Lucerne, The City of Life

Chiba Masato

Resident Enigma
Lucerne, better known to most as Alfalfa, has its own meaning in the Language of the Flowers: Life

Lucerne is a prosperous city, full of life. people go about their day, their jobs, families, friends. while Life is not without its faults, everyone copes in different ways. this city has much to offer, what kind of life awaits those here?

If this RP thread caught your interest, welcome! i have great intentions and much planning to do here. this isnt just a realiustic slice of lice RP, this is Generations material for me. a Generations RP sees long term goals and character growth. characters can start anywhere really. you can watch them struggle through high school, deal with tragedy, see deaths or births even! theres gradtuation, long term relationships and so much story to be built. with that said, i have have trouble find RPs that survive that long, so im making one of my own in hopes that people will commit a little time for fun!

Lucerne City can have whatever you want, parks, cafes shops of all kinds. characters should be diverse, please NO MARY SUES.

For the sake of relationship development, no outright claiming of romantic partners. if two people happen to go for one character, you characters should work it out because romantic drama makes good stories!

Characters should be teens or older, your character can hold any part time job, go to the highschool or university or adults have their job of choosing. if theres any problem with character job choices i will inform you.

Character Skelly:


Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):



Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):





Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

This is a reboot of my most favorite roleplay on this site, I hope that you readers see this and want to build a story in the city of lucerne

Read more about this role play... 
Character Skelly:

Name: Alyssa Faye Alexander

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):23

Gender: Female

Job: None right now but looking for one

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): A very kind person, tends to be shy when first meeting people, a very motherly, can be jumpy at times, agrees to almost anything without a second thought, can be scarred really easily, and very affectionate.

Background: At 18 her parents told her that she needed to get out of the house and learn to live on her own, knowing it was for the best she moved out that week, being on her own for the first time she was a bit bewildered and didn't know what to do but after a while she got the hang of things. She found a small two person apartment that she rents with the money she earns from odd jobs that she can find. Not wanting to go through with her education she now spends most of her time looking for a job.

Hobbies/likes: She loves to arrange flowers, she has also become a fairly good cook, she loves animals, kind people, and she excels at knitting which is evident in most of her apparel as she usually wears at least one piece of her own craft.

Fears/Dislikes: She fears like anyone else being alone and dying that way, she dislikes dishonest people, flirts, people who aren't honest with themselves, she is deathly afraid of storms of any sort.

Other: She is a lot taller then most women.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/photo(4).JPG.15d5cdfa018b664715025dc791638dbf.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/photo(4).JPG.15d5cdfa018b664715025dc791638dbf.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Chiba Masato

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Job: Messenger, aspiring cyclist, and mailman

Personality: Shy, when put on the spot often nervous, sometimes jumpy, easy going, hides his emotions from strangers, like to joke a bit, opens up a lot when he trusts someone, distant, air-headed at times, has a hard time expressing what he really feels to some people and it seems flustered or aggravated, touchy, and as he gets to know your character better for better or worse he shows more emotions.

Background- He was born and raised in Japan and had a rough life growing up, but he got out of school and decided to move to America and live with his aunt for awhile until he got on his own feet. He struggled with English in school and never really learned anything. Other then English he had top grades in all other subjects. He was a bookworm and often picked on by his classmates. Of course it hurt but it was nothing bad. What the hardest thing was watching his parents spiral out of their relationship. He was often caught up in the middle of it all. They often had fights at night, and his father drank and often beat him. It was so bad one day he broke down in school only causing him to collapse even more. One day when he mother and father had come and got him from school and took his out to eat his dad and mom got drunk at the restaurant and he wasn't able to drive yet so he was forced to ride with them. On the way home they collided with another car head on and his parents were killed on impact. He walked away with a few broken bones and a concussion and a morbid fear of cars. This is when he really learned to hate other people, but he had a few friends but they knew nothing. Since he arrived in America in the (small?) city of Lucerne, he has begun to learn more English but in the two years he has been in the city he has made no other friends and lived a solitary life, even though he was a messenger for business in the city.

