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Realistic or Modern Magirose Hybrid Academy [Characters]



~*~ Lost In A world Ill never understand ~*~
here is where your Characters will be posted

please don't post until I like your cs

Staff list:

Basic info:





Place of Birth:


Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of:

Physical appearance:

Body Build:



Skin colour:

Hair style:

Hair colour:

Eye colour:

Distinguishing Features:


General health:


Any physical illnesses?:

Any mental illnesses?:

Take drugs?:



Mental/emotional state:

Mental age:

Act before thinking/Think before acting?:

Emotion-wise, generally:


Way of speaking:





Natural weapons:






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Name:crow windcloud


Nickname:black bird


Place of Birth:japan

Birthday:may 10

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of:human/crow

Physical appearance:images (9).jpeg

Body Build:slim



Skin colour:pale white

Hair style:?

Hair colour:black with white tips

Eye colour:toxic green

Distinguishing Features:has the wings and feet of a crow has feathers growing on his wrists and in his hair as well

Health: heathly

General health:sickly


Any physical illnesses?:no

Any mental illnesses?: schizophrenia

Take drugs?:no



Mental/emotional state:torn between scared and happy

Mental age:120

Act before thinking/Think before acting?:acts before thinking

Emotion-wise, generally:shy, scared


Way of speaking:has a stutter



Likes:darkness, reading, art, drawing,shiny things,

Dislikes:bright lights, people wronging him as he will go after them, others taking wiky from him, and people making fun of him when he gets shocked by something

Natural weapons:feathers he can throw, his talons, wings


Habitat:jungles, forests, and sometimes caves



Friends/Allies:his pet raven wiky

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Basic info:

Name: Klara

Age: 13

Nickname: Lara

Gender: female

Place of Birth:

Birthday: December 25

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of: Shark/human

Physical appearance:

Body Build:

Height: 4,5

Weight: 90

Skin colour: hispanic

Hair style: she usually has it up or she has it down or braided

Hair colour: brown

Eye colour: red

Distinguishing Features: a scar on her eye


General health:

Posture: straight

Any physical illnesses?: seizers

Any mental illnesses?: no

Take drugs?: yes for her seziers

Smoke?: no

Drink?: no

Mental/emotional state:

Mental age: 20

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: act before thinking

Emotion-wise, generally:


Way of speaking:

Swears?: sometimes


Likes: water, bitting people, meat, blood, pools,

Dislikes: mean people, people making fun of her tail, being stuck in a tank

Natural weapons: her fangs




Family: maybe

Friends/Allies: none yet

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Name: Alden Howards

Age: 19


Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois

Birthday: October 12th, 2002

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of: Wolf

Physical appearance:

Body Build: Thin, has some visible muscles

Height: 5ft 7in

Weight: 165.30 pounds

Skin colour: Pale white

Hair style: messy, kind of long but doesn't reach past where human ears would be

Hair colour: jet black

Eye colour: One eye is amber and the other is a deep red

Distinguishing Features: the wolf ears on top of his head. He also looks grumpy most of the time, and he has a jet-black fluffy tail.

Health: He has a normal immune system. He gets sick once in a while, but tries to avoid admitting weakness.

General health: normal.

Posture: Somewhat untidy

Any physical illnesses?: Nope

Any mental illnesses?: No

Take drugs?: Never

Smoke?: Nuh-uh.

Drink?: He's underage

Mental/emotional state: Stable

Mental age: 21

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: A little bit of both

Emotion-wise, generally: Grumpy, kind of pissed at the world

Conversation: He doesn't usually talk with people unless he knows them well.

Way of speaking: He's got a slight English accent, if that's what you mean

Swears?: Yes


Likes: Almost nothing, but hes got a soft spot for cats

Dislikes: The world

Natural weapons: He's really good with throwing/using knives.


Habitat: Somewhere away from other people

Relationships: None yet! MIRP

Family: He has a brother somewhere, but his parents died in a house fire

Friends/Allies: MIRP

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Basic info:

Name: Wren LeRouge

Age: 17

Nickname: Majesty, Queen of the ocean

Gender: Female

Place of Birth: London, England

Birthday: april 13th

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of:
snow fox/human

Physical appearance:

Body Build:
slim and curvy though strong

Height: 5'6

Weight: 114 lbs

Skin colour:
pale caucasian

Hair style: down

Hair colour: white

Eye colour: blue

Distinguishing Features: her freckles, her fox features


General health: very healthy

Posture: straight

Any physical illnesses?: she has minor asthma
and she is blind

Any mental illnesses?: insomnia and OCD

Take drugs?: only perscribed medication

Smoke?: no! shes asthmatic!

