Lunar Errata is coming, make your voices heard


Junior Member
Some of you may be aware that the Lunar community, or at least some parts of it, occasionally blows up into a cavalcade of "ideally we'd burn [insert horrible thing of the hour] to the ground, but that would screw over too many character sheets" then "I wouldn't mind redoing my sheet if it meant I could use better material" and four or five "me too's"

Or at least, it does over on the White Wolf boards where I mostly frequent. Unfortunately, the Freelancers have made it clear that they're writing errata, not Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars 2.0, because doing so would require the many, many people who actually play Lunars to essentially scrap their character sheets and start over from scratch. So far, many Lunar players have said they wouldn't mind doing precisely that, but it's been unfocused.

This is my effort to change that. I'm posting a thread over on the White Wolf boards, a link to which can be found at the bottom of this post, where people can weigh in on whether they'd prefer the errata team to continue as they're doing, or write a full-scale overhaul of Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars.

Naturally, I don't expect people here who want make their voices heard to make profiles on the White Wolf boards if they don't already have them. You can post your votes here as well, preferably with a clear marker answer denoting which option you're in favour of, and I'll tally up the votes. Also note that I was a good boy and checked with the mods before posting this; Flagg will vouch for me.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a thread for discussing issues you believe Lunars do or do not suffer from. This is for making your voices heard to the errata team.

The thread in question may be found here:
This is kinda selfish, because all that work is pro bono.

There is a disparity between what we want, and what they can do. I trust them to make the wise decisions and re-align the lunar paradigm with a few elegant maneuvers, or as many as they see fit.

They will do what they can, it will more than likely be awesome, and we can like it, or not.

Now, input on what sort of changes we would like to see is something else. They have asked for our input on several occasions, so it isn't like our thoughts aren't being heard, but this rings of demands for free goodies which just doesn't sit well with me.

To contribute after my little hiccup, (sorry) the things I would want to see developed are the ideas of the Lunars as the Outsider, something they have already shown to be working on, and of them adapting to other environs beyond just the wyld, another thing they have already hinted to. So I am pretty happy with the direction that has been alluded too.
magnificentmomo said:
This is kinda selfish, because all that work is pro bono.
To clarify my intent here, a while back Holden commented that he actually had an interest in burning MoEP: Lunars to the ground and building it anew, but he couldn't because too many people play Lunars. The implication here is that they've held back from making certain changes because of how it would alter character sheets.

This is my attempt to give the community a channel by which to say "go ahead. We don't mind re-writing our character sheets from the ground up if it lets you do the best job you can."
magnificentmomo said:
That changes the perspective a bit, sorry if I was a bit dire.
Don't worry about it. The OP was written at four in the morning, and could've been better.
Frankly? I'd much rather see them burn and redo the mechanics for Sidereals. Lunars are in much better shape there already.
Frankly? I'd much rather see them burn and redo the mechanics for Sidereals. Lunars are in much better shape there already.
Oh they will alright. When Siderrata comes around, their only option will be to burn the book to the ground and hope the ash fertilises the growth of a new one. But right now, Lunars actually need more help than one might think.

Sidereals definitely need the most work, but that doesn't stop Lunars from getting a good chunk of work also.
I don't really see where the overhaul idea comes in. Lunars are well put-together as they are now, with the update and addition of some charms to accommodate the new keywords presented in The Dawn Solution. If these already exist, I haven't seen them yet.

Honestly, I think the Dawn Solution went too far, and the mechanics it presented are more rules added to a rules-heavy combat system. That said, it's necessary at this point to incorporate those rules into the other charmsets to keep some measure of balance.

Other than that, I don't know what it is that people think Lunars need...
Virjigorm said:
Other than that, I don't know what it is that people think Lunars need...
The contentment before Holden started voicing his displeasure is testament to how sweet it is to drink a handful of water after wandering through the desert. And, yes, it's also a sign that things aren't so bad as many people say now.

But they aren't great, and Lunars deserve to be great.
Virjigorm said:
Other than that' date=' I don't know what it is that people think Lunars need...[/quote']
The contentment before Holden started voicing his displeasure is testament to how sweet it is to drink a handful of water after wandering through the desert. And, yes, it's also a sign that things aren't so bad as many people say now.

But they aren't great, and Lunars deserve to be great.
I think part of the issue is also how much new books have improved. Pre-Infernals, people thought Lunars were great! And look at what they were comparing them to:
2e Solars, which were functional overall but had a few flatly bad charms and even entire questionable charm trees,

2e Sidereals and Scroll of the Monk, which were a trainwreck,

2e Dragon-Blooded, which were barely a step above Sidereals,

2e Abyssals, which were well-made but did things a lot of players didn't like, and still contained a few howlers,

2e Fair Folk, which had its own issues,

and, of course, 1e Lunars.

Compared to these things, 2e Lunars were fine. They were about on-par with the original 2e Solars or Abyssals in usability, and well above Dragon-Blooded, Sidereals, or SotM for mechanics. They had some fluff and concept blandness, but compared to the RAEG that was 1e Lunars, the more high-profile issues people had with Abyssals, or the insanity that came from trying to think about how SotM's mechanical implications would actually affect the setting, Lunars had it great.

As more polished mechanics have emerged, the fact that 2e Lunars are mechanically functional has gone from being a feather in their cap to being, well, bare-minimum stuff.
Aquillion said:
Virjigorm said:
Other than that' date=' I don't know what it is that people think Lunars need...[/quote']
The contentment before Holden started voicing his displeasure is testament to how sweet it is to drink a handful of water after wandering through the desert. And, yes, it's also a sign that things aren't so bad as many people say now.

But they aren't great, and Lunars deserve to be great.
I think part of the issue is also how much new books have improved. Pre-Infernals, people thought Lunars were great! And look at what they were comparing them to:
2e Solars, which were functional overall but had a few flatly bad charms and even entire questionable charm trees,

2e Sidereals and Scroll of the Monk, which were a trainwreck,

2e Dragon-Blooded, which were barely a step above Sidereals,

2e Abyssals, which were well-made but did things a lot of players didn't like, and still contained a few howlers,

2e Fair Folk, which had its own issues,

and, of course, 1e Lunars.

Compared to these things, 2e Lunars were fine. They were about on-par with the original 2e Solars or Abyssals in usability, and well above Dragon-Blooded, Sidereals, or SotM for mechanics. They had some fluff and concept blandness, but compared to the RAEG that was 1e Lunars, the more high-profile issues people had with Abyssals, or the insanity that came from trying to think about how SotM's mechanical implications would actually affect the setting, Lunars had it great.

As more polished mechanics have emerged, the fact that 2e Lunars are mechanically functional has gone from being a feather in their cap to being, well, bare-minimum stuff.

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