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Fantasy lovelin's Mostly OC RP Search


New Member
Hello! I'm lovelin, 20+, she/her, EST timezone, huge OC enthusiast. Bear with me, this post is going to get a bit wordy. Please note now that most of my bigger prompts require juggling multiple characters, which I understand may not be everybody's cup of tea but is something I feel very passionate about. I have a lot of characters that I would be thrilled to use, even if they only exist as side characters.

A few things about me.
  • I'm an adult, so please only interact if you're also an adult!
  • I’m not into heavy paragraphs/novella these days. Am I capable of writing a lot? Absolutely, and I may even type some longer responses on my own whenever the whim takes me but I just don’t want it to be expected from me. I prefer typing short, quick responses in quieter moments and bigger responses when the moment is more emotional or involved. I’ll always give you something to work with though, promise!
  • My OCs (which are humanoid) are all designed with an anime artstyle and I don’t use RL faceclaims! I know this matters to people. I own the designs for all my OCs but I really don’t mind if you use fictional faceclaims, picrews or stick to written descriptions.
  • As an addendum, I have plenty of dramatic, somewhat eccentric characters up my sleeve. I love silliness! Please don’t feel like we have to be serious in our writing ALL the time!
  • I can get very passionate about rps, so I may draw some silly doodles or commission our characters together (with your permission) or show you a random meme and be like “our characters would do this”. Not required, but I would be over the hill if you did the same. I love forming friendships with rp partners!
  • I like shipping! If you encourage it, I do too, and I enjoy mxf, fxf, mxm equally!
  • Shipping aside, I would prefer, especially in the case where our selected prompt allows us to write multiple characters, to be allowed to write any gender of character. I get a little sad inside if I’m forced to only write men simply because my partner dislikes women characters. My only exception here is if writing one particular gender is outside your comfort zone, which I can sympathize with.
Congrats on making it this far! Below are my wacky little ideas.


Now onto prompts! Please keep in mind that I'm intentionally leaving things vague and open-ended, because I want to give my RP partner the chance to include their own ideas into the mix!

A classic fantasy adventure, where a small task among a group of unlikely companions eventually snowballs into some larger than life, saving the world quest.

This prompt is ideal for people who have A LOT of characters they’d be willing to write, but it’s okay if we end up only focusing on a smaller group later. In this scenario, the plot makes itself depending on the characters and their interactions. Additionally, I don’t mind if you want to write only OCs or a mix of OCs/canons. I am open to either, but I won’t write exclusively canon characters.

An idea in which we take many of our characters and throw them into a completely new setting, either as an AU or a bizarre, interdimensional phenomenon that the characters may or may not recall. In the case of the latter, characters are forced to acclimate in a strange environment among others that may not entirely share their sense of logic. Some may be assigned housing together, are forced to work alongside the most chaotic of coworkers, or may just simply get tied into the plot by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. What will become of this setting and is there any hope for returning home? The possibilities are endless

This one is inspired...
A group of about 6 characters from different worlds that not so coincidentally stumble upon a portal to another realm, providing a temporary escape from their daily lives. For the next year, our group of candidates will have the freedom to travel between their homeworld and this mysterious secret realm, accessible only to them. As they interact and collaborate to uncover the secrets of this new world, the ultimate prize awaits: a wish granted to the one person deemed the winner.

  • Magical girl x Magical girl / Magical boy / City Guard / Extremely Rich Fan / Former enemy that switched sides / another role of your choosing
  • Isekai (Really depends on the prompt)
  • Harvest Moon-inspired town with either a more fantastical or horror element to it.
  • Two rivals or very unlikely companions are forced to team up when a curse causes them to quite literally become stuck together.
  • Any sort of plot that is loosely based around any of the following series, but we use OCs: Persona, Soul Eater, Danganronpa.
  • And Pokemon. With the right plot I might be able to get back into a Pokemon rp, but I think I'd limit myself to only one.

Annnd that's it for now! I may eventually make a post spotlighting specific OCs but for now this is what I'm most interested in. Feel free to combine prompts or pitch similar ideas that include some personal flair. If anything interests you or if you have questions, please DM me rather than comment. Thanks!

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