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Realistic or Modern lovely extra



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interest check here

1. basic rpn rules apply
2. f a d e t o b l a c k
3. please try and commit! it's understandable if there's a valid reason, but if you just lost interest,,, if you get the role and back out, it's gonna do some serious damage ):
4. no one-liners, even if you can't put out a super long answer, please give your fellow roleplayers enough to go off by!
5. minimum one post a week! tell me beforehand if something's gonna come up, please! it's perfectly okay if real-life gets too hard
6. don't be a dick in ooc
7. let's all have a good time w/ our problematic characters ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

join the discord – while this is purely optional, it is highly encouraged, as i'm a lot more active on discord. feel free to ask questions in there or speculate with other roleplayers !!
if u read all the rules put photosynthesis anywhere in ur cs

the premise.
"we end up in toxic relationships because we don't stand up for ourselves early on when red flags occur. we let them slide, because we fear losing a companion. how long do you tolerate disrespect and neglect? at some point, you're gonna have to do something. you're the only one responsible for your own experience. no one else is."

this roleplay will take place in seoul, south korea. it will follow the (somewhat) turbulent lives of several couples attending the same college, who are all in toxic, unhealthy relationships, and all relatively problematic people, save for a select few. it is up to you, their player, how they develop as a character, and whether they get a happy ending or not. this will be a little dark and angsty, and there will be no definitive plot to follow. certain scenarios will be set up to open up for more interaction and development, and the conflict's there, but that's about it. ? the rest is up to you!

the roles.

couple 1;

the obsessed – while others love their partners, they love their partner. to them, the royal is their whole world, and reason enough to live. they often muse that it was love at first sight. to date the very person they obsess over, who wouldn't want to be in that position? and they're going to make sure that it stays that way, no matter what it takes.

the royal – somewhat the one in "control" of the relationship. it is unknown if they actually feel anything for their partner, or if they're just using them to become the envy of their peers. narcissistic and an attention whore, they make use of how much obsessed loves them to orchestrate the perfect relationship to get more attention for themselves.

couple 2;

the gambler – thot lacks the proper commitment for a serious relationship, holds little to no regard for relationships in general, and treats everything as a game. the romantic is just another one of their conquests. often makes bets with friends about dating and the sort.

the romantic – has probably watched a little too many movies, and actually believes that they'll be able to inspire the gambler to change their ways and take the relationship seriously. dreams of a perfect relationship like that in that between the obsessed and the royal, and is the one keeping the two together.

couple 3;
the rebounder – suffered a pretty painful breakup a while ago, and till now has not moved on from their past lover. they're very hung up over them, and would likely run back to their ex if given the opportunity. while shows some commitment to the relationship at times, it is quite evident that the rebounder is not over their ex at all.
note: the rebounder's ex should be one of the other tropes besides the copycat.

the copycat – aware that they are just a replacement for the rebounder's ex. in an attempt to win the rebounder's affections, has changed themselves to a great extent to replicate the rebounder's past lover, and has lost their own identity in the process. tries very hard for the relationship, maybe a little too much.

couple 4;
the puppeteer – highly possessive of their partner, and mentally abusive. whenever pushover tries to leave, they always find a way to manipulate them into staying. somewhat cruel, but doesn't show that around other people aside from the pushover. very controlling, they often dictate how the pushover should act and who they interact with, but knows when to apologise to keep the pushover around.

the pushover – several attempts to leave the relationship that have failed has resulted in them giving up in a sense, and they have resorted to just telling themselves that they can make it work. too afraid of speaking out against the asshole, and they themselves are not completely aware that they are in an abusive relationship. has come to be somewhat reliant on the puppeteer.

couple 5;
the opportunist – a golddigger. makes use of their partners for their finances, the name's pretty self-explanatory. doesn't actually love the privileged at all, and are in it for the money they're getting from it only. majority of the relationships they form are insincere.

the privileged – wealthy and sheltered, and was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. because of the way they were brought up, they've come to think that love is best shown through monetary gifts. the privileged likes the opportunist very much, and though likely aware of the opportunist's true intentions, motivates them to stay by offering costly incentives.


⠀♡coded by uxie♡

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♡coded by uxie♡

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park wonseok

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4 october 1997
side character – student council president

na jaemin
hair colour
dark brown
eye colour
dark brown
has the sweetest smile ever

☀ charismatic n cool. a gentleman and just a nice guy all around. good with words
☀ can have a good laugh, but knows when to be serious. playful and good company
☀ off-limits. his love life is private and unbeknownst to everyone
☀ a plot tool (my herald)
☀ generally against rule-breaking, but will make exceptions a large part of the time if he trusts the person or its a super minor offence
☀ but still kind of a stick in a mud sometimes. not a fan of illegal shit
☀ game for a lot of things still though, as long as it's not gonna get anyone in trouble
☀ very friendly. many friends. a popular dude
☀ TEAM PLAYER. cares a lot for students and their welfare, pretty selfless. willing to take one for the team. holds the door open 4 everyone. basically the chill dad
☀ hardworking, dedicated student, teachers like him
☀ a lot of patience. takes a lot to get him angry but he knows when to Stand His Ground. p stubborn
☀ tbh not nearly as organised as he should be
☀ texts like a grandfather
☀ perfect

+ kim sujin
wonseok admires sujin a lot because of her skill in the cello. he first encountered her at a cello competition where he accompanied on the piano for a friend, who'd been participating in the same competition, but their very first interaction was a chance meeting when sujin first entered high school. he was a grade above her, and recognised her randomly. after that they didn't talk much at all, until sujin first started changing her appearance. it was another spontaneous meeting, this time in the school bookstore, where wonseok started taking a further interest in her after noticing how it seemed like she was trying to become a different person entirely. he slowly weasled his way into her heart through genuine care for her wellbeing and a few cheesy dad jokes sprinkled in here and there. wonseok gets her name wrong often, though in the later years of their friendship it has become a deliberate way of teasing her rather than an accidental slip-up. he acts as her confidante, and cares greatly for her as an older brother figure.

± sung jaehan // mae kumi
wonseok, recalling his first impression of them:

was elected president with a 78.9% majority vote
third-year student studying political science
has a cat named mimi
lives off campus in a nearby apartment with some close friends
used to play the piano, but hasn't touched it in more than 3 years after getting his grade 8 cert


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