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Multiple Settings Low effort RP search lol


i eat fish burgers
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~ Hey * Guys ~

Hello there! Welcome to my humble little RP search. I had another search thread here, but I decided to remove it and make a new one! Usually I'd edit the original post, but I decided to just completely revamp the whole thread.

Anyways, a little about me. I've been roleplaying for around 8 years now. My usual writing length can vary depending on how inspired I am or the scene. Consistently, I can write 1-3 paragraphs. At most, I can probably go up to 7-8 when playing multiple characters or heavily describing a scene. I'm just gonna warn you beforehand, I am a furry. So if you're not a big fan of those, then this isn't the thread for you! If you're a fellow furry or are cool with furries, then welcome!
Just to clarify, I'm not asking you to play anthro characters or be a furry! I'd just like you to be alright with furries before messaging me.

1. No controlling my character. Sounds simple, right? Well.. It's happened WAY too many times to me. This is my golden rule. If it's broken, that's an instant leave and block from me. Seriously, It's VERY frustrating when this happens. Especially when people make MC do something they would never do. PLEASE if you want my character to do something, ASK me. Don't just take the initiative and play my character for me. I'd gladly take your suggestions for my characters (as long as it's reasonable).

2. I am a furry. I mostly play anthro characters. I also play human characters (and other non-human characters depending on the setting), but my mains will usually be anthro. If you're not exactly fond of anthros, then I may not be the partner for you!

3. I'm cool with ghosting. I know it's hard to tell someone you're not interested anymore, so don't worry! I'll understand.

4. I don't really have triggers.. but I have some things that make me uncomfortable. For me, self harm, anything to do with suicide, depression, etc, are off limits for me. They aren't triggering for me, just things I'm not interested in RPing. You can have them in YC's backstory and such, but we're not making either of these a main point in any RPs.

5. Some ideas include topics like violence, death, discrimination, colonialism, disease, etc. So if you're not a fan of that, then I may not be the partner for you.

6. Let me know your triggers please. I really don't wanna accidentally upset you.

7. My main will usually be male. I can play female mains, but I'm just more comfortable with playing as guys. You're cool to play whatever you'd like, though!

8. Please no one-liners. A least write a paragraph or two! One liners will always make me bored and drop the RP.

9. Anything "spicy" will be fade to black to abide by the site rules. You'd also need to be 18 or older for any of that to be included in RP always.

10. I'm cool with doubling/tripling and so on! If anything, I encourage it!

11. This isn't really a rule, but more of a disclaimer. A lot of times I will look at your message and not reply for a while. I'm not ghosting you. I'm either busy at the moment or I'm just taking a while to think up a response. I tend to take a while to figure out what I wanna say, so please be patient with me!

12. Have fun!

(I will add more rules whenever more come to me)

Once you've finished reading the rules, come take a look at my ideas!

The Ritzy Roundabout [SCI-FI | CRIME]
The year is 2625. We’re currently in the middle of an era called “The Rizty Renaissance”. It started around the year 2500 and has been going on strong since then. What is the Rizty Renaissance? Well.. it’s pretty much the revival of old culture from the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. Stuff like music, cars, weaponry, speakeasies, clothing, and lingo from those time periods have all been revived. Even the violent mobsters have made a comeback. People participating in this renaissance are referred to as “Ritzies” due to their high fashioned vintage look.

Nearly the entire galaxy has people participating in this trend. Though.. It’s most prevalent on the planet Cyclone-19. This planet is the birthplace of the renaissance. The place where the ritzies were born. They’ve gone so far as to remodel a good chunk of buildings within their cities to have a more 1920s look to them. It’s truely a magnificent sight.

In the city of St. Barnett, Ritzy fever is especially strong here. Many ritzies are born and raised here and Ritzy culture is VERY strong. It’s got many magnificent sites and activities.. but also many dark secrets. Will you be the one to discover them all? Or would you rather dance and drink the night away?

Stolen Paradise [HIGH FANTASY | WAR]
A ship full of explorers from [Insert YC’s nation here] have been tasked with exploring the mostly unexplored Sangaltic Sea in search of new lands to claim. After finding an entirely different continent through the Almantic Sea, there was bound to be some land nestled in the Sangaltic sea somewhere.

After months of sailing and finding nothing but more ocean, they finally stumbled across something. A large island. The island was full of jungle, unfamiliar terrain, unique plants and creatures, etc. The greenery and views of this island were absolutely gorgeous! It was practically paradise.

However.. their dream of a paradise all for themselves was cut short when they find out that the island was already inhabited. What they didn’t know.. was that this island was just one of the many islands in an island chain. Each of these islands were inhabited by people who’ve been living there for thousands of years.

How will YC’s crew go about this? Will they choose the path of diplomacy and attempt to co-exist with the natives? Or will they attempt to remove the natives from their homes and take over?

Artificial Love [SCI-FI | ROMANCE]
YC stumbles upon a rare find at the junkyard. A robot! And a sentient one at that. Not many robots were sentient, so finding one like that was like hitting the jackpot. Poor robot was abandoned by their previous owner and was just left to die in a pile of trash. It’s assumed that they didn’t exactly approve of their robot gaining a mind of it’s own and decided to get rid of them.

