Lunar's healing charms


New Member
So I've got the MoEP: Lunars and its sweet. But I'm a idiot, or Lunars don't have charms to heal others? If they're about protecting and such, it seems odd to me that they can't cure.

And in other note, is there a official errada for the book yet?
So I've got the MoEP: Lunars and its sweet. But I'm a idiot, or Lunars don't have charms to heal others? If they're about protecting and such, it seems odd to me that they can't cure.
And in other note, is there a official errada for the book yet?
No official total errada yet. But so far they have only personal healing charms and that is it.
Indeed. As things stand currently their option is rather limited to appropriate Excellencies and using their Wyld mutation charms to make someone heal like an Exalt. Admittedly, doing such can be useful for any mortal companions or followers...but does little for any Exalted comrades.
It could be argued that this is in keeping with the Lunar theme - they are, after all, individualists who are meant to rely on themselves rather than others. Yes, they have social charms and training charms, but this is in keeping with the Thousand Rivers....thingy. I don't remember the exact name for it and don't have access to my Lunar book. But healing other Exalted doesn't necessarily fall into their purview.
Vanman said:
It could be argued that this is in keeping with the Lunar theme - they are, after all, individualists who are meant to rely on themselves rather than others. Yes, they have social charms and training charms, but this is in keeping with the Thousand Rivers....thingy. I don't remember the exact name for it and don't have access to my Lunar book. But healing other Exalted doesn't necessarily fall into their purview.

Lunars teach self reliance, not "Come running to me whenever you hurt your knee".
They could have, say, a high-essence Charm that lets them remove part of their own body, give it to someone who needs it, and then regenerate another one back for themselves. Lunar just loses some motes and a few health levels temporarily, and the other person gets a new arm/eye/spleen!

So long as they don't mind the Lunar being able to take control of their newest organ at any time, everyone wins!
One way to get a Lunar healer is to take Scorpion and  Toad Mastery, buy the Art of Alchemy for thaumaturgy, and go on a drug binge with your own alchemical formulas.  Once that is done you can produce things like Hero's Recovery, Munificent Antivenin, or Sweet Cordial. Not exactly Solar level Medicine but it certainly doesn't hurt.
Gah.. that's actually a very good idea.. .. except in their genius, scorpion and toad mastery is based on resource cost of the item.. .. .. be nice if those were like.. listed.. *grumbles*

In fact.. I'm generally unsure how the alchemy rules work.. surely there should be a resources cost for materials and such, otherwise you're just churning out resources 4's like no tomorrow?

Also.. .. .. a lunar could potentially recreate celestial wine.. 0.0
Ah well...the Storyteller can wave his magic wand and make the Resource cost problem disappear. Its not like he can't assign one as needed.

The same goes for buying the materials needed in alchemy.

Or for that matter just forget doing Alchemy yourself and just purchase the potions until your 'stocked'.
Or you could binge yourself on "Celestial Wine". ^_^

That stuff is good... the REAL good stuff. Could make you REALLY popular with other exalted. Even Dragonblooded Dynasts, who'll cheerfully keep you around to 'drink of you'. ^_^
Ah, yes, the Lunar Pharmacy. Celestial Wine, Celestial Cocaine, Peaches of Immortality... one fix and you can supply easy for others...or yourself.
And it's so fun... you can see why Lunars were liked by their decadent solar mates, non?

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