Hobbies, Likes: He loves reading, cycling, pressing flowers, walking, watching the clouds, sketching, cats, sunsets, sunrises photography, and he adores music.

Fears, dislikes: He has a morbid fear of cars, heights, being judged, being in large crowds, he dislikes cloudy and rainy days, lies, fake relationships, deliveries to the small red light district.

Appearance See the picture <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/ha.png.2192cd9928f4b43cd4b93ea876f30398.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/ha.png.2192cd9928f4b43cd4b93ea876f30398.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I will be adding more of my own characters as the time passes and more Ideas come to mind.))



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(Hey, I was the CIA Officer in the last roleplay about this. I'm not going to do that this time, just so you know)

Name: Aquilo Lucius

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 19

Gender: Male

Job: Assistant to Linguistics Professor at Lucerne University

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Aquilo is a very sensitive person. He nearly breaks down whenever he has a conversation with someone he doesn't know, because of his limited English skills. Many people are impressed with his Latin skills, but he hates it. It is a limiting factor in his life, but he is determined to get through it. When he is normal, he is a kind, helpful person that will never give up on anyone who is trying.

Background: Aquilo was born in Sicily, Italy to a family of master linguists. His father was almost never home, as he worked for the CIA, so it was his mother's task to teach him of the world. She decided to do the worst thing that Aquilo would ever think of: not speak English. Instead, she taught Aquilo Latin as his first language. And soon enough, by the age of ten, the little Italian boy was fluent in a language that was not actually useful to him. School was especially difficult for him. But it was easy for him to pick up some Italian because Latin was similar. However due to economic difficulties, he moved to America. There he had to learn English. It took him nearly five years to speak it brokenly, because of the homophones. However he still managed to get in Lucerne University, and has a close bond with his mentor: The Romance Language Professor. Now, he strives to learn English and forget his Latin, but he just cannot do it.

Hobbies/likes: He loves language, reading, writing, history, and some various sciences. He also really like meeting new people because it gives him chance to practice English with people that won't judge.

Fears/Dislikes: Being picked on, learning things that seem unnecessary, staying solitary, being sad, dry days with no water

Other: He is fluent in Latin, but can speak broken English.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):
Name: Grace Accardi

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Job: Works at a record shop

Personality: Grace is as innocent as her name sounds. She's learned to never take anything for granted. She doesn't talk much and when she does, she might stutter. It's just how she is, she's a observer not a talker. She's the "girl in the shadows", she'd rather be in the library in her favorite spot by the window, reading one of the many books in her town's library. She's very awkward in most situations, not quite knowing what to do. She'll most likely shrink away from the conversation. She has a nervous habit of picking at her nails whenever she has to talk, which explains her super short nails. She's not used to people noticing her or liking her for that matter. She'll often stress over the littlest things, which explains her anxiety.

Background: Grace grew up with a Greek mom, Italian father and 4 other siblings. She learned to never take anything for granted. Her family definetley wasn't rich and were straight on their way to being poor. Both of her parents lost their high paying jobs and had to get very bad jobs. As she grew up Grace started to get more quiet. She didn't try to get into conversations like her siblings did. She would rather just sit and listen.

Hobbies/likes: Reading, Writing, Singing, Playing the Ukulele

Fears/Dislikes: Horror Movies, Insects, Gas Masks, Oblivion

Other: She can speak fluent Greek and Italian. When she's alone she sings.

