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Galactic Princess
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
It was almost noon and students had been flooding through the gates to the school grounds for almost three hours now. The gate to the school grounds was a large archway, towering thousands of feet into the air, was also a dimensional portal that connected to many other gateways allowing students to walk through the other gateways, and exit out of this one. The school was called Magma Core for a reason, it was suspended above a massive lava lake, at the top of a gigantic volcano. There were massive stone bridges leading all around campus. The main one led to the main entrance but also forked midway to lead to the left where the Student Dorms were, and to the right where the Teacher's Living Quarters were. The structure of the main building itself was massive, like a gigantic castle fused with a gothic cathedral. The windows were special to allow vampires to stand at the windows without burning in the daylight. The school itself was lit with bioluminescent tiles on the flooring and pillars that supported the ceilings. It was very clean.

One thing students could note was the sudden eruption of magma into the air, a large draconic beast springing to the wait while twirling some. The wings of the beast sprung open as the dragon started to fall, thankfully there was another teacher perched on a spot on the roof and used their powers to shift the magma to sparkles so they didn't harm the students. The grand entrance of the headmistress was... over the top. The dragon swooped down over the crowd of students, guiding just over their heads, well, a good hundred or so feet above them. You could really feel the wind as she flew above. She lifted herself, flapping her wings as she steadied herself, landing on the archway and turning, looking out over the sea of students. The beast reared her head back and drew in a deep breath, the scales along her throat started to glow a deep purple color as the fire in her belly ignited and she let out a loud mighty roar, spreading her wings to emphasize her size. After sitting straight up she curled her tail around the arch to stabilize herself and proudly puffed her chest out, soaking up the awe from students. Venesha certainly sought out the admiration of others, and she was most certainly soaking it up right now. Her scales glittered as the sun's rays danced along her body, and her large curling horns adorned her head like a crown. She was terrifying, sure, but she was also a certain level of awe-inspiring, and hse loved to play on both of those factors. She looked as though she might lean down and snack on a student, but she would never.

Draco has been observing his mother's behavior from the ground below, or rather the bridge below. Watching her soak up the attention with pride was embarrassing and uncomfortable, and seemingly for only one party. The party that belonged to the lone child of the headmistress. Watching her as she perched, and looked about at all the new and returning faces, she spotted Draco leaning against the wall near the entrance to the building. She folded her wings flush against her body and her nostrils flared as smoke was released from her snout, a loud rumble echoing within her, and then a chirp like noise as she beckoned him over. To any non-reptile, this might seem threatening, but really, it was the call of a mother who wanted to affectionately snuggle her son in front of the whole 7,000 student population. Oh grand.

The male uncomfortable sighed and pushed himself off the wall, it was best to not disappoint mother after all. Reluctantly he took his shirt off, allowing nubs to form on his back and soon they expanded and grew into his wings, his white hair became shorter and his horns were soon visible. He was thankful that he could at least shift and have pants after shifting back later. After moving to the side, his arms began to cover in scales and he lept from the side of the bridge, diving down to the lake, and finishing his shifting just before he touched the molten rock. He opened his wings and caught himself, unlike his mother he wasn't one for theatricals. He returned to the gateway, landing next to his mother and perching carefully. He wasn't the best of landers... he was pretty close to being horrible at it.

Once he was perched properly the, larger than his body, wing of his mother was affectionately wrapped around him and he earned the nuzzle of his mother. Well. So glad everyone can see that. Gonna die now. As a teen boy, he wasn't entirely enthused for what she was saying after she stopped nuzzling him. "Isn't this grand darling? All of these young souls communing to one area, nesting themselves so far from home, all with the same drive to learn?" Venesha spoke with such a shrill light hearted tone it made Draco feel sick.

"Mother, I truly doubt they are all here to learn. More than some of them are here because their parents told them they must attend." He pointed out and his mother pouted, sighed, then looked about the students again.

"I suppose that's true." She stated calmly and looked back to her son, her head hardly moving as her huge eyes focused on him. "That isn't the point though, bubby." She chastized and he hissed at the nickname, what a childish name for a boy his age. Sure, he was still a boy, but he was much too old for such a name. "It is extremely detrimental you learn and understand why we must learn these things, here at this school, and why our family holds it." She stated while eyeing the unhappy and annoyed spawn that she brooded for five hundred years. Though Draco didn't have much of a choice really, his mother had only one child, and it was the first born's duty to take over as head of the school come the age of maturity. Or, the untimely death of the previous principal. Whatever came first really. Draco half listened, and half zoned out while eying students as his mother went on and on. She mentioned how tiring it was to run the school, but how it was truly a task that could not be passed to just anyone.

Sleep... now that was a topic. Being a dragon, if he so happened to fall fast asleep, he could sleep for years and wake up well-rested, ready to go for a few years after the fact. But since he was on a school schedule, he had to attempt sleep in the eight to ten hours students were given to sleep. He knew, however, knew he wasn't the only one suffering. His mother had been on this schedule for years, and when she retired she would finally be able to sleep a few hundred years. A few other dragons attending the school in some way or another would also be in hell, the schedule was a strict one. He knew that was what grandpa was doing, sleeping. He had only seen him once, and that wasn't even in person, it was in videos played by his mother who had recorded them when she was Draco's age. Recordings of the great man who had a picture on the hall walls to the principal's office. According to his mother, the man fell asleep a few days after he retired, in full dragon form, and is said to be sleeping in the basement of the castle for a school building. Though those doors are locked tight with many spells, and three large golem guards, no one has gotten in for 1,500 years. Whoever wakes his grandfather, if not the only recognizable family member, or a friend of his, will likely become an old dragon's snack.

Nigel pranced along the stone bridge, his hooves clicking rhythmically as he looked about the crowd of students. He slowed his pace as the gigantic dragon lifted from the lava lake. She did this every year. He remembered his first time seeing the Headmistress, he about pissed himself from both fright and amazement. He had never seen a dragon before he had attended this fine educational building. But now, four years of going here, he has met plenty of fine beings he never even dreamt of, and it brought so much joy to his heart. He loved to see new things and meet new people. Back at the herd, it was the same old same old. He hated that. He watched as the young son of the Headmistress joined her on the stone arch, he was much smaller than she, but it was because he was still young. At least that is how Nigel understood it. Watching the two for a moment he turned and continued in the direction of the dorms, all the buildings had a gothic cathedral kind of look to them, but the main building was the largest by far. And with the helpful signs specially made to be read in every language, it was easy to find where the dorms were even if you didn't know the giant ass building to the left was the Student Housing area.

Once inside the building he sighed softly to himself and paused at the doors, stepping aside and waiting impatiently. He was promised to meet her here, to see his dearest friend right here. Surely she hadn't forgotten him? Adjusting the large bag that was sat on his horseback he was looking around at all the faces, the entrance was large enough that he was blocking no path at all. Then he saw her, the browns and tans, the green eyes, and the unmistakable necklace he had made her that jingled lightly around her neck. It was the tabs off soda cans, he had saved every tab to a soda can that was bought by either of them for one another, the necklace was to show their friendship. He was way too overjoyed to see her wearing it. He couldn't help it and cantered forward some. "PheePhee! I have been filled with a tremendous amount of grief to only receive your letters!" He pouted, his horse ears folding some as he flicked his tail.

Phoebe hadn't flinched as the principal did her tricks, she was always so flamboyant. Sure, the first time Phoebe had encountered this spectacular ensemble that was the principal showing off, she had been completely entranced, amazed beyond words. The girl had stopped and looked up to the dragon, taking a deep breath, enjoying the mixing smells of so many creatures, so many people. She let the human facade fall off of her, enjoying the sight of her scales. She adjusted her gloves to make sure her hands would stay covered and then adjusted the strap of the large military backpack on her back. After sighing contently she changed the second bag, a duffle bag, to her other hand, and she started to walk to the dorms. She, unlike a fair amount of students, was enjoying the heat the lake below provided. While eyeing the ascetically pleasing flying buttresses she wondered who her roommate would be. She hoped someone interesting, hopefully, someone who liked to exercise as much as her.

The skip in her step caused her tapered tail to sway as she smiled and looked around, happy to be back at this school, she was really gonna miss it when she had to leave. As she started to enter the Student Dorming building she spotted a tall, broad, and muscular man who was far too sweet for his manly appearance. Nigel was her best friend, the two had met her first year when Phoebe had made a grave error, entering the male's restroom, and acquiring an unwelcomed eyeful of some extra appendages she did not want to see. The girl had screamed and darted out, apologizing profusely, though Nigel laughed, it seemed to be hilarious to him. The two were fast friends afterward. They laugh at the memory now, but she had been ridiculously embarrassed at the time. Hearing what he said as she approached, and he decided to meet her halfway. "Awe, Nigel! It's only been two weeks ya know?" She asked with a soft laugh, personally, the Japanese school system for a school like this was a bit odd, but during the two weeks students were off-campus dorms had been scrubbed clean and repaired if it was needed. Things the Principal had been planning since winter break the year before, were going to be set in motion.

Jamie had just been trying to read the fucking sign when a big ass fucking fire breathing dragon came out of the lava and flew over everyone, the wave of heat had her pinned to her spot and she had been shaking like a leaf from the roar. Many first years weren't prepared for a flamboyant draconic Headmistress entering the scene so crazily. She certainly wasn't. The girl was terrified and held herself, tail fizzing as her ears pinned down. That thing was fucking scary. She looked up to the sign again and gripping the straps to her pink, somewhat burnt and dirty, backpack as she started to shuffle off. This was going to be the most horrifying school she's ever been to, and she's never been to a school! The feline girl was uncomfortable now and was starting to become increasingly more aware of just how many different species of people were around her. She really wished she had stayed on the bike with StreetPig. The only parental figure she really had for most of her life, and she was separated from him to attend some school. At the idea it had sounded like a fantastic idea, but now? Now she didn't want to be here. The smoking of her hands was enough to show how anxious she was growing, that some explosions were gonna start going off.

