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Multiple Settings mᥱᥣodrᥲmᥲ ;; a search thread


quiet owl.
our only wish is melodrama

  • welcome 001. please be 18+. i'm 22 and prefer people closer to my age, so 20+ is ideal, but anywhere from 18 and above is fine. this is not to underestimate the writing of younger people; it's because i'm an adult and i like to build an ooc bond with those i'm writing with, and i'm much more comfortable with people who are close to my age.
    002. please be willing to work with me; plotting is a collaborative effort, and that means both of us should be brainstorming options instead of one of us just agreeing or disagreeing with everything. side note; romance is fine but cannot be the main plot of a rp, and i like chemistry-based romance so please be willing to work either way. i'll only do mxm / fxf / nbxany, with leeway for mxf on several conditions that typically run in the “don’t force a gender and sexuality on my oc/me”.
    003. i'm looking for a partner to push me, writing-wise; i currently low at 250~ish words, but my preferred range is 500+, and i'd really like to become more consistent with the higher range of wordcounts again. some of my longer posts can range in 1k. but that said, this is still a hobby.
    004. irl comes before online for both of us; respect when i don't respond for a few days, please. i'll respect your irl too! i never push a partner to respond, and i understand being away for periods of time. that said, if i'm not warned of a long hiatus beforehand, if a solid month goes past with nothing, i am likely to lose muse and drop.
    005. please pm me instead of commenting; include your pronouns / age (range) / what you're interested in roleplaying. and please at least glance over my interests before you message me
    006. when rping touchier subjects, be sensitive & respectful; i do have triggers and i'm willing to disclose them if necessary.

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