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@Naga That is fine and your character is accepted and if you want to keep your old character like i did you can, I encourage more then one character as you can have more experience in Lucerne and more interactions. Ok both @Naga and @SilentWhisper you are both accepted, go ahead and do your intial posts, encourage others to join. I should have my initial post up hopefully by the weekend i have a lot of homework to catch up on. @SilentWhisper i would like to see a bit more description though instead of what you gave me, it's not required but it will give other role players a better view of your character.
Name: Naomi {Nye - Oh - Mee} Tyler

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Job: Bartender at the local club

Personality: Despite Naomi's job, she's pretty down to earth. She's mature, but knows when it's okay to be immature. Naomi is spontaneous and likes to make rash decisions. She's the image of a 'hipster' and loves the little moments with people. She has trouble saying no to people, which has gotten her into some sticky situations, but she can stand up for herself if things get too tough. Naomi is a bit awkward and quirky, but really feels comfortable around people quickly. She makes the best out of situations, and loves to flirt and make people laugh.

Background: Her parents died when she was in middle school, and she went to live with her aunt just outside of Lucerne. When she began high school, her aunt was diagnosed with cancer, and was therefore unfit to take care of Naomi. So, she was sent to live with her uncle, an old drunk with a big heart. Although he had a serious drinking problem, he taught Naomi almost all of her street smarts that she has now, including how to defend herself and everything she knows about bar tending. Naomi graduated high school with honors, but was unable to pay for a proper education. Her uncle had a heart attack, adding on to her list of many tragedies in life, but is still alive to this day. She still visits him some weekends, but now lives on her own just outside of the red light district, in a small apartment.

Naomi also had a very serious boyfriend, and eventually fiance, when she was 19. She was so in love with him, but he broke her heart when he hit her multiple times. She couldn't do it anymore and left him just before her 21st birthday. Now, she doesn't fall in love quickly, and has a bit of an anxiety when it comes to relationships.

Hobbies/likes: Talking to the customers at the bar, going on dates, flirting, drinks/bar tending, cafes, playing the acoustic guitar, her small apartment, anything cute, tumblr, smiling, making people laugh, and many more...

Fears/Dislikes: Abusive relationships (nobody likes them, but Naomi has a specific fear about them), conceited people, negativity, prudes, the drunks that hit on her at the bar, her birthday, and many more...

Other: She's Bisexual, and proud. (:


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Name: Dallas Reston

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 20 Years Young

Gender: Male

Job: Bartender at a night club/Singer

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Dallas has his good traits and bad traits. His good traits is - Sweet Talker, Thoughtful, Understanding, Playful. He is different then some guys. He isn't exactly the sweet guy who everyone likes but he doesn't like starting fights or picking on people so he just stays somewhere between the lines of chill and popular. Most people like him unless some are annoyed with who he is, he can't help it. Dallas's bad traits are - Negative, Bipolar. Dallas is often negative about situations and sometimes tends to panic. He isn't a leader but he doesn't like to admit it, he needs someone to tell him. He is bipolar meaning he switches moods very quick. It isn't a very good thing.

Background: Dallas grew up with a middle class family. He had a younger brother and older sister along with his mother. His father wasn't around when they were kids and he decided to show up around the time when Dallas graduated from Middle school. Dallas grew up playing sports like Lacrosse, Football and Soccer but was never serious about any of them. His mother was supportive but eventually got tired of watching his games. He started to not take them seriously even though he could have gotten somewhere with Soccer. He was amazing at it. He finally decided to move to Lucerne City at the age of 20 because he needed a change. His family ended up going downhill and his siblings barely got jobs to keep an apartment. Dallas expected to do better than his family, alone so now he IS alone. In a city.

Hobbies/likes: Singing, Beer, Smiling People, Friends, Skateboarding

Fears/Dislikes: Lightning (Strange I know), Death, Skiing, Haters, Girls Who LOVE Makeup

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):
Name: Lucas Fillan.

Age: Twenty.

Gender: Male.

Job: Making and testing drums.

Personality: Lucas is often a very serious-looking or intelligent seeming kind of guy. He's often very rebellious and nice, loud and humorous hen he wants to be. He isn't actually very serious until he's told to be or knows to be. He can be rather air headed and is pretty bad at reading the atmosphere. Lucas is often carefree.