Drink?: she wishes

Mental/emotional state:

Mental age: 34

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: think before acting

Emotion-wise, generally: generally stable


Way of speaking: she has a heavy British accent with a mix of Irish accent

Swears?: yes


-blood-stained snow
-her pet fox Phantom
-her friend Klara who she refers to as her sister
Very hot temperatures
spicy food
her meds or inhailer

Natural weapons:
she has fangs

a vast tundra biome with lots of caves and snow and trees and such


she veiws Klara as family

she thinks of klara as a friend and family

Basic info:

Name: Luna (Doesn't know her last name)

Age: 17

Nickname: None

Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Baltimore, Maryland

Birthday: Never knew, chose August 29th

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of:Fennec Fox and human

Physical appearance:proxy.jpeg

Body Build: Petite

Height: 4"11


Skin colour: pink I guess?

Hair style:

Hair colour:

Eye colour:

Distinguishing Features: left ear looks REALLY beat up.

Health: malnutritioned? Is that a word?

General health: Sickly,underweight

Posture: straight

Any physical illnesses?:

Any mental illnesses?: Addiction to crack

Take drugs?: yes


Drink?: no

Mental/emotional state: easy to break emotionally

Mental age:13

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: in most cases though she does go through withdrawal if it's been too long

Emotion-wise, generally: Shy, Temperamental


Way of speaking: Quiet but clear unless currently on crack

Swears?: No


Likes:Close Friends, warm sweaters

Dislikes: scared of people in general

Natural weapons: claws and fangs

Bio/backstory: Comes from a abusive crackhead family and escaped August 29th last year. She was force fed crack to make her happier, but not fed to much else that she didn't get herself.



Family: Abusive parents.physically and mentally



(I have happier one's if you rather not have that depressing character here I'd understand)
[import]9147491[/import][div class="output"][class name=variables]--mainimg: #fdfdfd url(
) center center/cover no-repeat; --iconimg: #fdfdfd url(
) center center/cover no-repeat;[/class]
[div class="output fullnameoutput"]
Chini "Chi" Hepburn
[div class="output chunmioutput"]
[div class="output roleoutput"]
[div class="output ageoutput"]
Seventeen [17]
[div class="output genderoutput"]
[div class="output personalityoutput"]
Chin is a rather sweet and loving girl, whose heart is as big as the ears on her head. She's all about forgiving and sharing kindness among the world. Chin is, as her animal counterpart would suggest, a rather curious and cheerful girl. She's very charismatic and enjoys meeting new people. Chin is also easily distracted as rather spacey. She's known to daydream a lot and she doesn't perceive the world the way it is. Instead, she sees it as something different, and the way she treats the world is as though she's in awe of it all. Her tendency to daydream has led to her absent-mindedness, allowing her to easily and rather quickly forget things. Chin is also rather clumsy... though despite all this she always means the best. While she is 17, many would say she acts younger than that. Seeing as she lives in this dream-like world of hers and displays tainted innocence, many say that despite her undoubted intelligence, she's closer to 11.
[div class="output biographyoutput"]
Chin was born and raised in western Washington on December 1st, far out from the city and into the farmlands. Her father and mother were proud farmers and enjoyed their little farm nestled amongst the trees. Chin was born the youngest alongside her twin brother [two minutes older], an older sister, and another pair of twins - both boys. Seeing as she was the youngest, Chin was babied a lot by her family. Especially her twin brother. The family ran and maintained the farm until Chin was a little over 11. A gas fire started and not only took their home, but Chin was left alone with only the eldest of the twin brothers. Chin, being as young as she was, fell into a very depressing and dark spiral. She cried for weeks and that's roughly when she started seeing the world differently. Her brother, having been 17 at the time and the eldest sibling, was in pain as well but stayed strong for Chin. If it weren't for him, she might not even be here today. They were lucky enough to have family in the city who were able to take them in and were very loving. Chins brother believes she started seeing the world as a dream after the fire. Since then she sometimes talks to her dead family, as though they might be alive and are right there in front of her. She can see them, feel them, and everything else.
[div class="output miscellaneousoutput"]
✿ Chini was born with a weak immune system and tends to get sick easily
✿ She has a bad burn scar on her inner left thigh from when she was 11
✿ Can "see" and "speak" to her dead family - schizophrenic
✿ Likes nature, animals, sweets, coffee w lots of cream, dessert, any kind of berry or fruit, reading, jogging, and sleeping
✿ Dislikes being yelled at, sudden loud noises, having no place to hide just in case, storms, being picked up, bitter foods/drinks, and baths
✿ Natural habitat is the Andes Mountain Range, rocky mountains, and large fields
✿ Chin means "sugar", Hepburn means "high"
✿ Stands at 5'2" and weighs 100lbs
✿ When in danger she hides, removes part of her skin that is being grabbed [regens. in 2 hrs], uses her claws, or bites
[div class="output rrolearray"]












