Lunar Mates To Green Sun Princes


Ten Thousand Club
Thanks to that Abyssal errata, we know that it is quite possible for one of them to still be bonded with a Lunar.

My idea/question is: What about Green Sun Princes?

Quite naturally, this is both easier and harder than in the case of Abyssals-a Deathknight who accepts a bond to the living that he doesn't try to corrupt is going to have the ire of the Neverborn hanging over him like BO on a hot day. A GSP, on the other hand, can (usually) swindle the Yozis into reducing Torment without that much of an evil act (letting an archenemy who also happens an Immaculate saint go, ranting about how she managed to trick a cruel tyrant into giving his throne to a good and just king to him).

On the other hand, the Abyssals have a very good reason to want their Lunar mates around-the reduction of Resonance. A GSP, as stated above, can usually manage on his own, thanks, and then we have the Yozi patron, who sees the Lunar and thinks "Akuma from...well, not Heaven, but certainly 'Place Where Good Demon Souls Go'".

So, do you think that such a bond could exist, and if so (ignoring own answer if "yes") what story hooks problems could you forsee in such a relationship (other than Luna going "You're seeing who!?").
I'm actually running a game where that has happened. Said lunar is slightly mad, so he has so far tried to kidnap his infernal honey and use her to lure other infernals to their doom. Its called having you cake and eating it too!
I believe on of the writers is on record as going off about how there is nothing, at all, that can break a Lunar bond with their Solar. Presumably, because this reflects Luna's relationship with Gaia, and how this profound bond, written into the eternal engine that is an Exaltation, leads to a bond that cannot be broken.
Aasharu said:
I believe on of the writers is on record as going off about how there is nothing, at all, that can break a Lunar bond with their Solar. Presumably, because this reflects Luna's relationship with Gaia, and how this profound bond, written into the eternal engine that is an Exaltation, leads to a bond that cannot be broken.
In my Exalted, one of the Primordials died in the Great War trying to break a Solar Bond. It battered itself to pieces and became a Neverborn.

As for plots relating to GSP-Lunars, I like to run it as the test of the GSP's ideology. The Infernal has to convince this creature that what he's doing is right. Everyone else, you can be the preacher to, but the Lunar is almost the Infernal's conscience and self-doubt.
The Dragon-Blood Charms Madnes-Analyzing Stare and Purity Of Mind method gave me a funny idea: A party consisting of a DB Psychiatrist, a GSP patient and the Lunar Mate.

I know the rules don't support the idea as such, bit this is for fun.
"So, tell me about your mother."

"Well, she's a bloated, mad monstrosity that was once human. She doesn't do much most days besides drool, then occassionally rapes whatever demon gets to close."

"Sounds like you have issues."
Holden has said the Bond is unbreakable (and confirmed by Neph and so on) and has even commented, that it may well be that the Lunar Mates are the only (or may end up being the last) chance of turning the Infernals away from the Reclamation.

Well before hearing that, I simply assumed the bond still existed, and that it was going to cause some unusual situations. Especially when you look at the Errata on how the bond interacts with Abyssals and resonance.

How exactly it affects the Infernals, I have yet to put any thought to, but I am damn positive it is going to have an interesting impact on the way the game plays out.

On an interesting note, one of my Infernals Lunar-mate is an Akuma of the Ebon Dragon. Heehee. Poor silly Scourge, you have no idea what's coming.
Seems to me that some (possibly many?) Lunars would be totally disgusted and appalled at being bonded to a GSP and feel righteously compelled to hunt them down and "free" them from the Yozis' grasp.

Alternately, as the Reclamation runs into the Pact, Lunars killed and re-Exalted may wind up in the hands of the Infernals they are bonded to and turned to the Yozis' side. This would, of course mean they miss getting tattooed...

The concept of an akuma-chimera might be too good to pass up...
Virjigorm said:
Seems to me that some (possibly many?) Lunars would be totally disgusted and appalled at being bonded to a GSP and feel righteously compelled to hunt them down and "free" them from the Yozis' grasp.
If you have copy of Glories-Luna, you know thats not all the Lunars can do :twisted:

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