Background: Lucas follows in the footsteps of his older brother, who was such a great person. He usually tried to help people who others gave up on, and even though Lucas can't do that as well as him, he admired his brother for his courage of not leaving those others behind. His older brother, Bernard Fillian was shot in the chest and shoulder and died.

Hobbies/likes: Lucas loves to do some vocals, and of course, playing the drums is something he's always up for. He does a lot of juggling and loves daddy long legs or just spiders in general.

Fears/Dislikes: He totally hates/fears clowns and guns. Or anything having to do with guns.

Other: Lucas has a pet tarantula and always has three set of drumsticks on him.


Name: Harleigh Vansana.

Age: Nineteen.

Gender: Female.

Job: Web-comic 'superstar'/comic maker.

Personality: Harleigh is often very quiet or shy, but is almost seen as cold or cruel to others. She's almost seen as sadistic or mean, but she's just being honest and is very intelligent. She's highly rational and likes to be reasonable, have common sense and stray from idealistic beliefs. Once she gets to know you, she can be more fun and reckless, but will always bring herself back to the ground.

Background: Harleigh grew up as a normal child with very calculative and successful parents, and it's almost as her family life is fabricated or even made up, because it's so polished or smooth. They are close, but not too close to deem any one of them a family person.

Hobbies/likes: Drawing, painting or writing. Loves singing and playing a lot of bass guitar when she's not tottering away at a story.

Fears/Dislikes: Annoying protagonists/antagonists or characters in general. Mary sues and Gary Stus. Having a writer or art block. She fears of having to do what others want and not what she wants, being kidnapped or death.

Other: She only has one popular web-comic published that was just finished, it's called 'Savanna'. She has faint freckles.



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Name: Cynthia Mariner

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Job: Network Engineer Consultant (aka gets hired by companies to deal with their computers)


Cynthia is a very deliberate person. She is one to calculate a response or think through an action. She's patient, perceptive, and likes to stay in control of herself. She's naturally reliable, and loyal to her close ones. When she does get angry, she tries to use her words to be cruel, sometimes she can go to the point of being manipulative. This is an ugly side of her that she herself dislikes. Normally, she comes off as cordial, agreeable, reserved. And enjoys casual conversations. This does keep her from making close connections. Despite this, she is truly caring, which pops into and influences her actions from time to time. She is the warmest to children, being a natural caretaker. Her body itself cannot have children, but this is not something that she has ever found to be dissuading.

The death of her husband was a blow to her well-designed wall. She's trying to pick up the pieces, but isn't sure what the rubble will be built into.


Cynthia lived and worked in the suburbs up until her husband died. Without a word, she up and took off, moving to the city of Lucerne. There, she started a small bakery. Being that she couldn't bake (she can microwave a mean TV dinner... and that's about it), the bakery quickly crashed and burned. It was after this that she began to reconnect with her family and friends via phone calls. With the bakery gone, Cyn moved into a smaller apartment, living off the remainder of her money until she was able to get hired as a consultant for a few companies in a field that was more up her alley.

There's something about the city that Cynthia is in love with. There's an odd warmth to it. Maybe she's reaching, maybe she's seeing what she wants to see, but until it loses that summer glow, Cyn will stay. And visit the bakeries. But never buy anything. She's not a fan of pastries.


- Frequenting bakeries, but never buying anything

- Frozen dinners

- Mostly anything to do with computers/software

- Children, they're absolutely precious

- Drinking whiskey on the rocks


- Feeling out of control

- Losing another close one

- Destructively impulsive people

- Citrus teas/ Citrus scents anywhere but the kitchen

- Ambulance sirens on quiet nights


She's bisexual, something that her childhood friends and father know. She doesn't go to great pains to hide it, nor does she go out of her way to announce it. The only time this is not true is in her workplace. She is also mildly sadistic, but does her best not to indulge in it.

She still cannot let go of her silver wedding band.


