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Multiple Settings (M) Looking for (F) for Long Term Roleplay Partner


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

My name is Vacyr (28) and I'm hoping to find a female peanut butter to my jelly (18+ please).

I'm brand new to the site but have over fifteen years of roleplay experience both in-games and on forums. That being said, I appreciate paragraphs in response but the length is up to my partner. I tend to write in paragraphs which may vary depending on what needs to be said in a scene. What can I say, sometimes the writing gods look down on me favorably and others times... not so much.

I work full time so my posting frequency may change day-to-day but I'm good at letting my partner know if there's a post coming down the pipe. Speaking of partners, I'm looking for someone who will collaborate with me. I enjoy having a direction and running with it then having an open dialogue on what should come next and craft our story together as we go. Romance is a must for me. I'm a sucker for a slow burn!

Typically I'll have a big long list of what I'm craving but right now I'm trying to get my feet back under me in terms of writing so I'm starting out with only a few options I really want in order.

NOTE: I have a few different roleplays cooking right now and will be pausing my search. Please keep me in mind for the future if you're interested! I'll bump this when I begin to look again.

1. Spiderman (looking for MJ but could be persuaded with a Gwen or original character)
2. Star Wars (our spin on new characters in the world of star wars probably during the clone wars but I can be persuaded other times. I know I want mine to be a jedi but you have free reign of yours. Lets talk if you're interested)
3. King Arthur with a female Merlin
4. Robin Hood
5. Professional Hockey player x YC
6. Returning home Marine x high school love interest
7. Medieval/Fantasy pairings I'm a sucker for

Send me a PM if you're interested!

Thank you for reading this far and happy roleplaying out there :)
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