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Realistic or Modern lovely ic



ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭* ੈ‧₊❀˖°
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♡coded by uxie♡

[div class=fancy]lovely.[/div]
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may 19th 2018
10.45 a.m.

following park wonseok
roommate roommate
normal normal kibou kibou PseudoLives PseudoLives tiny grass is dreaming tiny grass is dreaming allure allure Pine Pine Aster Aster Merciless Merciless amva amva

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note: you need not put the date or time in your posts.

when wonseok exited the lecture hall, he was almost surprised to find sujin already there, waiting. “you’re early.” though it wasn’t like she was usually not punctual, but didn’t she have classes? “isn’t the performing arts building pretty far from here?”
“prof kim called in sick today so he cancelled the lecture,” she told him, quickly falling into step with wonseok. “we are eating brunch together, aren’t we?”
he fixed her with a sideways glance and raised an eyebrow. “isn’t it just a late breakfast? what the hell is brunch?”
“brunch? breakfast plus lunch? when it’s too late for breakfast but too early for lunch? you’ve never heard of it?”
“that’s not a thing. late breakfast.”
“you wouldn’t know, you have tea-times.”
he let out an exasperated sigh. “tea-times are good for you. what are you craving on this fine morning, sujeon-ah?”
at that, she rolled her eyes. “anything’s fine, grandpa.” shrugging at her reply, he steered them towards the quaint little cafe on the edge of campus. it would be a walk from here, but the food was more than worth it. the weather was lovely today, just enough clouds for it to be cool without being overly drab. the sky was very pretty, maybe he should go for a walk later. “so, how’s haseon?” wonseok said suddenly.
“ah,” sujin began, eyes trained on the ground in front of her. “she's great, we’re doing fine, amazing,” — a sigh — “actually, she mentioned about a party the other day? it’s tonight. are you going?”
staring at her blankly, he shook his head slowly. “no…? what party?”
“sejun’s party? yu sejun,” she told him. wonseok racked his brain for a second. he vaguely remembered jaehan mentioning it to him, but in a tone that had suggested he’d been less than pleased about it.
“i don’t know him well, so probably no, i suppose. unless it’s a school function.”
sujin frowned at him. “i don’t think you would consider a college party a school function.”
“i meant anything that was happening on campus grounds?”
“no, i think haseon mentioned it was at a club.” at that detail, wonseok shook his head even harder.
“yeah, not my thing. sorry, sojin-ya.” he offered her a kind smile. “i hope you have a good time with haseon, though! i’m sure you will, since you guys are doing so well. it’s really good to see that you’ve got someone to depend on after what happened in high school.”

not realising he’d been rambling so much she’d had no chance to speak, he continued, “i know you’re kinda awkward, but it’s gonna go great, especially with her there.”
they stopped in front of the cafe. holding the door open, he ushered her in with a gentle push and entered after her. “what do you want to order?”



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• choi eunha •
Yes, so maybe it was wrong to wake up in the arms of another man, especially when you were planning to surprise your boyfriend in two hour's time. But who was to say? Especially when it came to someone as morally jaded as Choi Eunha. She hated sleeping alone, even much so now that she wasn't allowed to snuggle up with her pet cat. The dormitories had a strict rule about letting pets into the dorms, one which Eunha had unsuccessfully tried to break many times.

It may not be the best reason to cheat, but it was one which the blonde acted on. Sure, it wasn't like she's unable to sneak into Jihun's room and sleep with him there but she had done that yesterday and playing the 'clingy girlfriend' was not something which worked in her favor. From experience, she knew that distance was important. Being too dependent on someone was suffocating and people easily take for granted things (or people) they feel are in their grasp. She would never allow herself to be taken for granted. Not again.

The bed shifted as she pulled herself from the stranger's embrace.

"Get up," she told him, voice soft in his ear. She had no idea who he was nor did she feel the need to. He was simply another nameless face to her list of conquests. "You need to go before you get caught." There was a teasing, almost laughing hint in her voice. Getting caught was a funny thought. One which she pondered on in restless moments, before deciding that it was a fool's plan.

The man stirred from underneath her and when he left to get dressed, the cold made Eunha curl further into her blankets.

"Hey, so, will I get to see you again?" he asked when he was dressed, standing at her doorway.

"Maybe." No.

The man smiled in relief. She didn't notice he had dimples til now. "Great. I'll see you then."

"See you." Never.

The door closed with a click and a minute passed before the sound of feet pattered over white tiles. Falling water and steamed glass blend with the morning's minute hums. It was then Eunha began her day.

