Lunars and Dragon Kings


Four Thousand Club
How do the feel about each other? More specifically, what does the Silver Pact think about Dragon Kings? The Silver Pact don't like civilisation- they want to tear the whole thing down and get people to live a proper, barbarian life.

Thing is, although the Dragon Kings were/could be civilised, they were also (according to the PG; I don't have ruins of Rathess, much to my sorrow) deeply in tune with their own savage nature, and I've never come across anything to show that their civilisation was corrupt in the same way all the human civilisations seem to end up.

As an example, Ma-ha-suchi doesn't like civilisation, and he lives (relatively) near Rathess. What would he do if a bunch of Dragon Kings cleaned the place up and began building schools and things?

EDIT: Also, while I'm on the topic, can Lunars have DK totems? And what happens when a Lunar quote gets the sex endquote with a DK in a wyld area? DK-beastmen? Half-caste DKs? A mind-shattering monstrosity of malevolent munchkinism?
How do the feel about each other? More specifically, what does the Silver Pact think about Dragon Kings?
I don't know.  Maybe that the DKs time has passed and that DKs are no threat to them or their "plans".

As an example, Ma-ha-suchi doesn't like civilisation, and he lives (relatively) near Rathess. What would he do if a bunch of Dragon Kings cleaned the place up and began building schools and things?
Again, I am not entirely sure.  I would guess that most of the work in civilizing DKs on their old home turff would go unnoticed by him.  I think the Goblin King would have more to say there...

Also, while I'm on the topic, can Lunars have DK totems?
I don't know if there is a cannon answer to this, but my answer is no.  I would not allow DKs as totems, nor would I allow them, typically, as hearts blood candidates.  Sure, a DKs blood can be drunk, but if a Lunar wants to take his shape, I would require a custom charm with Prey's Skin Disguise as a pre-requisite, and would require a seperate background for the DKs hearts blood (similar to humans.)

And what happens when a Lunar quote gets the sex endquote with a DK in a wyld area? DK-beastmen? Half-caste DKs? A mind-shattering monstrosity of malevolent munchkinism?
Um.  I would require the Lunar to be the mother for a viable pregnancy, (DKs breed too differently, and have that whole immortal singular soul thing going), and then I would expect a beast-man, god-blood, or even Lunar Half-caste.  Probably a beastman with mutations akin to whatever the Lunar's totem was, or maybe some sort of reptilian mojo.
kakitashinsumi said:
I don't know if there is a cannon answer to this, but my answer is no.  I would not allow DKs as totems, nor would I allow them, typically, as hearts blood candidates.  Sure, a DKs blood can be drunk, but if a Lunar wants to take his shape, I would require a custom charm with Prey's Skin Disguise as a pre-requisite, and would require a seperate background for the DKs hearts blood (similar to humans.)
I wouldn't think so. I think Lunars have to take Prey's Skin Disguise as a special charm because it replicates an individual, rather than a generic species member- after all, Lunars can already turn into humans. If Lunars weren't human, I think they could drink a human's heart's blood to turn into a generic human, so, once again, I think drinking a DK's heart's blood should allow them to assume the form of a generic member of that breed. In physical respects only, of course.

As for the other, to clarify, my thought was whether the Lunar dislike of civilisation applied only to human civilisation, and if they would have any objections or not to DKs having cites and so on. The real test, of course, would be when the DKs started including humans. Would the Lunars consider the DKs capable of "getting it right" where the Old Realm failed?
I think that there is a slight problem with trying to Heart's Blood a Dragon King, because they aren't natural beasts--the DKs are a simplier form of creature, a mixture of Spirit and flesh, but not really natural, at least from the descriptions, I wouldn't rule them natural critters, and that's kind of the point of tasting the Heart's Blood, is that it's a natural critter.  

That they appear to by Tyrant Lizards, or close approximations thereof still doesn't make them natural critters, and thus are no more eligible to be tranformable than a Wyld critter or a Construct.

As for the Lunars getting into their grill about them reclaiming their civilization--it depends on who's at the helm and what they're planning on doing with it.  

It's part of the DKs purpose to bring things together. They were the first managers of the Creation, the prototype for riding herd inside the Creation--and an old Lunar might remember that.  A younger Lunar would just see a bunch of lizards with crystals and vines trying to restore past glories, and they have an odd taste...
Lotus said:
who the hell is the Goblin king?
The Goblin King is a Solar (Dawn Caste I think) who Exalted somethink like 120 years before the disappearance of the Empress and fled to Rathess.  There, he fell in with an evil spirit type who enjoys riding the Exalt and all that jazz.

Would be more accurate if I could be bothered to trek all the way upstairs and actually take a look in the book.

The Goblin King is a Solar (Dawn Caste I think) who Exalted somethink like 120 years before the disappearance of the Empress and fled to Rathess.
Sorry FC, but I'm fairly certain that the Golbin King is your fellow countryman, David Bowie.