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Alrright @Kal , @q u e e n i e nie , @Baller, and @jewlia you are all accepted and feel free to post in the rp but please you can't all be friends as that takes away from the experience of building relationships which is the purpose of this rp so you can each start at a different point in the city and meet up with others as you go on through you character's daily life, at most i will allow each of you 1 friend that is a role player so that meeting with others is slightly easier but already having everyone being friends really makes it not seem like it is real life which is what this genre and specifically this thread is about. 
Alright for those that are accepted you can start in the thread for the role play, start in the beginning of the day and one last rule it will not progress to the next day until I pass the day on when everyone is in bed or I make the transition to day then the next day starts so that time in the role play transitions smoothly. So go and start posting and enjoy, i will put my initial post up tomorrow as i have school stuffs to do. Here is the link to the role play, and if you have any other questions post to either the OOCs here in this link or you can send me a message and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can but it won't be immediate.
I'm in. I can see this being an excellent RP.

Name: Lucy Oscats

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):22


Job: Full time Sales Assistant at Game Stop

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):

Lucy Oscar has a lot of patience and is fairly laid back. She is kind and respectful. She hates swearing and believes that everyone should be treated equally. She rarely loses her temper and is always willing to listen.


Lucy Oscats grew up in a small town and had a healthy relationship with her 2 sisters and 1 brother. Her childhood was fairly average and her grades were decent. At the age of 13, the family moved to Lucerne after her father got promoted. He was an admin at a big company in the small town and was charged with helping to set up a new branch in Lucerne. The family adjusted to the city life fairly quickly and liked the city. At the age of 17, Lucy got a job at the local branch of Gamestop and has worked there ever since. She moved into her own place at the age of 21 after getting a raise.

Hobbies/likes: Gaming and roleplaying. Swimming, reading and watching films.

Fears/Dislikes: Racists, sexists, bullies, pepsi and people that cut in line.

Other: Lucy lives near Gamestop in her own apartment.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Is this ok?
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Dovah yes it is ok just be sure to get the picture soon for people to see, and you are accpeted go ahead and post a few have already done so, feel free to go ahead and jump in. Accepted @TheRoleplayingDovah !
alright now if you don't mind keep any other questions and the like to OOCs so it doesn't get to cluttered with unrelated posts please. I appreciate it.
Name: Jiro Horikoshi

Age: 29

Gender: M

Job: 1st violin in an orchestra


Jiro is a very reserved person. Rarely does he show emotion and is a very logical thinker. He doesn't seem like it, but he is quite the creative person and is the kind of guy who will focus on something, and stop at nothing to achieve it. Behind his collected appearance is an extremely emotional person who wants nothing more than to love and be loved. He is very sentimental and will often get lost in his own thoughts. Any friends he currently has, have no idea of who he really is.


Born to poor Japanese immigrants, Jiro has worked his whole life to be the best musician he can be. He started violin at age 5 and his parents forced him to play until he was a master. Now, he enjoys it, spending much of his free time practicing. There is a hole in his heart left by the death of his loved one who was taken from him by cancer. Watching her slowly wither away and die has left him appearing blank on the outside, as if he didn't feel at all. This came about as a subconscoius defence mechanism to protet him from any other emotional harm. Sometimes he spends his nights laying in bed, restless, as images of her flash before him. He knows she would want him to move on, and sometimes that is the only thing driving him to continue with his life.


Playing violin



Taking walks late at night

Curling up in a blanket with tea


Dying alone

Being hurt again

Dislikes being idle / being unproductive


He enjoys beauty in nature

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):
Character Skelly:

Name: Kenzie Brookwell

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 17

Gender: Female

Job: High-school Drop Out, currently working part time in a shop as a janitor/cleaner.

Personality: Kenzie tends to be quite arrogantic and self-centered, and sometimes even annoying. Her childish personality makes her a good friend to have, but she looks at everything too easily. She doesn't care about anything in the world. She's a dark person on the inside, but a child by heart. She likes to annoy people as best as she can.