"Good morning, Iseul~" Eunha greeted, sing-song as her eyes scanned the room for a certain messy brunet. "Is Jihun not up yet?" she asked, making herself at home. It wasn't the first time she intruded and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Fortunately for Jihun's roommate, Eunha wasn't (or at least, she'd like to consider herself) the unpleasant sort. She made a good deal of effort to get along with her boyfriend's friends, however insignificant she found them to be.

Hearing Jihun approach, a sudden, playful thought came to mind which Eunha acted on immediately. She pressed a finger to her lips, gesturing Iseul to keep her appearance secret as she ducked behind one of the couches in the living room, hiding in a place she knew would be out of view.

The sound of mumbled voices in the kitchen became clearer as Jihun entered the living room, cup of tea in one hand and a watering can in the other. It was like a daily routine to see him drown water the yellowing plants he owned, kept at the windowsill in the living room. Despite the warnings of his friends and girlfriend, there was a compulsion to over-care for the plants which have the misfortune to fall into his hands.

Eunha waited when his back was turned before tiptoeing over. Her hands reached out, covering his eyes as she laughed in his ear, "Good morning, love! Guess who it is?" she asked, despite already giving herself away.

"Hm, I wonder," he responded, equal tones of teasing, "Is it my cute Eunha baby?"

"Ta-da! You are correct-o!" Eunha grinned, removing her hands so that Jihun could turn around to face her. Carefully maneuvering her arms below Jihun's, she dove in for a hug, before tiptoeing to peck him lightly on the cheek. She took mindful care to avoid shoving the male, in case his tea should spill over. Thinking about it, he should've really put that down.

"Did I manage to surprise you? I hope you don't mind that I'm here early. I was too excited to see you," she said, looking up from his chest with that puppy smile on her face. "Have you decided where you want to go for our date, yet?"

It was a harmless question, but it sounded almost sinister when the words left her lips, head tilted a degree and eyes shining in expectancy.

Yes, one should convince themselves.


interactions: Jihun Pine Pine & Iseul amva amva || location: dorms || mentions: none​
So Mi-Sun
Mi-Sun closed the final few feet to the door of her friends' dorm. She opened the door uninvited, having just seen someone enter moments before her. She caught the door just before it closed and ducked into the room. Mi-Sun was greeted with the sight of her study friend Jihun talking to his girlfriend--but was he holding a watering can? And the poor plants he was tending to already looked about ready to give up... "Jihun-ah! You're drowning them," she scolded, rushing over to take the can gently from his hands. She then realized that she was interrupting. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just came to look for Iseul. Please excuse me," Mi-Sun apologized, glancing around for her best friend. He wasn't anywhere in sight, but Mi-Sun knew that he tended to flee from newcomers, and Jihun's visitor wasn't likely to be different.

Misun headed to where Iseul was most likely to hide, peeking her head around the wall. "Iseul oppa?" she said gently. "It's Mi-Sun."

Interacting: Pine Pine and Aster Aster
code by pasta​


the model↴​

Haneul got out of the simple pose he'd been stuck in for the past few minutes. "These seem to take longer and longer each time," he muttered, running a hand through his hair. It'd gotten longer than he usually let it, but his fans definitely let him know they liked it. A few photographers and directors called the close of the shoot. Haneul thought he heard mention of an upcoming drama to be premiered within the year, and wondered if he could possibly be a runner for the position. He went over to the other model that'd been in some of his pictures. It was Nari, Haneul's cousin's girlfriend. Nari was an up-and-coming model, one doing very well. After all, they were to be pasted on the cover of some popular magazine.

"How do you think this shoot went, Nari-ssi?"

Interacting: amva amva
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[class=background] width:600px; height:360px; margin:auto; margin:center; background:url('https://i.imgur.com/cf5tyw5.png'); background-size:100%; [/class] [class=textbox] width:300px; height:300px; padding:5px; overflow:hidden; overflow:auto; font:Karla; font-size:12px; background:white; border:1px solid #dddddd; opacity:0.8; margin-left:-50px; [/class] [class=minibox] width:100px; height:60px; padding:10px; font:Karla; font-size:10px; text-align:right; background:white; border:1px solid #dddddd; opacity:0.5; margin-left:510px; margin-top:-60px; [/class] [class=credits] max-width:600px; margin:auto; font: Heebo; font-size: 10px; opacity:0.3; [/class]

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[div class=textbox]Bae Iseul
Even in his sleepy state of mind, Iseul knew it was not going to be a good day when the first thing he registered as he was getting up was a knock on the door. He opened it to see Eunha on the other side, which honestly just darkened his mood. It was not that he didn’t like the girl, as he didn’t know her personally enough to create an opinion of her but… wait, yeah, actually that was the problem. Unknown people were uncomfortable and scary to be around. He mumbled a small and timid “Good morning, Eunha-ssi” and frankly just stayed put in place to be on Eunha’s good side. But as soon as the couple was interacting he bolted back to his bedroom.