Gold orbs flickered through the gaps in the crowd, and she made her way into the building students were to stay in. She looked around, the floors were neatly polished and she was sure it took a long time to clean them. Looking up she saw that every floor above the main floor har a large cut out so if you were on a floor above you could look down at the lobby below. She had a feeling that so many things had been thrown from the balconies above to torment others. Looking to her dirt-covered limb she read off the number she had scribbled down in a crude pink sharpie. She headed down the hall, glancing at the numbers. It looked like odd numbers were on one side and even numbers on the other. Once she reached the magical number four, she fished her Id card from her torn camo cargo shorts. Once she found it she scanned the card and typed in the provided code to open the door, turned the handle and stepped inside. Looking around, she noted the one door to the left side of the room and the singular window in the center of the far wall. The room consisted of two beds, one on each side, with a chest at the foot of the bed, and drawers under the bed for storage, like a dresser. They were provided a nightstand, but no lamps. The girl decided to pick the one on the left, closest to the bathroom door. She unpacked a box of explosions and fireworks, storing them away in the drawers below the bed, and started to take out her sparse amount of clothes.

Mattie stepped through the portal, chewing on gum and pushing it out, blowing a bubble and humming with glee that she was taking her first few steps through the gate. It was a whole new experience, something new and grand. She turned so her back was to the main building and lifted her phone, and took a selfie. She then stood there, eyes on her phone screen as she cycled through filters. She could never decide between a warm or cool filter. She decided warm this time and added sparkles, and a lighting curve so the background was more saturated. She then posted it to her Gloopstagram, an app she found could only be accessed if you were a supernatural being. She added #FinallyOnCampus #NewAdveture before posting it. She rocked on her heels some before finally closing her phone screen down as she started to follow the crowd. Most were heading to the dorms, and while glancing at the signs she noted she was going in the right place. She had made it to the dorm door when she heard the mighty roar, and a soft squeak came from her as she pressed herself into a wall just inside the doorframe. Looking out of the door, she blinked then began to marvel at the beast. {Who the heck is that?} She eyed the beast with interest and took a picture, and then another when the beast was accompanied by a smaller dragon. That was so going to be her new background photo. Making her way to her dorm room she had to set down her bag, or rather drop her bag while she fished through her open purse with a small frown forming on her face. She really needed to reorganize this thing again. She had so much stuff in it though! Maybe she should just get a new one? That was probably the answer.

Failing to find the ID card in her purse she got on her knees while she started to search through one of her other three bags, one had wheels, one was strapped to the one with wheels, and the other she had been carrying over her shoulder. She huffed while fishing through things, eventually pulling out a card, but it wasn't the card she needed, it was her Library Card to a Library in Nevada. She grumbled and plunged her hand into the bag again. "It's gotta be here..." She mumbled to herself, now becoming thoroughly annoyed. Eventually, she grasped onto something else and pulled it out, a folded piece of paper. She opened it up, a note from past self to future self; "Check your shoe dumb dumb." She blinked then remembered she had written the note to remind herself she had slid her ID and the paper with the code into a hidden compartment on her shoe. She opened it up and pulled the two out and grinned. "Thank you past self." She mused before zipping her other bag up and standing, sliding her ID card and putting in the code before propping open the door. She then carried all three bags in before going back to close the door and get to work. The first thing she did was open up all her bags, after dropping them on the bed farthest from the bathroom door, in this case it was the left side of the room. She then took a selfie, with the phone getting a good downward view of her and her open cases, she added another filter to her picture and a few sparkles as always. She then made another Gloopstagram post with the hashtags; #FirstOneHere #LeftSide and with that she put her phone aside so she could start unpacking. She noted the standard folded white blanket and sheet along with a white pillow that the students were given. She stretched. "Well, first thing is first." She stated to herself before removing the magic necklace she had that hid her true form, and she blinked as her third eye gained vision once more. She smiled, pleased to see her semi-transparent body once more. Oh yeah, this was gonna be great. She then started to remove clothing from her bag to put into the drawers below the bed, soon she'd need to get into uniform though, least she forgets until later.

Lawrance had been on campus the moment the gate had opened, he hadn't been to his room yet, no, but he was already inside the main building. Being a white mage most of his interests were aligned with helping people, and so he was in the nurse's office already. He was putting away healing herbs he had gathered while not at school, he had searched and gathered for the best of the best, and came back with a decent amount that would surely help in aiding students. Still dressed in his white magic robes he was carefully organizing the cabinet with herbs in it, making room for the ones he brought. Honestly, he brought stuff like this whenever he could, even when he left on breaks he'd come back with herbs and potions. Potions! Right. He carefully pulled out the glass vials of colorful pink liquid that swirled with gold, they were to restore one's health, make them as fit as a fiddle. He began to put them away with the other potions, he sure did enjoy stocking things that would help others. He had brought so many that a few of his jars of herbs had to be left out and the same with his potions. The field he lived near had so many medical plants he just couldn't help but bring as many as he could. He was sure Vayinia would be pleased with how much he brought, after all, lots of the students got into scuffles that ended in more than just a few scrapes and bruises.

Hearing the roar from the beast of a Principal outside he hummed in contemplation, and quickly drew out his pocket watch to inspect the time. {Almost noon? By the goddess I've been here almost an hour already!} he sighed and shook his head, he really needed to learn to keep track of time better. The small smile returned to his face and he began to zip things up, he was going to leave the room but he stopped himself from leaving when he noticed he should probably leave a note for the nurse. He looked around for a paper before writing down; "Just dropped off some things I gathered and brewed while away. Glad to be back! -LHD" He folded the note and left it standing up slightly so that Vayinia would see it whenever she found it. He grabbed his rucksack for a bag and headed out, he needed to get to his dorm. Come to think of it he wanted to get his side of the room sat up before Orientation since he really didn't want to spend any time after dinner trying to organize things. He much rather get it done in one go so he could meditate later. He had a sinking feeling this might not happen to his liking though, as he needed to meet his dorm mate.

Delilah was already stalking the school grounds the moment students began to flock out the gate like the tiny prey they are. Well, not tiny in sheer size, least not all of them, but tiny in needs. They were simple once you watched them long enough. More than some of them would find themselves to be constant visitors of her office. She drew in a breath as she let the scents of so many new toys arrive. Of course, she definitely didn't want them to end up in her office, she definitely wanted them to obey school rules. But, if more than a few of them needed a good lesson on why we obey rules, well, she would be much obliged to give a good demonstration. Stalking around while hidden from sight, and yet standing in the open, she used her invisibility to her advantage. Her small frame easily weaved through the students as they passed, not allowing anyone to touch her as they'd find out she was here. Oh, how embarrassing it would be! To be found watching her unsuspecting new victims.

She had a bubbling, delicious feeling deep within that she would not be bored this school year. She would not be left alone in isolation in her office. Oh no. She'd most certainly have plenty of playmates just begging to learn the rules. To recite them to her. Of course, if corporal punishment didn't work, she'd find new and more invigorating ways to get them to break into a little obedient mess. She was beyond excited for the days to follow. Of course, since today wasn't an official day of school, students only had to follow the one rule of wearing their uniform to Orientation and dinner at least. So she could not punish unless she was given permission by Venesha to begin reinforcing the rules. And reinforce she would. She was far more anxious for tomorrow to come. Biting at her pinkie nail carefully, she caressed the edge of her nail with her pointed tongue as she thought about how many students she'd need to remind of school policy.​
Zamentia Diosandre
School Grounds ==>Dorm Room 15
Interaction/Mention: NeonRain NeonRain
A young man had done his best to make himself as small as possible when the dragon had appeared, subconsciously stepping behind what had seemed at first like some kind of odd structure just randomly built in the middle of the school grounds. It was only as the smaller dragon had flown up to join the first that this student noticed that he was hiding behind a massive travel trunk about seven feet tall. He did a double take, briefly forgetting the dragons as he looked past the trunk and saw another one about two feet away. Standing between the trunks was an absolutely massive girl standing taller than the trunks. She was cheering on the appearance of the dragons, hopping from one foot to the other while speaking oddly, and the young man only then realized that the rest of the students were giving her specifically a wide berth.

But for him, his position behind her trunks only allowed him an easier time to appreciate her bouncing form, even if her excessively large hair was covering up everything shoulders up. Once students had begun moving to the dorms, he found the idea of just getting closer to those curves too enticing to ignore, and soon stepped up and nudged her, "Quite a lot of enthusiasm you've got, eh?"he asked with a smirk as she began turning around "You always this enthusiastic, Babyyyyyyyy-"

He got stuck on the final syllable as the head which turned to smile at him wasn't that of a hot Amazonian, as the body had entailed, but instead a horrifyingly over-sized maw of countless razor-sharp teeth which stretched wide and turned to look at him. He kept stretching the syllable even as he began taking a step back, his feet not listening to him as the monster before him reached forward with both hands.
"I not Baby, Crazy Land Mer!" Zamentia laughed as she pulled him up to eye-level with her "I Newborn!"

The young man's scream soon mixed with the humored abyssal's uproarious laughter. But it lasted only a few seconds before Zamentia seemed to pause and drop him to his feet, "Oh wait! All Land Mer not swim in sky like big lizard." she noted while glancing up to the dragons "Like ground, I think... right?"

Landing on his feet with a slight stumble, the young man hadn't responded immediately, merely looking over himself frantically too make sure nothing of his had been eaten in his fear-induced stupor. Not noticing his panic, Zamentia shrugged while bending over to bring herself down to his eye level "Me apologies Land Mer, much sorries." she nodded fervently before pointing to him "Talk late if want babies. Not good sing spot for growing swimmer now."

"T-that's okay lady!" He finally managed to get out as he began stepping away "That's my bad, you just looked a lot better from behind!"