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Name: Korra Mercer
Kor - A lot of her friends call her this. She honestly has no idea where the nickname came from and who started it but at this point she doesn't even care anymore.
Gender: Female
Place of Birth:
Austin Texas
November 24th
Currently living in:
The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of:
Body Build:
She has a very athletic build.
135 lbs
Skin Colour:
She has brown skin that's more on the lighter side.
Hair style:
She usually wears it in a short bob.
Hair Colour:
Light brown
Eye Colour:
Golden Brown
Distinguishing Features:
Her curved horns and goat-like legs and tail. Beside those she has faint white spots scattered all over her legs, but they're mostly on her thighs.
General health:
Generally Korra is as healthy as can be, but alike everyone else she does get sick every once and a while.
It's as straight as can be. Slouching isn't really a thing for Korra.
Any Physical Illnesses?:
Any Mental Illnesses?:
When she was younger she had really bad separation anxiety, but other than that she does not have any.
Take drugs?:
Once but never again (she nearly coughed up a lung).
None yet
While her mother isn't in the picture anymore Korra is very close with her father. She has two younger brothers (15 year old twins) that she absolutely adores and loves to embarrass every chance she gets.
None yet
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Mental age:
Act before thinking/Think before acting?:
Most of the time she's more of a act before thinking kind of person, but there are times - usually during serious situations - that she prefers to think things out before running in.
Emotion-wise, generally:
Emotionally she is generally stable, but her quickness to anger tends to ruin that.
Way of speaking:
She has a slight southern drawl to her accent. She generally talks very smoothly but when she gets too excited she tends to stutter.
Like a sailor.
- Exercise - New friends - Spicy Food - Music - Cats - Rainy days - Sweets - Sports
- People touching her horns - Liars - Swimming - Getting her hair wet - Early Mornings (or mornings in general) - Slow walkers - Winter - Smoking/Smokers
Natural weapons:
She generally uses her hooves because she has a really strong kick. Her horns are too curvy for her to use them as weapons, much to her dismay.
coded by myfanwy myfanwy
Name :Kuroko

Age: 14

Nickname: Kuro/Kuma


Place of Birth:Somewhere in China

Birthday:11th of November

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of Panda/Human

Physical appearance:Kuroko.jpg

Body Build: Average

Height: 4"10

Weight: 90lbs

Skin colour: Wwhite

Hair style: Short

Hair colour:White

Eye colour: Green

Distinguishing Features: Two panda ears, black fluffy tail and white hair

Health: Average

General health: Ok, Couple of cuts due to bamboo incidents

Posture: Always seems to have her head down and seems to visibly shake when talking to others

Any physical illnesses?: No

Any mental illnesses?: Anxiety

Take drugs?:No


Drink?: no

Mental/emotional state:

Mental age: 14

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: She tends to think too much before acting, Constantly ending with long pauses between sentences

Emotion-wise, generally:Constantly panics due to stress caused by hiding her panda hybrid identity,


Way of speaking: Knows English well but only seems to say 1 word at a time

Swears?: A small amount


Likes: Bamboo leaves, Her toy Panda.

Dislikes: Being approached quickly, People asking too much, Being forced to talk to someone

Natural weapons: Claws

Bio/backstory: Her family integrated into Hong Kong incredibly well since eared hoodies are not usually out of place, most people they know believe they are just panda saving activists or that they work in a shelter somewhere

Habitat: Hong kong

Relationships: Most people she knows avoid her due to the stigma on activists

Family: She was an only child ad therefore only had her parents with her during her lifetime,

Friends/Allies: None yet

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Staff list:

Basic info:

Name: Lorietta Ashken

Age: 14

Nickname: Lori

Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California

Birthday: April 9, 2004

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of: Rattlesnake and human

Physical appearance:

Body Build: Thin and agile

Height: 5’1

Weight: 91 lbs

Skin colour: Light tan

Hair style: Low ponytail

Hair colour: Jet black

Eye colour: Honey yellow

Distinguishing Features: Rattlesnake tail; Long fangs potruding from mouth


General health: She’s pretty healthy, though, occassionally she forgets to take care of herself in favour of helping others.

