mac says hello!

Roleplay Availability
Yo there! Needed a new place to call a roleplay home with my friend and this place caught our fancy. I'm mac. o/ I'm no newcomer to roleplaying (been at it since I was around 9 and I'm 20 now) but I'm definitely new to the site. The BBcode looks like an interesting challenge I'd love to tackle once I set up my own roleplay, but I'll probably get a feel of the site by joining one first. > u > ;;

Err, if you're familiar with vocaloid, you'll probably get a kick out of my username. That's pretty much it? I don't do too well with these introductions. :'c
Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Unless it's about BBCode. I l can't help you there. Well, enjoy your stay!
Welcome to RPN! Its so great to have you here, I do hope you have a great time. If you need any help feel free to ask me, other members or the staff!

Unfortunately I can't help with BBcode but I know someone who might be able to which I can refer you to if you ever need help.

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