"I am much of the gratefuls!" Zamentia declared as she stood tall and stretched her massive maw into another wide smile "Continue to do the appreciating of me, yes?"

The young man narrowed his gaze at her while turning away, "Right... just think about investing in paper bags." he said while speed-walking away "Really big ones!"

"Soon me will discover powers of Paper, Land Mer!" Zamentia waved goodbye to him before realizing that the students around her were growing thin. She looked over the many heads of students with a coo of interest before realizing that they were heading to the dorms, "Ah!"

Reaching for the massive trunks at her sides, she took hold of them in one hand each and hoisted them up with little issue. With both of the trunks in hand, she proceeded to skip towards the dorm, many students having to move out of the way as she made for the dorms. She strode by many a students who she greeted as she pranced by, only skidding to a stop when she eventually found her assigned room. Releasing her trunks, Zamentia twirled while whipping out her ID card and throwing it at the door.

Only for the card to lightly tap against it before falling to the floor. Zamentia bent down and tried again with a different throwing pose, eventually giving a hum of thought when the third attempt proved fruitless as well. Stepping away, she looked around before spotting other students using their ID cards to enter their dorms. Zamentia gave a gasp of interest before speeding over to the door and crouching against the keypad and carefully matching the symbols displayed on her ID, watching with barely restrained awe as the door unlocked.

Squealing in delight, Zamentia took hold of her trunks and stepped inside the room, immediately sliding one trunk next to the right bed. The Other trunk Zamentia hefted over her head and aimed towards the bed before pulling it open. Almost immediately, a veritable tsunami of clothes poured forth from the trunk. Uniforms, dresses, outfits of all shapes and sizes soon coated the bed as Zamentia dropped the trunk at her side and feverishly began fawning over her healthy supply of clothes. Unable to help herself, she occasionally held a particularly interesting outfit or dress in front of herself while stretching her massive maw into a grin.

She began putting these clothes away into the drawers or chest near her bed, pausing eventually when she remembered her other trunk. Pausing, Zamentia giggled and put her outfit down before strutting over to the salty trunk and crouching low next to it. This trunk contained all of her non-clothing essentials, including an entire small case full of dental equipment, writing utensils, sun-scorched eel in a large baggie... the usual stuff.

The eel was supposed to be her travel meal, but Zamentia had been so caught up with all the exciting sights and sounds that she'd completely forgotten. Shrugging, she grabbed the dried sea creature and stuffed it headfirst into her maw before slurping it down like a noodle. She chewed three times while going to work setting her school supplies aside, swallowing it with a chirp of satisfaction before getting lured to her extensive collection of Fashion once more.
[import]9010974[/import] [class=values] --tabStyle: row wrap; --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --tab-txt-color: White; --bg-color: 332161; --fontFamily: 'Book Antiqua'; --fontSize: 12 px; --tab-hover-color: white; --tab-hover-bg: 5563B0; --tab-select-color: white; --tab-select-bg: 5563B0; [/class] [div class="tabContainer values"] [div class=tabHolder] [div class="tab selected"][div class=tabID]1Tab[/div]Maeve Kinsley[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]2Tab[/div]Ilythyrra Caiqrelle[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]3Tab[/div]Maaleshiira Waesnorin[/div] [/div]
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Location Dorm Room 13
Tags NeonRain NeonRain

"Here it is, Maeve." Saorise said, patting her daughter on the shoulder. "Mom, you can't be serious." Maeve scoffed as she stared up at the oak tree. Her mother had taken her deep into the forest behind their house. They had walked for only about 30 minutes, but it had felt like years to Maeve, considering she was carrying all her luggage. "Just trust me, will you?" Her mother said as she brought Maeve closer to the tree. "That's been kinda hard lately." Maeve thought to herself. Not only did she just find out she was a werewolf, but now her parents were shipping her off to a magical boarding school. It all felt like some sick nightmare Maeve couldn't wake up from. "Now, I'm just gonna push you through. You'll know when you've reached the other side. Brace yourself, baby." Shutting her eyes tight and clinging out her baggage for dear life, Maeve was half-convinced her mother was about to slam her into the tree and knock her out. All of a sudden, she couldn't feel her mother's hands anymore. "I'll see you soon! I love you!" Her mother's voice was fading away and Maeve felt as if she was floating for just a moment.

As quickly as the floating sensation started, it was gone. Maeve opened her eyes and checked herself over. "Holy shit, I'm okay!" Letting out a sigh of relief, her stomach couldn't help but to be in knots. Taking in her surroundings, a look of disbelief plastered itself to her face. Every fairy tale creature she could think of seemed to be there. All the bedtime stories her parents told her were coming to life in front of her eyes. Terrified and full of awe, Maeve tried her best to hide her emotions and returned her face to her usual stoic expression. "If they know how scared I am, I won't make it out of here." Fishing around in her pocket, she took out a small, crinkled piece of paper. Dorm 13, follow the signs! was written out in her father's handwriting.

Looking around for signs, Maeve's eyes widened as she saw a giant dragon perched atop the main building with its wing wrapped around something. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Her parents had told her about the headmistress, but she didn't want to believe it. All that could come to her mind in that moment were the final scenes from Enchanted. "C'mon Maeve! Just act as if it's perfectly normal. That thing can smell fear!" A different voice shouted to Maeve in her thoughts. Whether this was true or not, Maeve's resident stoic expression returned once again. That little voice wasn't her own, but she had always had it. It only ever spoke to her when Maeve's emotions were in the extremes. Her parents had told her that it was her wolf, but Maeve liked to think it was just the super practical side of herself. Her eyes landed on a sign reading "Student Dorms" as she made her way across the bridge.

From there on out, it was pretty simple to find the dorm. She checked the small piece of paper again for the code and pushed her way into the room. She blinked a couple times as she stared at the semi-transparent person in front of her. "No fucking way. No way are Minecraft mobs real. Holy shit." She thought to herself, moving to the side of the room her roommate wasn't on. "Stay cool, Maeve. Show this thing who's boss." The little voice reminded her. Moving towards the right side of the room, Maeve finally got the guts to speak.

"My name's Maeve. I've got some ground rules. One, don't touch my shit. Two, don't talk to me unless it's something important. Three, if you think you need me, don't." The girl announced coolly. With that, she began to unpack her belongings.

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Location Dorm 12

Ilythyrra was in human form, dragging her things through the portal. She giggled to herself as she remembered her small first year bag, how innocent she had been. Before her first year, Ilythyrra had only taken her human form a few times. Now, she was in it more often than her fae form, to the dismay of her parents. "That school is corrupting you!" Her father had said to her over break. She sighed as the argument with her parents crossed her mind. Shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts, Ily practically skipped over the bridge towards her dorm. Glancing up, she saw the headmistress perform her usual theatrics. She stopped for a moment to enjoy the show, smiling bright as ever. When the headmistress landed, Ilythyrra continued on her journey to the dorm. Realizing her roommate might already be there, Ily picked up her pace.

She practically burst through the entrance to her dorm room. Hurriedly placing down her decorations and packing away her clothes, Ily broke a sweat. "I forgot how tough this can be!" Thinking to herself as her attempts to put up string lights kept failing. She'd heard the humans call them "fairy lights" and she couldn't resist putting them up in her dorm. She felt it was her own little rebellious act to her parents. After 7 tries, the lights finally rested above her bed peacefully. Her half of the room was all different shades of green and pink. "And now the waiting game begins!" She exclaimed, sitting criss-cross on her bed. Her favorite part about the first day was getting to know her roommate.
[div class="tabContent 3"]
Location Auditorium Entrance

Holed up in her office, Maaleshiira was hard at work. Orientation day was her absolute favorite. She truly got excited over starting new first year files. Her office was supursingly small for a 6'7" elf, but she'd requested it to be so. Bookcases lined both the walls and her desk was right in the middle of the room. Behind her desk were filing cabinets and a large window which overlooked the schools entrance. She glanced outside and watched students pop up out of hundreds of different portals. "Magic is truly such a beautiful thing." She sighed as she looked over the speeches that Delilah and Venesha were to give soon.

After putting the final touches on the speeches, she stood up and made her way out of her office towards the auditorium where orientation would be held. Centering the podium and leaving the speeches right where Venesha and Delilah could see them. Not that the two ever even touched the speeches, but Maaleshiira wrote them for every orientation since she began working at the school, and she wasn't stopping now. She began to test the lights and microphones. "Everything seems to be in order." She thought, going to stand outside the auditorium. Since she never got the chance to greet students at the bridge, she always greeted them as they walked into orientation. [/div]
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  • Aretmis sighed as she clambered out of the SUV and smiling back at her mom. "Love you mom. See you during next break?" Her mother nodded and with a brisk hug through the window she started off through the portal. Wearing a light blue sundress that clung to Artemis' curves rather nicely, the girl was perfectly ready for the heat wave that assailed her from the lava below. "I missed this place." Artemis smiled as she released the spell hiding her snake hair. The red-spitting cobras hissing in delight at being able to move again. "I'm sorry babies, you know how much the humans hate seeing you." Adjusting her sunglasses, Artemis began to walk along the bridge dragging her rather large, and yet fashionable, suitcase behind her. She could feel some eyes drawn to her, whether it was because of the half dozen bracelets, three sets of earrings, four rings or the necklace she wore reflecting the light of the sun or the fact that a gorgon would so proudly walk by them all with her hair out, she didn't care. She liked the attention and that was all that mattered.

