Magic of Issoss [Taming The Flame]


The Tale Weaver

~The Magic Of Issoss~

When the world of Issoss first came to be, the first entity that was created was the famous Emberwell, also known as the Fountain of Flame. In this Fountain, all the mystical and magical energy of Issoss, known as the Essence, was stored into. The Emberwell is known to reside atop the Sky High Mount, inside an enormous tower, on the last level. Noone has ever entered the tower before and such it is impossible to determine what lies within.


When any other sentient being was born, the Emberwell would empower the newborn with Essence, granting him life. Whenever a person died, the Essence that gave him life would return to the Flame Fountain, bringing with it all the memories and feelings the deceased person experienced throughout his life. Without this Essence, a being cannot live, being as essential as water and food.


Over the time, some persons realised they were blessed by the Emberwell with a stronger connection to it, being able to manipulate to a certain level the Essence it bestowed upon them. Such were born the magicians of the realm, who used their strong links and knowledge to use the Essence to control elements, casting powerful spells. Even the most meager of spells required, in exchange, a great amount of the user's own Essence, which led to serious exhaustion and sometimes, death itself, for once the Essence was used as catalyst, it would return to the Emberwell. Thus, the Wizards of Issoss have gone and sought out ways to ease the usage of magic.

To use magic, however, one must use one of the 5 distinct runes, each designated to one school. Without using a specific, correctly drawn rune, the spell will almost certainly either fail, or backfire with a random effect, affecting the caster. Thus, most wizards are very dextrous in drawing such symbols, due to the many years of practice. Those most clever carry around the runes engraved on a piece of armor, making it more accesible, saving them the time to draw the rune and only taking the time to use a reagent or a catalyst to spellcast.

~Magic Schools~

  • FleshMending_zps5cbdd512.jpg

    Flesh Mending is the school of magic that contains healing and rejuvenation magic. Using very hard to find ingredients as reagents, most of them herbs and plants,it allows those who study it to heal even missing chunks of flesh or place back together broken bones like nothing happened. It is, however, an understudied school, since the materials are hard to find and most of the people do not survive long enough to get to a healer and even if they do, there is no guarantee the said healer has what he needs to cure the wound. Flesh Mending can also be used to cure diseases, as well as purify poisons inside the organism. Although, as the name suggests there is more to that than just healing. A practitioner of Flesh Mending can also use the spells to damage his foes, making their tissues come apart or shut down their lesser organs. They cannot inflict as much damage as other spells, but they can be deadly nevertheless. It takes a lot of Essence to channel the stronger spells of this school, but the spells consume much lesser Essence if casted using a topaz as a main catalyst.


  • RitualsAndSpellObjectivesYellowMagic_zps9f65a0d4.jpg

    Obviously an element required in any spell, the source of Essence is irrelevant, but it is the spark that ignites a spell into the raging inferno it must become. Other catalysts reduce the quantity of Essence required for a given spell, but can never completely erase the requirement. Essence can only be found in living, organic beings. Inanimate objects have no Essence to begin with and cannot auto replenish their Essence, should they be imbued with it. Also, living beings can be killed and their Essence transferred to the object. Once that Essence is used, however, it cannot be transferred again and must return to the Emberwell. While hunting animals and killing them for their Essence is permitted, killing humans to use their Essence is strictly forbidden, and practiced only by the Necromancers.

~Alternative Magic~

  • 973-crafting_recipe_scroll_special_large_zpsbb8506af.png

    Not to be confused with Artifice, Inscription is the art of creating a scroll imbued with magicks to be used at a later time. To inscribe a scroll, one requires the knowledge of runes representing the intended function of a scroll. In addition to the magical glyphs, a physical catalyst is required, either related to the casting, a precious metal, or a gemstone, which crumble into dust after infusion. Said scroll can later be used on a moment's notice, providing the full effect of a prepared spell, though only once as the scroll loses any magical property afterward, exploding into tiny scraps of the original material.


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