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Multiple Settings MADE TO ORDER ! 1x1 partner search


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
font call font call font call font call
arly, 18+
lazy-lit to advanced
fantasy, supernatural, crime, lgbt
for more info, click the
plots below!
potential doubling
tasokare hotel inspired

"None of our characters remember exactly how they got here: They came to in the process of checking into a hotel room, with a concierge who seems to be from another world. The building is archaic, like it's from another time, and nothing exists outside except for a barren wasteland. The purpose of their stay? To remember the details of their lives, figure out how they got here, and most importantly, figure out whether they're living or dead--and whether they're bound for heaven or hell."

the details on this can vary, but i'd love a purgatory plot! while i don't usually call for doubling, i can imagine an ensemble cast to fill out the hotel nicely. maybe even playing as angelic and demonic employees? a singular pairing works just as well, though: two lost souls growing closer as they try to remember who the hell they are. bonus points if they slowly start to remember that they knew each other in the real world. double bonus points if they were somehow involved in each other's arrival here, and triple bonus points if only one of them is still alive.

monster hunter
deity/non-believing human
flexible setting
open to either muse

"Muse A is an ancient god rendered almost powerless due to the loss of their following. After centuries sealed away by an equally ancient curse, they're finally freed by the unwitting actions of Muse B. For the god, this is the moment they've spent years anticipating, and they immediately swear to protect their savior in whatever ways possible. For Muse B, this is Tuesday, and they can't begin to grasp why this strange person who speaks like they're from another time has just appeared and started following them wherever they go. After all, Muse B is a staunch non-believer in any of the gods, and no amount of minor miracles will get them to believe Muse A's stories of godhood. But newfound danger seems to follow Muse B from the moment of Muse A's arrival, and keeping them around at least keeps Muse B from dying an earlier death--even if they have some delusions of grandeur to sort out."

Originally intended for a medieval-ish fantasy vibe, but can be adapted to a modern setting, or anything, really! I'm originally imagining Muse B as some kind of merchant or explorer who stumbles onto whatever cursed object seals Muse A without any clue of what they're getting into--only for this to send every other supernatural being in a 200 mile radius to kill them. Drama, danger, athiest talking to literal god hijinks, and on.

monster hunter
god, glory & gold
open to either muse

"Amidst rising tensions between rival kingdoms and an increase in assassination attempts against the royal family, everyone fears for the safety of Muse A, the next in line for the throne. This fresh paranoia leads to the imprisonment of Muse B, a witch who specializes in potions--including deadly poisons. They claim to have no involvement in the recent attempts on Muse A's life, and instead propose a deal to benefit the crown: Becoming Muse A's personal food taster, and sniffing out any attempts at poisoning by another witch. As royal and attendant, the pair both have their lives at stake in trying to discover enemies to the crown."

nothing gets between arly and a good royalty plot,, that's literally all i have to say let's get some royals and witches in the chat

poisoned crown
poisoned crown
open to either muse

"After a particularly rough storm and a few poor choices, Muse A finds themselves shipwrecked and separated from the rest of their crew. This remains a problem for a number of reasons: Mainly that they're a pirate in the middle of a port town where their crew is already feared by name. But Muse A is nothing if not resourceful. When they come across Muse B, a lovely and seemingly naive noble, they jump at the chance to sweet talk their way into a bit of gold and information on the location of their crew. As it turns out, Muse B isn't as naive as they appear, and they're very aware of what kind of trouble Muse A spells. It just so happens that Muse B is searching for a way out of their suffocating noble life, and will gladly help a pirate for a chance to join their crew."

ok yet again NOTHING gets between arly and a good pirate plot!!! i actually already have an oc who fits the role of muse a and would love to send him over if anyone's interested in this plot, but i'm equally open to taking on muse b instead depending on partner interest! just give me some episodic pirate drama it's all i ask

high seas
high seas
campy crime
open to either muse

"Working for crooks is only fun until they start screwing over you, and after years of conning people in service of their employer, Muse A thinks the only good part of the job is getting to screw over clueless rich folks. That seems to include Muse B, a prospective client who seems so full of themselves that Muse A almost can't wait to drain their bank account. This is until Muse A comes to the office late one night and happens to find Muse B rifling through their files--because as it turns out, Muse B isn't just another clueless rich person, but a fellow con artist who's committed to destroying companies like the one Muse A works for. After catching them redhanded, Muse B has no choice but to invite Muse A to join the operation, and who is Muse A to refuse? Nothing sounds sweeter than getting back at their employer."

i said campy crime, and i meant it!! let's get some heist/con artist hijinks going!!! we can plot in greater detail about the nature of the actual company involved in this, or just leave it as ~vaguely evil business~. i imagine this initial encounter leading to more and more cons run by the two of them. definitely imagining this as annoyances to lovers as well, since i don't expect the pair to be on the best of terms at the beginning of their partnership,,

love love guilty
love love guilty

arly here! 20 years old, he/him, and ready to clown around. reply lengths average from 300-600 words with the ability to push to 1k+ depending on the scene. replies 1-3 times a week or up to daily, depending on interest, circumstances, and post lengths. preference for discord or dms.

