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Fantasy Magister Characters


The Eater of Worlds
This is the thread for Magister's characters. Please use the character sheet below.

Character Sheet:

My name is: (First Name) (Last Name).

I am _ years old.

I am a: (Magic Form) (Magic Class).

My magical affinity is: (1-3)

I am in class C-3. (Yup, stuck here.)

I look like this: (appearance, written or otherwise. You do get metaphorically brownies points from having this in written or drawing your own picture.)

This is how I got here: (Type your background or put “Sent to Grand Magus” if you’d like to pm it to me.)

Here’s some stuff you should know about me:
(Put your personality, your favorite color, or whatever you feel should go here. Just put something that you want people to know about your character. Simple. This is required. Seriously, you could even put that you like the color blue.)

Main Thread: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/magister.334645/
OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/magister-ooc.334649/
World Building: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/magister-world-building.334648/
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My name is:
Maya Khali.

I am 14 years old.

I am an:
Incantation Summoner.

My magical affinity is: 2

I am in class C-3.

I look like this:
[Original Artwork and Design]
She is 110lbs, standing at 5' 2". On her feet, she usually just wears small black boots.

This is how I got here:
Professor Tristan Khali in his younger years taught the magic of the elements at The Mysterium, being very popular amongst students and co-workers. He specialised mostly in controlling flames, from the widest spitting embers to scorching flames that could melt steel. Most people who knew the man would claim he often told stories of a flashy military career, but people who felt emasculated or otherwise threatened by his charismatic aura counter this with cries of creative story-telling. He was charming, handsome, friendly and open-minded, but always carried a glint in his eyes of desire. This part of his career was very successful, and he met a woman most beautiful because of it. Tristan captivated the woman at first sight. Esmeralda, for that was her name, commited an affair with her newly beloved and subsequently left her abusive marriage for the romance she desried. As he got older, the life of primal forces was pushed aside, Tristan desiring a legacy.

He became an author, writing and publishing novels of daring adventures and . Retiring completely from his previous work, he moved to Academia with his now-pregnant wife, looking for a more private life. For the first four years of her life, Maya lived in relative peace and happiness with her parents. Unforunately, he would soon realise his charming reputation soon found him.

One night while returning home with Esmeralda and a young Maya from an opera performance, they were ambused and attacked. Foul play involving modification magic that was used to assassinate the couple with 'flying knives'. They were attacked in cold blood, in plain sight of many witnesses, and the killer was apprehended very quickly and revealed to be Tristan's old co-worker and Esmeralda's ex-husband. Maya was told she could take two objects with her, the rest to be pawned off to pay for her transferal to the nearest orphanage. As fast as she could, she took her mother's hairpin and an unfinished book her father dedicated to her. Although she does not even remember their faces, thinking of her biological parents gives her a warm feeling. Thinking of her father makes her think of the strong smell of coffee, the taste of early morning in her mouth, the feeling of crisp book pages and the sound of hearty laughter. Thinking of her mother surfaces feelings of playfulness, the feel of satin silk and the smell of rose perfume.

I’ve been told that when I was 4, I was taken into Ms. Callista's Home for Orphans to live with her and all these other kids. It was pretty nice there until, my best friend Petey went out for a late night walk and never came back. Every other kid wouldn't hang out with me because I was strange to them, but Petey was my best friend. Some men came over one day pretty soon after that; apparently my magic affinity test results came back positive. I agreed to come here though, I wasn't taken against my will, because I think it will be good for me. A new start.

Here’s some stuff you should know about me:
I love dragons. Creatures of such beauty and power. I wish I could see one some day.
I always try to be the friendliest I can be, but people say I get distracted easily and that I'm awkward to be around, I'm not really great with people in general despite how hard I try. I sometimes get really repressive because of uncomfortable anxiety feelings in my stomach. I've always struggled with arithmatic, too.
I have this encyclopedia about dragons that I carry with me everywhere, signed "to my greatest adventure, love dad". I also own my mother's bronze hairclip of a dragon's head that I use to hold up my hair. These are my two favorite things in the whole world.
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My name is: Kypher Hawthorne

I am 19 years old.

I am an: Incantation Witch
("But call me a witch and I will pull your oesophagus from your throat and jam it down your trachea so hard that you have to breath through it like a snorkel.")