Background: Kenzie was born in a quite economically advanced family. Her father was the head of a clothes department, a chain of stores all around the US, and her mom was a lawyer. She was always the bad kid in the family, unlike her sister Florida. Yes, her parents actually named her sister after a state. They were, and still are, complete opposites. Flo is a honorable student with almost perfect grades in college, always attends classes, takes part in loads of different contests and shows, dances ballet, but Kenzie is like, the complete opposite. She doesn't take interest in anything that would involve effort. That's why she dropped out of high school in the first place. But her parents don't really care, they never loved her as much as they love Florida. They just send her money from abroad so she could live with her older sister. Her father is somewhere in the US now, and her mother is overseas for a business trip, hoping to get promoted to something, who knows what. She doesn't really care that they're gone either. She has a good life on her own. She makes some money from cleaning the store at the end of the street and gets some more from her sister when needed, hangs out with Tommy when she can and just enjoys life. She's also very into writing, and that's probably the only thing she likes to do instead of being a lazy-ass.

Hobbies/likes: As mentioned earlier, Kenzie loves writing, and is in the middle of writing a book. Also likes to hang out with her best friend Tommy when she has spare time. Other than that she just spends her days rotting with her laptop, watching PewDiePie or Smosh.

Fears/Dislikes: Kenzie absolutely hates water. When she's in the shower, or taking a bath, or just drinking water, it's fine, but if she's near a lake, or a river, or is splat with water with surprise, she'll flip out, start panicking and will faint if not calmed down.

Other: Kenzie always carries a little note pad and a pen in her pocked in case an idea pops into her head, sos he could immediatelly write it down before she forgets it forever.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

((My second character c:))

Name: Cara Renoku

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Job: Celloist for the Lucerne Philharmonic

Personality: Cara is quiet and shy, and tends to overthink things. Due to this, she has a lot of trouble with making friends. She will not often put herself out there enough to make a relationship with someone, because of getting hurt in the past. Cara is reclusive and a loner, but like anyone, longs for excitement in her dull life. She gets lost in her own thoughts and the music of her cello.

Background: Cara began cello lessons at age 9, and was a natural. Her parents were both in an orchestra, but contrary to what one might think, did not force an instrument upon her. Even at a young age, she was fascinated with music, and how international it is. She began to play her father's cello, and instead of getting in trouble for it, received her very own cello (which she has to this day) and lessons from a professional. But, alas, her parents were almost always gone, which has contributed to her loner persona, and left her with the cello instructor, a good friend of theirs. Her instructor became her only friend, and taught her until she was about 19, when she moved out. In those ten years of teaching, he was good to her, but when she was 16, he began to see her in a new way. While Cara has blocked these horrid lessons from her memory, her parents discovered that her instructor sexually abused her for two years, without them knowing. They were infuriated and confused, and Cara couldn't handle the guilt. She came to Lucerne to run away, and she's lived here for six years now. She's been in the Philharmonic for 3 years.

Hobbies/likes: Playing the cello, being alone, feeling loved, anything that makes her feel alive, nature, anything artistic, spontaneous decisions, etc.

Fears/Dislikes: Dying unloved, being inside for too long, judgmental people, people who think music is not a career, obnoxious people, etc.

Other: She's heterosexual.


Name: Mary Jo McLean

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Job: bookshop

Personality: Mary Jo is a pretty typical nice girl. Growing up in a big family in a small town has made her very trusting of people she meets almost immediately. She hasn’t lived in the city long enough to become jaded and suspicious. She is motivated by a deep desire to be liked and will generally go out of her way to ingratiate herself to others. On the downside, this means that she could be easy to manipulate and she has a tendency to lose sight of her own personality and desires in order to make herself agreeable to others. She’s very sweet, but she’s also a bit of a doormat.