YC takes them back home and decides to fix them up. Overtime, YC’s robo friend starts to naturally develop new feelings and emotions. Eventually.. they learn how to love and begin to see YC as more than just a friend.

Now robots gaining sentience was one thing, but a robot falling for an actually person? That was unheard of in this time. So you could guess people would be very.. confused and not very accepting of this.

What will YC do? Will they just ignore the general public and take things a step further with their robotic buddy or will they try to keep things under wraps and try to discourage these kinds of feelings?

Ruin! Ruin! Ruin! [APOCALYPSE | SCI-FI]
In the year 2960, the Earth is in a rough spot. It all started about 512 years back in 2448 when robots first gained sentience. When that happened, these robots began to feel and act like humans. They even began thinking for themselves. The United Federation Of Earth then passed a law that allowed robots equal rights to humans. A lot of humans were very upset by that and tensions began to rise.

Then around the year 2675, some alien species they met a few centuries prior began mingling with humans. A lot of humans wanted segregation, but the Federation refused and allowed the aliens to walk and socialize with humans freely. Tensions were rising higher.

The boiling point was around the year 2875. A new alien species was encountered while the Federation was exploring the galaxy for new Earth-like exoplanets. These aliens were very friendly and got along with the human delegates. The Federation loved them so much, that they ended up passing a law that allowed aliens to migrate to Earth freely.

This was the last straw for a lot of earthlings. So.. a massive civil war broke out on earth. The Federation Vs. The Rebellion. Nearly the entire world was a battlefield, death and destruction was everywhere.

During this time, some safe haven city-states appeared around the globe. These cities acted as shelters for those who didn’t want to be caught up in the war. Humans, robots, and aliens all lived within these cities.

None of these cities could compare to the City-State Of Mandarvo. It’s by far the largest and most well-equipped city in the warzone. They have their own formal military to defend against Rebels and have plenty amenities for refugees to enjoy. However.. there was something going behind the scenes. Many secrets hide behind the force field of Mandarvo. Will you be able to uncover them..?

Realistic Graphics [ISEKAI | DRAMA]
It’s modern day and a new virtual reality game has just been released. There’s been quite a bit of hype since there weren’t many games on such a large scale as this one. The game is called “Wredoria: Wings Of Glory”. It’s your run of the mill fantasy RPG game.. but in VR! After being in development for a few years.. It’s finally out for everyone to enjoy!

YC decides to buy this game to try it out. After all.. they could just get their money back if they don’t like it.

As they boot up the game, they’re met with this black screen. At first.. it seemed like something had gone wrong with the game. If only it were that simple. After a few more moments, a rush a drowsiness washes over YC, causing them to fall asleep with their headset on.

When they wake up.. they find themselves in this fantasy land. The exact same fantasy land that was advertised in the game. Only.. YC is in here for real.YC is a little freaked out by this and ends up waking themselves up.

Upon waking up, them find themselves back in their room with the headset on.They thought that maybe they were just dreaming. After all, they were just sleeping. YC is a little confused as to why they were asleep in the first place.. but they decided to just try playing the game again. Of course.. the second YC boots up the game again, they pass out once more.

Now back in the game once more, they start to freak out. Something was seriously wrong with the game. Was this some kind of sick joke? Whatever it was.. it wasn’t good news. How will YC go about this rather freaky situation? Will they get to the bottom of why this was happening or will they just uninstall this crazy game and never thing about it again?


It’s the year 2688. The Ritzy Renaissance is still in full effect and doesn’t show signs of dying out anytime soon. However.. there’s something out there that just might change that.

A new virus has been spreading from solar system to solar system. It wasn’t a huge deal at first as there were only a few cases here and there. However, this virus has made it’s way onto densely populated planets and now.. cases are skyrocketing. It only took a few weeks for an entire planet to completely succumb to the virus. It was a highly contagious virus that spread through bites, blood, vomit, saliva, and various other bodily fluids. The only way to avoid this virus is to wear a mask and avoid contact with anyone infected with the virus.

Despite these safety measure being put into place, some people just don’t listen or care and just do as they please. What do you think this leads to? Exactly.. they get infected. It’s not a very pretty virus, either. Symptoms include coughing up blood, excessive vomiting, violent tendencies, and vivid hallucinations. Eventually, it drives a person mad to the point where they can’t even speak or think rationally. People infected with this virus are always extremely hostile and will attack anybody except other infected people. They’ll even attack loved ones.

St. Barnett is a MASSIVE city. You already know what happens in densely populated areas. It only takes one foreigner from another planet to make everything go to shit.

YC is an [insert occupation here]. The day wasn’t too interesting in particular. Things were quite normal. People on the street, just walking around and minding their own business. Cars driving up and down the busy streets. It was just good ol’ St. Barnett. However.. things were going to go awry very fast.

So.. when the inevitable comes, what will YC do? Will they do their best to survive or will they succumb to the virus and join the infected hordes?

If you spotted an idea that you might like, then feel free to shoot me a PM! I'm available pretty much all the time so yeah. If you have an idea of your own and would like to share it with me, then go ahead! I'm open to ideas you may have. Anyways.. I'm pretty sure that's it! I hope to see you soon. If nothing interested you here, then happy searching! Hope you find a good RP that suits your fancy!

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