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Love that's forbidden

That alone scared Bella entirely. "Please tell me you picked a nice color." She begged as she sighed and shook her head. Why wouldn't he just tell her? It really bothered her not knowing and she just wanted the day here already. She wanted to marry this man already.

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"I don't know, what are your thoughts on orange?" When she gave him a terrified look he laughed. "I'm just kidding, don't panic, you'll like it."
"Don't kid around like that!" Bella said as she pushed her fiancé playfully and shook her heard. "Will I really like it?" She asked when she heard a knock. She heard a familiar voice and went to answer it. One of the people who worked with Nick. "Nick, I needed your help with something real quick." Sabrina said and Bella nodded as she grabbed Amelia and took her upstairs.

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"Yes you will, I promise," he says before he nodded to Sabrina and watched Bella walk upstairs. "What's up Sabrina?" He asks getting up and walking over to the table.
"Okay, so I was grading the papers you asked me to help you with and I found one that really disturbed me." Sabrina said as she looked at Nick then made sure Bella couldn't hear. "You have a student that likes you and if this gets out, who knows what they will make of it." She said and handed him the paper. She just wanted to insure Bella and Nick along with Amelia would be safe.

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Nick at first looked to his intern confused but then glazed over the paper. Why would they make it so obvious? "Well, I have to admire her guts for writing it but Thank you." He knew he had to handle this situation delicately but he knew the right thing. "I'll handle it, don't worry."
Sabrina let out a sigh of relief as she nodded. "Alright. Just one more month until yalls wedding. What colors the theme so I don't clash?" She asked him with a soft smile. She, along with everyone else was excited for their wedding.

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Nick laughed softly, "you'll have to ask Bella, I just pay for everything." He says teasing. "I'm sure you'll be fine, just don't pick orange she seems to have something against it when I suggested it earlier."
Sabrina laughed again as she smiled. "Well considering it is in the winter, I think orange would clash. I'll see you next week Nick." She said as she walked out and Amelia began to cry. Bella sighed as she began to change the baby and sing one of her favorite Frank Sinatra songs which caught Amelia's attention.

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Nick walked up that stairs and heard her and couldn't help but laugh. "You and that baby making music." He says feasibly before he went to lay next to Amelia on the bed, running his fingers along her soft arms as she rested her gaze on him.
"It is not baby making music Nicolas Cambridge. Leave Frank alone." Bella said as she shook her head at her fiancé and then smiled at him and their daughter as Amelia gazed at him. "It's true when people say the girls fall in love with their fathers first." Bella whispered with a laugh then saw the paper. "What's that?" She asked.

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"Oh really? It isn't?" He asks looking down at their daughter with a smirk. "That's not what I recall." He says with a soft laugh before he turned to the paper. Oh that's the latest and greatest, read all about it, a student's infatuation with her English professor." As if he didn't have enough to deal with this week, he didn't have time for young adults to be behaving like children. "I have to go in on Tuesday and request a transfer for her."
Bella watched as her fiancé looked at their daughter and she gasped as she grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "We were not listening to that music." She said then listened about the paper and laughed quietly to herself. "Well Mr. Cambridge. Remember what I said, you." She said leaning over him and kissing his lips. "Are." She then kissed his jaw. "Hot." And kissed his neck and smiled against his skin.

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(I can't even with these two [emoji23])

Nick laughed and pulled away despite everything in him that told him not too. "Not in front of the innocence!" He exclaimed teasing taking Amelia in his arms protectively. "Mommy's being naughty." He whispered with another laugh.
(I know [emoji23])

Bella laughed softly as she shook her head at her fiancé and shrugged. "Okay then. My mistake. Just know I won't do anything along the lines of that anymore because we have Amelia." She teased as she walked out the room. She loved teasing her fiancé like this. Her soon to be husband.

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"I'd like to see how long that would last." He calls out after her before turning back to their daughter. Her eyes slowly began to droop but Nick smiled when she peeked occasionally to see if he was still close by. Running his hand over her hair he saw sleep finally over take her after he gave her the pacifier, she was the cutest little thing.
"It will last Nicolas!" Bella called up as she laughed to herself and sat in the living room while she played Frank Sinatra loud enough for him to hear while she began to red ink a draft that was sent to her. Gosh, she couldn't wait to call him hers.

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"Good luck with that," He says laying their daughter to sleep he soon hot in his own bed to join the sleeping party. He learned to catch up on sleep when Amelia did.

Meanwhile while Bella was working she got an email from Rachel sending her the pictured the media pried for earlier. Rachel knew they would probably went to see them since their daughter was the main target and anyone w who knew the couple knee that wouldn't sit well with them. Who knew what they would try to claim about Nick now conserving the last thing they came up with.
When Bella received the photo, Rachel couldn't help but sigh and shake her head. She looked over it and couldn't help but feel a tad angry. "I swear if they get near Amelia, I will not hold back." Bella told Rachel and continued to work as her family slept. She needed to get some time in.

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"Don't expect it not to happen." Rachel responded. It was the sad truth, snd it was wrong Amelia was an innocent child she had no say into how they were exposing her. "Maybe retaliate through the fan page?" She suggested. If Bela and Nick made this disapproval known it was likely the fans would speak out for them and support them in protection of privacy in order to please the man who had the best series at his finger tips. He could easily drop the movie if the public took things too far and there should be no doubt he would consider it.
Bella would admit Rachel came up with a great idea. "Great idea." She sent her but decided to wait for Nick so they could discuss it. She honestly wanted to know what they would say about her and Amelia but more so Nick. They could make up a lot on the fly.

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What they came up with would really push Bella's buttons. They claimed he came home just to look like a hero when his daughter was taken. They're re really digging themselves into a deep hole they shouldn't have been in.
When Bella saw the stories, she became enraged. She put her tablet away and paced back in forth as she let out a frustrated sigh. She decided to get on her Twitter account and post a tweet stating her and Nick enjoyed their privacy and would appreciate it if the news would let them be. Not even a second later, all the fans of Nick that followed her retweeted and spread the word. She hated the media.

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Nick woke at the sound of Amelia's fussing a few hours later. Getting up he walked over to her and carried her downstairs for her evening bottle. Seeing his phone blowing up on the counter he looked over at it curiously. When he saw what was going on he became angry. "You've got to be kidding me." He says tether annoyed.
When Bella heard Amelia crying, she looked up but smiled at her fiancé and her already coming down. "Hey love." She whispered as she looked at his phone and sighed. "Not at all. Rachel sent it to me earlier."

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