Posture: Straight

Any physical illnesses?: Nah

Any mental illnesses?: Nah

Take drugs?: Nah

Smoke?: Nah

Drink?: Nah

Mental/emotional state: She is pretty stable, but isn’t very good at showing sadness, as she deems herself the cheerful one that has to make sure everyone stays happy.

Mental age: 12

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Act before thinking

Emotion-wise, generally:


Way of speaking: She uses childish terms, such as epic, cool, or awesome, quite often. If you pay attention carefully, you’ll notice she has a slight Californian accent (essentially, she says dude, dudette, bro, etc). She constantly talks a little bit louder than needed.

Swears?: On occassion, but usually she’ll just use made of swears instand (e.g. Fork, Scat, Flapjack)


Anything fluffy or cute
Romatic comedies
Slightly cliche books/movies

Staying still
Staying silent

Natural weapons: Venom from her fangs

Bio/backstory: Her twin sister was killed in a car accident when she was five. The same car accident severely injured her parents, to the point that her father died of complications, and her mother gained brain damage, rendering her unable to take care of herself and Lori. Lori was put into the foster program, and has been bouncing from home to home ever since.

Habitat: She prefers the city

Relationships: She makes few friends, since usually she isn’t fostered long due to parents finding her hard to care for (she’s too energetic for her own good, and would usually run away to try to find her mother). She would often find herself creating a small group of misfits at school, but then would inevitably have to move schools because of her foster situation.

Family: Hank Ashken (Father) (Deceased)
Lilly Ashken (Mother)
Flora Ashken (Sister) (Deceased)

Friends/Allies: Anyone who can stand her constant insanity.

Appearance: She has long, black hair that is usually pulled back into a low ponytail. Her build is thin and agile, with very little muscle. She is pretty short for her age. Her eyes are honey yellow, and small fangs protrude from the sides of her mouth. Her back has a faint black diamond pattern on it, similar to that of a rattlesnake, which becomes much more pronounced as it edges towards her tail (which is just a regular rattlesnake tail). She does still have legs, though.

Usually, Lori wears comfort clothes, such as skirts, jeans, jean shorts, t-shirts, and hoodies. She tries to make these outfits as cute as possible, most of her wardrobe being either pink of depicting kawaii creatures. She offen wears a small, pink ribbon on her ponytail.
Basic info:

Name: Jack




Place of Birth:


Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of:

Physical appearance:

Body Build:



Skin colour:

Hair style:

Hair colour:

Eye colour:

Distinguishing Features:


General health:


Any physical illnesses?:

Any mental illnesses?:

Take drugs?:



Mental/emotional state:

Mental age:

Act before thinking/Think before acting?:

Emotion-wise, generally:


Way of speaking:





Natural weapons:






Staff list:

Basic info:

Name: Lorietta Ashken

Age: 14

Nickname: Lori

Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California

Birthday: April 9, 2004

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of: Rattlesnake and human

Physical appearance:

Body Build: Thin and agile

Height: 5’1

Weight: 91 lbs

Skin colour: Light tan

Hair style: Low ponytail

Hair colour: Jet black

Eye colour: Honey yellow

Distinguishing Features: Rattlesnake tail; Long fangs potruding from mouth


General health: She’s pretty healthy, though, occassionally she forgets to take care of herself in favour of helping others.

Posture: Straight

Any physical illnesses?: Nah

Any mental illnesses?: Nah

Take drugs?: Nah

Smoke?: Nah

Drink?: Nah

Mental/emotional state: She is pretty stable, but isn’t very good at showing sadness, as she deems herself the cheerful one that has to make sure everyone stays happy.

Mental age: 12

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Act before thinking

Emotion-wise, generally:


Way of speaking: She uses childish terms, such as epic, cool, or awesome, quite often. If you pay attention carefully, you’ll notice she has a slight Californian accent (essentially, she says dude, dudette, bro, etc). She constantly talks a little bit louder than needed.

