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Love that's forbidden

Bella smiled as they dance together and she smiled as she was pulled closer to her husband. "I love you more." She whispered after he released the kiss and she kissed him once more, her arms finding way around his neck. When she pulled away, she rested her head against his chest. "Thank you for everything. I'm proud of you Nick. I'm proud of how far you've become." She whispered with a smile.

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Nick never would have guessed when he sat down in that cafe he would have met the woman who not only gave him a chance but also the woman who would give him the future he only dreamed of with Amber. "It's just as much your success as my own." He whispers before he tripped her and spun her around.
Bella laughed as she shook her head and when she meet her husbands eyes again, she shook her head. "No sir it's not. I merely gave you your start. I believed in you the minute I sat down in that cafe with you. I knew you had talent." She whispered.

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Nick laughed softly and shook his head. When their dance was over he released her of his hands so she could walk back over to her mother. He www glad to see a family whole again.
Bella smiled softly at her husband and went back over as she spent some time with her family but her mother told her to spend it with Nick. It was their day after. So Bella agreed and hugged her husband from behind. "Hello love." She whispered with a smile and kissed his cheek as his family talked her. She never once let go of her husband.

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"Hey Hun." Nick says as he wrapped his arm around her. At one point Sarah walked over with the baby and smiled. "I told you your mom would be here." She says with a laugh as Amelia reached for her father he smiled and took her.
Bella smiled at Sarah and nodded. "I know. I should have believed you." She whispered as she leaned over and hugged her then smiled at Nick and Amelia. "Well, it's time for the garter and bouquet toss." She added and led Bella out to the dance floor.

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Nicked laughed at the two and turned to their daughter. "They're silly huh." He says with a smile as he kissed Amelia's cheek. She was such a good baby and he never could get over her cute little smile.
After Bella was seated in the middle, Sarah walked back over and took Amelia from her father and motioned him over to his wife. She looked at him and couldn't help but laugh. She was embarrassed.
Nick rolled his eyes at his sister, there was no need for this. It was obvious he already had intimacy with his wife. Walking over to her however he removed his hands from his pockets and removed it. He laughed in amusement as his wife's pink flushed cheeks and kissed them before he met her lips again.
Bella smiled against her wife's lips and when she pulled away, she smiled at him and then yawned. "Can I go home and sleep yet? I think your sisters taking Amelia tonight." She whispered with a laugh. She loved her husband so much.

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"No you may not, you spent a year planning this and you're going to enjoy it." Her husband says with a teasing smile as he lead her to their table as dinner started.
Bella sighed as she yawned once more and sat with her husband at their table and began to eat the dinner. It came out really well and Bella was glad everyone was enjoying it. She reached for her husbands hand and held it tight. This was the start of her married life and she couldn't have asked for anyone better.

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Nick smiled at his wife but turned his head when he heard Amelia's cry, he knew it was her because every parent knee their child's cry. He sighed, today was a long day for her and she was probably tired. "Duty calls." He says with a laugh before getting up and going to take her from his younger cousin. "What's the matter Hun? I know, there's a lot of people here huh." He says as he held her against his chest and began to rock her as he walked back to the table to sit best to Bella and began to rub Amelia's back. For a three month old this was probably a lot to take in being passed around for so long and not seeing the two people you found the most comfort in for a majority of the day. It would be rather overwhelming.
Bella nodded and when her husband came back, she kissed their daughters head and held her hand. "Just another hour Amelia and mommy promises she'll take you home." Bella whispered as Amelia pulled away from her dad and leaned over to her mom. Bella gladly took the three month old and held her close as she slowly began to fall asleep. "She's looking like her daddy." Bella whispered with a smile.

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Nick smiled. "All but that red head of hair." Her husband pints out with a laugh as he watched the baby curl against her mother, trying to fight her sleep. Leaving over Nick ran his Thumb along her cheek. She was perfectly content now that she had her.parents attention.
"Oh darn that red hair." Bella said with a laugh as she smiled at her husband and just held her baby close. She was adorable and content to be with her parents. Some of Nicks little cousins wanted to dance with him so Bella told him to go. She was exhausted herself so she stayed in her chair and held Amelia as she slept.

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By the end of the night Nick was pretty exhausted himself. The night was worth the wait though. Taking his wife's hand the two said their good byes with the sleeping Amelia still in her mom's arms. As everyone crowded the couple to wish them off Nick gently took their daughter from Bells and out her in her car seat. "Shhh go back to sleep." Her father whispers when he woke her while buckling her in. When She became tiredly fussy he gave her her pacifier and she slowly feel back to sleep. Reaching for Bella's hand then he opened her door and helped her in the car before making to his own side.
Bella smiled as she watched how gentle her husband was with their daughter. It made her truly happy and when she was helped inside the car, she was beyond exhausted. When they arrived home, Bella got out of the car and grabbed Amelia's bag then took Amelia out of the car seat and in her arms where Amelia immediately clung to her mother. Bella couldn't help but smile at her daughter and walked inside.

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Milo of course came to greet them excitedly but Nick stood in front of how wife so the dog wouldn't jump on her dress and more importantly Amelia. "Easy boy, let's go out." He says letting him outside to burn off energy,
Milo barked and barked as he was led outside and Amelia began to get fussy from waking up. Bella sighed and took her upstairs where she laid her in bed and laid there with her close against her chest as Amelia began to fall asleep again. Bella smiled once she did and was going to move her, but decided to wait.

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Nick let the dog back inside before he refilled his food and water bowls before heading up the stairs, removing his suit jacket he smiled at the two. "I think you got yourself stuck now." He says smiling at the baby.
Bella looked over at her husband and laughed as she shook her head. "Not at all." She whispered and slowly picked up the baby and laid her in her bed in her room. Bella sighed and walked over to her husband and kissed him. "Undo the buttons please." She asked him.

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Nick laughed softly and nodded. "Just remember what happened last time you asked me to do this." He says teasingly before he unbuttoned the dress for her.
Bella couldn't help but laugh at her husband as he began to unbutton her dress. When he finished, she smiled and turned to kiss him before she decided to jump out of the dress and looked for a shirt to put on. She was exhausted.

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