My magical affinity is: 3

I am in class C-3. ("These guys are all squares. And I'm not even allowed to kill any of them. This place sucks.")

I look like this:

(Red irises, black hair with a few piercings. Family tattooes on his right shoulder as a testament to his patriotism to Punacia. Slender but muscular build built for fighting, particularly dodging attacks and quickly landing his own. Height is 5'10".)

This is how I got here:
Born and raised in Punacia, Kypher was brought up like a killer all his life. His parents were extremely proud of their military service and ranked high as commanding officers. As such, their son would become an even greater military might than the two of them. However, there was an error in their judgement. Kypher didn't quite have enough magical affinity to reach their expectations of his potential. They expected him to be capable of levelling armies singlehandedly, but he was not as overpowered as they had hoped. The training nearly killed him as his body failed to keep up with each gruelling challenge sent his way, challenges meant for A-grade Magisters of considerable magic affinity. Disappointed in him, Kypher's parents sent him away to train as a Magister at a school in Victorium that was less intense than the Punacia homeschooling most received.

Unfortunately, although the raw talent did not befall him, the unrefined pure lust for battle had pursued Kypher and made him a very aggressive and violent child, often leading to him starting fights and generally causing trouble. His tenacious nasty streak soon lead him to become feared and Kypher was demoted straight to class C-3 so that he did not affect the higher achieving students. Kypher plans to study magic so that he may unlock his true potential as a magical weapon of mass destruction so that he may impress his parents and his nation.

Here’s some stuff you should know about me:
Kypher strongly dislikes the colour blue and anyone who likes the colour blue, as his preference is red over any other colour. Kypher is very aggressive, violent, invasive and scary. However his slender body type suggests that his intimidation technique goes beyond the threat of senseless beatings. Kypher conveys a threat to your very life with his intentions being nothing but soberingly horrifying. Trained to kill by his parents, Kypher will not hesistate to fight a person who is annoying him, although he has beeen warned that killing people will land him in very serious trouble numerous times. Sarcastic, creepy and somehow omniscient to those that would try to talk about him behind his back, Kypher will not take shit from anyone and will ensure that their life becomes unliveable one way or another. Of course, if a person is not currently annoying Kypher in some way, then his extroverted "force his friendship on others" attitude may leave many rather uncomfortable, meaning he may only find true friends in those that can tolerate him or that are just like him. It's really just best to steer clear of this guy.
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My name is Baldwin Tranquillitas

I am 16 years old.

I am a ritualistic modification magic user

My magical affinity is 2

I am in class C-3.( Really had to think hard about that one)

How does he look like: He has a slightly oval head with a straight triangular nose right between hes bright green laughing eyes and a natural smiling resting face with makes him look like hes easily approachable. This is only accented by his semi long black scruffy hair. He's quite a tall lad resting at 6.2,though rather stick thin and the height wont even show half the time because he always walks hunchback which only adds to how people him in his easy going attitude. He has large palms with thin fingers and lanky legs that look like could just jump from island to island.One last good thing to note he moves rather slowly kinda like a sloth who had to many energy drinks.
(Something like this)

This is how I got here: Born to a farming family in the outskirts of Leicia to a farmer family, Baldwin had a pretty average life in the summer we would take the sheeps to pasture in the winter he would sit inside and stay near the fire to listen to his delusional grandpa's stories how he used to be the greatest modificator of all time even though all he had to show for it was a old book on how to change the properties of some leather and some old metal into a totally impractical helmet. But one winter when hes grandpa left for one of the few industrial centers in the island he forgot his book so young bored Baldwin took the book and went up in his secret hide out... the top of the animal shed where he started reading this book his grandpa was so obsessed expecting it to finding it boring as possible, but instead he enjoyed lots to the point where he started experimenting himself where would take some plants secretions and then modificating them like it says in the book, due to a mishap or what he would say a stroke of genius he made the bug killer substance instead made into a hallucinogenic drug that made the user easy going for a bit only downside you have to burn this concoction and when hes good ol'mam found him in the barn being high as a kite he grabbed him by the year and took him to his grandpa which instead to his mother dismay instead of giving Baldwin a ass beating he tapped the boy on the shoulder and pronounced him as the person who would carry on his legacy. From then on Baldwin was taken to the Aerial port and started travelling with his grandpa where he learned how to modify but much to his grandpa's dismay not the way he would of wanted and after five years of taking care of Baldwin he sent him to the Academy with the recommendation of a old friend, where from his "Hobbies" and lack of magical aptitude was sent to the C-3 class.