Swears?: On occassion, but usually she’ll just use made of swears instand (e.g. Fork, Scat, Flapjack)


Anything fluffy or cute
Romatic comedies
Slightly cliche books/movies

Staying still
Staying silent

Natural weapons: Venom from her fangs

Bio/backstory: Her twin sister was killed in a car accident when she was five. The same car accident severely injured her parents, to the point that her father died of complications, and her mother gained brain damage, rendering her unable to take care of herself and Lori. Lori was put into the foster program, and has been bouncing from home to home ever since.

Habitat: She prefers the city

Relationships: She makes few friends, since usually she isn’t fostered long due to parents finding her hard to care for (she’s too energetic for her own good, and would usually run away to try to find her mother). She would often find herself creating a small group of misfits at school, but then would inevitably have to move schools because of her foster situation.

Family: Hank Ashken (Father) (Deceased)
Lilly Ashken (Mother)
Flora Ashken (Sister) (Deceased)

Friends/Allies: Anyone who can stand her constant insanity.

Appearance: She has long, black hair that is usually pulled back into a low ponytail. Her build is thin and agile, with very little muscle. She is pretty short for her age. Her eyes are honey yellow, and small fangs protrude from the sides of her mouth. Her back has a faint black diamond pattern on it, similar to that of a rattlesnake, which becomes much more pronounced as it edges towards her tail (which is just a regular rattlesnake tail). She does still have legs, though.

Usually, Lori wears comfort clothes, such as skirts, jeans, jean shorts, t-shirts, and hoodies. She tries to make these outfits as cute as possible, most of her wardrobe being either pink of depicting kawaii creatures. She offen wears a small, pink ribbon on her ponytail.
Oh my gosh it's me XD
Name: Wrath

Age: 17

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Norway

Birthday: April 23, 2002

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of: Ox/Human

Physical appearance:

Body Build: Tall, Muscular

Height: 6 feet, 5 inches.

Weight: 195 lbs

Skin colour: Tan/White

Hair style: Spiky

Hair colour: Red

Eye colour: Orange

Distinguishing Features: Strange colored horns.


General health: Good

Posture: Straight

Any physical illnesses?: N/A

Any mental illnesses?: Borderline PD

Take drugs?: No

Smoke?: No

Drink?: No

Mental/emotional state: Fairly stable.

Mental age: 16

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Depends on the situation, usually thinks before acting.

Way of speaking: Generally quiet

Swears?: Sometimes


Serene environments, Music, Good smells, Food

Loud Noises, Rude people, Humans, Running, Smug predators.

Natural weapons:
Horns, A strong kick and punch.
Very naturally strong, though a bit slow. Not one to run.

He doesn't really remember much of his family or past. He just knows that he's been alone for a long time and has survived this far.

Habitat: Wherever is comfortable, preferably not too hot.

Relationships: N/A

Family: N/A

Friends/Allies: N/A



Name: Bishop Enzo

Age: 16

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Orlando, FL

Birthday: June 22, 2002

Currently living in: The Magirose Hybrid Academy

Hybrid of: Tiger/Human

Physical appearance:

Body Build: Muscular, tall

Height: 6 feet, 2 inches

Weight: 185 lbs

Skin colour: White, a little tan

Hair style: Short, spiked

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Blue

Distinguishing Features: Bright, ice blue eyes. Faint black stripes all over body if one were to look hard enough.


General health: Healthy

Posture: Straight

Any physical illnesses?: No

Any mental illnesses?: No, other than anger issues.

Take drugs?: No

Smoke?: Yes

Drink?: Yes

Mental/emotional state: Healthy, normal.

Mental age: 16

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Acts before thinking, commonly.

Emotion-wise, generally: Calm, but can get angry quite easily.


Way of speaking: Speaks normally. Can be a bit of a curser, usually proud, but fairly friendly.

Swears?: Yes


Silence, Darkness, Swimming, Hunting

Bright lights, Annoying people, Smelly things, Studying

Natural weapons: Claws, Fangs, Bacteria in mouth that causes easy infections with bites.

Bishop grew up with his mother and sisters, but ended up leaving once he turned twelve. He's fended for himself since then, and is fairly proud of himself and his survival skills.

Habitat: Anywhere that is not too hot. He can handle the cold, but overheats easily and prefers to be somewhere with bodies of water.

Relationships: N/A

Family: N/A

Friends/Allies: N/A


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