There he got his earphones and phone and put some music on to drown the sound of whatever cute acts were going on on the outside and sat on the bed to wait until it was absolutely necessary to go out. He was about to open Instagram and see if there was something about Haneul and Nari’s upcoming photoshoot when he saw a shadow in the doorway. He jumped, earphones disconnecting and phone falling onto his lap.

“Misun-ah!” he scolded, but a smile was already blossoming on his lips, “you came just in time to save me” he stage-whispered to her, not wanting Eunha and Jihun to hear him. He was already up and stripping off his pajamas. “Where are we going to?”

Yang Nari
Climbing down from the wooden stairs she had been sitting on for God knows how long with the help of an assistant, Nari crossed the room towards her purse and quickly unlocked her phone, wondering if Misun was already up and about. There was no new message from her there, which made Nari chew on her lower lip as she wondered why. There was the annoying possibility that Misun had thought of talking to Iseul rather than her, and she had to resist the urge of sending a sugar-coated passive-aggressive good morning message that would probably just end on Misun getting mad and Nari having to apologize for something she wouldn’t be sorry about.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Haneul appeared by her side. “Oppa!” she exclaimed sweetly, putting her phone away and replacing it with a beaming smile. “Are your shoots done yet? I have such a great time every time I do shoots with you. Do not worry so much, they are always a success! Do you have time for a coffee?” She didn’t even know what she was rambling about, a little shaken at having forgotten Haneul’s presence in the set.
[div class=minibox]Interactions - Aster Aster PseudoLives PseudoLives
Mentions - Pine Pine

[/div][div class=credits]credits RI.a RI.a [/div]
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So Mi-Sun
Mi-Sun barely smothered a laugh when she saw Iseul start. She took a few steps further into the room, leaving the doorway. "I thought we could go eat before class. Does that sound nice?" As soon as Iseul started undressing, she didn't leave, just covered her face and giggled. "You could have some decency, oppa!"

After long enough that she'd assumed he'd finished, she dropped her hands again. "Is there anything you're in the mood for? You can choose where we go." Mi-Sun started to pull her hair up. It was supposed to get warm today, and it was already quite sunny. While that was Mi-Sun's favorite state of weather, she tended to overheat easily. She'd found that out on her short jog to Jihun and Iseul's dorm, when she was distracted thinking about her upcoming exam earlier that morning, and hadn't paid her girlfriend a thought. After all, Misun was excited to go have brunch with Iseul, and spending time with him sometimes kept her from considering anything else.
code by pasta​


the model↴​

Nari was sickeningly sweet, as always. It was off-putting no matter how many times Haneul spoke to her. Most people at UOS were crammed with schoolwork and stressed, but Nari was the complete opposite of that. Haneul returned her smile, although it was a bit less... excited. "Well, I'd hate to waste a shoot just because I did something a little off," he replied. Then he heard her request and politely shook his head. "Coffee isn't for me, Nari-ssi, but if the café serves tea I'd be glad to come along." Haneul took a moment to fix his clothes from what the outfitters had done to them. Unsurprisingly, they'd liked his style when he stepped into the room. All they did was dishevel it a bit and voila, perfect modeling material.

"Are you going to the party tonight? It's for the anniversary of one of Mi-Sun's friends," he asked, the party having popped into mind. Haneul didn't know Nari that well, but she seemed to care enough for his cousin. He assumed he'd see her wherever Mi-Sun was.

