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Love that's forbidden

"Of course not," He says setting Amelia in her baby swing and turned it on before he picked up the phone and stepped out of the house. He was tired of this and he was dealing with it for one last time. It was one thing when it was himself but now they were testing the waters with his daughter. On the phone he made it quite clear that if anyone tried to come best Bella or their daughter he would drop production and sue for the pictures they released.
When Bella heard what Nick said, she shook her head and sighed. She looked at Amelia and smiled softly. "I love you." She told her daughter and tickled her as she kissed her cheek. They were a family and they would be an even better family once they got married.

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When Nick walked back inside he smiled at the two and set the phone down. "I hate people." He says with a sarcastic laugh before he leaned over and kissed Bella's cheek and Amelia's forehead before he walked back to the kitchen to grab Amelia's bottle.
Bella laughed softly as she shook her head and continued to play with her daughter while she stayed in the swing. "You know, you didn't have to be so harsh with the production. All your fans want the movie to come out." Bella said as she smiled and then looked at her phone and stood up as she answered it and went outside. She was talking with the ones making the cake and was told they wouldn't be able to make the grooms cake. She sighed because she really wanted this. So she called Rachel and asked for help.

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Rachel agreed, she could pull some strings and get things done."Don't panic I'll handle it." Rachel says reassuringly. Meanwhile Nicky had turned his attention back to Amelia and feeding her.
"Thanks so much Rach. I don't know what I'd do without you." Bella told her as she sighed contently then walked back in and smiled at her fiancé then heard her phone again. The text read,

"You and Mr. Cambridge had a reservation at La Terrazza. Jake and I will watch baby Amelia. Enjoy."

Bella couldn't help but laugh and shake her head as she looked at her fiancé and showed him the text. "Oh fun. A date with the famous Nicolas Cambridge. I feel so honored." She said and laughed again.

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"Oh lucky you, he's a busy man you know." He says teasingly and shook his head. His sister and her tricks. Not getting up until Amelia was fed and back to sleep Nick set her in the bassinet and looked over to Milo who looked up at him from the couch. "You're in charge." He says with a smile before he walked off to go shower.
"Oh thanks." Bella called out as she shook her head and played with Milo as Amelia slept. She didn't even know what she was going to wear tonight, it had to look nice that was for sure. She just didn't know.

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Nick laughed at her comment as he headed up the stairs for his shower. Once he was ready he treaded back down the stairs and smiled when Bella looked over towards him. "What?" He asks innocently as he rolled his sleeves of his shirt. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1425925619.760089.jpg.38bfac6395b1bd957e1cb1253242db92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44825" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1425925619.760089.jpg.38bfac6395b1bd957e1cb1253242db92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Hot." Bella said with a laugh as she got up and saw Milo immediately get up as well. "You're okay boy. Watch Nick while I shower. Make sure he doesn't mess anything up. After she showered and changed, she began to curl her hair and then came down and smiled as he looked at her. "What?"

"Attractive." Nick whispers with a laugh before he started to gather Amelia's things to take to Sarah's. When things were ready he carried Amelia in her coarsest back to the car. If it was anyone else he would have been hesitant in leaving his daughter for a few hours but he trusted Sarah and food seemed appealing right now.
Bella couldn't help but laugh and smiled. She walked with him to the car and then helped him take Amelia and her things inside Sarahs house. "We're keeping her tonight. You two enjoy a night of rest." She said and Bella laughed again as she shook her head. Bella was fine with it since Sarah would be taking care of Amelia.

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Nick shook his head at his sister with a smile. Only she would voluntarily take a newborn for a night. Kissing Amelia's forehead Nick took Bella's hand and led her to the car.
Bella smiled with her fiancé and when they arrived to the restaurant, she leaned over and kissed him softly. "I love you." She said and the hostess already knew who they were and led them to the terrace table. "Only your sister would reserve this table for us." She said with a laugh as the doors closed. "I love our privacy."

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"I'm not surprised really," he says referring to his sister, this was something she would do. Sitting down across from his fiancé he ordered his usual wine and laughed softly at her. "It's you're fault we have none." He says teasingly. If she never agreed to help him he would just be an ordinary person to the public eye. "Are you sure you want to marry someone like that?"
Bella looked at her fiancé and couldn't believe he was asking such a thing. "Of course I want to marry you, question is do you want to marry me? Am I a good enough girl for the famous author?" She asked him with a laugh.

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"Without a doubt Ms m, McClain, I don't like your last name anyway." He says with a laugh before he took a sip of his wine. Making her laugh brightened his day. He loved her more than words could describe and he was anxiously awaiting the day she would become his wife.
Bella acted as if that hurt her. She shook her head and scoffed. "I'm sorry my last name isn't Cambridge yet." She said as she laughed once more and took a sip of her wine as well. She loved this man and couldn't wait until the day she called him her husband.
(Get married already please thanks.)

"You're right, our daughter beat you too it." After dinner was brought to them he turned back to her. "Don't worry love, you'll have your turn." He says with a smile.
(I know like now.)

Bella laughed as she shook her head. "What if I don't want your last name?" She asked teasingly as she began to eat her food and smiled as she slurped up her noddles and got the sauce all over her.
"Then I suppose you don't have to take it." He says setting down the glass and laughing at her as she made a mess m. Getting up from his chair he pulled the napkin from his lap and wiped the sauce from her face before he kissed her, smiling against her lips.
Bella smiled against his lips and them held the kiss for as long as she could. When she finally pulled away, she yawned and then finished up her meal. "You know, I could have wiped my own mouth." She said with another laugh.

"I know what you're capable but what fun is that?" He asks with a wink before he returned to his seat to finish their dinner. Walking out he took her hand. Upon leaving Nick turned to face a small group of girls who froze when they saw his face. "Can I help you kaisers?" He asked letting go of Bella's hand for a moment. It was as f they forgot to breathe.
The girls merely shook their head but soon, circled around him and pushed Bella out of the way. She scoffed and shook her head as she walked over to the car and waited for him. They were new fans obviously.
Nick sighed and shook his head at the girls. "Sorry girls, I can't sign anything right now." He says before he ran for the car. He was just annoyed with this as Balla was. This wasn't worth his being stripped of being treated like a normal human being. It was so behind frustrating.

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