Stillborn said:
The Goblin King is a Solar (Dawn Caste I think) who Exalted somethink like 120 years before the disappearance of the Empress and fled to Rathess.
Sorry FC, but I'm fairly certain that the Golbin King is your fellow countryman, David Bowie.
That's who I was talking about  :wink:

And he has shown a taste for the fuzzy girls.

Yes, Jennifer Connelly is a lovely creature, but let's face it, she's a practically a Hobbit for the fuzziness.  She's done well with waxing as of late, but let's face it, her early roles, made a lot of gals across the world feel better about their eyebrows and arm hair...
Lotus said:
who the hell is the Goblin king?
The Goblin King is a Solar (Dawn Caste I think) who Exalted somethink like 120 years before the disappearance of the Empress and fled to Rathess.  There, he fell in with an evil spirit type who enjoys riding the Exalt and all that jazz.

Would be more accurate if I could be bothered to trek all the way upstairs and actually take a look in the book.
And if you were wondering Lotus, he's (not surprisingly) in "Ruins of Rathess".
I'd LOVE to allow DK totems, I really would, it'd be so cool.  But if I'm putting my responsible storyteller hat on then I'd say that I wouldn't allow it, although I MIGHT stretch it to allow them in the sense of the base animalistic dragon kings who don't have an advanced enough essence to be sentient yet.  I'd just make it an appearance thing though I guess :P  No extra powers really.
Kajata said:
I'd just make it an appearance thing though I guess :P  No extra powers really.
I never suggested otherwise. The Lunar would simply gain the soak, attribute bonuses and natural attacks of that particular Breed.
I wouldn't allow it.  DKs are supernatural creatures, just like the Fair Folk, Gods, etc, which are specifically forbidden on the Lunar's transformation list.  If you want to play a DK, play a DK.

Lunars might not like DKs, but there isn't a hell of a lot they can do about them when they get to a certain point.  DKs are the best artificers in Creation.  They can create their artifacts without workshops and tools, recieving no plenty for doing so, and recieve at least three automatic successes to crafting crystalline or vegetative artifacts, assuming they have the right Path.  With the help of a hell of a lot of DBs, Celestial Exalted can pump out artifacts faster, but they require infrastructure that the DKs don't.  A master of Growing Wood or Solid Earth can create a level five artifact in three years.  An elder Exalt a millenia old might be able to do the same without help, assuming that they have a First Age Artifact Factory.

And, quite frankly, the DKs can breed up their numbers, while Lunars have no increase.  Assuming a modest population growth of 3% a year, a DK population will be 16 times greater within a century and 256 times greater in two centuries.  Even with a 1% yearly growth rate, the DKs population will double every 72 years, something the Lunars cannot do.

If a Lunar stomps on them early, no problem.  Give the DKs two centuries to build up population, in would be impossible.  The Player Guide says that there are a few tens of thousands of DKs still in Creation (about thirty to forty thousand).  With a proper breeding program, led perhaps by the Ancient Dragon Kings of the Dragon Kings of Yu-Shan, they could increase this number to ten million in just two centuries.  Ten million DKs is a frightening thing.
Problem with that is, you can't get that many DKs no matter how much they focus on breeding. Once you get past a certain number, bam, that's it, no more DK souls available for rebirth until they start kicking the bucket again. Order now, supplies are limited.

Dragon Kingss aren't like Dragon-Blooded; DKs get all their magical power from their souls, not their blood. That's why the PG states that DKs will never be able to rule Creation like they once did; most of their souls were destroyed by the primordials, and now there are no primordials to make more DK souls. Unless Gaia could be persuaded to make more, which is unlikely.

The Dragon Kings could rule part of Creation, or they could rule in tandem with Exalts (probably Dragon-Blooded, if there's to be a balance of power), but they aren't numerous enough now to take care of it all themselves- there are probably no more than one, maybe two million DK souls left.
And I think you've gotta remember that the Lunars COULD do something about the DKs if they got really ticked about it.  I mean Ma-Ha-Suchi, his beastman army plus other lunar flunkies could most likely do some SERIOUS damage I would have thought.

DKs and Lunars can't create more of themselves, sure, but Lunars can make beastmen.  LOTS of beastmen.
Solfi said:
Lotus said:
who the hell is the Goblin king?
The Goblin King is a Solar (Dawn Caste I think) who Exalted somethink like 120 years before the disappearance of the Empress and fled to Rathess.  There, he fell in with an evil spirit type who enjoys riding the Exalt and all that jazz.

Would be more accurate if I could be bothered to trek all the way upstairs and actually take a look in the book.
And if you were wondering Lotus, he's (not surprisingly) in "Ruins of Rathess".
yeah cute, well guess what i dont by those tiny supplements, i always hyst buy the hardcovers. i guess i should buy the smaller ones but why when you guys can donate them to me...  :lol:
Oh well, time for plan B.
 Now, to find a large enough box, some rope, and a mailing label to Abu Dhabi...   8)
Wouldnt it be safer to haul him on some space shuttle? I am sure the nasa will agree...
Come on, I said, "Haven't they sent a monkey into space already though?"

*tapping mic*

Hey, is this thing on?


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