    Watching Headmistress Venesha show off like she did every year was something that pulled eyes from Artemis, but she couldn't fault the woman. If anything, Artemis felt a pang of jealousy. "Wish I could show off like that." She giggled to herself as she then nearly ran over someone but swiftly moved about him as if dancing. "Freshman." She sighed before finally catching sight of two people at the entranceway. One was someone she got to know early from a club and the other came along with her, but both were good friends to have. "PHEEPHEE!!" Artemis squealed in delight as she ran over to her fellow reptilian, glomping onto the girl with a big smile plastered on her face. "It's been so long. You have no IDEA how terrible these last two weeks were. My BITCH of a grandmother came to visit for my sister's birthday. And she wouldn't even look at me. Honestly, you'd think I was a curse on the family or something the way she acts. But I'm free of her now and so glad to be back." Finally composing herself she turned to the centaur that was there as well. "And how are you doing Nigel?" Her snakes coiled around one another behind Artemis' head in a braid, making it a bit easier for her to see the tall male.
    NeonRain NeonRain
Michael unloaded his things and with the help of one of his more respectful family members, made his way up to his dorm. As human as he seemed to the rest of the students, his psychic visions of the school and his dedication to enroll escaped him from countless bullying at the human schools.

"Dorm room 1. That should be right. From the vision I had, this is also where a famous hybrid lived with a pet. I think he had a manticore? Never been too fond of supernatural knowledge." He talked to himself. Michael opened the door to the dorm and set on down. From what he could see, his roommate wasn't home yet. Maybe he's THAT popular and he was distracted by his fangirls? Who knows.

When Draco got back to the dorm, Michael would be calmly meditating after eating lunch.
"Why Hello. I have expected a popular hybrid and his pet to be in this dorm and so far I'm right. Name's Michael, the human psychic."
f7177c44231abf94f59862a0886d9ca7.pngZamentia Diosandre
Dorm Room 15
Interaction/Mention: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Zamentia had just finished pulling on a rabbit cap when the door opened. Twisting her massive head around, her maw stretched wide again at the sight of the Crazy Land Mer male from before. She waved at him, seemingly oblivious to the shell-shocked expression he was now sporting, only for the Winged Mer with him to close the door. Zamentia rose and messed up with her hair while still fitting the Rabbit Cap in place, briefly wondering what the Winged Land Mer wanted. She seemed to be putting cases in the closet, similar to what Zamentia was doing. Zamentia watched the clothes being put away with blatant interest, chittering with her numerous teeth as she brought said clothes into her mind's eye.

"Fashions are bestest over big water." Zamentia giggled to herself while running her hands through her now immense bush of hair. She'd change her hair often to match with her clothing, this time winding up with a mass of pink hair that meshed excessively well with her rabbit cap. Shape-shifting like this wasn't the farthest she could go, but it was probably her most used application of it. Grabbing the ends of her ribbon, Zamentia twirled them passively while bending over to examine the Winged Mer in response to her question. She gave a happy little hum before pulling back and twirling the ends of her ribbon again.

"Clothe-stuffs work wonders, Winged Mer!" she giggled before bouncing over to her trunk and releasing her ribbon to rifle through it "Find color lover wear that matches. You achieve all of the Adorables, yes!"

Pulling out an over-sized bow, Zamentia rolled onto her back and kicked her legs up onto her bed whilst clipping the bow on. She patted it once, then twice... and then shook her fists in front of her before rolling away from the bed and back next to her trunk. Pulling herself to it, she snickered while pulling out two more hair clips. Objectives acquired, she rolled away from the trunk again to slip them in next to the first bow.

It was as he was slipping the star into its proper place that she finally rose again and turned back to the Winged Mer with her endless smile, "Is Zamentia getting the house friends with Winged Mer? I not be getting the workways of building now. Hard getting in."

she raised a finger and bent over a bit before nodding to her trunk, "I be doing apologies for not saving scorched eel for House Friend. Would save-share if known."
Evelyn Sanders

Open for interaction
location: school grounds

Eve made her way into the schools main entrance, it was large and imposing she couldn’t help but stop and look up to admire the architecture, it was definitely the best she’d seen since she left the church. She watched in awe as the headmistress flew over and made a scene of an introduction, many of the other students seemed nervous or scared but it made Eve smile it was nice seeing another medical creature soar. She hadn’t met any till she joined the school and was told they were all evil for a while, it was odd and surreal seeing all these different beings together in harmony now.

You can do this. She thought as she walked into the crowd her large magnificent wings disappeared in shimmering light. She passed one boy who had tripped and skinned his knee and she ran her fingers over his back as she walked past him healing his wounds. She didn’t have the courage to say hi and make conversation with a stranger so she kept walking instead.

She watched a horrifying female creature set someone straight and another creature looked like he was considering swimming in the lava. Eve was quite ready to head to the dorms yet and wanted a bit more time to soak in the new environment so she continued her stroll through the crowd. Slowly heading in the directions of the dorms but in no rush.


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Merle Girdercog
Interaction &/or Mention: NeonRain NeonRain numbles numbles
Location: Student Dormitory Building

Merle had entered Magma Core through the massive archway that bordered the school she had grown up in for three years. She always had to look up at the defying portal every year, spanning thousands of feet into the air. She looked rather comical, still wearing a set of her casual robes (a soft cotton robe with pink floral accents) held fruits of different kind in each hand, because her father had insisted that she had snacks for the first stressful week of school. But that also meant she had to make two trips, which wasn't normal, and she did not want to do. She looked ahead to see what extravagant theatrics the Headmistress was performing. Every year seemed to be an annual showing of her magnificence and to intimidate students to make sure they don't start trouble in the year to come. Of course, she always liked to bring up her son, Draco, and coddle him in front of the entire school. She felt rather sorry for the boy; she was almost certain he disliked the attention. She was a little disappointed she had missed the main event, where the Headmistress would swoop down towards the crowd of students. Although she was scared to death her first year, having never seen a dragon before, for the next years she loved to feel that hot wind on her face and feel goosebumps rise behind her neck. She liked to beam at the excitement because it was a rare occasion where she could feel absolutely fearless in a life full of alone time and sitting on a familiar riverbank.

It wasn't like she didn't have friends, however. She decided that since she had missed the climax of the show, to go straight to her dorms. She started towards the entrance of the student dormitory building, which was off of a fork of the main pathway. Once she was in the common area, she saw a few things at once. First, she spotted most possibly her only good friend dash across the common area and straight to a dorm–Ilythyrra. She smiled as she looked at her fae friend hauling her luggage with fervor, she would have to talk to her later. As her friend disappeared from view, her eyes landed on two friends, who she had always seen together since her first year here.

[What were their names?] she thought to herself as her eyes fixed on to the two of them. One of them was rather daunting to look at, a centaur [Niles? Neil?] and a striking lizard woman named Phoebe who by the small interactions they have had, seemed like a kind creature. However, she had noticed last year how sweet the centaur was, just with the way he had interacted with their classmates [What was the class?]. Although he had an intimidating appearance which put a soft spot in her heart ever since she made this realization, and she tried to smile at him whenever they passed by. She exhaled softly and continued walking to her dorm, which was empty. She tossed the fruit on her bed and came back into the dorm, and felt a little leap in her gut. She had the strong urge to start a conversation with him, and walked toward the two of them.

"Hey, uhh... if you guys have any time, can you help me with some luggage I have to get?" she asked them, her voice a little higher than usual, the two a good amount taller than her. She hoped she wasn't going pink.
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Izuru sat atop the roof of the school with a bag of plain sugar donuts on his lap. Today was the day all the students came back from break to settle in. Izuru thought he'd do a bit of people watching, to get a good grasp of what kind of students came through those gates. The Principal had hired him as a teacher here after he had provided an extensive resume with multiple references. Izuru was ashamed to admit that he hadn't had an actual job since he'd retired his company to his sons, Orion and Taktical. So putting together his resume was kind of difficult. It had been a while since the gates had opened and Izuru had spotted all different manner of creatures. Elves, Goblins, Ghosts, Vampires, Werewolves, Fairies, Dragons, Demons and Angels were just to name a few of them. Biting into his donut, Izuru saw the massive form of their Principal fly over the students after rising from the magma. Apparently she did that every year, it was some kind of display for the newer students. Though it was most likely to let her show off a little. Snapping his fingers, Izuru created a nice little firework display to accompany her. When little Draco went up to his mother, Izuru could almost feel his shame.

Setting down his food, Izuru saw a familiar sight walk through the gates. The white hair and gentle features of his grandson, Etienne Advantage. He looked so much like his father, Taktical. The firm and sharp features of their demonic bloodline were very noticeable. Although when it came to his eyes, he had the softness of his mother Snookle. Although they weren't related by blood, Izuru had still helped to raise Etienne since birth. They were family, as far as anyone was concerned. Etienne's best friend Woz seemed to be next to him, possibly mocking him. Kendall Woz was an interesting individual, a powerful Esper with a piercing personality. It was due to Izuru's insistence that Woz was allowed to attend, despite his criminal background and eccentricities. Izuru noticed something very interesting from his perch high above the students. His grandson was staring at a GIRL. Etienne had never once in his life shown interest in girls. His goal was to become the Demon King. So when Izuru saw him mesmerized by what looked to be a Nephilim girl, he was tickled pink. Getting up and clicking his neck, Izuru teleported away. Unfortunately, he forgot his donuts on the roof.

Mentions: NeonRain NeonRain Lilliana2 Lilliana2


Etienne took in a deep and possibly sulfur filled breath as he looked at the High School he was to attend for the next few years. He felt anticipation, excitement and nervousness all at once as he began to walk through the gates. His parents had decided to send him here at the recommendation of his Grandpa Izuru. The old school he was attending was great, but it didn't offer him as many opportunities as this one. Looking around, Etienne saw more supernatural creatures here than he'd ever seen back home. There were things like Vampires, Werewolves, Gorgons and even Abyssal Horrors like his mother. He then had his attention stolen by the sight of a dragon rising from the magma below and flying high above them to perch atop the school. Etienne audibly gasped as he took in the pure majesty of this dragon, who he guessed must have been Principal Venesha. "Hey Etienne, stop getting distracted by the stupid flying Lava Dragon and check out that guy over there" said a voice from behind him. It was his right hand man, the genius Esper Woz.