please be 18+ and capable of multi-paragraph replies! i'm entirely ghost-friendly and ask that you be as well. if you're reading this and we've dropped a thread that you're still interested in, feel free to reach out! big big fan of ooc chatter and gushing about characters together.

lgbtq+ pairings and characters exclusively; i can play characters of any gender. romance strongly preferred. most of my ocs are made to order for each plot. preference for art/animated fcs. while some of these plots are fandom inspired, i'm not looking to play with canon characters at the moment. feel free to reach out with your own ideas for plots as well!

assassins | royalty | vampires | witches | ghibli-esque | angels & demons | historical settings | yokai | campy crime | con artists | single parents | pirates | secret identities | in vino veritas | detectives

application for high seas! (apologies for the second tab being Like That. the url will not stay put no matter what i do)


alvarius siraly, the windswept

Akvas Folyen: the jewel of the Western Sea, the island eden teeming with trade and song; the pride and livelihood of the Familya Siraly. But to one young prince, this lively splash of green and gemstone is little more than a prison.

Sea-blue eyes that always seem to wander where they're not meant to; some kind of flower always tucked behind an ear, petals tangled in untamed brown curls: meet Rui Alvarius Siraly, youngest child and heir of the noble Siraly family - and aspiring seafarer.

"Wait - don't repeat that last part!"

As the only Siraly son, Rui has never been afforded the luxury of freedom. Guards see to it that he mostly stays confined in the walls of his cliffside villa; even being allowed to reside somewhere other than the main Siraly mansion has taken years of begging and bargaining. His days are filled with droning lectures, arm-breaking loads of required reading, and all the boring, laughably-easy administrative tasks his father is too busy - or too important - to deal with. And the diplomatic meetings he gets dragged to. Oh, the diplomatic meetings. Rui just wants to claw his own eyes out at every pompous turn of phrase.

In stark contrast to Rui's misery, his two older sisters - the Lukyas Major and Minor - are granted free reign of the island, to mingle and barter and, sweet seas, travel as they please. Lukya Minor last wrote to him months ago, from some place on the mainland with too many consonants - he can't remember the last time he even saw his oldest sister! Rui knows not to protest this, though - every reiteration of the
"you're the heir, not them; you have responsibilities and duties to train for, not waste your precious time becoming soft in character and blah-blah-blah"
speech is just more and more yawn-inducing.

Rui hasn't even been to the sea. He lives on an island, for tides' sake. Is it so wrong for him to want to sit on the beach once in a while? To stand before the waves, close enough to see the whitecaps churn?

To cross the shimmering expanse of blue and experience what the rest of the world has to offer, preferably before he rots away in a dusty office?

Clearly his parents' answer to that is yes, because no matter how careful Rui is when he sneaks out, his guards always corner him right as he's about to set food on the pale sands. His parents won't even tell him why he can't go there; always the same excuses, the same lecture on responsibility, on how apparently having fun isn't a virtue becoming of an heir. Rui is wise enough to hold his tongue.

His predicament has only become more stifling since he came of age, and with his father advancing in years and greying in hair, pressure and surveillance alike are building to unbearable levels. As Rui has grown, he's only become more certain: he wants nothing to do with leadership, with controlling an island, none of it! Imagining himself in his father's position is a unique and indescribable torture. But with each passing day, that hellish scene creeps closer to becoming reality.

Luckily for Rui, he's always been too curious for his own good. And, years of scoldings for his snooping has only made his footsteps quieter. Combine these with the highest-quality education one can receive, and, well...

Guards can't be everywhere at once. Eyes are easily misled, ears simple to deceive. On his escorted outings, Rui starts small: taking shortcuts through laneways to see how long it would take to be rediscovered; ducking between gaudy drapes of silk at the market to lose them even for a minute. Now, he can shake them for almost ten whole minutes before they even realise he's not where he should be.

It only takes Rui six minutes, weaving through the markets, to stumble across his ticket to freedom.

A pirate. A real-life, honest-to-tides pirate has washed ashore on Avkas Folyen. Rui can't believe his luck. Shipwrecked somewhere out in the sea, washed up alone onto the rocky outcrops that mark the edges of Siraly territory, and dragged ashore by a disgruntled fisherman, the handsome seafarer recounts - after Rui has offered some coin in exchange, of course - and the rakish grin he gives Rui is enough to make him feel lightheaded. Never mind that the Mouette is so notorious that it's told as a bedtime story to scare kids into doing what they're told - if Rui's obvious wealth is enough to secure him a place on this pirate's journey back to his crew, then of course he's going to take this opportunity. He'd be stupid not to! When is such a shining chance going to come again?

There was one thing Rui hadn't counted on, though...

He hadn't expected there to have been a real, genuine reason that he'd never been allowed anywhere close to the sea. A reason that almost gets him and the pirate both killed as soon as Rui steps foot on their shiny new boat.

It seems as though this escape plan won't be all smooth sailing...

♡coded by uxie♡

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