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One x One Loveless


Junior Member
Alrighty :D So I only have a few spots for people to join as of right now, for the people who showed interest in the interest check. If, however, more people want to join, I can add a few more spots ^_^

Character Skeleton




Who is your soul mate:

Sexual orientation:


History (Include why and/or how they signed up for Loveless):


Anything extra you'd like to include:


1.Hunter Daniels

2. Zoey Typlar







Please try to make sure everyone has a soul mate before joining. If someone doesn't, please consider making a soul mate for them when making your character :)
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Name: Hunter Daniels

Age: 22

Occupation: Waiter at a coffee shop, currently attending university to study medicine

Who is your soul mate: Open, feel free to ask :)

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

Personality: Hunter is a very sarcastic and cynical person. He always sees the bad in situations and his mind often runs wild with different scenarios about how things could go wrong. He can be a bit emotionally distant because he hates talking about himself or his feelings. He's very level headed and he prides himself on being able to think with his head and not his heart. He makes decisions based on logic and reasoning. All this doesn't mean he can't be fun. Hunter has witty and sarcastic come backs to last him for days, and he can be a bit of a party freak if you can get him to drink. He's not very touchy feely and tries to avoid sad or emotional conversations as much as he can.

History: Hunter's parents were not happy together. They fought all the time, his house was always full of yelling. But, they stayed together because they thought a divorce would be too hard on their kids. But, when his parents weren't too busy fighting each other, they could actually be very supportive. They encouraged Hunter when he wanted to join debate team, and they continued to support and encourage him in everything he did. Hunter excelled in school and was accepted into his top choice university. He chose to study medicine because it seemed like a puzzle to him. You had a patient with certain symptoms and you have to try to put all the pieces together to find what was wrong. With all the time he devoted to studying, he barely dated. He had only had one serious boyfriend but that relationship had ended when they both went to different colleges and decided to break up instead of trying long distance. His friends all signed up Hunter for Loveless as a joke, telling him he needed to have more fun in life.
Name: Zoey Typler

Age: 24

Occupation: Ranch hand and horse trainer

Who is your soul mate: (Open)

Sexual orientation: Straight

Personality: She's someone whose rely sweet. She gets along with everyone and everything. She cares deeply about her horses and her animals. The only time she will get mad is if you hurt a family member,animals or close people. It's rare to see her mad, normally she would just go quiet. The silent treatment.

History (Include why and/or how they signed up for Loveless): Zoey has had bad luck with guys. Her family and friends started to get worried because she had been single for awhile and she only focused on her horses and animals. Sure she loved them a lot but she hangs around them to much so they set up a account for her and pushed her on it. In a way she wasn't to happy but looking through the site and seeing some hot guys she started to take a small likening to it.


Anything extra you'd like to include: She's a straight up country girl.

Zander Sykes




Tattoo artist at Abby's Ink

Who is your soul mate

Corey Dunham

Sexual Orientation





Laid back

Potty mouth









Loves crazy girls but quiet guys
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Name: Corey Dunham

Age: Twenty-One

Occupation: Lead guitarist in his band/Cashier at a convenience/Attending University, studying journalism.

Who is your soul mate: Open

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Although Corey has been suffering from depression for the greater portion of his life, he tries to be an upbeat person and enjoys making others feel good. However he does have his bad days, where he doesn't even want to get out of bed. Corey is happiest when he is around friends, or when he's playing guitar. Both things are when he feels his best. Either because he is enjoying the music, or because he's making his friends laugh. Corey is very affectionate. He has a habit of blaming himself whenever something goes wrong, this probably developed from when his ex would always blame him for the problems in their relationship. While he is studying journalism, his real dream is to make music. As unrealistic as it may be. He'd probably be happy playing music on the street for the rest of his life, but that wouldn't pay the bills.

History: Corey spent a large portion of his life moving from town to town with his parents and younger sister. They're father work often had them moving, hardly ever staying in one place for longer than a year. Since his father was always working, Corey spent most of his time with his mother and sister. His mom really liked music, and had an amazing voice. When she was younger she had dreams of making it big, and more or less passed that on to her kids. That's where Corey gets his love of music. When he was sixteen his dad had a job that kept in one place for a few years, which was when Corey had his first long term relationship. She was a pretty popular girl, always surrounded by her friends, which was a little frustrating for Corey. His girlfriend would always become upset when Corey didn't want to hangout or do what she wanted. They were happy for a bit, but things took a sour turn and the relationship quickly ended. As a result Corey has had a string of short lived relationships, both with guys and girls. He's afraid of getting hurt again. His sister felt that he needed to learn to trust again, so she insisted he sign up for loveless. Since he could never say no to her, he had to sign up.