Here’s some stuff you should know about me: From what you may have read until now you may have realized Baldwin doesn't take this thing very seriously even, still everything somehow still ends up well somehow.He's quite a friendly fellow and will be very loyal to you unless you do something he deems wrong though he may be "infatuated" most of the time, but thats just the fun part.... Am I right?
My name is: Callah Gaelt

I am 17 years old.

I am a: Crystalline Modifier

My magical affinity is: 3

I am in class C-3.

I look like this:

Callah sports a slender build, weighing approximately 120lbs at 5'6", a fair amount of that weight actually being in muscle. She prefers to keep her straight auburn hair cut at a medium-long length, her eyes are a striking green in color, and her clothing preferences are that of clothes that allow for maneuverability and light protection, leather garments being her favorite.

This is how I got here: Callah was a curious girl from birth, always getting in trouble in the most unusual of ways. Growing up, her parents never thought much of it though, blaming her unruly behavior and tendency to end up in the hands of enraged guardsmen on her age and saying it was something she'd one day grow out of. What they didn't anticipate was that it wouldn't dissipate with her age, but instead grow ever stronger. By the the time she became a pre-teen she was well known in the town of Alashar that her family lived in for her criminal activities, mainly larceny. However, the rest of her family was in fantastic standings with the community and could afford the steep prices of bribing the guards to let Callah off the hook every time. Due to this, no one could ever pin the crimes she committed on the wayward girl. At home, her family begun to frantically attempt to convince her that what she was doing was intolerable and wrong, but she would merely tell them that she would do better next time, nothing ever coming of it. Then one day her parents decided that sending Callah to the Academy might straighten her out some. She had been tested for magical affinity and they knew she enjoyed tampering with her abilities, despite how unrefined they were. This was their last ditch hope at turning their rebellious daughter into a upright and law-abiding citizen of Arceia.

Here’s some stuff you should know about me:
Callah constantly questions and berates the idea that people have to be confined by rules and laws. She believes that to be truly free one must leave such things behind. This, along with a slight case of kleptomania, has led Callah into more troublesome situations than one can count. Her mind is always alert, curious, flexible, and open to new experiences. She has a strong enthusiasm for all things new and learns quite quickly, but because of this, also gets bored of routine fast. In general, Callah is also not very good at empathizing with many others. She has a love for animals, the color green, adrenaline-rushes, and puzzles/challenges. She hates strict rules, purposeful ignorance, and arguments.
My name is: Justinian Christomous

I am 16 years old.

I am a: Crystalline Sage Mage

My magical affinity is: 3

I am in class C-3.

I look like this:

Justianian stands at 6ft and wight a thin build with not much muscle definition going more towards slightly porky. He is always scruffy wearing robes and clothing which are dishevelled, old and either too big or too small with an untidy mop of black hair falling down to his face. However he had piercing blue eyes and look that said he could be quite handsome if cleaned up and showed a little more confidence. Usually though he just his messy and unassuming with the air of someone meek and ditzy with no care of changing this look and interest to those who mention to do so.

This is how I got here: A boy was born to a slave family at IIium from a family who had not shown magical affinity for several generation. When the boy shown this potential the family rejoiced as a chance to get out of their slavery and up the social leader. However the owner of the family, the great house of Chrisostomou who one of the magister families that ruled Ilium, had different ideas. The patriarch enable to sire a magister son forcefully took the boy from his family killing the farher and one one of his elders siblings im the process. Renaming the boy as Justinian and reprogrammed the child to believe he was of the Chrisostomou.

Justinian proved not to be the magister golden son his adopted after had hoped. Justinian was found to be eccentric and addled, seemingly lacking social grace or a sense of self conciousnes. He seemingly was unable to to keep to a topic or matter for more than a few second win no control of speed or tack often speaking about uncomfortable or inappropriate things. However his adoptive father seemed blind to these faults, dotting on the boy and training him hard to harness the boys magical ability. Justinian despite his faults seemed was capable and intelligent student with a keen interest on the subject. That changed though when Justinian was found talking to a particular slave, his adoptive father went balistic enrolling Justinian to the academy as soon as he was of age.