Interacting: amva amva
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xxxxHaseon woke up on the right side of the bed at the ripe hour of 10 AM. There was a reason she never put early weekend classes on her schedule, and waking up later than the asscrack of dawn had its perks when one stayed out as late as she tended to. She wasn't even hungover; she just had a bad taste in her mouth. Probably from that nasty tequila - apple juice - butter (melted fucking butter) concoction that Hyeji pushed into her hands sometime after midnight. It was nothing that a big glass of water and a thorough scrubbing of toothpaste couldn't fix. The young woman didn't rush to get ready; she ate breakfast maybe once a month, meaning she wasn't worried about anything but lunch at noon and her first lecture at 1. Her roommate, sweet Hyejung, was long gone. Hopefully she would be back in time for the two of them to get ready together; Haseon didn't connect with Hyejung on too many wavelengths, but their shared love of looking good had resulted in true Bonding Moments before. She picked out an outfit – brown corduroy skirt, yellow crop top, denim jacket – and applied enough makeup to cover up the remnants of the previous night's shenanigans. Her short hair was low-maintenance, but she missed being able to do braids and spacebuns. There wasn't much to do with it now except to part it, brush it out, and run some product through. Then Haseon picked up her phone to check her messages. Most of them were irrelevant: some drunk texts from random people she'd met at the get-together last night, a few inquiries about homework or study sessions, and even a text from some idiot asking if the artwork in one of the exhibition halls was for sale. She decided to only reply to one person.

good morning love! i hope u have a wonderful day ? can't wait to see you tonight ???

xxxxHaseon didn't send Sujin a lovey dovey message every day, but she felt a little guilty that she wouldn't be able to see her girlfriend until they met up to go to Sejun's party that evening. They had been to several social outings before, mainly school-sponsored events or tame daytime group dates with Haseon's friends, but they'd never gone to an actual party together before (one at a club, no less). Haseon was surprised Sujin had agreed to go, and she was determined to make sure Sujin had a good time. Oh, and Sejun just texted her as well.

I'm having a picnic in the park by the library, pull up ?

xxxxA picnic? It sounded cute. After a quick back and forth in which Haseon nettled Sejun to make sure there was enough food for her, she picked up her backpack and slipped her sandals on. Though her fingers itched to grab her big satchel of art supplies as well, she wasn't going to The Center today, so there was no point in lugging that around as well.

xxxxHaseon came across a crop of yellow dandelions growing outside her dorms. She immediately snatched up a handful. Nature was beautiful... but so was having flowers aesthetically strewn in your hair. Besides, dandelions were weeds; they wouldn't be missed. Her slender fingers wove the dandelions into a crown as she made her way to the park. Haseon used to ride a bike to class, a cute little baby blue thing with chipped paint and an rusty bell, but someone ran it over with their car at the beginning of sophomore year. Since walking was a better way to get inspired by her surroundings, she'd taken it in stride (pun intended) and figured it was for the best. The library was halfway across campus, though, so Sejun better not have been kidding about the cinnamon rolls.

xxxxFinding Sejun wasn't hard at all, even though he had set up the picnic pretty far away from the path. His pink hair and the obnoxiously cliché red checkered blanket that was spread out on the grass caught her eye immediately, as well as the presence of Sejun's Tall, Dark, and Mildly Psychotic boyfriend, Nobuo. "Hey Sejun!" she greeted with a somewhat forced and cheery smile. "Hi Nobuo!" She sat down and adjusted the dandelion crown on her head, tucking her legs primly to the side. Nobuo was always attached to Sejun's side – in the instances when Nobuo wasn't attached to Sejun, he was out doing something for Sejun – so she wasn't really surprised. Free food, free food, she chanted in her head.

MENTIONS ;; Hyejung, Sujin
INTERACTS W/ ;; Sejun, Nobuo

i'll bloom in
your arms
i'll bloom in
your arms
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coded by allure
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Choi Jihun

Fridays were his favorite day. Every semester he had crammed his schedule to have at least one day off, and it wasn’t until this semester that he was (mostly) able to realize this. He had one short lecture to attend in the afternoon, but otherwise he had an entire lazy day ahead of him.

Thursdays were dedicated to studying, but Fridays were for slow mornings. Waking up, his mind still floated with hypotheticals of applying the processes of social service program development he’d read twice over from his textbook. It wasn’t until the cold water of a shower was pelting his back that he snapped from these ponderings.

Jihun hadn’t always showered every day. It was a waste of water, not to mention unnecessary and damaging to his skin. However, in both his past and present relationship, it was a habit he picked up. He never knew when exactly he would see his girlfriend, so he prepared every day like he was going to see her, and he wanted to smell faintly of bodywash when that did happen for all the time they spent at each other’s hips. The icy temperature was punishing, enough so to make him race out and forget his guilt every day.

He towel-dried his hair vigorously and threw on some somber ensemble of clothes. Most were passed down from cousins or otherwise were being reused – some gray tee with a faded design and olive pants.

