Lunar Martial Tree


New Member
In the long gone First Age, there once lived a solar whose pride in his grand daiklave forged by his beloved was so great that he decided to create a style of fighting meant only for the exclusive use of grand daiklaves. And because he didn't want to make just another melee fighting style, the solar meditated on the essence of his weapon and that of the weather that afflicted the particular cliff he met his beloved at.

The martial arts style that resulted of his meditation is simply known only as the Spirited Steel Hurricane style. And truly this style was at a level not normally seen with Celestial Martial Arts and rightly feared for the simple reason that none of the other styles at its level could permit their practioneers to utterly demolish an entire mountain with a single puissant strike.

Spirited Steel Hurricane style can only be practiced with its style weapon; a Grand Daiklave, or barehanded. The style does permit armour to be used with it.

This style was seldom taught to the terresterial exalted in the First Age, but when it was taught, the initation charms were typically the Bear and Tiger charms.


Spirited Steel Hurricane Style Version 1.0


01.) Prelude to Destruction Glance

cost : 2 motes + 1 mote per target

Duration : Instant

Type : Reflexive

Martial Arts : 2

Essence : 1

Pre-requisite Charms : none

To master the Spirited Steel Hurricane Style, the martial artist must develop a murderous aura that her lesser sees their death and utter doom in and flinchs away from.

The martial artist glances at her target(s) straight in their eyes, who must then make a reflexive valor roll at difficulty 2 as they catches a glimpse of their destruction in the gaze of the martial artist. If they fail that roll, they then have a die penalty equal to [Martial Artist's Essence] for the rest of the scene to attack the martial artist, they can terminate this penalty by making another reflexive valor roll and suceeding the roll at difficulty 1. The target may make as many valor rolls as he desires, but only 1 such roll per turn. Any botchs with this opposing valor roll will result in the target running away screaming in fear and horror or standing there quaking unable to do anything.

The martial artist pays a flat cost of 2 motes to activate the charm and 1 mote to target a single opponent and may target more then 1 opponent with her baleful gaze, the limit is equal to her permenent essence.

This charm has no effect on beings with a higher essence then the solar. This charm can be used outside of combat to intimidate extras.

02.) Wave Breaking Stance

cost : 3 motes

Duration : Until released

Type : Reflexive

Martial Arts : 3

Essence : 2

Pre-requisite Charms : none

A true master of the Spirited Steel Hurricane Style must understand the power of defense, for how else are they to break the defenses of their many opponents? Like the resolute cliff breaking the waves that dash against it, a martial artist armed with this charm will simply break the attacks of her lessers.

The martial artist spins about, while her weapon dances in her hands and becoming like a steel wall providing great protection much like a tower shield at the penalty of being able to make any attack.

While the charm is in effect, all attacks against her take a difficulty penalty equal to her Martial Arts score.

Until this charm is released, the martial artist can NOT make any attacks nor do any actions not provided by persistent charms activated earlier or reflexive charms.

The martial artist also can not move while the charm is in effect, doing so causes it to terminate. This means that any dodges provided by reflexive charms or persistent effects would need to be stunted.

03.) Rushing Tide Charge

cost : 1 mote

Duration : Instant

Type : Reflexive

Martial Arts : 2

Essence : 1

Pre-requisite Charms : none

Like a tide fuelled by the power of a raging spirit, the martial artist will always charge to the fore front to come crashing down on her enemies with her full force.

On the turn that that she invokes this charm, the martial artist gains a bonus to her initative equal to her Martial Arts.

04.) Spirited Steel Hurricane Form

cost : 5 motes

Duration : Scene

Type : Simple

Martial Arts : 3

Essence : 3

Pre-requisite Charms : Prelude to Destruction Glance, Waves Breaking Stance, Rushing Tide Charge

By doing a violent and snappy kata that emulates the destructive powers of a hurricane, the martial artist creates a circular wall of cold hard metal around her that rains inpossible hard blows on all who would enter the zone of destruction around her as she moves serenely in the eye of her kata.

While the form charm is active, the martial artist has ALL oversized weapon penalties removed from her while using oversized weapons (which is restricted to style weapons only) and thus can wield the style weapon in a single hand. IF she meets the minimum strength requirements, the martial artist may also wield a single warstrider-sized weapon if it is her in-style weapon [Grand Daiklave]. Attunement is not necessary for her to wield a grand daiklave while the form charm is active.

To further emulate the destructive powers of a hurricane, the martial artist can add her martial arts score to her athletics for the sole purpose of lifting and breaking things.

This form charm is compatiable with the use of armour. The martial artist can only have a single form charm active at any given time, activating a second form charm while one is running will terminate the first form charm running.

