

Your Local Boba Addict
ATTENTION: Before making a character please consider if you will be available to post at least once a day. I understand we all have days where it simply isn't possible. Just keep in mind to be considerate of others who wait on your reply before continuing the RP. With that out of the way, lets get started! Please use the below skeleton to create your character.

Character Sheet



Age (13-20)



Background (Optional):



NOTE: Appearances are preferred as realistic. But I can't hold you back if you feel like you have the perfect anime picture in mind ^.^

During the RP there may be certain drinks or pills that are offered that trigger a change in appearance (Cat ears, tails, wings, etc) as well as inner changes (powers). So there will be a lot to play around with.
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Name: Amu Honda

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Amu's personality is beyond words. She's has a very crazy and hyper personality, making her very energetic.She's also quite oblivious and lacking knowledge in some areas, or math to say in the least. Amu is dense to some things, especially when it comes to love. She has a habit of picking up strays. She is also very kind, and will do whatever she can do to help people. She will also go to the full extremes if needed, as that is apart of her personality.

Sexuality: Straight

Background: Amu happens to be very famous. She is a model, singer, and actress. Her mother is a very famous writer. Now she seems to have waken up in this strange place. Last she remembers she was going for a walk and the rain had just stop.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.4bc1b730985a8b379f9e3d2eb5830aac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.4bc1b730985a8b379f9e3d2eb5830aac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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animegirl20 said:
Name: Amu Honda
Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Amu's

personality is beyond words.

She's has a very crazy and hyper personality, making her very energetic.She's also quite oblivious and lacking knowledge in some areas, or math to say in the least. Amu is dense to some things, especially when it comes to love. She has a habit of picking up strays. She is also very kind, and will do whatever she can do to help people. Shewill also go to the full extremes if needed, as that is apart of herpersonality.

Sexuality: Straight

Background: Amu happens to be very famous. She is a model, singer, and actress. Her mother is a very famous writer. Now she seems to have waken up in this strange place. Last she remembers she was going for a walk and the rain had just stop.


View attachment 90202
Accepted ^.^

Name: Zypher

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Zypher is a very calm person, quite merciless although He's not insane, but does relish in seeing blood and pain. Find out more later...

Sexuality: Bisexual

Background (Optional): Leon can't remember his past. He is a special case in which the scientists have erased his memory

Other: His number is 2




Name: Elisa

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Unknown

Personality: Will find out...

Background: Will find out...

Other: She is one of the scientists that will come into the RP from time to time to mostly give a a little insight on what is taking place on the inside.

Name: Tehuri Blacmore

Gender: Female

Age; 19

Personality: She can be very distant and come off as mean as first, but she is a total sweetheart once you get to know her. She is very sarcastic and has a very dark sense of humor (often crossing the line). She is full of confident, yet doesn't like to be the center of attention. She cares deeply about those she likes and will always be there for them. However it can be hard to go through her 'scary' dark shell. She can be very judgemental at times. And when she doesn't like you, no matter what you do, she will not like you. (will come out better in the roleplay probably. She seems like a total bitch now xD )

Sexuality: straight

Background: She was a drunken mistake from her 19 year old mother. However her mother had never taken it out on her. As soon as she was 'old enough', her mother left her to herself. Her mother wasn't ready to give up her party life and settle down for a baby daughter. This way her daughter grew up fast (way faster than she should). She never had a real father in her life, as her father didn't even know about her existence, her mother couldn't even remember which male got her pregnant. The men Tehuri had in her life were always just for one night, if lucky (or good looking) two nights. Her mother never really seem to care about her, which made her to the distant and judging person she is today.





- She has several scars from cutting on her ankles, wrists and hips. Though she does not hide them, she will not speak about it. if you bring it up she will just ignore it and you will automatically go to her list of unlike people.

Name; Nikolai Erikson

Gender; Male

Age; 15

Personality; He is young and naive thanks to his overprotective parents. He always sees the good in people and trusts far too easily. He is a people pleaser and will get nervous when someone is upset with or mad at him. He is unfamiliar with sarcasme and things like that, so he will take anything seriously, which will probably cause some hilarious situations. He always wears a big smile on his face as he seems not to worry about anything. He speaks his mind free, though he has little knowledge about how the world really works. He is quite spoiled and used to be entertaint or at least get what he want and attention when he wants. He is very energetic and enthusiastic about everything.

Sexuality; Undecided yet

Background; His parents are very succesful politicans in Denmark. They have always homeschooled him. His parents have always been overprotective, keeping himsave from the ' bad' things in life (sexuality (especially samesex since his parents are very strongly against this), tattoos,piercings, drugs, alcohol, smoking and so on and on). So our little Niky is basically a blank page that can be coloured in any way you like.