Replacing his glasses on his face, he exited the bathroom, phone already in hand.

No new messages. E-mails from the school didn’t count. Eunha normally would have messaged him by then if she was going to message first. Jihun mused to himself whether she might still be asleep and if texting her would disturb her. In truth, he really wasn’t sure what she had done last night.

He barely looked up to exchange greetings with his roommate. Jihun had started the tea before his shower, so by this time the brew had cooled enough to not risk burning his tongue, while also bringing some much-needed warmth back into his body.

Jihun took a sip, pocketed his phone, then filled the can he kept by the sink with water.

The Gerbera Daisies were a little new. He had skimmed some article about them helping to purify the air, but Jihun wondered if they still functioned the same when the petals started wilting like they had a couple of days ago. At the windowsill by them now, he eyed the dirt to try to determine how dark was too dark when suddenly a petite pair of hands slid under his glasses and covered his eyes.

“Good morning, love!” an all too familiar voice greeted his ear.

Jihun started a little but was soon smiling ear to ear. “Hm, I wonder,” he teased back. “Is it my cute Eunha baby?”

Just the same as she dove in to hug him, Jihun had turned and reached to hold her close, holding both the pail and cup still in his hands just far enough to not bump Eunha. When she pecked his cheek, he wiggled with joy and nuzzled the top of her head. Her hair had some sort of clean smell that he wouldn’t be able to name.

He laughed at her question, pressing his cheek down on her now. “You did, but it’s never too early for me to see my Eun-honey,” he said, squeezing her a little.

Feeling her shift on his chest, he removed his head from off of her. The unsaid warning in her question was completely lost on him. All he saw was an eager girl eager to have fun spending time together.

Jihun’s eyes widened with surprise as Misun was suddenly in the room, prying the watering can from his fingers and chastised him. “Misun!” His smiled became a little embarrassed. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in...”

He waited until she had disappeared down the small hall to return his attention to his loved one.

Jihun let go of her and twisted to set his tea down on the windowsill. His knuckle bumped his glasses back up from where Eunha had made them a little crooked before.

He hummed, placing his hands on her shoulders and rubbing them down her arms. In truth, the last time she had brought up their next date (which was no more than two days ago), Jihun had hit something of a brick wall with coming up with new ideas. Everything he thought of had turned stale, then eventually he forgot that he hadn’t come up with anything. He would love nothing more to just sit and think of cute new ideas that no one else could think of to take their girlfriend. Schoolwork didn’t always get in the way of his planning, but in the case of his upcoming exam on Monday, he guessed it had.

“I was thinking,” he started, reaching her hands and twining his fingers in her own, “maybe we could look at the new exhibit that opened in the museum.” He bumped both their locked fists together and grinned at her. “You liked that last time we went, right? Then we could go eat, feed the koi at the pond, find a quiet place to dance a little before the party...” He lifted their hands in a playful imitation of dancing, but stopped when a thought occurred to him. “Unless, are you hungry now?”

Interacting: Aster Aster PseudoLives PseudoLives || Mentioned: amva amva

yu sejun.

Nobuo closed his laptop. His last morning class had been dismissed at around 9 AM, and he didn’t have any more for a while. Earlier in the morning, the man had made spur of the moment plans with his boyfriend since this was a special day for the both of them, all he needed to do now was retrieve the necessities and, of course, let his boyfriend know about their plans.

Nobuo grabbed his things and commuted to his nearby apartment to prepare. He prepared and packed sandwiches, kimbap, and sweets, enough for himself and two more. Once the food was ready, he wrapped it up and grabbed a few more items before placing them neatly in a woven basket. The only thing he needed left to complete his list was Yu Sejun.

Sejun finally finished preparing his study area: study journal open to page 44 on his glass desk, an ungodly amount of pens and highlighters in a little mason jar, a small mug of coffee steaming to his left. He sat next to a large window to let the morning light in, and he felt very prepared and comfy in his silk pajamas.

He reached for his favorite brush pen to write the header for the particular subject when there was a knock at the door. His immediate suspicion was Nobuo and, when he looked at his phone that was on silent and face-down in order to prevent the specific disturbance, he saw that his boyfriend had informed him of his incoming arrival, multiple times.

He sighed, getting up and opening the door to meet him, a smile forming on Nobuo’s face when they met eyes.

“Good morning, my cutie pie,” Nobuo smiled. Sejun let him in. He sat at the couch, Sejun took his seat on the computer chair in front of his desk.