05.) Furious Thunder and Lightning Strike

cost : 5 motes

Duration : Instant

Type : Simple

Martial Arts : 3

Essence : 3

Pre-requisite Charms : Spirited Steel Hurricane Form

The fury of a lightning bolt can not be compared, it will break even the strongest of beings, bringing them to their knees. The martial artist holds her fist or weapon high, gathering power before striking the ground with such fury that it shatters under her. As the ground shatters, the effect ripples and spreads from the martial artist up to a distance of (5 X martial arts) yards from her in a circular pattern, while a furious gale races with the spreading cracks and shattered ground.

The martial artist makes a regular martial arts roll as he does the attack. Everyone caught within the radius of the effect need to make a reflexive Dexterity + Athletics roll at a difficulty equal to the result of the martial arts roll. Success means that they keep their footing in the face of the martial artist's power. A failure means that they suffer the effects of a knockdown & fighting prone (Exalted Corebook - page 234 & 235) as they are thrown to the ground violently.

For those willing to do stunts, this charm can be performed using a high ax kick or a stomp to the ground.

06.) Furious Gale Slash

cost : 7 motes

Duration : Instant

Type : Extra Action

Martial Arts : 5

Essence : 3

Pre-requisite Charms : Furious Thunder and Lightning Strike

The speed that gale winds race at in a harricane is furious and affects all in its path. So too does the martial artist strikes all around her.

The martial artist makes a single martial arts roll as she spins about with her weapon. Everyone caught in a radius of (10 X martial arts) yards need to parry or dodge that result of that roll or be hit by a wave of furious essence that trails from the path of the martial artist's blow. The damage for that attack is as rolled as normal with (Strength + Weapon Damage + extra successes + whatever damage modifiers).

07.) Hiding behind the Hurricane Defense

cost : 6 motes

Duration : Instant

Type : Reflexive

Martial Arts : 4

Essence : 3

Pre-requisite Charms : Spirited Steel Hurricane Form

The wise pirate knows that at times it is impossible to fight an alert opponent, but if there is a hurricane nearby... it is possible to hide behind it and to sweep down on an opponent after their fighting ability have been shattered by the fury of nature.

The martial artist too acknowledges that at times, there are opponents too strong to fight and thus she needs to hide behind a strong defense so that she may strike back at the right time. This charm permits her to do so by allowing her to simply use her weapon as a shield, hiding behind it and letting it take the blow in lieu of her.

The martial artist may parry any attack she normally would without needing to roll any die. This is NOT a perfect defense.

08.) Eye of the Hurricane Stance

cost : 4 motes + 1 willpower

Duration : Scene

Type : Reflexive

Martial Arts : 5

Essence : 3

Pre-requisite Charms : Hiding behind the Hurricane Defense

It is a well known fact that in the eye of the hurricane, there is safety to be found from the fearsome power of a hurricane. So too does the martial artist strives to emulate this by creating a hurricane of steel with her body at its eye.

For the rest of the scene after this charm has been enabled, the martial artist can freely and reflexively parry all attacks at her full die pool without using any of her actions for the turn she is in.

09.) Crushing Tidal Wave Technique

cost : 4 motes

Duration : Instant

Type : Supplemental

Martial Arts : 4

Essence : 3

Pre-requisite Charms : Spirited Steel Hurricane Form

The tidal waves that occassional accompany a hurricane are horrific as all who have witnessed and such such events would testify; given their ability to flatten all before them... the only recourse for mortals, even mighty exalts, is to flee the force of nature, lest they be crushed by the wall of water surging relentless at them.

The martial artist pays the motes of essence as she does a mighty blow, so fast... so sure... and so devastating in its might that it can not be parried, only dodged. In all other respects, the attack is rolled as normal.

10.) Countless Raindrops Erosion

cost : 8 motes + 1 willpower

Duration : Instant

Type : Extra Action

Martial Arts : 5

Essence : 4

Pre-requisite Charms : Crushing Tidal Wave Technique

A mountain may stand tall and proud, immune to even the power of a tidal wave crashing upon its surface. But where, a single tidal may fail, countless raindrops over time will succeed. And thus, a martial artist invoking this charm strives to mimick this trait by performing dozens of wide circular slashes in a mere moment. It is possible to use this charm with punches and kicks.

As long as the martial artist makes a successful attack and gets at least 1 success from the attack roll, the martial artist can make another attack at his full attack die pool.

The charm provides only attacks. This charm is terminated if the martial artist attacks more then one target or his target moves out of his weapon's range or his target is utterly destroyed.