Anything extra you'd like to include: He has a blind cat named echo.
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Name: Alexander Fox

Age: 22

Occupation: Computer Programmer

Who is your soul mate: TBD

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

Personality: Alex is quiet in person, and he actually never really talks. It's difficult to tell what he's thinking as he's very closed off. Online, Alex is a lot more open, and he actually comes off as quite nice, although he is very cynical. He's not the most open person about anything, preferring to keep most personal details to himself. He is not the sort of person for gentle and kind gestures such as holding hands, and actually pulls away from gestures like that if people make them. Alex can often be quite self loathing and has minor depression due to how he was treated when he was younger.

History (Include why and/or how they signed up for Loveless): Alex was not treated well as a child, he hurt someone badly in a fight when he was about 6, and then after that his parents tried their best to keep him away from others because he was different, and he didn't deserve to be around people. They messed him up pretty badly, even worse than he already was, but still made sure he got a pepper education, just away from other people. At 16 he escaped, and they didn't really put much effort into stopping him as they were glad to be rid of him. He easily made a career coding websites and building computers for people which is something he really enjoyed doing. Now he spends most of his time inside, but now it's actually by choice. He joined Loveless just because he could, he was in one of his self loathing depressive moods at the time, and joined just to make a point and prove to himself that he doesn't deserve to be near people, just like his parents told him. He wanted to prove to himself that even a ridiculously successful dating website couldn't find someone that could love him.



At about 6 foot tall and fairly thin, Alex doesn't look like a dangerous person, but he is quite strong, even if he doesn't look it.

Anything extra you'd like to include: Quite obviously I've missed something here, and its not accidental. It's to be revealed if that's alright.

Name: Mariella Sullivan

Nickname: Ella, Sully

Stage Name: Ivy Wilde



Age: 22

Occupation: Bartista by day, Musician/Entertainer by night.

Soul mate: Aaron Hall

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual






Ella's always been a sort of chatter box. She liked to hang out and talk with her friends until the late hours of the night, which eventually caused her issue with her father and step-mother. She has always had a passion for the arts; specifically music. It always gave her an escape, an outlet to get rid of her emotions. She dreams of becoming a famous musician one day and to travel the country to show her family that she really could do it.​



Growing up, Ella never knew her mother; she died when giving birth. It never really affected her since there wasn't a relationship built, but her father always told her how similar she was to her, though he never enjoyed talking about her. He took her death really hard, but ended up remarrying five years later. Ella was very unhappy with the marriage. She disliked her step-mother from the very beginning, always causing her trouble and never listening to her. When she became a teenager, she started to take guitar and voice lessons. She was ecstatic when she realized she found her muse. She told her father about how she watched to go to Juliard and study music, or how she wanted to start a band, or go solo, traveling the country, preforming for others. He was displeased with her choice and so was her step-mother. They didn't believe in her, telling her is was, (and her step-mother adding in that she was), pointless. Ella was furious. As soon as she turned 18, she moved out, eventually finding a café to work at. She signed up for several gigs the first few years, getting a few places where she plays regularly. One night a friend called her, announcing her engagment when it suddenly hit Ella. She had been so focused on proving her family wrong that she never thought about her love life or settling down. Her friend told her that she had met her fiancé on a new dating website called 'Loveless'. As desperate as she wasn't willing to admit, she signed up, hoping to meet a nice (and not creepy) young man.​



Ella tends to smoke quite a few cigarettes.​
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Aaron Hall




''Professional'' karaoke singer

( He is usually hired in bars to help lighten the mood up and inspire the viewers to go ahead and sing also )

Who is your soul mate:


Sexual orientation:



Aaron is not a very serious person, yet not the type of obnoxious person who think he's all bubbly and cheerful, making the place he's in quite unpleasant, an equal balance of both, yet not really going towards one side. Aaron loves singing, as a kid, many kids made fun of him for trying to sing yet he did his best to ignore them, practicing his voice until he reached some at least nice singing voice. A very loyal and trustworthy man, yet all depends on the mood he is in and how he views you. He isn't one to be egocentric nor sit on high horses, but he might make a slight frown if he sees you with dirty clothes or any type of baggy clothing, him being quite the eloquent individual. Yeah, sure, the earrings might give another look but he's mostly seen in suits, dark pitched ones of course, not feeling very comfortable with casual clothing. Sure, that is only talking for the physical part, but mentally he is also quite ''clean'', since he doesn't like thinking of any type of sexual or romantic themes, staying much away from any type of flirting or compliments, making him feel quite uncomfortable, not because he feels insecure, but because he feels like flirting is just a cheap way to make someone feel better and be attracted to you. This man is very sharp with his tongue, being able to be very direct and blunt with several insults, apart from using long words, making him seem nerdy, yet he looks at it like a high type of education. This sharp tongue is also a very fast one, being able to rap quite easily, his voice of course is quite elastic, smooth yet can sound quite raspy at times.


