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Multiple Settings lulu's desperate adv lit partner search!


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey guys! Welcome to my humble little partner search~

I used to be super active back in the day, but real life got to me! I'm trying to get back into the swing of things now that I started a different job which allows for more free time. As such, I'm looking for a few partners :)


A little bit about me;

↝ I am currently 24, which means I do prefer my partners to be at least 20+. It's what I'm comfortable with, especially because I do like writing with darker, more mature themes.

↝ I'm very flexible as a roleplayer. Deep down, I love quick and fast responses, but realistically it just doesn't always happen. Right now, I can promise at least a few responses per week, if not more (I try to underpromise, so I can overdeliver lol). But in all honesty, when I get super into it, I can churn out replies pretty quickly!

↝ I don't have any strong gender preferences when it comes to characters, so feel free to let me know if you do! If there is romance, I only stick to m x f though, just because that's what I'm familiar and comfortable with!

↝ I love, love, love world building! As such, I do like to include side characters to enrich the plot :) I don't normally double on characters unless there's a good reason, because I find I pour all of my thoughts into one, and the other ends up a little neglected.

↝ I also quite like fleshing out the plot. I like knowing the skeleton of what's going to happen. We don't have to discuss everything, but just have a strong, general gist of what's going to happen.

↝ I am a huge sucker for having romance as a sub-genre! It doesn't have to be the main focus, but I think it helps tie the story together and keep the characters close. Slow burn romances that naturally develop over the course of the story are my absolute bread and butter!

↝ I always, always, roleplay in third person, past tense and prefer my partner's to as well! My responses tend to average out to about 600-2000 words, though I can go above that as well as dip below that. It really boils down to mirroring my partner.

↝ The genres that I'm really into are: Romance, Sci-Fi/Utopia/Dystopia, Historical, Slice of Life, and Angst (I understand this ain't a genre, but I love it anyways, lol).
↝ Genres that I might be persuaded to do if there's a really good plot: Fantasy, Adventure, and Mystery.
↝ Genres I will not do: Furries, Horror (i'm too much of a wuss for this stuff), Thriller.
*If we decide to do a fandom roleplay, we would be using OCs.


what i'm looking for;

Now we're getting to the fun stuff ^-^

↝ I am looking for a partner that is semi to advanced lit. I don't mind mistakes so long as the post is understandable, but you'll be my most favorite person in the whole wide world if you proof read!! Also, please feel free to point out any mistakes I make, especially if it's making the post hard to understand!!

↝ I'm definitely ditch friendly~ As long as you tell me, everything will be all good and dandy. It just makes me very sad when someone leaves without saying a word, because often times, I'll be really into the roleply and waiting for a response that will never come T^T.



As of right now, I only have plot ideas rather than full fledged things ^-^

↳ Conflicts of the Heart: Set in World War II, a German family takes in a Jewish family for hiding. The Jewish family has a daughter while the German family has a son around the same age. Each night, after dinner, the German boy delivers a book through the attic for the girl to read, and little by little the two begin talking more and more often, eventually falling in love. However, when the time comes, the boy must leave for conscription, and soon after the Jewish family is bested by neighbors. Really interested in this one right now!

↳ Wither: (Based on the book) Set in a dystopian world where genetics are supposed to be perfect, the first generation lives happily to old age free of maladies, however their children are nothing more than ticking time bombs. The men die at the age of 30, and girls at the age of 25. In mass hysteria, children are married off young in the hopes of keeping the world populated while doctors and the first generation race to find a cure. This would be the story of arranged newly weds. **Also craving~

↳ Secret Garden: A girl is sent off to live with a distant Uncle whom she has only rarely met. All she knows is that his wife died recently. The home is lonely and the girl wanders off one night and discovers a secret garden, but she is found out by a servant. This would be a tale of a girl of high breeding falling in love with a servant, again this is the barebones of the plot.

↳ King's Maker: (Based on the Webtoon) An illegitimate son (or daughter) finds his way back to the Kingdom after a series of unfortunate events and proclaims his royal heritage in the middle of a bustling town right outside the palace. After years of searching for this said son, the King takes him in, though not all is as it seems on the surface. The King is corrupt and the kingdom is no longer profiting or what it used to be. The young prince is but a child jaded by anger and one that still holds the habits of a peasant. However, one of the King's Children takes notice of him, and together, he begins to teach the young prince manners befitting a royal. Their goal is to overthrow the King together. (The prince can also be a princess depending if we want this to be mxm or fxm.) **really interested, I'll love you forever if you do this one with me.

↳ Summer Fling: Their relationship started in the summer. A young couple intoxicated by love and infatuation spend each hour together, legs entwined in the cool sand by the beach, eyes illuminated by the crackle of dying embers in the bonfire, or lazy mornings spent laying together in bed. They are convinced that they are utterly, and truly in love. That they are soul mates, starcrossed lovers destined to be together forever. When they propose the idea to marry to their parents, both families strongly reject, and so the young couple makes a run for it. They get married in the middle of the night and jump from motel to motel until they realize funds are beginning to run out. Settling into a cheap and small apartment, they begin their life together only to find that marriage isn't exactly what they thought it would be. Quickly, with the pressure of meeting bills and taxes, their marriage begins to shatter at the weight and now they must figure out how to keep themselves together.

↳ Whispers of the Heart: A girl and boy meet unexpectedly and at first, perhaps don't get along, or they do, and spend most of their time teasing each other. After sometime, they develop a mutual friendship before falling in love with each other. Only their paths divert after high school and they're forced to go their separate ways. The plot would be about how they stayed in touch/continued their relationship. Honestly I'm terrible at plot synopsis(i??? is that the plural??? Synopsi??) if you haven't noticed and this is really just your run of the mill romance.

↳ I adore anything with court intrigue and tension as well as Victorian era Europe. This plot section is a mess lmao, I'm so sorry.

↳ Based on the story of Scheherazade, but I would love to do something based on this! It's the story of a King who marries a new bride each night, only to have her killed the next morning. This bride is able to survive by telling the mad King a story each night, however she only tells half of it. This way, the King must keep her alive until the next night to hear the next part of the story. No one understands why the King must kill his brides, but the bride will learn that he has been cursed. It would essentially be an arranged marriage troupe!

↳ Feel free to suggest any other plots you might have in mind ^^


word bank;

|romance||sick||angst||victorian-era||wwII||vampires||childhood friends||studio ghibli!!!!||forbidden love||dark||slice of life||dystopian||post-apocalyptic|

If anything caught your eye, feel free to shoot me a PM!!! Also please feel free to suggest your own plots if you have anything in mind!!


fandoms and pairings;
↳ artist x muse
soldier x nurse (super craving this 🥹)
↳ arranged marriage
mercenary/assassin x detective
↳ vampire x human
↳ childhood friends
↳ rekindled romance
↳ celebrity x non celebrity
↳ Hunger Games
↳ Harry Potter
↳ Demon Slayer
↳ Bridgerton

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