and did her best to keep her siblings and father in order while they did what they needed to do. Soon enough, though, she was to busy with her school work and trying to maintain her grades that the ouse duties were left to her mother, who tried her best to understood- but like mother like daughter, she was raised to be more primitive than understanding, and so she was blamed for leaving ehr all the work. It bothered Kiyomi that her mother blamed her for thing that she did wrong and tried to help as much as she could but it didn't help. Her mother grew ill from the over work and soon passed. Kiyomi blamedherself for the deaht of her mother since it wa her fault in the first place. She grew more silent and introverted. She took a job at the Maid Cafe so that she could hopefully do what her mother taught he to do.

Normal personality:

Kiyomi is actually quiet outside the Cafe. She cares for most but tries her best to keep a low profile because of her job and avoids conflicts as much as she can. Surprisingly, Kiyomi is quite charming and seems to be prettier when she shuts up and keeps quiet. Or maybe it's because she's not stressing over every little detail. She's quite introverted but still likes control and order when it comes to crowded places or school. Because of her introverted personality, she often doesn't talk to anybody and keeps to herself, only talking when others approach her first.


Kiyomi's stature isn't small but isn't big. She stands at 5'8" and is extrememly thin, a bit to thin for her own good. She has a slim face and piercing, commanding indigo eyes that seem to be able to stare rigt through somebody. She has long grey hair, that under the light seems to glow a tint of indigo as well. Her bangs are usually swept to the side and caress the top of her eyelid and cover her fair skin.







Quiet Places/People




Nothing To Do

Loud Places/People

Sexual Orientation:

Demi-Sexual Bi-romantic


(Not very sure...)

All Is Subject To Change

(If need be)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko.gif.d231c7d3528ba20d2f5a16501855aecb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49532" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko.gif.d231c7d3528ba20d2f5a16501855aecb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Full Name ]

Chiko Iruwa

[ Cafe name/Nickname ]


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko2.gif.17a1202d84614eba86302ee77e38fafe.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko2.gif.17a1202d84614eba86302ee77e38fafe.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Age ]


[ Personality ]

  • Kurai

    Chiko will deliver your sweet with a small sad smile. She has a grim outlook on life and will make comments such as "It could be better." or "It's never a nice day." after people tell her to have a nice day. This is because she doesn't believe it. More often than not you'll hear Chiko letting out a long sigh.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko4.gif.01dd1b3d7872879d4a38bd2f584ca46a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko4.gif.01dd1b3d7872879d4a38bd2f584ca46a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ History ]

Chiko was born in a small traditional Japanese family. They're all about getting an education and making it big. Chiko's parents often stress for her to become a doctor or professor. Her parent's often didn't let her play outside with the other kids and only ever let her study. Due to this Chiko slowly grew more and more sad. She felt like all there was to life was to make her parents happy. Granted, she loved seeing her parents smile and proud of her, all Chiko really wanted was to be happy on her own. One day she was visiting the Maidreamin Cafe, a book in her hand to study when the owner sat down and started talking to her. She was flustered at first and soon broke down in tears to the owner, just wanting a fun life. With that the owner went into the backroom, coming back with a paper. The owner told Chiko to give the paper to her parents and to come back tomorrow. And Chiko did. turns out the paper said she was invited to join a study group and her parents accepted. Instead however, Chiko started her new job as a maid.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko3.gif.4c1b7230d5ae66ffb89d20a5f5c4e1be.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko3.gif.4c1b7230d5ae66ffb89d20a5f5c4e1be.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Appearance ]

Chiko is 5'3 and average weight. She has grey slated eyes and waist long thin black hair. She styles it slightly layered with whispy across the forehead bangs.

[ Outfit ]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/ChikoMaid.jpg.bb15694f3a7a97f02f598c9054ead59f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/ChikoMaid.jpg.bb15694f3a7a97f02f598c9054ead59f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

[ Likes ]


Dark Chocolate

Intellectual Conversation

Cloudy Days


Sad Love Stories


[ Dislikes ]

Happy go lucky people (She doesn't understand how they can be so happy in a cruel world)

Sunny Days

Bright Colors

When people brag/gloat

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko6.gif.86eb55cc63fd7ce14b442ddce87c3f40.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49536" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko6.gif.86eb55cc63fd7ce14b442ddce87c3f40.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Sexual Orientation ]

Bisexual; Looking for someone to make her happy

[ Other ]

Chiko is Left Handed

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko5.gif.2248e3fc8d7171f26e859c8b833df562.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Chiko5.gif.2248e3fc8d7171f26e859c8b833df562.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Abi Brinley

Abi-Chan - ?????



Cafe Personality / Normal Personality

Akarui, Yasashii

Abi is probably the most kind of all the maids at Maidreamin, and frequently has a "pink aura" around her whenever she smiles. She finds the customer's sweetness really cute and is revealed to be quite cute. She can become somewhat maniacal about treating customers kindly. But nevertheless, Abi is very kind in her job as a maid in Maidreamin and treats the customers very nicely. Also, when she is criticizing someone the tone of her voice changes. Despite her pretty appearance, Honoka is also straightforward, unabashed and extremely sincere.


Abi was born and raised in England until she was about four years old, when her father had to move to Japan for a very important job. She was left in the house most days with her big brother and mother, and she loves them very much, even though they can be a little bit annoying when asking about the 'perverts at her job'.

When Abi was ten years old she discovered anime, and still loves it to this day. She collects many figures and is an active cosplayer. Abi is also quite popular online as she posts pictures of her cosplay outfits, and sometimes even posts herself doing dances of popular Japanese songs. This was when she found out about Maidreamin, too, and was eager to join.

When she turned fifteen Abi raced to the store and applied for a job. Since she was cute and cheerful, she now works at Maidreamin and is one of the most popular maids! Not a lot of fans know about her working at Maidreamin, but she doesn't really care and only mentions it now and then. Abi has about 200,000 subscribers on YouTube, 100,000 followers on Twitter and 60,000 Instagram followers.

Appearance and Outfit

Maid Outfit



Appearance and Gifs

Abi is quite small and stands at 5'1.5ft. She has a normal build. She also has blonde hair, with a little bit of brown at the roots.



  • Cats, Japan, speaking Japanese, cute things, Anime, greeting customers, sweets, stuffed animals

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