Turning his attention to the individual pointed out by Woz, he saw an embarrassed looking young man. Looking back at the Dragon, he studied her body language carefully before going back to looking at the youth. Yep there was no doubt, he was her son and she was calling him out in front of EVERYONE. Etienne nodded and lightly tapped his fist against his chest in honor of this fallen soldier. The son shifted into Dragon form and went to join his mother, leaving Etienne to leave them alone. "So Woz... what kind of ADVENTURES do you think we'll find here?" asked Etienne as he began to make his way towards the dorms. "With any luck, quiet ones that'll let me focus on my experiments.... though I shouldn't hope for the impossible with you" replied Woz as he walked alongside Etienne. Etienne chose to let that comment slide as he noticed a strange sight in front of him. It was a girl, with blond hair and beautiful golden eyes. She carried herself with a sense of refined grace and dignity. Etienne then noticed he was staring and stopped, feeling his face turn hot. Walking forward, he tried to go AHEAD of her so he wouldn't be staring as much. Unfortunately, in his haste he tripped and scraped his knee. Etienne felt crippling embarrassment as he saw Woz laughing at his expense. Then, the girl actually came over and ran her fingers across his back. The touch was momentary, but Etienne felt something begin to work its way into his wound as it began to seal up and heal. However when he went to thank her, she was gone...

Mentions: NeonRain NeonRain
Interactions: Lilliana2 Lilliana2


Woz was thoroughly annoyed. First he had to get up early, second he had to deal with the heat here and third he had to deal with watching Etienne. Kraken was floating next to him with its fan on full blast. The little robot had been going non stop since they had gotten near the volcano. Whoever had decided to put a school IN a volcano was a moron. According to Etienne's grandfather, a Dragon Family was responsible for this school. Knowing that made Woz want to skin them for shoes. Walking through the gates of the school, he saw all manner of freaks and monsters walking around. One of them tried to push Woz aside, which earned him an inking from Kraken. Kraken's probably didn't ink but Woz wanted to put that in there. The creature, who looked to be a satyr ran away as the ink covered his face and hurt his eyes. Woz shrugged it off and continued to follow behind Etienne. A massive Dragon suddenly flew out from the magma below, splashing some on the satyr as the semi-flammable ink caught fire and he ran around screaming. Woz smirked as the satyr ran inside before turning his attention to a horned guy looking up at the dragon. The Dragon perched and seemingly looked at the horned guy. Woz called another robot, Phoenix to fly over and take pictures. "Hey Etienne, stop getting distracted by the stupid flying Lava Dragon and check out that guy over there" said Woz as he called out to the King of Idiots.

Seems they knew each other as the horned guy also turned into a Dragon and went to snuggle with the larger dragon. Woz's information told him that they were Principal Venesha and her son Draco. Calling Phoenix again, Woz took a few more pictures of the mother and son. Then he walked away with Etienne. "S
o Woz, what kind of ADVENTURES do you think we'll find here?" asked Etienne as he put his hands behind his head. "With any luck, quiet ones that'll let me focus on my experiments.... though I shouldn't hope for the impossible with you" replied Woz as he put Phoenix away. Etienne suddenly stopped, his eyes focused on something ahead. Woz looked forward to see a gorgeous young blonde walking in front of them. Yeah, shes way out of YOUR league thought Woz as he chuckled at Etienne. Etienne seemed to notice his staring and tried to go ahead, but he tripped and hurt his knee. Woz couldn't contain his laughter as he saw Etienne's face turn red as a tomato. The girl did pat Etienne on the back so that was something. Woz had actually seen this girl at the gate, he knew what she was and understood how interesting this would be...

Mentions: NeonRain NeonRain Lilliana2 Lilliana2

Annabelle Minotaur


"Nuuuu~," Annabelle breathed, releasing a loud yawn into the world before blinking her eyes slowly towards her destination of the school. This was it: her final year. The black haired minotaur rubbed her left eyelid lazily, continuing her slow pace forward. Everyone buzzed around her, chatting about excitedly while she just daydreamed of the best place to take a nap. Was napping on the first day frowned upon? As a growing girl, she surely needed her rest! How was she supposed to keep her mind fresh and energetic when she was already feeling so drowsy? Perhaps the cafeteria was already open... Nothing was better than a quick snack before a nap. The idea of a warm cup of milk with a mountain of chocolate dipped madeleine cookies warmed both her stomach and her heart. She was practically purring at the mere thought of indulging herself in a snack and an afternoon snooze.

"Oh my," she sighed as she fantasized. Surely Papa would not approve, but she was an adult this year. Finally, she had blossomed and matured into a well-bred woman... er, was that the correct term? Papa always said that using the term "well-bred" was not quite appropriate for someone of her kind, but she never really understood why. Humans and cattle both bred. It was a term to say that she was coming to know great genetics from her birth. Humans were just so strange with their own language. Anyways, surely a full grown adult could be allowed a snack and a nap.

She hummed softly to herself a tune that just came to her head as she ignored all the drooling boys prattling on about the headmistress. She was indeed quite a treat -- perhaps she would even like to be an afternoon snack. Annabelle giggled to herself at the thought, covering her mouth slightly as her cheeks flushed. Such silly thoughts.

Reaching into her bag, she pulled free a piece of paper with her dorm room number written on it. Number six! How lucky -- her birthday! Taking a little nibble of the paper, Annabelle continued to hum as she chewed. Mm... basic letter-sized paper. It didn't have time to season with age... Her favorite was the kind found in textbooks or the ones found in the library with coffee stained colored pages. However, last year the headmistress gave her a scolding for eating the pages out of some five-hundred year old book. How dull. If no one was reading it, then what was the harm in eating it? At least then it could be of some use.

After traveling through the hallways, Annabelle found herself peeking into the door of her dorm room where some girl was already making herself at home. Annabelle's ears perked in interest as she observed her from outside of the door. She was strangely translucent? She practically glowed like the waters in the pond outside of her papa's farm. She reminded her of a fresh spring day after it had just rained -- when the grass looked especially green and the water sparkled from the reflections of the earth. How dazzling. However, she seemed locked onto whatever was in her hand, punching away at the screen with a determined look. Oh, it must have been a phone. Papa finally bought her one this year, but Annabelle had never really been a fan of phones... Paper tasted so much better than the glass of a screen.

"You look like jell-o," Annabelle blurted out as she entered the room, not even making eye contact with her new roommate as she searched the room for the boxes her papa had delivered for her. "Do you taste like jell-o too? Papa's favorite flavor is green apple... but I personally like watermelon." Her crimson eyes looked back at this see-through girl. They were so colorful.

"You look like a birthday card my papa got me once... I think I was eight years old. Well, we are assuming I was. I was raised by cows, so I don't quite know my birthday. Papa says I was eight," Annabelle continued, looking at the fact that her new friend had apparently already picked which side of the room she had wanted. "Are you left handed? Do you always pick the left? They say left side of the brain is most creative, but that's such a silly statement since we use all of our brain. Why would they give us such a big muscle to only use half of it?"

Interacting: NeonRain NeonRain

[class=Notes] [/class] [class=hidden] display:none; [/class] [class=Button] background-color: #eeb9a2; color: #000000; text-align:center; padding:5px; width:100%; //The Button with the OC's Name in it// [/class] [class name=ButtonClick] background-color: #a78d8a; color: #000000; text-align:center; padding: 5px; width:100%; //What the button looks like when clicked This is actually not necessary, but I copied this from a previous code and decided not to mess with it.// [/class] [class name=Button state=hover] background-color: #a78d8a; cursor:pointer; color:#000000; //What the button looks like when a mouse hovers over it// [/class] [script class=Button on=click] //This script allows the button to do its button thing// removeClass ButtonClick Button addClass ButtonClick set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (show Stats) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (show Equip) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (hide Name) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (hide Stats) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (hide Equip) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (show Name) [/script]

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NeonRain NeonRain , numbles numbles

Archway/Entrance -> Dorms [/div] [div class="Stats hidden" style="font-family: Raleway; Font-size: 85%;Text-align:center;"]

D̵i̴f̸f̶u̶g̸e̷r̵e̷ ̸n̸i̴v̷e̵s̷,̶ ̵r̴e̵d̷e̵u̴n̵t̷ ̶i̸a̵m̶ ̵g̴r̴a̵m̴i̴n̶a̷ ̷c̴a̴m̵p̴i̵s̴ ̷
̴a̴r̷b̸o̸r̵i̴b̸u̶s̶q̸u̵e̵ ̴c̶o̸m̸a̵e̵;̷ ̵ ̶
̸m̴u̷t̵a̵t̸ ̷t̷e̵r̸r̴a̷ ̸v̷i̸c̷e̷s̸ ̸e̷t̴ ̷d̴e̶c̷r̵e̴s̴c̸e̸n̶t̵i̴a̶ ̶r̴i̶p̸a̴s̶ ̶
̶f̶l̷u̵m̸i̵n̵a̷ ̵p̴r̵a̵e̴t̴e̸r̴e̴u̷n̸t̵;̵ ̶​


The day began, like most days, with Seth’s internal monologue-pep talk. You can do this. You can do this.... The night before he’d spent a long time preparing his outfit for the day to come, ironing out the wrinkles as best as he could manage.

When he’d first started school he’d been an even bigger mess. Now though he was a year older, arguably wiser. At least, he was somewhat used to campus now, even though he half suspected that it still changed things up on him now and again. Or maybe that was something his mind had done, an artefact of The Other’s influence on his thoughts, and sometimes, his reality.

The opening ceremony was earth shatteringly spectacular, as always. He watched their head mistress, in all her glory. He even caught sight of her son, Draco, wasn’t it..? Seth didn’t envy the other boy’s predicament.

When it was done, Seth wasted no time heading to the dormitories. If he was lucky, his roommate was normal. Or at least the closest approximation to normal that was possible here. If he was really lucky, his roommate would’ve switched rooms, dropped out, or gone missing. He was going to miss the quiet solitude of his tiny, shitty flat.

