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Fantasy Lykoshiem Character Bio



New Member
Here you will post your character profile using the template below:

Basic Information

  • Name:
  • Alias/Nickname:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Species: (Werewolf, Lycan, Human)
  • Pack/Group: (if applicable)


  • Height:
  • Build:
  • Hair Color:
  • Eye Color:
  • Distinctive Features:
  • Clothing Style:


  • Overall Personality:
  • Strengths:
  • Weaknesses:
  • Likes:
  • Dislikes:


  • History:
  • Family:
  • Significant Relationships:
  • Role in Society:

Abilities and Skills

  • Abilities: (Supernatural or combat skills)
  • Strengths:
  • Weaknesses:

Equipment and Possessions

  • Weapons:
  • Armor:
  • Personal Items:
Last edited:
Hector Ekane
Basic Information

  • Name: Hector Ekane
  • Alias/Nickname: The Iron Fist
  • Age: 38
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Werewolf
  • Pack/Group: Silverclaw Pack


  • Height: 6'5"
  • Build: Muscular and imposing
  • Hair Color: Jet black
  • Eye Color: Steel gray
  • Distinctive Features: A prominent scar running from his left eyebrow to his cheek, a tattoo of a silver claw on his right shoulder
  • Clothing Style: Prefers practical, durable clothing suited for both combat and leadership, often seen wearing a leather vest with the pack's emblem


  • Overall Personality: Hector is a stern and disciplined leader, known for his unwavering resolve and tactical brilliance. He is fiercely protective of his pack and demands the highest standards from his members. Despite his tough exterior, he has a deep sense of loyalty and justice.
  • Strengths: Leadership, strategic planning, combat skills
  • Weaknesses: Can be overly strict, struggles to show vulnerability
  • Likes: Training, discipline, loyalty
  • Dislikes: Betrayal, laziness, lycans
  • Fears: Failing his pack, losing control
  • Motivations: Protecting his pack and ensuring their freedom from lycan oppression


  • History: Hector rose to the position of Alpha after leading a successful rebellion against a corrupt predecessor. His strategic mind and combat prowess earned him the respect and loyalty of the Silverclaw Pack. He witnessed many of his loved ones perish in lycan attacks, fueling his relentless drive to protect his pack and secure their independence.
  • Family: Lost both parents to a lycan raid, no known siblings
  • Significant Relationships: Has a close bond with his Beta and a deep respect for Selene
  • Role in Society: Alpha of the Silverclaw Pack, a respected leader among the allied packs

Abilities and Skills

  • Werewolf Abilities: Enhanced strength, speed, heightened senses, full control over transformations
  • Combat Skills: Master in hand-to-hand combat and proficient with various weapons, particularly adept with a silver-plated sword
  • Other Skills: Tactical planning, survival skills, leadership
  • Strengths: Physical prowess, tactical acumen, unwavering resolve
  • Weaknesses: Can be overly strict, emotionally guarded

Equipment and Possessions

  • Weapons: A large silver-plated sword named "Silverslash" and a set of throwing knives
  • Armor: Leather armor reinforced with metal plates
  • Personal Items: A pendant from his mother and a journal containing strategic plans and notes
Basic Information

Name: Martin Roger

Alias/Nickname: Medic

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

Pack/Group: Silverclaw Pack


Height: 6'1

Build: Fairly big, however not overwhelmingly muscular.

Hair Color: Greyish-black, that of aging.
Eye Color: Almond Brown

Distinctive Features: His fur constantly seems fuzzy and unkempt.

Clothing Style: Tends to wear work clothing, rarely chooses anything too flashy.


Overall Personality: Says what's on his mind and makes sure people do their job, or what he thinks they should do. An overall straight man, who can sometimes be a pain.

Strengths: Fairly intelligent and good at staying on schedule. Good at being honest in a way that isn't too blunt.

Weaknesses: Tends to be cowardly and can be annoying at times. Very unskilled at handling things emotionally.

Likes: Being in control, having power, when things go as planned.

Dislikes: Being ignored, things not going as he planned, emotional people.


History: Spent most of his life under the shadow of his brothers and father, who he felt he could never amount to. Because of this, he developed a business-based mindset and likes the feeling of feeling accomplished.

Family: Older siblings went on to become inventors, and father and mother had passed.

Significant Relationships: Tends to be a loner, doesn't like the feeling of losing people, or being put down.

Role in Society: The medic of the Silverclaw Pack, tends to be the voice of reason during heated events.

Abilities and Skills

Werewolf Abilities: Enhanced strength, speed, heightened senses, full control over transformations

Strengths: Tires much slower than others, fairly large compared to others.

Weaknesses: Not a great fighter, relies on the ability of others in battle.

Equipment and Possessions

Weapons: Carries a small metal dagger, still in prime condition due to the small usage.

Armor: Wears a loosely fitting leather padding along his clothing.

Personal Items: A book tallying all the lives he saved and all those those going to save.

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