11.) Ride the Lightning

cost : 6 motes + 2 motes per additional turn

Duration : Instant

Type : Simple

Martial Arts : 5

Essence : 4

Pre-requisite Charms : Furious Thunder and Lightning Strike, Eye of the Hurricane Stance

The crack of thunder is heard long after the lightning bolt has struck and faded from sight. But in that instance, the bolt itself travels a long distance from the clouds in the heavens to strike the rude earth and those on it. The martial artist understands that there is power to be found in being able to strike at targets far away.

The martial artist spends 6 motes and makes a normal martial arts attack roll as she throws her weapon in a relative straight path like that of a lightning bolt at a distant opponent (maximum range is (10 X martial arts) yards per turn). The opponent rolls as if defending from a ranged attack. To prevent the loss of her weapon, the martial artist then hops on the blade as it soars across battlefield. If the target is outside of the range (or dodges with a movement charm), the martial artist can spend another 2 motes to continue flying across the sky. If doing continuous chasing/dodges, both martial artist and targets continue to do opposing rolls per turn, until the martial artist wins the roll or terminates the charm.

While soaring across the battlefield, the martial artist can not make any other attacks as her full attention is focussed on hitting her target. As a side effect of the martial artist flying across the battlefield at high speed, the difficulty to hit the martial artist is nigh impossible, if the attacker can not also take to the air or has a weapon designed to take down 'mounted' or 'flying' targets as per the Exalted : Player's Guide.

This charm requires the style weapon in order to be used.

12.) Storm Warden's Mantle

cost : 5 motes + 1 willpower

Duration : Scene

Type : Simple

Martial Arts : 5

Essence : 4

Pre-requisite Charms : Furious Thunder and Lightning Strike, Eye of the Hurricane Stance

It is said that there exists an elemental dragon who has ultimate mastery over all storms, hurricanes and typhoons is a mighty and puissant elemental whose mere presence increases the power of any storms. This dragon's name or mayhaps title is 'Warden of the Eternal Storm' or simply the Storm Warden. Destructive weather also is of aid to the Storm Warden, who wears it as a mantle of authority.

The martial artist raises his fist or weapon up high calling on a faint shadow of the Storm Warden's mantle, and as he spends the essence, wisps of dark mist swirls from the air around her and forms a miniature whirlwind around her body. The whirlwind protects the martial artist by preventing those outside the whirlwind from being able to target the martial artist. Also the blows directed at the martial artist have their power lowered by the power of the whirlwind.

The difficulty to hit the martial artist is increased by (1/2 permenent essence). The whirlwind also provides a lethal and bashing soak equal to the martial artist's permenent essence. The martial artist has no penalties hitting out of the whirlwind. This charm is compatiable with the use of armour.

13.) World Shattering Typhoon

cost : 10 motes

Duration : Instant

Type : Supplemental

Martial Arts : 5

Essence : 5

Pre-requisite Charms : Ride the Lightning, Storm Warden Mantle

There are legends that there shall come a dreadful day when Creation must come to an end... the legends vary on the hows and whens... but one thing is consistent, that there shall come a storm of such terrifying magnitute that Creation as it is would be shattered, with lightning bolts that shatter mountains and rain and hail. And in that aftermath would the true ending come; generally with fire, earthquakes and the Yozi Princes dancing on the rubble of Creation with the Fey Nobles.

This charm permits the martial artist to give a taste of what the end of the world would be like in a single blow as the power of his blow is magnified to unspeakable levels.

The martial artist's damage for a single attack is multipled by his permenent essence. This bonus is after extra successes is added and before soak is applied to the damage roll.


Submitted is an idea for a Lunar Exalted Martial Art. I would like the Exalted experts opinion on these series of Charms and suggestion for re-work.

This Martial Art Style was submitted by a player, and while it lacks focus in places I think it is workable but have no idea about the true intracies and in and outs of Martial Arts Charm.

It is a Celestial Level Martial Art and if I am not mistaken the style weapon is a bastard sword.
I have created a tree in the submissions section for this. Please add the Charms there.

Can not post?

Submitted is an idea for a Lunar Exalted Martial Art. I would like the Exalted experts opinion on these series of Charms and suggestion for re-work.

This Martial Art Style was submitted by a player, and while it lacks focus in places I think it is workable but have no idea about the true intracies and in and outs of Martial Arts Charm.

It is a Celestial Level Martial Art and if I am not mistaken the style weapon is a bastard sword.
Shootingstar and Still, I should note that this style was originally created by me back on the Old EC... and only posted on The Freedomstone forum... and... I believe in the Exalted Secondage LJ community.
Well, I made a tree here. Might as well submit 'em :)


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