- He likes hugging and cute things
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Kenya Jackson






Kenya is very talkative and open. She easily makes friends with anyone who doesn't seem to bother her, but she absolutely HATES asparagus. Yes. Don't waver that poop around her face otherwise she'll get sick of the smell and the memory of the taste will soon lead to your head in the ground. But other than that, she will lend a hand to anybody who needs it. But there is another side to Kenya, she is quite the flirt...




She has crystal blue eyes and dimples.​
Name: Jonathan Ruoles

Gender: Male

Age 17

Personality: Cocky, ignorant, and well not the best at getting along. Most people call him: a prick, a douche, or an asshole. Those can all be put on his resume because he has perfected those.

Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual

Background: "We don't talk about that.."



Other: "Guess I am a ten from what it says here."
Name: Cordelia Lovette

Gender: Female

Age (13-20) 18

Personality: She has a very basic personality in her eyes. She has her ups and downs though when she is having one of her down days it seems like it could take forever to get her to smile again. She likes to enjoy her free time by drawing and playing the cello. She has a recluse life and prefered being alone in her room to her music then to be outside with others. But she does smile often when she's in a good mood and doesnt try to hard her emotions, what would be the point of having them if you only hide them to begin with? So she may seem shy and quiet at first but she has a warm smile always hiding underneath.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Background (Optional): Her background isnt that colorful either, but dont let it make you think shes boring. Shes been to the same club so often that everyone who comes thinks of her as the queen of the night. But thats a goth club for you. Its the only place she allows herself to go be around other people, since its owned by friends of hers they let her in to dance and drink. But after a night of dancing, loud music and talking to friends she heads back to her suburban home with her father. A father who rarely speaks to her since the death of her mother. She doesnt know much about her mother, only the fact that she died after going across the snowy mountains to visit family. Her father was never the same after that. He stayed in his study and replaced his love for her with money. She didnt complain though, her mother was gone so often to travel that she didnt know anything about her other than the fact that she gave birth to her and her father was in love with her.



Other: She believes she is number 5? Yea..probably
MorticiansDaughter said:
Name: Cordelia Lovette
Gender: Female

Age (13-20) 18

Personality: She has a very basic personality in her eyes. She has her ups and downs though when she is having one of her down days it seems like it could take forever to get her to smile again. She likes to enjoy her free time by drawing and playing the cello. She has a recluse life and prefered being alone in her room to her music then to be outside with others. But she does smile often when she's in a good mood and doesnt try to hard her emotions, what would be the point of having them if you only hide them to begin with? So she may seem shy and quiet at first but she has a warm smile always hiding underneath.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Background (Optional): Her background isnt that colorful either, but dont let it make you think shes boring. Shes been to the same club so often that everyone who comes thinks of her as the queen of the night. But thats a goth club for you. Its the only place she allows herself to go be around other people, since its owned by friends of hers they let her in to dance and drink. But after a night of dancing, loud music and talking to friends she heads back to her suburban home with her father. A father who rarely speaks to her since the death of her mother. She doesnt know much about her mother, only the fact that she died after going across the snowy mountains to visit family. Her father was never the same after that. He stayed in his study and replaced his love for her with money. She didnt complain though, her mother was gone so often to travel that she didnt know anything about her other than the fact that she gave birth to her and her father was in love with her.



Other: She believes she is number 5? Yea..probably
Accepted <3 I love her boots 0__0
(I am so sorry it took so long x.x Please don't hate me.)

Name: Aiden Rosewood

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Aiden is a sweet, kind, caring guy once he’s sure that you’re not some idiot that doesn’t see the world for what it really is. He has a somewhat dark outlook on the world and he knows how to “play the game”, using it to his advantage. He knows that this outlook seems horrid, but he’s developed it to avoid being hurt again. It takes time for him to trust you but once you earn that trust he will do absolutely anything to keep you from harm.

Sexuality: Straight

Background (Optional): Aiden grew up an orphan after his mother had remarried when he was 3 years old. Her new husband didn’t want a “bastard” son of another man and decided it would be best to give him to someone else. The abandonment from his mother was something he wouldn’t be able to let go as he grew up fending for himself and he was almost incapable of trusting another woman until he met one girl when he was 16. That relationship ended and now he’s even more cautious than before, knowing that he has to make sure he doesn’t allow himself to be thrown away again.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Blond-hair-blue-eyes-boy-guy-handsome-245561.jpg.8fd8da4c4d6ee1ed860eee123aaaaf6d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Blond-hair-blue-eyes-boy-guy-handsome-245561.jpg.8fd8da4c4d6ee1ed860eee123aaaaf6d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He secretly wants to be proven wrong about his dark outlook on the world.

