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Multiple Settings M/M RP

Long-time RPer here. I've been RPing online 20+ years. Male characters in fandoms or OCs. Writing is third person, past tense, semi-literate/lazy-literate, quality over quantity (not word count).

Current interests are Hannigram, Cherik, and Fassavoy.

RP is a hobby that should be fun and enjoyable. That said, I invest time and effort when it's an SL I'm really into. I'd like an RP partner similarly dedicated and engaged. Daily multiple replies and coinciding availability are a must. I also appreciate open communication.

Comment or PM if interested.
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This thread was made months ago but if you're still active on here then I'd sure like to RP with you!

I'm up for a Hannigram RP (I'd like to play Will Graham preferably) or we could invent a whole new storyline/world with our own original characters?

Hope you're still engaged on here ^^

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