Magik (a Steam-punk/ Magik Role-play)

Alright thanks

So I notice a lot of chicks in this roleplay as the gifted kids, can I change my character to be a dude to add some variety? Or I can just be a baddie. Your choice, whatever you'd rather want or need me to be.
I'd like there to be a balanced amount of males and females, so if your willing you can change your character to a male. You can have up too two characters, so if you'd like a baddie and a gifted kid, feel free to do as you please!
Thank you! I just wana even it out. I see an awful lotta chicks and only one dude. I'd like to keep the simliar character just make it a boy.
@Hales I suppose Phsychometry could be a type of magic, under the mental magic category.

Opening post will be down in about 20 minutes or so btw
...this may be obvious...or not...

it says 'don't post here until further notification...opening post is up, just wondering if we can post now...

(feels dumb and cries dinosaur tears)
Okay thanks you I just am like a puppy it's like you can't say sit and roll over I get stuck lol thank you
ah... i don't get the notification
Can you clarify what you mean? c:

By the way, am I the only one who wasn't able to get on the website, like at all yesterday?
It's certainly not uncommon, I guess. Still, I'm just a little bored and would like to pick this back up, haha.

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