Name: Kiara Nox

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: She’s a relatively outgoing girl who’s never really been discriminated against in her youth. She’s always had an innate fear of being shunned like people she had seen be thrown out of their friend groups, so she does her best to try and please people as best she can. She’s really sweet though she can be a bit of a smartass at times. She can’t help it. She’s always been able to relate with guys more because of her interests and view on topics like games and emotions.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Background (Optional): In highschool, Kiara had her close knit group of friends that she held dear. They were part of the skater kids and they tended to be a bit more rebellious than other students but she didn’t mind as long as they all were together. She ended up developing a crush on one of the girls and feared letting anyone know because she didn’t want to be shunned by the people that meant most to her.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Loves the idea of Yin&Yang, she has a tattoo of the symbol on her right shoulder.



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iShyShy said:
(I am so sorry it took so long x.x Please don't hate me.)
Name: Aiden Rosewood

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Aiden is a sweet, kind, caring guy once he’s sure that you’re not some idiot that doesn’t see the world for what it really is. He has a somewhat dark outlook on the world and he knows how to “play the game”, using it to his advantage. He knows that this outlook seems horrid, but he’s developed it to avoid being hurt again. It takes time for him to trust you but once you earn that trust he will do absolutely anything to keep you from harm.

Sexuality: Straight

Background (Optional): Aiden grew up an orphan after his mother had remarried when he was 3 years old. Her new husband didn’t want a “bastard” son of another man and decided it would be best to give him to someone else. The abandonment from his mother was something he wouldn’t be able to let go as he grew up fending for himself and he was almost incapable of trusting another woman until he met one girl when he was 16. That relationship ended and now he’s even more cautious than before, knowing that he has to make sure he doesn’t allow himself to be thrown away again.

Appearance: View attachment 90649

Other: He secretly wants to be proven wrong about his dark outlook on the world.

Name: Kiara Nox

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: She’s a relatively outgoing girl who’s never really been discriminated against in her youth. She’s always had an innate fear of being shunned like people she had seen be thrown out of their friend groups, so she does her best to try and please people as best she can. She’s really sweet though she can be a bit of a smartass at times. She can’t help it. She’s always been able to relate with guys more because of her interests and view on topics like games and emotions.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Background (Optional): In highschool, Kiara had her close knit group of friends that she held dear. They were part of the skater kids and they tended to be a bit more rebellious than other students but she didn’t mind as long as they all were together. She ended up developing a crush on one of the girls and feared letting anyone know because she didn’t want to be shunned by the people that meant most to her.

Appearance: View attachment 90650

Other: Loves the idea of Yin&Yang, she has a tattoo of the symbol on her right shoulder.
Accepted ^.^
(Here is his character sheet finally haha I had been slacking on his part o.e)

Name: Sage Wright

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Sage is a pretty straight forward guy, he tries to be cheerful about everything. Sometimes too cheerful he never seems worried about anything, always taking danger situations as games. He can seem a bit childish at times, yet he actually has a manly side. It just takes a lot to bring it out. He keeps up to date on the latest celebs and makes it his job to know all the drama going on any TV series. He is that one guy friend that wouldn't mind going to see a chic flick.

Sexuality: Straight, although he does not mind showing brotherly love

Background: He prefers to keep this part of him hidden. When we was 14 both his parents were murdered. Yet he still talks as if they are alive. He's actually a very troubled person

Other: He is pretty much an outcast because of his being overly positive.

Name:Jack Sapphire




Personality:He is a very friendly guy he likes to make everyone around him laugh.He is not that calm he gets angry easily but he keeps calm when it is time

Backstory:He has dark past he was tortured and almost murdered by his father but because of his sisters he survived barely he escaped and was able to live a almost successful life with his sisters help

Other:He says he lives with a rich family but behind that smile it is a sad life

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/lelouch_x_reader__new_girl_____by_dark_utopian-d6fhfg4.jpg.343fb0e027607be721309f1d23805237.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/lelouch_x_reader__new_girl_____by_dark_utopian-d6fhfg4.jpg.343fb0e027607be721309f1d23805237.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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On second thought now that I am playing through things in my head I do not want to be in control of 4 characters so you will have to join another RP. I will be making more in the near future, sorry and thank you .
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