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Fandom m/m ccxcc danganronpa 2 literate rp


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! I’m looking for literate adults (18+) to roleplay a fandom rp with me. (I’m ONLY looking for these fandoms right now!)

I’m looking for a Danganronpa 2 rp. I have finished that game along with thh. I’m barely on Ultra Despair girls so please keep spoilers of those games away.

So I mainly wanna write as Nagito and I like him with Hajime. I also love side friendships. My favorite friendships are Gundham & Sonia (again, FRIENDSHIP, not m/f as that’s something I don’t do.) along with Chaiki and Mikan. I can play either characters for these friendships.

We can also add new antagonists to keep the whole plot interesting and fresh!


I only roleplay with adults. 17 and under DO NOT interact.

I’m looking for people who are literate! One-liners and small paragraphs aren't something I’m looking for.

I expect you to be active. Of course, we all have lives but being completely ignored is never fun. I get if you gotta do something, just please let me know.

Be lgbt+ friendly! The rp won’t be straight and I want my partner to be comfortable with that.

No ocs! (Unless stated otherwise) We can add villains people in for plots sake but I’d like the focus to be on canon characters, sorry.

Looking for people who are okay with playing more than one character when need be.

Hope this interests you, feel free to reply if it does.
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Hi hi! I've actually been searching for a cc x cc danganronpa partner and I muse Hajime ! If you're still interested I wouldn't mind rping with you (o´ω`o)ノ

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