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Multiple Settings Magical Dystopian (near) Future

Dark lord steel

One Thousand Club
Hello Everyone! I apologize in advance for how long this post is going to be, and I hope you'll bear with my rambling.

The setting:

2020 - The year fantasy became real

Magic wielders have always been a part of the human race, but we were different, as signified mainly by our eyes. Our eyes reflected our inner powers, so while many of our people had colours of ice or sea blue, luscious greens or deep browns, others weren't so easy to disguise, such as burning reds or swirling purples.

Over the centuries we have learned to hide ourselves well, mostly away from society at large, at least until we matured to the point were we could control our powers. Which could take anywhere from about seventeen to... well never actually, some people never managed to force their power to their control. So we kept to our small communities, far away from mainstream society or hidden away in cities were we convened in basements. The leaders of these small sects all met at every new year as they'd debate what to do, whether we should intervene with the Asari, but it was always turned down. Any particularly insistent war mongers were relinquished of their powers by the councils order force, all who were required to have a very rare converted skill set - Cathari, the ability to drain ones magic from somebody. But recently things changed. It became apparent that the world was dying, and we could feel it. And that nothing was going to change without our interference.

So last year the council convened and finally decided to reveal its - and thus our - existence to the world at large, transporting into the United Nations itself during a huge meeting, which quickly got enormous media coverage. But it didn't go as planned, and soon there was a huge confrontation, which we naturally won by miles, but we suffered a few loses. We weren't immortal, but we were different. Which left the majority of the world world leaderless in one strike, so we seized power, allowing the most powerful sects in each country to rule.

So magic can now be practiced openly, in the streets and in every day life, such as with the shopping or cooking. Similar rules apply as before, but there's one universal difference - blood sports. The Asari can be thrown into blood sport arenas, were they have to fight and do various challenges until they die. Of course, this only happens when they break one of our rules or - most disturbingly of all - if you're thinking about trying to oppose the government or committing a crime. We have thought police, telepaths who can and will arrest you based on what you are thinking. And they frequently do, especially with the steady flow of people these blood sports consume. It's weird to know you could travel out somewhere, go for a walk, have a picnic, and see a gun shoot out. To prevent social backlash, the majority of people don't know, but they do know that many people 'disappear'.

The powers:

Cathari: The rarest skill set, can wield no magic but can drain it from others, both temporarily and permanently. Users have solid black eyes.

Demati: Also extremely rare, telepaths. Various eyes colours, but it's usually a mixture of two.

Druchii: Shadow masters. They usually have eyes that are grey.

Phyromancers: Fire wielders. Eyes of burning red, and usually have ginger or medium brown hair.

Saphrians: People with the ability to manipulate water (and ice). Eyes are blue, although the shade depends on whether they lean more towards ice or water.

Usumgi: Life magic, to heal and grow. It's mainly women who hold this magic set, with eyes of piercing green.

Naggorthai: The ability to control the weather, their eyes are usually purple. Also quite rare.

This is basically just a starter to set up the world. I do have several plots focused around this, although if you want to suggest your own, feel free to do so! I'd love to hear and answer people's suggestions, comments and to answer any questions they might have.
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I normally write anywhere from one to about four paragraphs depending on what is going on, but my average is about two. Honestly I'm pretty happy as long as you manage to address what I've written and add your own continuation
This is a creepypasta roleplay im in

"Okay dear" i say in a more kind and honest tone i quickly cover where the mouth would be on my mask smearing blood all over it, as if it would do anything 'no helen, you have to keep the calm murderous deminor dont let anyone treat you like girl again' I head to the bathroom to wash off the blood and calm down
This is a creepypasta roleplay im in

"Okay dear" i say in a more kind and honest tone i quickly cover where the mouth would be on my mask smearing blood all over it, as if it would do anything 'no helen, you have to keep the calm murderous deminor dont let anyone treat you like girl again' I head to the bathroom to wash off the blood and calm down
Oh okay, well in that case I think we might be incompatible, it's not the length that's the problem it's more the grammar. I'm not obsessed with grammar (we all make mistakes, and this is just a hobby after all) but I need to have coherent sentences and capitalisation, sorry.
Heyo! I am completely and absolutely interested in this! Completely up my alleyway! I also fit your writing amount. So, may I DM you so we can discuss different ideas that we could make from this little set up?
Heyo! I am completely and absolutely interested in this! Completely up my alleyway! I also fit your writing amount. So, may I DM you so we can discuss different ideas that we could make from this little set up?
I'd love to! As I said, I've got a few ideas but I'm pretty flexible, especially if you've got your own suggestions

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