He reached his door, double checked the marking to be sure it was in fact his door, the one he’d been assigned - even going so far as to run his fingers along the markings to ensure they were real. When he was relatively confident he was in the right place, Seth turned the key in the lock and let it fall open. He padded in after it.


Lunaria Nightshade
School Grounds

Here Lunaria was at Magma Core High. She dreaded this moment. Most of her life had been sheltered and while she had been taught about Supernatural Powers and beings, she didn't have much experience seeing them in action beyond her own abilities and the people at NightShade Company.

Or well... people for that matter. She didn't know how to interact with others and so she wouldn't know what to say if someone wanted to talk with her. So she really just ended up trying to avoid people as long as possible.

She wandered the school grounds aimlessly before finding a tree and sitting underneath it. There probably was time to kill before they had orientation or whatever they would do to gather all the students on the first day. She was used to what they had been doing the last 2 years she had been here. But the school life could always been unpredictable and she didn't exactly get the quiet life she wanted too.

She decided to open her purse of objects and read a book about magic..
Velraine Kozakes
Dorm Rooms.
Interacting: Rose of Versailles Rose of Versailles

Making sure that all the floors and dorms were clean before the beginning of the arrival of the new and returning students, Vel'koz toured the dorms, making sure it was spotless. Vaporizing the last bits of dust in the 1st dorm room, he heard a loud explosion which marked the arrival of the headmistress. "It would be fortuitous if I do not have to clean up any blood or urine this year, as last year an entity had feared for their own life and excreted on them self." This ran through his mind as he finished his cleaning, and left to see the opening event, staying out of sight to not scare any of the creatures due to his.... different looks. Seeing that a young half dragon, reform, and fly to the headmistress he remembered the headmistress saying her son would be attending this year. "The creature appears to seek it's maternal unit. How very mortal-like." Taking time to note who would be taking his class from what he knew about them from their applications, he noted his students: "Nigel Ray Charles Dahlberg Iakovou, ah,
one of my favorite students, Phoebe Silverstein, an honor student? Excellent. Fable Sunniva, another returning honor student, and Nekoi Tsumi, a new honor student. I am endeared to see so many honor students in my class this year. I'll worry about my lone student in my fourth hour class later.

Noticing that many of the students were heading to the dorms, Vel'koz decided to hover over to the dorms and see how everyone was setting up, may as well scare them now and hope that when classes begin, no one will be disturbed by his presence. Vel'koz noticed a minotaur female at the door to dorm 13 exclaiming how happy she way to be in her favorite dorm. Vel'koz noted a problem, she was currently in dorm 13, when she was needing to be in dorm 6. A perplexing problem. He did note, that he had seen this student before this year, so hopefully she wouldn't turn around and scream in what humans call terror. The female's name, he remembered was, Annebelle Minotaur. A fitting name. He lowered to the door behind her and, as calmly and nicely as Vel'koz could (Which wasn't much of either quality) "My pardon, female Minotaur, but you seem to have gone to the wrong resting space. According to my documents you are supposed to be in resting room six, and not thirteen."
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Casper Ollila
Interacting with: Seth Whitfield ( Elenion Aura Elenion Aura )

It had been a while since Aaron had departed for his dorm room, and already Casper was bored to a point of almost desperation.

He wanted to draw, and his hands itched with the need, but the boredom of the moment combined with the excitement of meeting someone new, the fear of missing orientation and being punished, and he couldn't find it in himself to unleash the tenseness in the coil he had become.

He wished his new roommate were here, ready to discover the joys of someone new together.

He wished Aaron hadn't left so soon. Sure, he knew they had already been here a while, but he wanted his brother with him, even if he didn't quite want to admit the insecurity of aloneness seeping slowly through him.

He wondered if it might eventually petrify him if he let it.

...Maybe one of his suitemates had arrived. That could be fun, right? And they were really close to each other, so they might as well get to know each other, too, right?

Casper smiled a bit at the thought, sitting up and stretching as he headed for the door to the bathroom.

It wasn't until he reached for the door's handle that he began to doubt himself, hand trembling as he turned the handle slowly, peeking into the room.

There was someone at the door.

He jumped, almost shutting the door on himself, but he was already here, so he might as well say hi, right?

Forcing a shy smile, Casper waved to the person who this room would presumably house for the next year.

"Hi... I'm your suitemate?"
Fable Sunniva

It was that time of year again for Fable. The new school year was starting and it was time for her rather short visit home to end. In all honesty it was a big relief for the young elf as she was still not well liked by all the villagers. Even after all these years. It didn't matter though, the school was her only way to get away from it all. After packing away the remaining articles of clothing she planned on taking with her Fable moved over to the succulents and cacti sitting in her window sill. "Alright you guys, it's your turn," she softly told the plants while reaching for the wooden milk crate she had made for them. Twelve individual slots to that each pot was secure and lowered the risk of them sliding around and potentially chipping the pots. Well hopefully this year you won't have a rough roommate. Or enjoy freezing temperatures! I thought I was going to die last year if you didn't leave me outside during the day! The voices of her foxtail agave and her aloe vera rung in her head as she placed them in their own slots of the crate. It was hard to not chuckle at hearing her plants give their different opinions of previous roommates. They weren't completely wrong though, the past two were enough for Fable to stay away from her dorm as much as possible.

Once all her plants she was taking were packed (echeveria elegans, foxtail agave, aloe vera, bunny ears cactus, crown-of-thorns, spiral aloe, and burro's-tail) Fable carried them out of her treehouse and set them down beside the front entrance. Retreating back inside her home the elf gathered up her duffle bag, quiver, and arrow case before putting them outside next to the milk crate. Turning back to gaze inside her home she called out to her parents in Woodlen,
"I'll be taking my leave. I shall see you both again in a few months." Just as she was turning back both her mother and father came up behind her and hugged her tightly. Wishing her luck and hugging their daughter close to them before finally letting Fable go.

Smiling lovingly over her shoulder Fable whispered her love for them before sending her things down the tree via pulley system. When it was her turn to descend the stormy eyed elf glanced around as few spotted her. Feeling a small wave of anxiety coming over her the girl pulled the hood of her coat up to cover her copper and blonde locks, hoping they'd lessen the stares. Once it was up Fable moved to where it had been made possible to climb down the towering redwood.
Would it be easier just to scale down, the elf thought quizzically, Or should I just wait for the foot hold in the rope to come up? Ultimately in the end Fable decided to climb down the tree rather than wait. The thought of someone potentially damaging her things while she waited was enough to make her go with climbing. Plus it was more fun anyways.

It took Fable about an hour to climb down, thankfully it didn't take longer. When her boots touched the ground Fable immediately moved over to her items which were already waiting for her. Untying the knots from the handles before picking them up and tossing them onto her shoulders; except for the crate, that she carried in both hands. Turning her gaze towards the grass underfoot a small smile formed, "Would you mind telling me if the portal to Magma Core is where it has been for the past two years," she politely asked the grass, this time in English. Of course Fable! The portal hasn't moved an inch since last week so you won't have trouble finding it! But remember to teach us what new things you learn this year when you come back for the summer! The voice of the grass echoed in her mind as the wind picked up a bit. With a smile Fable headed off into the forest talking to both her plants, and the plants around her as she headed further away from her treetop home.

The portal was insight after walking 200 yards into the tree line outside of the village. Coming upon it all the while closing the gap between it and her
Fable stopped just 10 feet away from it. She said her goodbye to the forest, then stepped through the portal.

Coming out of the portal on the other side Fable gave a sigh of relief as she saw the familiar sight of Magma Core's gothic architecture. Oh man! I've missed place so much, the echeveria cheered amongst the other succulents and lone cactus as they jostled slightly in the crate with each step Fable took. The elf's eyes flicked from side to side as she began to make her way over the stone bridge leading from the forest's portal to the school's front entrance. As she got closer to the entrance Fable stopped in her tracks as she heard something vaguely familiar coming from the lava. Soon enough the headmistress burst forth the lava, like she did every. Single. Year. Fable and her plants sighed in unison at the display. Sure it was interesting, but Fable wasn't really one for showy things. But it surely was interesting to see the headmistress' son, Draco, reluctantly flying up to his mother and meeting her with an embrace. Laughter erupted from the succulents as they watched on. "You all are so naughty," she quietly chastised, causing them to grow quiet before booing their caretaker. Rolling her eyes Fable smiled softly to herself as she continued to walk onto the school grounds.

After crossing the entrance threshold Fable held the crate in one hand as she dug into her coat pocket with the other. Biting her lip a bit before allowing her expression to relax while pulling out a slip of paper. Unfolding it the elf skimmed the top of the page in search of her dorm number. Once finding it Fable folded it back up and returned it to her coat pocket. Looking over towards the dormitory the red and blonde haired elf started making her way over,
"This year we get to live in room three. An upgrade from last year.. Lets just hope our roommate is an upgrade as well," she mumbled softly while she continued to walk.