The reason Aaron isn't very fond of the romantic aspect is not because he's dumb, shy or not very good at romance, but because he simply doesn't like it. The short times he's been in love have only resulted in utter chaos and quite the heart pain. A lot of girls tend to flirt with him, but he just stares awkwardly and act like nothing happened at all, and multiple friends have been trying to convince him, yet nothing works. He found this program, and even tough he felt conflicted a bit emotionally with himself, he ended up signing up, not so much for the love, but for the heck of it.



180 lbs

Hazel colored hair

Brown eyes



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Name: Jessica Christine Torres

Age: 22

Occupation: SFX Makeup Artist and Actress

Who is your soul mate: Open

Sexual orientation: Lesbian

Personality: Jessica is extremely friendly and kind. She is nice to literally everyone, unless you give her a reason on to be. She loves to make friends and talk to those friends. However, she struggles with Monachopsis, which is the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place. She describes it as half of her brain saying that she doesn't belong and no one wants her around but the other half saying that she's having fun and she's with people who are her friends and whom she loves. This happens most often at party like events so she normally stays away from those type of situations. But other than that she's absotutley the best person to be around. She's fun, funny, outgoing, and loving.

History: Jessica grew up with three other siblings, her older brother Mateo, and her twin younger sisters Alejandra and Allison. As the middle child, she very was was over looked during her childhood, but has she grew up, her parents began to notice Jessica's performing inclinations. She was always a drama queen and that's what drew her into the drama classes. Once Jessica left for college she continued into the world of production and became a makeup artist and she still does acting on the side. Her best friend, Lyle, has always been a romantic at heart, and he's also always been impatient. So he signed up for the dating site Loveless to find himself his soulmate. But he didn't want Jessica to be left out in this. So he made Jessica a profile and forced her to find herself someone.



Anything extra you'd like to include:

Jessica goes by Jess and sometimes Jessa, but she hates the nickname Jessie. Absolutely despises it. She's quite short, only standing about four feet ten inches tall. She loves animals and in her small apartment she has her bet cat Buddy, and her pet dog Tiny. She treats those little rascals like her children. She also has her best friend Lyle but every time she treats him like her child he gets all fussy.



Name: Lyle James Connor

Age: 23

Occupation: Owns an auto repair shop

Who is your soul mate: Open

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Lyle is very cocky. He's arrogant and full of himself, however he's love-able. He has been described as a "Love-able asshole". He's outgoing but he'll only talk to you if he thinks you're worth his time. However, if he does find you worth his time, he becomes fond of you very quickly and he is very over protective. He will fight anyone who crosses him or his friends. He's prone to violence and anger but only if he's provoked by others.

History: Lyle's father left him and his mother when he was only a baby. He grew up an only child with his mother and his grandmother. They were loving and kind but Lyle was always a bit of a trouble maker. Once he got older he got himself into a lot of trouble, he kind of blew off school so he's working in a run down auto repair shop. He loves his job though. Lyle has always been a romantic, day dreaming about meeting his true love and living happily ever after. But, he's also been extremely impatient. So he signed up for Loveless to find the love of his life. He also signed his best friend Jessica up because he loves the girl but she's always waiting for someone to come to her. She never goes out and gets what she wants.



Anything extra you'd like to include:

Lyle lives with his best friend Jessica and her two pets Buddy and Tiny. He hates cats but he loves Jessica so he's willing to live with Buddy. However he loves Tiny. The cute little rascal is so cuddly.
BV Believer] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12329-kosmos/ said:
@Kosmos[/URL] ? Lol if not its okay
Sorry it took so long for me to respond!

We can pair up if you still want to ! c:
Hey guys, sorry that I disappeared for a little bit, my internet got totally blown Dx But I'm back now :) Things seem to be going a bit slowly in terms of pairing and I'm thinking of creating a new thread for this idea. If you're still interested in participating, then just shoot me a pm and I'll reserve the spots :)

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