Mags and Sai


I draw pretty



Mags and Sai are a peculiar duo of traveling merchants. Mags the Braviary is a talkative and genial soul always looking to strike a deal. She's prefers to stay out of political arguments, saying she possesses no true opinion on the war and has no ties to any one island. She believes firmly in the legendary bird trio, being very superstitious about signs and omens. She refuses to say where she was born or how she got into the merchant business, but stories of her involvement in black market trading and underground smuggling rings are not uncommon. This is one of the suspected reasons for her missing left eye, but when asked about it, she will provide a different story each time. Her equally suspicious apprentice Sai is a silent and efficient Swablu, young looking but older than they appear. They seem to be able to communicate to Mags without words or even sounds. Rumor has it that Sai's family was killed in the crusades and they have taken a vow of silence in memorial, never breaking it even to Mags. Though both of their records are spotty, Mags and Sai are considered friends to all who are willing to barter goods, news, or travel on all of the different islands.

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