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[class=Notes] [/class] [class=hidden] display:none; [/class] [class=Button] background-color: #eeb9a2; color: #000000; text-align:center; padding:5px; width:100%; //The Button with the OC's Name in it// [/class] [class name=ButtonClick] background-color: #a78d8a; color: #000000; text-align:center; padding: 5px; width:100%; //What the button looks like when clicked This is actually not necessary, but I copied this from a previous code and decided not to mess with it.// [/class] [class name=Button state=hover] background-color: #a78d8a; cursor:pointer; color:#000000; //What the button looks like when a mouse hovers over it// [/class] [script class=Button on=click] //This script allows the button to do its button thing// removeClass ButtonClick Button addClass ButtonClick set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (show Stats) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (show Equip) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (hide Name) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (hide Stats) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (hide Equip) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (show Name) [/script]

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mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties


Dorms [/div] [div class="Stats hidden" style="font-family: Raleway; Font-size: 85%;Text-align:center;"]

D̵i̴f̸f̶u̶g̸e̷r̵e̷ ̸n̸i̴v̷e̵s̷,̶ ̵r̴e̵d̷e̵u̴n̵t̷ ̶i̸a̵m̶ ̵g̴r̴a̵m̴i̴n̶a̷ ̷c̴a̴m̵p̴i̵s̴ ̷
̴a̴r̷b̸o̸r̵i̴b̸u̶s̶q̸u̵e̵ ̴c̶o̸m̸a̵e̵;̷ ̵ ̶
̸m̴u̷t̵a̵t̸ ̷t̷e̵r̸r̴a̷ ̸v̷i̸c̷e̷s̸ ̸e̷t̴ ̷d̴e̶c̷r̵e̴s̴c̸e̸n̶t̵i̴a̶ ̶r̴i̶p̸a̴s̶ ̶
̶f̶l̷u̵m̸i̵n̵a̷ ̵p̴r̵a̵e̴t̴e̸r̴e̴u̷n̸t̵;̵ ̶​


Seth heard a squeak (in retrospect, he thought that the noise he heard might’ve been him, reacting to the unexpected presence in his bathroom) and peered at the door that connected his dorm to the one adjacent to it. A boy stood there. For a moment, Seth thought he recognized him.

” Hey,” Seth said, returning the boy’s smile, a bit of his country accent seeping out, ”I reckon you are.“

He waved back. His suite-mate was still standing in the doorway. ”You’re welcome t’ come in, though I haven’t gotten ‘round to unpacking yet.” Seth stepped inside too, all the way, setting a worn, old duffel on the nearest unclaimed bed before closing the distance between them. To a respectable amount, of course. He didn’t want his personal space invaded any more than the next guy.

Seth eyed the boy, appraisingly. They were about the same height, but he was so thin Seth thought he looked almost gaunt. He didn’t say so. While he may not have remembered to pack a toothbrush, he did, however, remember to pack the manners he’d taught himself. Seth offered the boy a hand. ”I’m Seth. Pleased to meet you.” He smile a little brighter for a moment, then composed himself.

He caught a glimpse of the time. ”I was just comin’ to drop my stuff off ‘n head to orientation.” A pause, long enough to allow Seth to weigh his options. The pros. The cons... After a moment, he added, ”Wanna come with?”

Casper Ollila
Interacting with: Seth Whitfield ( Elenion Aura Elenion Aura )
Casper's smile strengthened as his suite-mate smiled back, unable to help noticing how different his voice sounded from Casper's own... It was nice.

He nodded at Seth's words, stepping gingerly into the room with a quick look around, unsurprised if a bit disappointed by the lack of decoration. It made sense, though- Only one of his suite-mates was here, and he'd only just arrived. He could see what the two did with the space another time.

When he looked back to his suite-mate, he was surprised to find him closer than before. Already, Casper was feeling almost light-headed with happiness. This had been a good decision, he decided. At least one of the people he'd be in close corridors with for the school year was nice, and that could only be a good sign, right?

It occurred to Casper that his suite-mate was offering his hand, and Casper took it happily, nodding perhaps a bit too enthusiastically, with his extra hand clasped delicately over Seth's. "It's nice to meet you!" For a second he was quiet, simply giving Seth a smile until he realized he'd forgotten to give his name. His lips parted, and then he was smiling again.

"I'm Casper," he said, looking down to Seth's hand as he finally let go, regret hopefully not shining through as clear as it felt.

It vanished in a second, though, as Seth asked Casper if they wanted to go to orientation with him. He looked up with wide eyes and, fighting the urge to clap or jump or something else that would embarrass Aaron, tugged at his shirt sleeve as he nodded. "That would be great!" He thought for a moment. Was there anything he'd need other than the key currently tucked safely into his pocket? Probably not. And bringing his sketchbook would just encourage doodling.

"I'm ready to go when you are."
"Oh, lord. I'm going to die. I am totally going to die. I CAN'T be here, right?!" Joan Boston took a deep breath and set down her suitcases. "I'm pretty sure there was a mistake, right?!" She closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Her hands brushed against her suitcases. In a moment, she was moving again. She headed forwards to the Main Building, and kept her head low. She probably looked the most human here, and there was nothing special about her. Jet black hair, brown eyes, and a heavy fleece sweater with two big black fluffy prices of fabric as a collar. There where so many people here, and who knows what might happen?
She got to the Main Building and picked up her paper. It showed a dorm number, but she couldn't read it. She sighed. I guess she is going to have to figure it out on her own.
She walked out of the building just in time to see a dragon go by overhead. And it scared the crap out of her. "What in bloody hell was that?!" A small she ducked behind a wall. Some student stared at her strangely, and the only thing Shen could muster was a nervous giggle and an apology. She pulled outback the paper again. "Dorm number...5?2? 7? Oh come on!" She's threw the paper to the ground and slumped against the wall. "I'll never get out of here alive." She calmed herself down and looked around at the dorm buildings. She looked at her paper, and a wave of coolness washed over her mind. She started to speak rather fast."Hmm...the type of cursive used like this was in the Middle Ages, and obviously this is a Middle Age-style building. So, this school must be a modern type of Middle Age, but yet still have the same form of writing, and throughout history the development of these numbers throughout time..." she stopped, her eyes moving rapidly throughout the air, muttering incomprehensible words. Then she's stopped. "Ah-hah. Dorm 6." She smiled at her brilliance.
Ilythyrra Caiqrelle
Location Dorm 12
Tags mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

Ilythyrra watched from her bed as who she assumed was her roommate peered into the bathroom. While waiting for her roommate to show up, she'd ended up being lost in thought as per usual. Thoughts of her parents, her future, and every possible thing in between had dominated her mind. It had taken a moment for her to realize that there was actually another person in the room. "Way to go, Ily!" Scolding herself, Ily exchanged her serious expression for her trademark smile and moved off the bed. As she walked over to stand behind her roommate, she realized he was engaged in conversation with someone. Unfortunately, being as short as she is, Ily couldn't make out who it was, even on her tippy toes. "If only I was taller.." She mused. Making sure to speak loudly enough that both people could hear her, she started,

"Hello, my name's Ilythyrra, or Ily. Most people seem to have a hard time pronouncing Ilythyrra. It's nice to meet both of you! Was that something about orientation I heard?"

She visibly winced as she finished speaking. The fae's voice had wavered in the raised tone.. Typically, the girl spoke with a great confidence. Though, despite her efforts, the unpleasant thoughts from before still lingered and Ily had never been any good at hiding her feelings.
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Lala was fast asleep in her bottle not realizing the students were already arriving. Her bottle was in the principal's office on the desk with the top off so Lala wouldn't be trapped inside. Suddenly Lala woke up abruptly to a loud roar. She jumped and looked around then quickly came out of her bottle. "I'm awake!" She said as she looked around realizing she was the only one there. "Oh...wait where was that coming from?" She walked over to the window and looked outside and she noticed the principle outside, she guessed welcoming the students. Lala couldn't believe she was going to be teaching....or at least helping out anyway. She had been so confused when she had been awakened by Venesha. She basically woke her up and was like "Your hired!" Lala was so confused she didn't even know what year it was. Lala has actually only been awake for a week now so she's still getting used to things. Lala suddenly disappeared from the office to the top of the roof. She sat Indian style and levitated. She watched as the students came in. "Well, this should at least be fun." She said grinning that was when her eyes spotted something below her. "Oh! Donuts!" She lowered herself and grabbed one and took a bite. "Mmmm good.....I wonder who left them here.....Oh well, they're mine now! She said with a grin and continued to eat and watch the students. "Some of them sure are cute."

Mentioned: NeonRain NeonRain - Venesha, Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia - dounuts
Location: dorm room 3
Interactions: Fable Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

Eve eventually made her way to the dorm room, she’d been taking the whole atmosphere in it was all really over whelming, but in a good way. She felt lost in a new world but also like she belonged there. She marveled at all the different creatures that were there and soon started to worry about her roommate. She’d never had one before so having to share a room was intimidating enough but the thought that it could be a demon or a vampire or some other strange horror made her slightly nervous. She had gained them and knew they were friendly but she’d never really interacted with dark creatures, except during a few exorcisms which she had a feeling most demons wouldn’t be happy about.

She walked through the hall of dorm rooms finally coming to dorm 3, she could hear her roommate already inside and paused for a moment. Please don’t be a dark creature she hoped as she grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to reveal a non sinister looking creature in the room. She looked almost like a human spare her pointed ears and her super brightly colored hair, most likely an elf she assumed. She looked as if she had just walked in the dorm as well. Eve sighed in relief before giving her new roommate a friendly smile.

“Hope I didn’t interrupt anything!” She announced as she walked into the dorm. She never had an issue making friends since her aura always gave off a comforting feeling and since she never had a problem talking to others. She actually enjoyed meeting new people and making friends so she was excited to finally meet her roommate. “My name is Evelyn, but you can call me Eve! I think we’re roommates it’s nice to finally meet you” she paused pointing at the only wall with a window “do you want the side of the room with the wall or the window? It doesn’t really matter to me.”

