Magik (a Steam-punk/ Magik Role-play)


Elder Member


Character Sheet


Age (ranging from 14-17):


Rank (only put something here if your interested in becoming an assassin):

Physical Description (Or just supply a picture):

Magic Affinity (to specify, you would choose one, under any category of magic. For more info check the overview page:



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Clarence Atwater


5'6 with unruly copper brown hair and hazel eyes, freckles and a slim build. He's tiny and waif-like, prone to weakness and always trying to wear the most fashionable of clothes on a budget. The best colors he can wear are earthy tones of green and beige, golds and browns.


Although life for his has been comfortable even in his weak state, he often dreams of something, anything more. Clarence is extremely charming and sweet and is loved and protected by his family, making him naive to the horrors and trials of the world. He's the aristocratic son of an upper-class merchant, but no amount of money can protect him from his weak body. Clarence has been able to move things with his mind for as long as he has been alive, but his parents for the most part have quelled his powers by telling him that he'd be taken away if it were ever found out. He spends his time with lofty pursuits like poetry and violin lessons. His parents hope to marry him off, but he's unhappy with the idea of marriage without love first, as from all of his time reading poems like 'The Lady Of Shalott' has made him a bit of a romantic.
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Name: Antony Hannon

Age (ranging from 14-17): 17

Gender: Male

Physical Description


Magic Affinity: Fulgurkinesis

Personality: Antony is much like the electricity he controls: quick-minded, but unpredictable at times. He is great at analyzing situations and coming up with a solution, yet his thinking seems abnormal to his parents and those he's been with his whole life. While he can handle a normal situation rationally, he will do anything to save his friends - even if it means risking his life. That being said, Antony is cool, calm and collected on the outside, and a compassionate person who would do anything for their friends on the inside. Antony's parents have always attempted to suppress his powers, one way or another, but he's always found ways to practice and control the energy without them knowing. His parents wish to send him to a prestigious college when he comes of age, but Antony has never been the type to enjoy schooling - he's always found it boring and far too easy. He wishes for a real challenge in life more than anything.


Liliana 'Lily' Monet

Age (ranging from 14-17):




Physical Description:


Magic Affinity:



She's kind and caring, carefree but fierce, clumsy but intelligent. She is loyal to those who earns it and she likes to help people as much as she can. She can be stubborn sometimes ^^

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Character Sheet


Stephanie Alise Reuvan

Age (ranging from 14-17): 14

Gender: Female

Rank (only put something here if your interested in becoming an assassin): -

Physical Description (Or just supply a picture):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.17dbbacb25b1189f8091bc64f53813a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.17dbbacb25b1189f8091bc64f53813a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A pale, thin girl with short curly licorice black hair and cold blue-grey eyes. Easily recognized with headphones and a black tribal tattoo around her right wrist.

Magic Affinity (to specify, you would choose one, under any category of magic. For more info check the overview page: Geokinesis

Personality: She's a confident, sarcastic, intelligent girl. She's immature when facing her enemies but fairly mature participating in important conversations. She thinks mistakes are unacceptable, this thought and rule is also applied to her. If she does a mistake, she panics and gives herself a pep talk while doing whatever she's doing.



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Name: Raven Bennett

Age (ranging from 14-17): 16

Gender: Female

Physical Description (Or just supply a picture):

Magic Affinity (to specify, you would choose one, under any category of magic. For more info check the overview page: Pyrokinesis

Personality: Raven is a very short tempered, sarcastic girl who is not afraid to get in a few fights, and show you who's boss. She has the tough girl doesn't need anyone attitude, but in reality she doesn't want to get close to people in fear she might hurt them.
Since the GM says we can have 2, I'm also gonna do an assassin!

Marcus DeAngelo

Male, 23


Assassin Rank--Recovery Team

Magic: Projection

Marcus is smooth, suave, and good at charming people into getting his way. Part of his power as a projectionist is used to slyly trick others, like disguising himself in the minds of others to look like people they know by bending what they see. He's very clever, but also very quick to anger and likely to blow his fuse over things. His job is to lure Magikal kids and steal them away by tricking them. He almost always gets his target. Although he is a charmer when he has to be, he's a man of few words otherwise.
Making two characters.

Name: Perrin Aybara.

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: WIP

Rank: Tracker


Paersonality:Everything has a story, you just have to listen. Awfully quiet, and thoughtful. Does everything with a slow, methodical purpose. He uses the life he gives objects so they will tell him what has happaned. (Hope this is ok.)
Name: Laria Crowne

Age: 21

Gender: F

Rank (only put something here if your interested in becoming an assassin): Seeker

Physical Description (Or just supply a picture): -look at attached image-

Magic Affinity: Elenchus

Personality: Laria always donned a male persona named Crow, for her own safety. She never really liked killing someone and avoiding a fight as much as she could, a pacifist. That's why with her magic, Laria prefer to help the rest of the assassins by looking information and interrogating arrested kids to find the whereabouts of more of them.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_lrho45EDpt1qcm2mgo1_1280.jpg.35dbb6b4c7491103b8d5e5d27f6009b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_lrho45EDpt1qcm2mgo1_1280.jpg.35dbb6b4c7491103b8d5e5d27f6009b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The Frost Twins


: Ewan Frost

Age: 19 (Appears to be 16-17)

Gender: Male

Rank: Killer

Physical Description: Curly hair the color of honey covers Ewan's ovular head, as does a pair of orange goggles a bit rusted from over-wear. Around his equally rusted belt of a brown color he keeps many of his belongings, concealed, including the fold-able gun he takes everywhere. He wears brown boots, complete with many bolts and screws, and orange pants.

Magic Affinity: None. Incapable of producing magic.

Personality: Arrogance is a present trait in Ewan's personality, due to his natural good-looks and superior lineage. Flirting is a tendency for him, whether the chosen victim is an enemy or of relation to him. As an assassin, he enjoys playing games with his victims before killing them.


: Lucia Frost

Age (ranging from 14-17):

Gender: Female

Rank: Mercenary

Physical Description (Or just supply a picture):

Magic Affinity (to specify, you would choose one, under any category of magic): Aquakinesis

Personality: A quieter personality when compared to her twins loud one, Lucia is more reserved when it comes to people. Killing, to Lucia, is a sacred art, and must be performed in a respectful fashion. Because of this, she quietly disproves of her brother as well as the other assassins methods.



Dominic Fox







Magic Affinity



Cold and deadly, Dominic has no expression and always appear as emotionless character, since that time when he lost everything. He never bring his personal feeling when doing his job, much like a robot that only do what his master says, with a price.
Name:Loki Zoldic




Physical Description:
Black hair and black eyes. He wears black with silver details .H.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-7_21-5-13.jpeg.fff2684a5532eb5284dce74e14121700.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55721" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-7_21-5-13.jpeg.fff2684a5532eb5284dce74e14121700.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mage Affinity:Summoning

Personality:He is usually calm and strategic. If he gets agitated enough, he'll charge down on his enemies, attacking with next to no though. He is loving and kind. He uses his quick wits to out-run and out-duke his oppenents. When he's on a job though, he'll become as serious and it would take a lot to get him out of this trance-like state.



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