Background: One of many children in a large Irish Catholic family, Mary Jo has a tendency to slip into the background. She moved to the city in the hopes of coming out of her shell and discovering who she is as an individual. The distance has had minimal effect on her relationship with her family though, they are still very close and she talks on the phone to them often, especially with her mom with whom she is especially close

Hobbies/likes: reading, wandering around town, birdwatching

Fears/Dislikes: being alone, carbonated drinks

Name: Scott McLean

Age: 28

Gender: male

Job: counselor at center for troubles youth

Personality: Working with troubled youth has trained Scott to be very friendly and easy to talk to, not that he needed much training since he was a generally agreeable guy to start with. He is also skilled at avoiding conflict and not taking things as seriously as he should.

Background: Older brother of Mary Jo. Scott grew up privileged but not snotty wealthy. He grew up in a quiet upper middle class neighborhood and, for the most part his childhood was uneventful. He played baseball as a kid but when he got to high school he switched from sports to drama. He was pretty good on the stage and he still misses it sometimes. He went to college and got degrees in child development and psychology and now works at a center for troubled youth. With a few exceptions the kids like him and he enjoys his work. His love life has been standard, a couple steady girlfriends, one or two short flings. Nothing particularly scandalous. He is looking for a wife to start a family with but his standards are high with having parents whose marriage has actually lasted, he intends to find someone who will stay forever like his parents have.

Hobbies/likes: running, doodling, annoying Mary Jo

Fears/Dislikes: dying alone, alien abduction

Time for character three :D

Name: Cian Asters

Age: 24

Job: Pet Shop owner

Background: He was born and raised in Lucerne, He went to college to be a vet, but that couldn't happen as his mother who was single because his father left the two of them with no warning and no reason either. He was there and then the next day he wasn't anymore. Cian Was young at the time and doesn't remember his father. It never bothered him though, he had his mother and that was all that he needed. After graduating from college he moved into a apartment next to his mother. He didn't depend on her but he couldn't stand being to far away from her as he constantly worries about her. A year ago his mother was diagnosed with a late stage of stomach cancer and she could no longer operate the pet store she had so she gave it over to Cian to manage. Happy for the work he took it and now he owns the pet shop and he also takes close care of his mother as she is sick from the cancer treatments.

Personality: Being raised solely by his mother he was raised as a true gentleman and has often been called such, he is often in a good mood and the only time his mood turns sour if there is something bugging him or it is rain or cold outside. He also will knock another guy off his feet if he sees them hassling or picking on a female, even though he never met his dad and hardly remembers him he still resents his father for what he did.

Hobbies: He often likes to write creativly when the shop is slow, here recently he has also taken up knitting to reduce the cost for buying clothes, he also likes to go on hikes.

Likes: Sitting on a park bench on a warm sunny day, having a purring cat asleep on his lap, silence, anyone that is unique that sticks out in a crowd or is interesting.

Dislikes: Thunderstorms, rainy cold and windy days, finding ticks on animals, mistreated animals, women that are hassled or left behind.

Fears: Loosing his mother before she can see him married, a fire in the pet shop, swimming

Appearance <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/tumblr_ljyfyh5xp41qee6of.jpg.1cefcf93eafc7fead1e32cf13ae8aaa2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/tumblr_ljyfyh5xp41qee6of.jpg.1cefcf93eafc7fead1e32cf13ae8aaa2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He'll end up as orange i think



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Name: Tasha Masami Kang

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 27

Gender: Female

Job: Former US Navy SEAL, Bar Hostess

Personality(no "developmental" I want an actual description): As a person, Tasha has been known to be very emotional at times, so it is a wonder on how she got into the Navy SEALs. However, to say that she is timid and sensitive would be an understatement. She is known by peers to be very nice, caring, bright, charming, faithful and very friendly with those around her. What Tasha also has is a very open and carefree vibe around herself. When around friends, she tends to be both hyperactive and very optimistic, almost always having a smile on her face. After becoming a Navy SEAL, however, she became more serious and focused, especially when on the Job, but was still able to retain her old persona that she had before she became a Navy SEAL. Tasha always puts 100% Effort into everything, from work to studying.