[class=hidden] display:none; [/class] [class=Button] background-color: #eeb9a2; color: #000000; text-align:center; padding:5px; width:100%; [/class] [class name=ButtonClick] background-color: #a78d8a; color: #000000; text-align:center; padding: 5px; width:100%; [/class] [class name=Button state=hover] background-color: #a78d8a; cursor:pointer; color:#000000; [/class] [script class=Button on=click] removeClass ButtonClick Button addClass ButtonClick set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (show Stats) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (show Equip) if (eq "${link}" "Seth") (hide Name) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (hide Stats) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (hide Equip) if (eq "${link}" "—̶̺̅̾̄—̷̥͖̂͐̎—̶̰̟̋̂̌͜—̶̢̛̰̝͌͗Ş̶͇̱͒e̴̺̥͊t̷̢̙̺̿͂̚h̸̨̤̀͐—̷̥̈́—̸͓̉̎͆—̸͇͝—̵̭̔̏") (show Name) [/script]

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mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties , numbles numbles

Dorms -> Heading to Orientation [/div] [div class="Stats hidden" style="font-family: Raleway; Font-size: 85%;Text-align:center;"]

D̵i̴f̸f̶u̶g̸e̷r̵e̷ ̸n̸i̴v̷e̵s̷,̶ ̵r̴e̵d̷e̵u̴n̵t̷ ̶i̸a̵m̶ ̵g̴r̴a̵m̴i̴n̶a̷ ̷c̴a̴m̵p̴i̵s̴ ̷
̴a̴r̷b̸o̸r̵i̴b̸u̶s̶q̸u̵e̵ ̴c̶o̸m̸a̵e̵;̷ ̵ ̶
̸m̴u̷t̵a̵t̸ ̷t̷e̵r̸r̴a̷ ̸v̷i̸c̷e̷s̸ ̸e̷t̴ ̷d̴e̶c̷r̵e̴s̴c̸e̸n̶t̵i̴a̶ ̶r̴i̶p̸a̴s̶ ̶
̶f̶l̷u̵m̸i̵n̵a̷ ̵p̴r̵a̵e̴t̴e̸r̴e̴u̷n̸t̵;̵ ̶​


"I'm ready to go when you are."
"Sounds good to me. We might get there a little early, but that's alright." Seth said, noticing the girl, somehow for the first time. How had he missed her? Had she been here all along? Then the thought hit him. Is all of this really happening? Am I even at the school right now? Is this real? He pushed the thought away. Yes. This was real. It felt real. That was good enough for him. For now... Seth opened the circle for her, so that the three of them were facing each other.

"Hello, my name's Ilythyrra, or Ily. Most people seem to have a hard time pronouncing Ilythyrra..."
"Il...Eee.. Theer... Ya? Seth fumbled with the girl's name, looking at her half-expectant, half-apologetic. He quickly added. "I'll work on it. It's nice to meet you." He looked from one to the other. Casper and Ily... Ilythyrra. He would work on it. He shrugged his shoulders, brushed his hands down against his sides, then asked, "You guys ready to head out?" He was ready. Ready to get through orientation, get through the first week of classes. He was always just trying to get through, well, life, it seemed like.

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Location: School Library, Restoration Room -> General Grounds

With a hand heavily covered in sigil like scarring, Shar shut the final book he'd repaired for the school. Another equally marked hand brought a cigarette to his lips - the tip covered in a luminous orb that prevented smoke from getting into the room - a quick drag and release produced another such orb into a room already uncomfortably full of such hovering orbs when one considered the amount of smoking their numbers implied.

"Five hundred years... roughly 5% missing or damaged beyond use...If I hadn't analyzed this as a student, one would have to literally turn back time for restoration." The dull comment left his mouth as he controlled the backlash from his interference into the fresh replacement pages, the laws governing temporal balance thereby bringing the younger parts in line with the original, the result: indistinguishable from a perfectly intact specimen. After cracking his knuckles, Shar observed the pile of books he'd restored...and the mess of necessary components required he'd left strewn round before departing with a shrug. Either he'd get to it later, or someone else would address it instead and either way he'd done as ordered and fixed the books. The orb in hand hovered to its fellows, signaling the expiration of his smoke and he departed into the library proper orbs in tail before exiting the building. While rather pointedly looking round the campus he waved his orbs away from the building before they dissolved and released the smoke...he'd forgotten to break it down first. The coughing of more than a few people caught in the cloud he'd produced was enough to clue him in on that detail...and that school was starting once more.

He internally swore and set off, after all there was a...faculty meeting...or was it orientation - something or another else required his attention. His right hand once more habitually reached into his coat for a set of smokes only to discover he'd run out. "Friggin taint," he muttered to himself before biting his tongue to keep more vulgar phrases from exiting his mouth, he'd either have to suffer withdrawal later or find enough material to transmute on the fly. Still, he'd gotten enough lectures for tardiness to pick the latter option as he took to a jog, eyes wide open for a good set of sticks, flowers or something readily suitable for quick transmutation.
Side: Etienne

After his little tripping incident, Etienne tried his best not to embarrass himself any more. It didn't help that Woz kept ragging on him for making a fool of himself in front of that girl. When they finally got to the dorms, Etienne and Woz decided to split for now. A couple of the Familiars decided to follow along with Etienne, for which he was grateful for the company. These little robots were a creation of Woz and Etienne, in an attempt to replicate the Familiars that Grandpa Izuru used. Phoenix, Golem and Kraken had elected to leave with Woz. This left Unicorn, Kero and Cerberus with Etienne. Wandering over to Dorm 7, Etienne opened the door and put his best smile on. "Hello there! My name is Etienne. It looks like we'll be rooming together for the foreseeable future, I hope we get along" said Etienne enthusiastically as he and the Familiars entered the room. Then he noticed that absolutely nobody was there. His roommate had either not arrived or they had simply elected to be elsewhere as of now. Etienne shrugged and went over to his side of the room. It was a tad unfortunate that Etienne didn't get the bathroom side of the room, but he decided not to let it get to him. Surely his roomie would be accomadating enough to give him ease of access to the bathroom. They may have to work out a shower schedule though, as they both had lessons to go to.

"Yosh!" cried Etienne as he slapped his hands against his cheeks. Etienne began unpacking his clothes, he probably wouldn't be wearing these much as the school had a strict uniform policy. Woz had modified their cloaks into coats, as they both agreed that "Capes were lame". Orientation wouldn't start for another few hours so Etienne had a bit of time to explore. With his clothes unpacked, Etienne and the Familiars began decorating the walls on his side of the room with posters of various Kings, Emperors and Conquerors. Rulers like Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Oda Nobunaga adorned the wall, their histories inspiring Etienne. "Some day.... I'll be a great King just like all of you were. Well... some of you weren't KINGS but I'll bring great change like you did" said Etienne as he stared at his posters. Then he stretched himself out and left the room. There was still a bit to see before he got ready for orientation.

Mentions: Lilliana2 Lilliana2

Side: Woz

Woz couldn't help but laugh at how poorly Etienne had handled the situation with the blonde girl. Of course, he did his civic duty of reminding Etienne how badly he did ALL THE WAY TO THE DORMS. "Yeah Etienne, I can tell you really FELL for her. Don't look so DOWN about it. I'm sure she loves guys who enjoy the odd SCRAPE WITH DANGER....HAHAHA!!!" said a knee slapping Woz as they entered the dorms. Woz was supposedly quite close to Etienne when it came to their dorm room assignments. He was 9 and Etienne was 7, so they would be decently close. Before they left, Woz made sure to give him one last roast. "Well I'll see you soon Etienne... hopefully your expectations don't fall as flat as you did!" said Woz as he began to turn and walk to his room. The Familiars, for whatever reason decided to split up between the two youths. Unicorn, Kero and Cerberus decided to go with Etienne. This meant that only Phoenix, Kraken and Golem would go with Woz. These little robots were a pet project by Woz and Etienne to recreate the magical Familiars that Old Man Izuru used. They were loyal to the two and wouldn't obey anyone but them. Except for the Old Man but that was anyones guess as to why.

Woz placed his hand on his door and opened it ever so slightly before kicking it open and strolling in. It would seem as if his roommate had arrived but had left just as quickly, which was good since Woz needed to set up his boundaries. He had gotten the bathroom side of the room and was thankful for that. If he hadn't, he may have just had to kill his roomie for it. Clicking his fingers, the Familiars began putting away his clothes. When it came to his inventions and spare parts, he just slot them in wherever they'd fit. When that was done, he and the Familiars set up a partition to segregate his side from the other side of the room. The bathroom was neutral territory but his space was his space. Woz even set up small hidden camera's so that he'd know what was going on at all times. After unpacking his stuff, Woz decided to check out the rest of the school.

Mentions: Lilliana2 Lilliana2
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Fable Sunniva
Lilliana2 Lilliana2
It took only a handful of minutes for the young elf to make it to the dormitory. Slipping inside as someone held the door Fable made a beeline for dorm 3 before she could be stopped by anyone. When she came to the door that hid her dorm room Fable tucked her crate under her arm before reaching out and turning the knob with her free hand. Once it was open the elf slipped inside, shutting the door promptly behind her. As she set her bags down it became apparent that she was the first one to arrive, What a relief, she thought to herself. Maybe this would give her time to mentally prepare herself for whomever, or whatever, would come through that door.

"What should I do or say when I meet my roommate?" Fable's voice a soft whisper as she asked her plants as to what to do. Talking to others wasn't really her strongest suit. Out of all her plants the bunny ears cactus spoke up, Just say "Hi I'm Fable" and leave it at that! This doesn't have to be an immediate Q&A session! Nodding her head the elf let out a sigh as she dropped the hood of her coat so that her ears could get some air, they were starting to burn up. Taking a deep breath Fable started thinking of things that she could say when she meets her roommate.

Unfortunately her time for thoughts was cut short as door behind her burst open, followed by the voice of a girl, and causing the elf to flinch. Looking over her shoulder Fable was met with the sight of a girl around her age with blonde hair and golden eyes. Fable nervously turned around to face the girl,
"N-no, you weren't interrupting anything," she replied rather meekly, "I'm Fable.. it's a pleasure." When Eve asked her whether or not she'd like the side with the window or the wall Fable glanced down at her crate full of succulents before picking them up. "Would you mind if I have the window? My plants need the sunlight," Fable asked softly as she tried to avoid eye contact. Sure Eve's aura felt a bit comforting, which was enough to get Fable to actual speak, but not enough for the elf to let her guard entirely down.

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