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Fantasy Magical Girl Disaster: Reboot



Cuddly enby auntcle
Note: Rebooted since most of the original roleplayers dropped off but there is still interested by new roleplayers. Some changes are made.

Plot: Magical girls and the villains enjoy special powers such as identity concealment so that they aren't recognized in their daily lives when out of character. Another special power they enjoy is damage control. Basically, nothing severe ever happens to magical girls and their opponents usually just disappear into the sky when beaten but somehow always come back to create some kind of mischief. But what works for magical girls and villains doesn't apply to bystanders and when a magical girl first realizes this after she had accidentally killed a bystander, then things get a lot darker in the world of magical girls.

This happened years ago to the Sweety Confiserie Girls and the magical girl Sweety Toffee was forced to retire after the public fallout. Many wanted to hold her real life alter ego accountable, but it wasn't known and the other magical girls stayed silent.

Now a new generation of magical girls is due to protect the city, however the events could happen again. Even worse, the villains this time seem more ruthless than during the Sweety Confiserie Girls days. Who will stand up to the challenge?

You, a young woman between the ages of 18 and 25 were selected by a cute mascot character to become one of the New Sweety Confiserie Girls. You gladly accept. But there will be someone seeking to make your life as a magical girl hellish. They say there is a villain who doesn't just commit mischief and pranks, but does worse. But they seem to have not make their presence known, at least not in an obvious way. The villains you will mainly be encountering are a weird bunch commanding monster minions to inconvenience the populace in many ways. You just need to watch out to not hurt any bystanders.

Setting: Kikenjima, a [fictional] medium sized Japanese island (about 950 sqkm) with a population of 400,000. It's main city has about 250,000 people. The tallest mountain is about 1500 meters tall. The island has many beaches. Transportation wise there are many bus lines and an island railway that goes all the way around the island. 1723089946939.png1723090643070.png1723091362444.png

New Sweety Confiserie Girls: A new magical girl team to fill in after the remaining members of the Sweety Confiserie Girls retired. Their lead mascot animal is a talking tanuki. However each team member has their own pet mascot to aid them. Each team member is named after a sweet meal or food item and has their own individual member color. Each member has a crystal pendant that can turn into a wand and a magic weapon. The standard uniform is a frilly sleeveless sailor collar dress with a tie and a choker in the member's individual color. The uniform also has thigh highs and a ribbon hair accessory. Alternative outfits will come in the future.

Magical Girl special abilities: Identity concealment - To protect the private identities of the magical girls, they automatically have a concealment spell. Normal people will see the magical girls in role and in private as two separate people who seem to look different, despite having the same or similar hairstyles.

Damage control - Magical girls and the villain counterparts enjoy the ability to not get severely injured no matter what they do to each other. However physical attacks like punches will still hurt and getting knocked out is still possible.

Warning! Bystanders are vulnerable to attacks by magical girls and can get severely injured or can even get killed if you aren't careful.

Hurting bystanders severely or even killing them will take a mental toll on the magical girls.
You can also make a villain character. Though most villains must be silly and mischievous but not sincerely malevolent.
Guys can be magical girls too, if they are cute/pretty enough to pass as women and be magical girls.
Slashing weapons can and will hurt and can dismember people who aren't magical girls or villains.
The limit of magical girls in the New Sweety Confiserie Girls is 10. If any more want to join, they must become a separate affiliate magical girl group.

Posting rules:

If you cannot post for a bit or want to be skipped, please let everyone else know.
More than ten days of absence without notification or reaction to messages will result in character being killed off.
Do not post one liner replies. Give the others enough information to work with.
Please use the Out of Character (OOC) thread for questions, lore and planning. Any out of character posts in the main thread will be deleted.
Only make a character if you really are going to participate.

Suggestions and ideas are welcome.
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