Background: Tasha grew up in a working class Korean-American Family as the youngest of three, having one older brother and one older sister. Her mother died of cancer when she was only eleven years old. What prompted Tasha to join the Military was the fact that she had bad relations with her immediate family. When she enlisted into the Military, her Father showed great disappointment, instead wanting her to go to College and study business instead. At age 19, she became a Candidate for the Navy SEALs, but had extreme lack of support from her family. Even today, Tasha lives away from her Family in Lucerne, while they live elsewhere. Despite trying to keep and maintain contact with her Father and Siblings, they do not make an effort to stay in contact with her. After serving in the Navy Seals for seven years, she honorably discharged, wanting to live a normal life and feeling that she has already her service for the country.

Hobbies/Likes: Flute, Piano, Videogames, Cooking, Singing, Dancing, Shooting, Hunting, Snowboarding, Mixed Martial Arts, Sports Cars, Billiards, Basketball, Swimming, Tennis, Cooking, Pink, Weapon Collecting, Chess

Fears/Dislikes: Bugs, Fish (Unless she's eating it), Loneliness (Despite living alone), Talking about her Family, Drunk Guys who try to flirt with her, unappreciative people, Spiders, Rats and other Rodents, people with no respect for the Military


-Lives in a House (Picture Below)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/home2-small.jpg.3739fd27fbb3a08dd3099d35050ea55d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14511" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/home2-small.jpg.3739fd27fbb3a08dd3099d35050ea55d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Not good with Kids

-Owns several guns and knives

-Owns every gaming console to date (Including a Gaming Computer and Laptop)

-Owns every game to date (Even ones she doesn't like, she's just a pure gamer)

-Good at saving money

-Has high tolerance for Alcohol

-Has an extensive Sword Collection

-Can drive Stick Shift

-Holds a Black Belt in Karate, Judo, Jujitsu and Taekwondo

-Trains in Boxing and Muay Thai

-Likes wearing Dresses and High Heels

-Devout Christian, goes to Church every Saturday (Sometimes every other Saturday)

-Unlike most Religious people, she can tolerate other religions and is respectful to Atheists

-Skilled in Marksmanship and Hunting

-Owns Two Cars (A Sports Car and a Normal Car (Thumbnails below)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/1991-toyota-mr2-1.jpg.8d33daacba7f07d3551d93cc707d91dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/1991-toyota-mr2-1.jpg.8d33daacba7f07d3551d93cc707d91dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/ag_13zl1conv_frtlt1.JPG.8f1cc6eeabc7cfc655523347ef7f0292.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/ag_13zl1conv_frtlt1.JPG.8f1cc6eeabc7cfc655523347ef7f0292.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee3ad60e_snsdtiffanyvoguegirl(4).jpg.6d1316444c7ef83e62a2c281f52ea1ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee3ad60e_snsdtiffanyvoguegirl(4).jpg.6d1316444c7ef83e62a2c281f52ea1ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jesse Michaels

Age: 19

Gender: M

Job: Touring Musician

Personality: Jesse is the kind of guy who commands the attention of a room. He is very charismatic and often misunderstood at the same time. No matter what happens to him in life, he always wears a smile in front of others. He is a very depressed individual but internalizes it, so no one really knows. Because of this internalization, he is often willing to jump to help people. He is the most understanding and caring person you will ever meet, just not to himself.

Background: Jesse grew up in a household ravaged by fighting. If it wasn't his parents, it was his siblings. Every day there would be a fight that would range in severity from 5 minute verbal scraps to all out fist fights. As a child, he witnessed his father beat his mother often, which left scars on his mind that went unchecked until he snapped one day and was committed. He never talks about it to anyone, not even his band mates. He has problems because of this, but he is always looking for ways to expel the darkness in him.


Playing guitar


Playing video games

The Ocean


Seeing couples (he is bitter about relationships)


Delving too deeply into is own mind

Other: He gets night terrors and sleep paralysis often. So much so that they are seeping into reality and he will sometimes hallucinate

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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