Here’s some stuff you should know about me:

  • As mentions he has an extreme case of ADHD but intelligent, perceptive and good natured.
  • Suprisingly capable singer
  • Lover all things magic and nature.
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My name is: Griffith Tylosin.

I am 16 years old.

I am a: Crystalline Hexist. "Only cause I found a crystal on the streets and an awesome rat demon was released."

My magical affinity is: 1 "My magic affinity is currently one, only due to my constant lack of crystals, so I can't show you how limitless my magic is. The dozens of ones around my waist, oh none of those are the right ones"

I am in class C-3. "I'm in class A3, so obviously you should shower me with food and gifts...oh a demonstration, my healer said to avoid casting magic, doctor's orders"

I look like this: Having a set of soft brown hair that is somewhat unkempt, and a round face that bears light gray eyes, set just bearly above his long nose. He has various names etched into the clothing he wears, mostly with the same last name as him. Along with this clothing is a 'tool' belt with various crystals on them, it's fully filled ironically most of them being the wrong type of spell class for him, some even almost completely drained. Being a somewhat short 5'1 with a small residue of muscular build, he keeps up a tall posture, often thinking he looks prideful.

This is how I got here: Assumed to become a gifted artist, due to his small size and early use of his hands as a baby, Griffith came to be a disappointment. Although bearing the great urge to earn respect to both his and his kin's name, his poor distinction in colors prevented him from being the artist he was labeled as. His parents instead tried to push him to be a warrior, and while trying to
wield various weapons and training resulted in failure he was somehow able to manage a halberd, although not graciously enough for the battlefield. One day when he was training on a dummy in public and was mistaken for a potential warrior, a knight approached him offering better training. He was enrolled in a school on the outskirts of his town with his parents assuming he was giving pity. Automatically being placed in one of the higher classes due to his demonstration of skill during his appliance into the school being pure luck, Griffith often bragged to the lowerclassmen. Later he was placed in a classification for students with borderline no potential, receiving the same treatment from his previous classmates.

A few months later the academy was attacked, after some students showing prowess it had received word of some other Victorium allied islands under attack. Due to its assistance sending both newly graduates and highly ranked students to try and win the war for its parent nation it was bombed along with becoming a war zone for Punacian soldiers, leaving many of the students to be quickly escorted to Victorium, this including Griffith.
His refuge in the city turned into his current home, mainly due to his lack of a proper home due to Victorium not having enough 'spare' resources to send for him and his parents being in a more protected area of Olova. Then one step after another and he discovered his ability to use magic, and he sent word to his parents enrolling him in the school out of a desperate attempt to give him a place to be, along with not being able to travel to him at the time.

Here’s some stuff you should know about me: I've been informed that I'm a compulsive liar, but it doesn't constantly weigh down on my soul at all despite the amount of help I've received to overcome it. I love the thought of traveling into the void, even if it's just a foot in although I don't really want to anytime soon. Maybe I'll find creatures that have never been summoned before. I also have a little rat-thing that seems to come up and torment me whenever I break certain crystals I put my magic into, sometimes it crawls up people's clothing and nibbles on them, kinda hilarious. Also, I really hate the *mumble Punacia jerks mumble* and hopefully they fall one day but let's keep that a secret. Also, how do I cast magic from my crystal again, focus it? How and why would I do that, I can just run up and touch the person with the spell right, I'll probably get more magic from that than these ranged pansies, right? I'm just sick of being viewed as hopeless.
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dragonsfire dragonsfire A couple of things. One, breaking a crystal would just break the crystal. But you can still have the rat demon from the void so long as you focus through a crystal. Two, you're more likely to have been enrolled by your your legal guardian rather than some random shop keeper.
Other than that you are good to go.
Hey everyone, just a quick note.

I updated Maya's backstory because I hadn't put as much detail. I had written it as if I was her filling out the form. It only felt fair to put in some more detail. I put the original IC responses in quotes (and edited them out too). "Here's some stuff you should know about me" may come later!

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