“What’s that?” He pointed at the basket on the table.

“A picnic basket. I only thought about it this morning while I was in class, so I just decided to wait until I got to you to tell you about it, but it’s really nice outside. I want to have a picnic in the park.”

Sejun grimaced. Nobuo should’ve known that he planned to study for at least an hour this morning. He pondered for a moment. He was extremely fussy about his plans changing, but on the other hand, it was their anniversary, and he didn’t have a test for a few more days.

“Sure.” He acquiesced. “Let me get changed first, okay?” Nobuo grinned even more, like a puppy whose owner just took him out for fetch.

The walk to the park was long, being right in front of the library which was a ways away from the dormitories. It gave the opportunity to have a scenic study session, or reading time. As it was the beginning of spring and plants were beginning to grow again, it was ample time to start taking advantage of the space and take better pictures.

On the way, Nobuo let Sejun know that he could invite any of his friends to come along and hang out if he wanted. The weekend before, they had already celebrated, just the two of them, when Nobuo took Sejun out on a date at an amusement park, so he felt that there was no need to hog Sejun all to himself if he wanted to enjoy this picnic with more people.

Sejun didn’t have to handle anything on the trip, or worry about anything; Nobuo pre-packed all of the food, making sure to hit every picnic essential and take into account Sejun’s taste. Drinks wouldn’t be a problem because there was an ice cream and boba stand nearby.

Nobuo laid down the red-checkered blanket, set down the basket in the center, and started taking out and organizing the food while Sejun sat across from him, attention seemingly elsewhere. He scanned the clearing for a good place to take a picture, but the tree a few meters behind him could serve as a good backdrop for one as well.

“Sweetheart,” He interrupted the elder’s endeavor in preparing a plate, and passed him his phone, already open to the camera app. He quickly got the memo, and dutifully took a few pictures of his boyfriend, staring up at the sky, smiling, eating the grapes playfully. Once he returned his phone, he quickly texted Haseon, and was disengaged as Nobuo rambled about something that didn’t interest him.

Soon enough, Haseon showed up, the higher pitched and cheery sound of a girls voice interrupting Nobuo’s chatter. “Haseon-ah, hello.” He gave her a welcoming smile as she took her space on the blanket. Lately, the man hadn’t seen her around much, even when with Sejun. Otherwise, they would usually bump into one another around campus, but the amount of times that’s happened has been lessening with time as well. He wasn’t surprised that she was who Sejun had invited to the picnic. Even while preparing he expected as much, so as he packed the food he subconsciously added in the sweets that he remembered buying for Haseon the most.

“That’s cute,” Nobuo said, making eye contact with the woven dandelion crown adorning her lightly colored bob. He assured Haseon to, “feel free to eat as much as you want,” while arranging a plate of kimbap for her. He placed the plate in front of where she sat, then handed her a pack of one of her favorite snacks. “Do you want me to bring some drinks, my dear?” he asked Sejun.

“Yes please,” Nobuo nodded dutifully and set off toward the nearby boba stand.
allure allure

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• choi eunha •
Intertwined hands were brought to a carefree sway as Eunha hummed over her options in playful, mock thoughtfulness. She couldn't care less where they went in all honesty. Being with someone Jihun was fun and she craved the attention he gave her; a wanting usually left sated in his seemingly endless adoration.

The mention of the museum brought her brows to a raise and the corners of her lips pulled further. Her mind tugged out the memory of a revelation, a simple slip-of-tongue where Jihun mentioned bringing Haseon there once. Art was something his popular ex was into and the thought of re-writing that place made her smug.

"Another small victory," the tiny voice inside her sang, but there was no competition to begin with. Eunha always wins.

She giggled as she made a mini-twirl, her steps guiding him towards the door. "I'm fine with anything so long as you're with me," she laughed, now fully leading him out. "Anywhere with you is fun. I love being around my Jihun-baby."

Her head throws back in that way where she knows is endearing. Eyes crinkled into her smile as she gave his hand a small squeeze before letting go, giving him the freedom of grabbing whatever stuff he needs before they head out. One he's done, a hand reaches up to pinch him lightly on the cheeks.

"Can I eat this?" she asked in reply, voice innocent despite the possible innuendo. "There's a nice cafe down the streets that serves yummy waffles. We can go there," she decides more then suggest, steps already heading in said-location. She doesn't expect dissent and simply wonders what toppings to have.

interactions: Jihun Pine Pine || location: moving || mentions: none​
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